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Q: unable to add multiple images to header

JohnMerlinofunctions.php: define('BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER', true); add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array('header_image') ); add_action( 'init', 'header_image_register' ); function header_image_register() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x('GuardDog Header Image', 'post type gen...

Can anyone help at all>
2 hours later…
I'm having a little problem with the urls in my css files, maybe you could help me out before I post a question...
I was using <?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?> in the php files to guide to the correct path.
And it worked great, the problem is now I don't know how to do this in my css files
Obviously <?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?> is not an option :)
@Trufa Use relative URLs like url('../img/hello.png').
A: How can I use WordPress functions in my stylesheet?

toschoWordPress functions are available only if WordPress is loaded. If you call your style.php directly you cannot use a WordPress function. One simple way to load WordPress for your PHP driven stylesheet is to add an endpoint to WordPress: a custom, reserved URL where you load your template file. T...

@toscho I am but may be using them wrong, I'll check
@toscho I'll take a look, thanks!!
@Trufa Your browser’s network inspector will tell you where the browser searches for the images and which status code the resolved URI returns.
@toscho haha!
You made me check again with your comment hehe thanks
I think it's just a simple problem that I have to go back one directory
lets see
@toscho solved! thanks
it was a silly problem after all!
@toscho "serve cookies from a different domain or different domain's sub-domain" — worth asking on the main site?
on stack overflow. but I’m sure it is answered already
@toscho Hey no, this is wordpress specific
how so?
wordpress has a different way to do it using wp-config.php
I read it somewhere, unable to find it :(
Something along the lines of define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.example.com');
so, can I ask it on the main site?
A: Modifying the way WP sets cookies

OttoShort answer: You can't. That's not hookable for the settings cookies. You can adjust the cookie paths and such via defines, so as to make the settings apply across multiple installations across a domain. The most common use of this is to make logins work across a domain, so when you log into on...

@toscho so, all I have to do is add define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.example.com'); in my wp-config.php and the rest is taken care of by WP?
test it
(Considering my WP site is on example.com)
Does anyone have any idea as to "how many cookies" wordpress sets by default?
5 hours later…
morning all
anyone know any plugin which can do this kinds of popups? mattsmarketingblog.com/niche-research/…
1 hour later…
Q: Serving Cookies From A Different Domain or Sub-Domain

Aahan KrishThe WordPress Codex clearly states that if your website is served from example.com, for the sake of performance, you can have the cookies served from www.example.com by adding this to your wp-config.php: define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.example.com'); I have 2 questions w.r.t this: Can it be any...

could use some help here :)
Hey guys! I would like to get the first words or so from a specific post.
I have read thought the_content and the_excerpt
they don't seem to work for when you are "outside" the post
And I want to get the excerpt (so to say) of a specific post
I think it might be possible with get_post but this seems like an overkill
I just need 50 or so words from the post, It seems an exaggeration to bring all the post...
@Trufa There are lots and lots of tuts if you google. :) Here are some that I believe might help...
check out (1) and (3) first :)
@AahanKrish 3) looks great
@Trufa this should be a question on the main site
@TomJNowell though it was too basic... I did't find the right words to google...
@Trufa happens :)
@Trufa basic questions are easy to answer, and easy to answer questions get answered faster
they're called low hanging fruit, I answer, I win, I get reputation, not much effort needed to satisfy the question effectively
and you get rep too for accepting
@TomJNowell How much, 2? :D
@TomJNowell I completely agree, but I think that the chatroom is good for a quick guidance and not posting duplicates
@AahanKrish it was more than that
plus you should research all you can about your problem before posting
@TomJNowell was? How much was it before?
@Trufa that's why it searches for your question as you type it to see if there are duplicates
I see the chat as part of my rerserch
@AahanKrish it's more than 5 atm iirc
oh, hmm
@TomJNowell it has been to since I'm around
(year and half or so)
well I may upvote to be nice
others might too
thats much more than 2
@TomJNowell but that only searches the title, not a complete research at all
If you ask me you should google the hell out of your problem first, I try to always do that.
Though sometimes inevitably you'll ask a simple quesiton (which is ok)
agreed, just that if you're asking here, we're the people who'd end up answering any question on the main site anyway
@AahanKrish imo you should ditch that cookie foobar
not worth the effort
also your advert layout is a little jarring
mainly at the top
and there's a js typo in bootstrap carousel
and sometimes the jquery toolbar doesnt span the whole textbox width
@TomJNowell Very little can be done when your articles are full-width. But I've made sure that there's at least 50px space around the ad inside the content
@TomJNowell taking a look
@TomJNowell what exactly are you referring to?
p { max-width:640px; }
full width text isn't always a desirable thing, line width affects readability
the 'other' stuff in your content though can be wider
and your lead image is wrapped in a paragraph tag =s
fix that!
@TomJNowell why not? It's content, and that's how WP is doing it
whatthenerd.com/2012/06/… Look at the commenting at the bottom, notice how the toolbar is not the same width as the textbox?
@AahanKrish thanks for the help, I ended up doing something a little bit different but solved it anyways :)
@TomJNowell Ah, that's intentional :)
@AahanKrish but why? It's also your featured image! Remove it and make the theme display the featured image
@AahanKrish it looks broken
So @AahanKrish @TomJNowell good night! thanks to bot
@TomJNowell Problem is, not all articles have featured images that are that big :s
@Trufa I am human!
@AahanKrish well then those articles won't have a lead image will they so that's a moot point?
@Trufa I am a human too :) not a bot
If they DO have a lead image then that image should be the featured image
eitherway it should not be a part of the content
news.php.net/php.webmaster/13794 someone is not happy with PHP :)
and you can always check if the post has a featured image, then just 'not' display it if thats the case
@TomJNowell The problem is... (1) The post's "thumbnail" is the featured image (2) Sometimes there's a clash -- I can't have a featured image in post, but I still have to show the post thumbnail -- this is why I am not using featured image in posts
erm say what? =s

Your thumbnail is shown on the listings, it isn't shown on the actual posts page itself
@TomJNowell a post always has a featured image. The featured image is the post's thumbnail. But I can't always have thhat featured image show "in posts"
so where is this clash?
@AahanKrish no no no no no no no no no no no
a featured image is a featured image
the post thumbnail is that featured image SIZED to 'thumbnail'
to say the featured image IS the thumbnail, is patently incorrect
@TomJNowell That is what I am saying.
@AahanKrish no you don't understand
I could quite happily pass 'medium' or 'full' or 'large'
and get the same image in a different size
note the distinction
@TomJNowell What should I do when I dont want to show a featured image in my posts? And what is shown as the post's thumbnail in that case?
A: "The featured image IS the thumbnail"
B: "The featured image is used for the thumbnail"
B is correct, A is not
@AahanKrish You already have that problem in listings
B is what I am saying.
@TomJNowell ha?
but you're not applying it
say I publish a post about Moomins on that site
but I do not give it a featured image
I then look on the frontpage, and see it listed
what is in the post thumbnail box?
@TomJNowell nothing
because I use featured image for a thumbnail as well
@TomJNowell so, is this wrong design? is that what you are saying?
So if I then define an image size that's 960px and arbtirary height, and then display the featured image under the title if one exists
how is that different from what you're doing now by reuploading the featured image and inserting it into the content?
so how many decades will it take WP to move on from ext/mysql?..
Other than that you're introducing an unnecessary extra set of steps to put the image in the post content
@TomJNowell So, what you are saying is, I should set it in such a way that even the post's thumbnail is shown only when there's a featured image and not otherwise (not an empty box), correct?
// title
if( has_post_thumbnail()){
@Rarst Is this another trick question? :)
@userabuser nah, just wondering (see my message before that)...
@AahanKrish what I'm saying is that putting the lead image in the content is stupid, especially when its the same image as the featured image anyway. It also means a headache further down the line when you want to mess with your theme
just display the featured image at a different size
it's expected anyway, and the thumbnail and lead image are never shown together anyway
even if they are it's not a big issue
@TomJNowell Yes, I totally understand your point now. What should I do when I want to show different images for "featured image" in post and a post "thumbnail"?
@AahanKrish why would you want to?
If you really really really must
use multiple featured images
we've discussed multiple featured images before
@TomJNowell oh, that would be great. I didnt know that.
Besides now you're trying to be super super super super flexible
let me make a search right away
to the point where it hurts you
@Rarst Haha wtf is that guy on about? hahahaha
Just use the featured image
@TomJNowell okay, right
thats so funny hahaha
@userabuser I think he opened the docs and saw giant red "not recommnded" banner on older mysql functions
@userabuser someone who didnt evolve with the language and learnt everything 10 years ago and said 'hurrah I need never learn again'
I will fix it today. :)
@Rarst @TomJNowell Damn hilarious! I am going to post a message like that every time WP deprecates a function.
Use RedBean PHP (ORM) FTW!
@userabuser one needs to vent... deprecation of theme stuff in 3.4 broke things for me... it's a problem without good solution how to include admin functions on front end :(
wordpress trac is so fast to sending emails..
@TomJNowell as for the bootstrap JS issue, everything is as it is. I just combined the JS files. And this is the custom code I use... something wrrong with it?
  var body = $('body');
  if((body.hasClass('home') || body.hasClass('archive') || body.hasClass('search')){
		  interval: 4000
I bet you he is now learning Ruby... haha... sucker
@AahanKrish I press f12 and get something to do with an unexpected )
see the if statement
if(( should be if(
:P kicking myself
@TomJNowell one last thing... can you see which sub-domain cookies are being served from on whatthenerd.com? I see it as whatthenerd.com and not www.whatthenerd.com
whatthenerd.com is the only cookie listed in my dev tools
well cookie source
So, define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.whatthenerd.com'); doesn't seem to be working
@AahanKrish y u mess with cookie domains
@TomJNowell I want to seperate them
pointless optimisations, waste of time
but why?!
Anyone adept with AJAX response here for WP? Having a brain freeze and need some help..
@TomJNowell I am going to be using cookies for comments. Unless I seperate cookies from static content, there're going to be huge performance issues
@AahanKrish I've never seen such issues
imo non-issue
@TomJNowell Well, toscho said so.
That got me worried
@userabuser not too advanced. what is it?
then wait till toscho can respond and move on to other things
right now you're just flailing about with a problem that you weren't even aware of
what's up with chat on fire this morning? do I need to slow-down-club Aahan again? :)
I'm sure I can scare you into wasting a day or two of unproductive problem solving by pointing out some little niggle and labelling it 'unperformant'
@Sisir With my success: ShowResponse function, I want the response to update only the current thumbnail div with class .preview instead of all div's with the class .preview I'll paste code, sec.
@AahanKrish when you've got cookies for comments working, test it, if it's a performance drag it'll show in the dev tools timeline in Chrome/Safari
@Rarst hah! It's with this... wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/56629/… — the documentation seems to be wrong :P
until then you're trying to solve a problem you don't even have
@TomJNowell okay
@AahanKrish like me trying to figure out the best way of disposing of bannana skins.... I don't eat bannanas
@userabuser you interacting with event right like hover/click
    var options = {
        success:    showResponse,  // post-submit callback
        url:       ajaxurl

    // bind to the form's submit event
	$('input.image_upload').change(function() {


        return false;


	function showResponse(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form)  {


@AahanKrish your performance paranoia is messed up... just install damn xhprof or something and dig into that for few months (and leave as alone :)
...checking what xhprof is.
So upon change of the given input file field the ajax submits to my image processing function then returns the thumbnail preview but instead of just update one .imgpreview it updates them all...
Hello all :)
So clearly I'm not hooking into the same click/change event as was the file field that was changed.
Our StackExchange site just got a blog, and I was wondering if there is a way to let several people work on the same blog post, without giving all of them access rights to all posts.
Is this possible in WordPress, or is it better to collaborate using some other tool, then post on WordPress when the article is finished/
@userabuser you need to pass this on showResponse and
yeah but thats waht I thought too @Sisir but seemingly did not work
@Szabolcs not natively I think. there isn't quite a concept of multiple authors in WP out of the box. there are definitely plugins out there for improved editorial workflow but it's not my area
something like
@Szabolcs I don't know who calls the shots on plugins and such in SE blogs, figure out and pitch them wpcandy.com/teaches/… to read :)
@userabuser what is $form on the response function
@Rarst I did find some plugins, but we can't install pluging for the SE blog network, and I don't want to bug the admins unnecessarily. Perhaps it's better to find another way, and post on WordPress only at the last step
@Szabolcs it's all kinds of extremely embarassing but our stack still doesn't have a blog :)
or this:

success: function(){
showResponse(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form, this),
just an idea how to pass current dom from change event.. might work
@Szabolcs take a look at edit-flow: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/edit-flow
ah. you can't add plugins, so ignore that. use google docs or something then to collaborate on the post and then someone actually adds it to WP
@AahanKrish @TomJNowell Either that or you'll both do great in a turing test!
@Trufa I've been doing well in this turing test for years now
after all my creators effort nobody has discovered the truth =(
@All Someone interested in working quickly through this github plugin, that's a response to this question? I already got a fork and now need to figure out, why it's not working.
What's the current error/prob? I'll trade you my problem for yours ;)
@userabuser Tell me yours in front ;)
I need to update the div named imgpreview with the responseText (returned from WP function to process my images) but instead of returning once per div, it copies the same image to all div's with that class...
$('.file input.image_upload').change(function(fun) {


		url:       ajaxurl,

        success: function(responseText) {



.imgpreview is contained within .file div (of change event).
responseText holds the URL to the image I just uploaded, but $(this) is actually referring to #atloginform instead of the .file change event and my brain is frozen
$(this).parent().children('div .imgpreview').first().html(responseText); ?
@TomJNowell :) hehe... well, that doesn't throw an error but it doesn't do anything either..
the only thing that works is $('.imgpreview').html(responseText);
Which applies to all...
$('.file input.image_upload').change(function(fun) {
        var inputval = this;


		url:       ajaxurl,

        success: function(responseText) {



on success this, is not the same as on change
you need to grab this at the earlier stage and put ti somewhere so you can access it in the later stage despite the scope difference
probably exacerbated by the poor indention on the success function making it not as obvious
@TomJNowell k, that makes perfect sense... thanks for that tip.. although, it still doesn't work.. no errors thrown though...
@TomJNowell yeah seems to pasted funny into the chat but nice indenting in my IDE hehe
because its a mix of spaces and tabs
Ill have to go soon anyway
Is it possible that updating user meta and updating post meta at the same time would cause a conflict?
no, different tables, different queries.
Hmm..I have two functions that both update when $content of a post is displayed. But the second function that updates post meta won't create a new custom field if it doesnt exist. It works if it's all created for the post. But if I remove the function that updates user meta then it creates the custom field. How odd is that?
nevermind by placing the post-meta function before the user-meta function fixed the problem.
@userabuser User var $this = this; in front and then use it as $this inside ajaxSubmit().
And btw: Always ping me with @kaiser, as I'm doing stuff in other tabs and browsers and don't notice it else.
hm... this is weird. I have local WP install, same code, but connects to different databases depending on domain used. for some reason theme change affects both... whyy? different databases, writes to different places, reads from different places
facepalm never mind
define( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'wp' );
Constants suck. Always.
@toscho go tell that to Jaquith
or scribu. :)
this gem is mine btw, but needed to define salt for his code
Sublime Text 2.0 Released http://bit.ly/LB0Hdd
I know some of you dig it :)
looks nice... not nice enough to drop PhpStorm and go try it, but still nice :)
How can people who themselves don't know how WordPress works have clients? (Judging by a question on WP.SE)
@AahanKrish get used to it, most folks are that qualified in this industry
he he! Looks like I am dumb to not have one :D
@AahanKrish its all about sales/marketing and not about actual technique in most cases
I presumed most people do plugins to get their name out => some clients
plugins are quite specific, the majority of clients want an actual website
but plugins are payed better than websites
if your just able to do plugins, well consider yourself somewhat lucky
@toscho And you write plugins in a snap 8-O
depends on the problem the plugin has to solve
@Wyck Even I could do that (no body comes to me though... getting clients is another big task for devs I believe)
@AahanKrish getting clients is the hard part
WPSE should be making it easier for the top candidates :)
getting clients is easy. getting paid is harder. :)
hehe ya I guess I meant getting clients that pay really well is hard
Q: Do I use cookies?

miszczuI have made website in wordpress, and now client wants to know do this website use cookies? I dont know too much about it becouse i never use it, but i need to be sure. If I make websites i use session, and I quess the same is in wordpress, but as I said, dont know too much about it and client n...

off topic, isn’t it?
Using your browser’s inspector belongs to SU.se I think.
ya cookie not specific to wordpress, unless he asking about what exactly wp stores
maybe not he asking about sessions
@AahanKrish you should mention wp does not use sessions
since his language is poor, but he sounds like a coder
@Wyck I really know very little about cookies. My answer only states what I am sure about :P
just add ps> wp does not use sessions
okay, on it
Oh, it's been marked as the answer :D
@toscho should I flag it?
I feel so naughty today, im using jquery's .text to localize hard-coded text from a plugins shortcode output
Anyone know how I can keep this funtion from changing the global $post value? When I try to get the post id in other spots in the post template it returns the value for the first post by the author.
function update_user_score($content){
    global $post;
    $author_id = $post->post_author;
    $author_posts = get_posts( array(
    'author' => $author_id,
    'posts_per_page' => -1
  ) );
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ( $author_posts as $post )
    $score = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'ratings_score', true );
    $counter += $score;
    update_user_meta( $post->post_author, 'fame_score', $counter);
    return $content;
foreach ( $author_posts as $author_post )
@toscho thank you! It's like right in front of my face.
what’s up with all those cookie questions during the last days?
lol (answer and comment) wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/56697/… seriously? asking WP developers for legal advice to give lawyers? :)
looks like EU cookie law is driving them crazy
@kaiser @TomJNowell Thanks for your help, definitely I was out of scope; I ended up with $(that, '.file_cont').next().find('.imgpreview').html(responseText); - due to nested elements I simply wasn't able to find where I needed to throw the response, not until I had proper scope. Thanks
Q: unable to add multiple images to header

JohnMerlinofunctions.php: define('BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER', true); add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array('header_image') ); add_action( 'init', 'header_image_register' ); function header_image_register() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x('GuardDog Header Image', 'post type gen...

i asked question yesterday but no response, if anyone has an idea, thanks
This has slowly turned from a WP question into an SEO question: wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/56488/10691 (probably because of my comment?)
@AahanKrish Correct, these comments do not improve the question. I’ll delete them.
@toscho sure!
A: Can not send a message from contact form 7 and Magic Contact By Philip Beel

Juan Lieclosed as off topic by Juan Lie ♦ Jun 28 at 12:22 I was solving that problem by myself. Thank you for everybody.

uhm, WHAT?
@toscho Why not just delete it, and downvote the question so that it's deleted by the bots?
@AahanKrish I will delete it anyway. Right now, it is still too funny.
Mods! This is question is vague, duplicate and everything I dislike: wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/56715/10691
And it doesn't have to be a WP related question at all
(And I am ready to delete my answer)
sweet facebook did something that doesn't break, sticking "locale=langauge_code" actually works
Q: WP_Query only ONE post, won't work

dcolumbusNo matter what, I CANNOT figure out why WP_Query pulls in all, and completely ignores posts_per_page ... <?php $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC', 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); // The Query $the_query = new WP_Query( $arg...

Basic logic error === too localized?
What's the proper way to redirect an admin page?
hey guys. you know any plugin that can convert a hyper link like facebook link link preview inside wordpress post?
@Sisir At one point even I looked for it. No luck, no really good ones. :( But checkout Oembed
@Sisir Need some help... how do I put the following code in if( has_post_thumbnail() ) conditional?
<div class="featured-image">
	<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
		<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ); ?>


@Sisir Yes, but it's HTML code. Doesn't it need to be in something like echo?
its inside the loop right?
I believe so
in my custom theme, i added a home.php page, but in admin, i go under pages, and I don't see it. I need to add images to it.
@Sisir this is the template: pastebin.com/KurUce8C
@AahanKrish ah that.. you can just close the php before the html starts and start the php tag when php starts
if ( $foo ) {
<?php // perfectly valid
@Sisir and @toscho got it, thank you as always! :)
@MichaelEcklund We was asking for facebook open-graph-like embedded-preview of links
someone should make this plugin :-/
reading settings
portugal really testing spain!
@Sisir I will :D
To create the static front page, go to the WordPress Administration Panels.

Create two WordPress Pages from the "Add New Page" panel. If you will not be using WordPress blogging functionality, you can skip the second page.
Title the first page "Home" (or another name) as your "static" front page.
Set the "Home" template to the default template or any custom template. Do not title your template home.php as this could cause a conflict.
Add content you would like to see within the content area of the "Home" page.
ill be honest with customization requirements, ruby on rails is much much much better than wordpress
@Sisir I really hope Portugal wins. Because they lost already against Germany. :D
@AahanKrish i will look forward for it :)
@toscho if spain wins today they will take to cup for sure :)
@Sisir They have to play much better for that.
@toscho Don't worry they will.. its Germany :D
spain vs germany is the best possible final we could get
short passing football vs attacking football..
I had enjoyed Ireland vs. Germany more. :D
Why always during important football games?
@toscho I've noticed that you add this at the beginning of your php files # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- — is that some kind of a "good practise / norm"? Do you have a link or something about it?
@AahanKrish It is called an encoding cookie. Use Google, I’m watching football. :)
term's good enough!
@toscho ..sigh!
posted on June 27, 2012 by Andrew Nacin

WordPress 3.4.1 is now available for download. WordPress 3.4 has been a very smooth release, and copies are flying off the shelf — 3 million downloads in two weeks! This maintenance release addresses 18 bugs with version 3.4, including: Fixes an issue where a theme’s page templates were sometimes not detected. Addresses problems with some category permalink [...]

@Sisir Can this:
function wpse_52662_callback( $m ) {
	if ( is_single() ) {
		$extra = 'CUSTOM CODE';
		return ( FALSE === strpos( $m[2], '<img' ) ) ? $extra.$m[0] : $m[0].$extra;
Be changed to this:
function wpse_52662_callback( $m ) {
	if ( is_single() ) {
		$extra = 'CUSTOM CODE';

		return ( FALSE === strpos( $m[2], '<img' ) ) ? $extra.$m[0] : $m[0].$extra;
Debug bar is showing an error otherwise.
@Sisir Or if you have a better idea plz suggest
looks good second one..
Awww, Ronaldo! :(
as usual :) on nervous situation :)
@All is there something similar to define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'http://example.com/wp-content'); for wp-includes?
@toscho and that is...?
You can answer this, or I'll steal your rep. wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/56742/…
define( 'WP_INCLUDES_URL', includes_url() );
@Jared what? but I searched... there appeared to be no such thing as WP_INCLUDES_URL
oh, there is no URL, just the path
@Jared Oh! "URL" — I searched for WP_INCLUDES_DIR
Maybe I am misunderstanding, but that is the code you could use to define the WP_INCLUDES_URL constant
oo man!!
@Jared Okay, I will test it out and let you know, and please let me have the privilege of having your answer the question :)
You want to change the includes URL or use the includes URL to enqueue a script?
Oh I understand now
"+100 23:38 assoc Association Bonus" What the hell is an association bonus?
@Jared I want to change the includes URL
@MichaelEcklund After you have earned a certain rep 300 or so, all your associated stackexchange accounts receive 100 rep free :)
core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.4/wp-includes/… The includes_url() function is filterable, not sure if that helps..
Okay, WP_INCLUDES_URL does nothing
If it's not defined yeah it probably won't lol, I was under the impression you wanted to define your own constant to use the includes URL in
Then I read your question
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