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03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-access-control seems to be the obvious choice, but perhaps im overlooking something better?
current_user_can function
well that would imply some template logic
wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-access-control seems doable too, im all for lightweight. ill take a look at those to start.
lightweight for me is the opposite of that.
well yeah but i have to account for dumbusers and how much work it will be to maintain any scope expansions
generic plugin might be the least amt of work in the mid-long run
@All I read that documents written in Unicode text editors have problems in ASCII text editors and "vice-versa". True?
Okay great, then I am going with Unicode.
@toscho By the way what mode do you use?
@toscho sorry, text encodingg - ANSI or UTF-8 or UTF-8 with BOM
UTF-8 without BOM
Finally back on Windows 7!
funeral music
@lkraav Ah?
Unfortunately I am on Windows too. I had been using Fedora for the past couple months but I needed Photoshop.
@Jared I've been using Ubuntu, but my Internet connection is too slow on it -- weird, but that's how it is.
I would love to go back, but can't. :(
Yeah Ubuntu seems to have gone downhill recently
When I used it, I had horrible USB transfer speed
Oh... looks like Ubuntu has a problem in store for everyone ;)
yeah it seems photoshop is the last remaining magnet
otherwise majority of windows users would switch to lunix
@lkraav rarst and toscho would disagree I think :D
that's allright, i'm a lover not a fighter
and since i hire graphic designers, i can love my gentoo endlessly
haha! As for me, every Linux distro I've tried (Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu) had some issues... pretty serious ones
I never had issues with Fedora, except when I used it on a cloud server. CentOS was always great too.
Probably because my PC is a tad-bit old
@Jared CentOS would be too outdated for a PC, no?
Not sure I just used CentOS 6.2 on a cloud server for a while because Fedora was acting up
of course, CentOS is great for a server. But on a PC we want the latest and the greatest!
True, Fedora 17 was released recently
tried it too... :( Ubuntu's installation process is soo simple that you'll start to feel all others aren't so obvious
anyway, that was KDE... gotta try Gnome sometime
i found peace ever since discovering awesome the window manager
but i have to admit, getting the hardware compatibility figured out was a tough one
rule of thumb: stay away from broadcom like the plague
since you can also get some style now with samsung series 9 and hp folio 13 style stuff operating pretty much flawlessly with fresh kernels... i say be the guiding light
so, now i just need wordpress and gravity forms done in python
php - the last obstacle between me and dalai lama style divine happyness type shiznit
Aha! Windows box is all setup... gotta hit the sack now
@lkraav BS
if such gems as ME and Vista hadn't made majority switch anywhere - nothing will :)
two simple truths about Linux - it doesn't have benefits of majority desktop OS because windows is IT and it's corporation-driven for server use with desktop use being byproduct
Judging by the tumult out on the streets Germany has won the UEFA cup already.
What do these people do next week when we win against Italy?
@toscho That will not happen.
why? do you think Italy will not win against England?
03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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