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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I was surprised just my first name was available for my username lol
I've been too inactive for too long :( time to start answering and voting again
3 hours later…
Can you orderby with meta_value for a list of users?
2 hours later…
> When programmers wouldn’t work with me because my project was premium or my ideas of the project didn’t fit this WordPress’ unwritten ethical codes guideline I definitely felt this “I’m a bad guy.” attitude.
WP community needs to be de-retarded. just saying...
@Rarst Depends on the context of what he was trying to achieve, how, and why he was rejected...
@userabuser not starving I assume.
that is my professional goal at least :)
Actually I am little peckish now that you mention it...
Have a linky to see what you were referring to?
Hello.. I was wondering if anyone can help with a wordpress widget problem Im having
damn, if that gravatar was pink it would make epic screenshot :)
@Rarst Love how your blog doesn't show dates ;)
@Matt had you asked quesiton on main site? that is usually preferable first action
@Rarst lol
@userabuser it's more complex than that... I don't show old dates. you see them when it matters but not when it only serves old crap knee jerk reaction
Yeah but for comments I think its nice to put things into perspective, i.e. Is this a recent discussion being held or are we blowing off the cobwebs?
But I respect your insanity, Rarst.
Actually, The question has been asked but it's one year old. I was wondering what I should do. Here's the question wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/8466/…
@Rarst I could tell you something about Brian’s When programmers wouldn’t work with me … – but no, that would be unethical. :)
@toscho You could something?
@userabuser ehm … morning, still not awake.
@toscho Ok, well tell me instead, because I have no ethics.
I know.
@Matt There is no safe way to do this without affecting other widgets. You have to write your own widget.
Oh wow I see
You could hook into esc_url but there is no hook to remove such a filter early enough.
Can I copy the code from the default widget and then use that one...?
I don't have alot of experience with wordpress coding
@toscho So, please do tell, what is that unethical something you wanted to say? We're all friends here...
Yes, of course. If you like spaghetti code … :)
@userabuser It would be unethical to tell.
What does spaghetti code mean? Does it mean it'll be alot of unncessary code?
@toscho But that doesn't really make sense. Its not unethical to say "you could" tell us something about ___ but it would be if you did. I'm unsure of the context of what it is you'd be saying, unless you know Bryan and the events related to which programmers would not work with him?
...also ethics are subjective beliefs.
Yes, I know why some programmers didn’t want to work with him. Premium was not the reason.
It'd hardly be unethical to tell us though. Of course, personal specifics should be omitted, but the overall reason as to why is not unethical. For all I know he could be full of shit. A crook. A... but I won't know unless you told me.
Being privy to generalist-type information, contrary to his claims which he is publicly stating is not an issue for you to be concerned about. Just saying mate.
He just made a minor mistake, I don’t want to blame him in public for this.
Hmm... so controversial.
If he made a mistake, a minor one at that, then its not blaming him if its already a mistake. But... All good, I respect your decision ;)
Rule #1 on Stack Exchange: Be nice. Even if other people ignore this rule. :)
Subjective :)
But constructive!
and evasive!
@Rarst Where is the date a post was written on your blog?
@userabuser it's from two years ago, peak of holy wars... I added note on top of post
@toscho shows at the left if it's recent
@Rarst last modified !== created
@toscho if it's recent
@Rarst I noted that since its post apocalyptic, I was talking about the comments though.
@userabuser comments trickled over time, Bryan's is recent, above are older
@toscho I think it'd be unethical for Rarst to have a created date.
@toscho so minor mistake you can't talk about that scared multiple programmers away? that's vague :)
It's difficult to tell what date is being showed here. This date is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably understood in its current form.
@toscho luckily it's my site and I set the rules
LoL.... ironic isn't it.
@userabuser what exactly?
Toscho's last comment... ;) in relation to our previous discussion. Just taking a humorous dig, even if I'm the only one laughing.
@Rarst At first it didn’t look so minor. Turned out to be a misunderstanding.
@userabuser I just don't get where the irony is in recent messages
@Rarst Probably we calling each other vague.
@toscho so multiple programmers choose to shun away in terror, instead of y'know figuring that out? :)
@Rarst yes
@toscho see "de-retarded" part :)
"This date is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably understood in its current form." is essentially what Toscho was being in relation to me asking what the real reason behind Bryan's issues with programmers not wanting to work with him were. ;)
btw he came to me looking for help with code review / quality assurance... which nets a lot of cred points in my book :)
@Rarst Oh, you too?
@userabuser I mean being aware that code needs QA is already above the curve in WP... actively doing it? aiming for the top :)
@toscho yeah, he poked several folks I think
I was just thinking you enjoyed having your ego stroked... ;) But you're absolutely right, above the curve indeed.
@Rarst Did you get an NCA?
@userabuser ego boost from some designer reaching out to me? ehm... let me just say bigger entities dropped by :)
@toscho NCA?..
Non-Compete Agreement
nope, I bounced him early... my logistics suck for side-projects
NCA for code review is fun :) you shall not review other code? :)
@Rarst worse
lol, maybe he has crappy lawyer
You shall not work in the pro theme market. :)
......(long pause).... by the way I refered him to Chip.
Well an NCA is perfectly fine proposition, should you choose to accept. But saying you can not work in the pro-theme market is bullshit. Saying you can't rip off this specific idea however is not.
Was he that naive to say you could not work in the pro market at all? Or was that a mistake...
He apologized before I could respond and said it was a mistake.
Thought so...
I lost any interest after I looked up his code on WPSE. Not my code style …
anyway let's stop gossiping without person present :)
But that’s totally subjective.
But I like the idea to get paid for code reviews. maybelater
I just wait for another holy war round if some commercial entity has the interest and balls... mandatory derivative lost moral ground since repo only asks for compatibility... but mandatory compatibility has no ground in first place outside of repo... whole "must be GPL" falls apart
@toscho oh, left to my own devices, I would probably do nothing but that :) for a while at least... and if logistics allow... :(
Gossiping? lol.
You realize that the Internet is built on discussion right?
@userabuser what? I thought it was on porn
@Rarst Sorry, I was wrong. It is based on porn.. then discussion, mostly about porn.
@Rarst I can't wait for another holy war so to speak. Most people don't know you can in fact protect your work, in conjunction with working with the premium WordPress market, while remaining inline with the GPL. Issue is that any time you venture into the how behind the why all these fanatics begin to start screaming foul.
...most people have not read the GPL in full, yet shout as if they wrote it.
@userabuser that they do
@Rarst I've not read it. And all i preach is "I don't give a damn" as I've never used GPL as a basis to make money
You don't have a need to read it.
@userabuser +1 jsut need to know what it means. as light reading it sucks :)
I just use my own Great Personal License and tell people it’s GPL.
can i generate sha1 hash for pdf file which later i can use to check if the file was edited?
@Rarst yeah I know what it means... Charity right?
I'll summarize the GPL for you with this: Your code must be open source unless you abstract away your proprietary code in such a way that it does not have a dependency on the code that is under the GPL.
Which means if you are a smart cookie, you can still protect your intellectual property while remaining GPL compliant.
@userabuser The way I read that is: The GPL is the GPL...
...while giving the bird to Matt.
@Brady more like forceful altruism. you put users forward and make sure other developers can't backtrack
@userabuser I hadn't seen much Matt in quite a while... either he found new toys or my brain filters him out
@Brady It should read like: Your code must be open source unless you abstract away your proprietary code in such a way that it does not have a dependency on the code that is under the GPL.
@userabuser but you still not explain how codes falls under GPL
@Rarst A combination of both.
@Rarst Matt’s current toy is the iPad. That will keep him away from serious business for a while.
@toscho haha
@Brady Simple. WordPress is under GPL, therefore to mix its API with your code, lets say in a theme, within theme files, is to say that your code is reliant upon the WordPress API logic, thus a derivative works which then must fall under the GPL too.
However... If you abstract away such a dependency, so that your code interacts with the WordPress API code to perform the same function as it does if included within the same file then you technically avoid the reach of the GPL which makes your code a derivative works of WP.
@userabuser as above - derivative point doesn't really hold. can agree or disagree that it works like that, but no legal ground
@userabuser Bah I'll stick with my understanding of the GPL "Charity".
the only folks that managed to really fuck up with WP/GPL are Thesis when one dev copied chunks of core into it :)
@Rarst The derivative argument is WordPress' claim. So if they are going to use that argument, I say fine. I'll take it a step further and abstract away my code so that its not a derivative and then their argument falls to pieces.
@userabuser they are not even using nowadays. go read WP repo rules. GPL compatibility, not GPL derivation
since the "ideals" that GPL is preferable "won" in perception, there is no reason to keep pretense that it is mandatory/legal/whatever
@Rarst Correct. If Thesis dev decided to use that level of abstraction I refer to then Matt would have had to walk away with his tail between his legs.
@userabuser yeah, it's a pity :) it seemed like they were willing to make a stand, but that chunk of core shot legs from under them
@Rarst Actually its because they know this while derivative thing is bullshit.
@userabuser or that :) it's hard to distinguish what person really thinks
@Rarst ...exactly, and you know why that is? Its because I bet he didn't read the damn GPL properly.
@userabuser Matt? I don't see why he couldn't... the point is he prefers to operate with "ideals" and "spirit" rather than boring letter of the license
it's quite moot point anyway since GPL was put together for compiled languages, trying to drag it onto PHP is a mess in first place
@Rarst Assuming I was Matt and I had fought a battle against a prominent WP theme developer, I would not change my stance from derivative to compatability unless there were a weakness within the claim that could be exploited. Otherwise I'd stand by it and let it be known that if you want to f*ck with WP, you're not going to win. So I think something is up...
ok... let's stop gossiping without person present :D Matt dropping by in this chat is last thing I need right now :)
there is work to be done...
@Rarst Exactly, a damn mess. One that has more holes than concrete rules of what you can and can't do, but which has some people so damn scared to even talk about the topic or others so damn fanatic about it.
@Rarst You make me laugh :)
@userabuser I am funny like that...
"Gmail is Gmail" - deep...
Dear Mr. President a fellow I know by the name of Rarst (who by the way does not believe in dating his blog posts) insists that one must not gossip about people in their absence. This is the 350th time I've wrote to you, I want to know when you are coming to my house for a damn chat?
I have distinct feeling this is copy/pasted from somewhere...
@userabuser don't know :) probably there are simply too many posts like this around... but some snippets are clearly old and not original (I googled some)
create_function() – ugh
@toscho yeah, that is one of those :) snippet seems to be years old
Older than Nacin’s Prefix everything
sill no new video on wordcamp.tv
@Sisir is there ever? there are months of lag till videos get on there
Hello guys a simple question yet hard for me..
Simple questions are hard for me too
wordpress default have image slider but it shows images on each refresh i want to replace the same thing with a slider. in short can i edit the default code or how can i implement a slide. I dont want to go for plugin
@userabuser :D
not simple :)
@Pankaj A plugin is your best solution. Try Meteor Slides plugin. Simple, light, does the job.
@Sisir I am beginner and thats sounds good :D
Some things are best to left to plugins, unless you want to learn how to write a slider, or if you need any special functionality outside of whats already provided.
@userabuser actully the case is there is an html site which need to be converted into wordpress now the html part have a slider which have some effects which are not present in most of the plugin's so i was wondering is it possible to get that slider in wordpress with out any plugin
@Rarst what is the article linked to in your GPL article? @TomJNowell points to interconnectit but 404s: interconnectit.com/wordpressorg-pull-200-gpl-themes
@StephenHarris don't look at me, they lost it in their fancy redesigns :)
@StephenHarris there's no such post
like i should do some thing by which all the images passed by that slider.
where's it linked to from?
@StephenHarris 404
@userabuser can i turn the normal images into a slider
@StephenHarris I see no mention of the article
@Rarst when was it written?
( your post )
Yes, but to answer your question its a bit hard - you should be asking a question on the main site, provide us code, links, etc so we all can help you. But I dare say there is a plugin out there that achieves what features you want. There are hundreds.
@TomJNowell 2010
@userabuser oh I see
@Pankaj Its not really a simple question as the solution can be quite in-depth and involving if its anything more than a basic requirement.
@TomJNowell under 'Community and GPL' section. second bullet point
@Rarst hmmm we have posts going back to 2007, doesnt seem like the sort of thing we'd
@StephenHarris AHA spectacu.la
@Rarst didn't release it was that old! Just followed it off twitter
which redirects now, we shut it down as it wasn't working out for us and just redirected
@StephenHarris sigh I added note on top of the post that it is old just because I tweeted it...
@Rarst Add proper date information, lazy mod!
@Rarst you're best removing the link for now
@Rarst Yeah I misread that :) still - hard to find the date :P
@toscho it's intentional behavior, get of my back
It’s not nice.
@TomJNowell right, I will drop everything and will go review two year old post because you lost your article :)
@Rarst I wasn't employed here at the time, don't blame me
@toscho did I say it is? I said it works like that and that I have work to do right now :)
@TomJNowell you joined those-who-lost-the-article. bear the guilt! guilt the bear!
and let me work.
@Rarst No one is forcing you to respond, so I think you need to tell yourself to let yourself work.
You are your own worst enemy.
@userabuser stop beeping me
@Rarst Ok, I will.
Let’s ping @Rarst every five minutes until he fixes his very own site.
I think we should respect @Rarst wishes.
Q: Select menu on browser resize

jayI have seen on some wordpress themes that if the browser width is less, the normal menu becomes a select menu. Can someone tell me how it is done? I know there is a plugin for that, but I want to know how to implement it in the theme without plugin. Thanks

off topic?
@toscho soz - just saw the question posted. He's asking how you'd do it ie. custom menu walker. I linked him to one of your answers on the subject
Abstraction. When functions return different things from month to month. Keeps you alert. :\
can anyone download latest wordpress and email it to me? Last two days i am trying to download it but can't do it :(
hey does anyone know what the easiest way to put multiple attachments into a post is? I'm using the json api to get the post so i'm trying to get attachments:{...
sorry it's probably a complete newbie question but I'm a dev and don't really operate worpress too much, in fact it's the 2nd wp site I'm ever had to work on
ahah, no worries found it i the media roadblock subpanel thinggy
tried all possible source.. its my connection it drops on every couple of mins and those sources doesn't support download resume
@all is there a plugin that allows you to reference people in comments, i.e. @someone?
@StephenHarris I know I have seen such a plugin, so: yes. Just don’t know the name anymore.
and has that either link to that person's last comment, or notify that person?
@toscho ok, cheers :)
@Stephen I saw a blog that did that but it used a 3rd party comment thing I think it may have been Disqus
@Sisir latest stable or nightly? 3.4?
i am loving wpblogger :) wpblogger.com/thesis-war-summary.php
@Sisir I will give you a google drive link
@Sisir Stable is the 3.4 branch
@AahanKrish thanks or you can just email sisir at tutremix dot com
@Sisir ah :P
@toscho looks like google is only working for him
i need resume able link..
@Sisir email is on its way. :)
@AahanKrish got it! Thanks buddy!!
does the wordpress size gone down? it used to be around 8MB
@Sisir I dont think it ever was 8 MB...
It was around 3.8MB before, now it's up to 4.9MB
I dont understand what's causing the megabytes of bump... probably because it still holds depreciated functions
@toscho any specific rules for creating chatrooms? (purposes, etc)
i see its when you unzip it
@AahanKrish Should be related to the parent site’s topic.
Ah.... okay!
@Sisir :P haha!
And don’t forget: mods can and will see anything in this room.
@toscho of course1
@AahanKrish pretty pictures. PHP libs. mostly that.
@Rarst Your meta boxes look even weirder than mine. :D
@Rarst simple pie is quite big...
@toscho wat?
@Brady yep... generic feed handling is a mess thanks to XML :)
@Rarst how did you create that?
@AahanKrish SpaceSniffer
black magic!
@Sisir too late :D
MS Paint
@toscho it would take three versions time to paint one that way...
Is there a short word for form of address (ex.: Madam, Mister)?
Hello Guys I am trying to embed a youtube video on a post and need to show this as an excerpt somewhere in the page, but when i do this it just shows a simple link which is not click-able even...I know by just putting video url we can embedded this to page and post but what wrong is with me..
@toscho title
@Pankaj I'm not entirely sure what you mean, do you mean that your url is showing in the excerpt as an unclickable URL?
use a manual excerpt?
@TomJNowell Yes neither its going to the link nor its showing the video
@TomJNowell yup Tried this
// not tested
$my_oembed = new WP_Embed;
add_filter('the_excerpt', array($my_oembed,'autoembed'));
@TomJNowell hey Thanks but I got it
@TomJNowell I thought this is for something like professor or lord?
I was not trying with <iframe> but now i used this and it worked
doesn't excerpt filters iframes?
ghacks.net/2012/06/20/get-a-sneak-peak-of-firefoxs-new-design hm... is it just me or looks pretty much like Opera?
The back button is different.
they stoles chromes tabs visual
well it was about time
most visited new tab preview. it was first on safari i think
@Sisir yep... it was period of "how do we steal Opera's quick start without being too obvious" in browser history
@Rarst they need to do a lot more than that, firefox still hogs too much resources for what it does
@all anywhere you can download wordpress 3.4 upgrade files only?
and they STILL have just a blank white page for the new tab
and it was firefox to first implement tabs..
@Sisir I'm sure someone else did it first, just didn't make it big first
it was the internetworks browser that did it first
@Brady there should be a zip of it but I don't know easy way to get to its URL :(
@TomJNowell nope, 13 has stuff on new tab
@Sisir BS, Opera did tabs first. maybe not MDI (there were other underdogs with it), but definitely tabs what became generic browser tabs
speak of the devil, it's asking me to update to 13
@Rarst tabs predate opera
@TomJNowell MDI does, browser tabs don't
@Rarst no no
Wikipedia: "Four years later, in 1994, BookLink Technologies featured tabbed windows in its InternetWorks browser. "
Opera was released late that year
Opera didn't introduce true tabs until 2000, prior to that MDI
"These were followed by a number of others like IBrowse in 1999, and Opera in 2000 (with the release of version 4 - although a MDI interface was supported before then), "
And until now Opera is the only browser with resizable tabs.
never used opera much..
@TomJNowell well won't argue, since it's a mess if it's MDI or tabs or whatever...
but I think we can agree that Firefox was nowhere near tab invention :) as he wasn't near pretty much anything...
Firefox was the first browser which took one full minute just to start a single tab.
> How is this question off-topic?
(as asked by the OP)
Hey All, Anyone got a minute to help straighten out a custom post type / custom taxonomy conundrum I'm in?
I'm developing a resource site for new teachers. The structure looks like this: cl.ly/000S250Y2k3S072Q2U3H
Section > Module > Topic > Article with kind of landing pages for each (except the articles).
<?php # mu-plugin: kill default user contact methods
add_filter( 'user_contactmethods', function($m) {
	return array_diff_key( $m, array ( 'aim' => 1, 'yim' => 1, 'jabber' => 1 ) );
@toscho and u posted this why?
@Brady Just in case someone needs it.
@toscho make a Q then answer it
@Sisir There are already similar answers. Mine is just very short.
damn symlinks... there shouls reaaaaally be ebetter way to deal with in WP :(
@Rarst how far are you from your keyboard?
@AahanKrish I am not in the mood for typing accurately
I see that...
Very few people say "...meet me on GitHub." :D
GitPub maybe
I don't get a Page Attributes box in my custom post type. Possible bug?
[ I've got all the usual suspects set: 'capability_type' => 'page', 'menu_order' => true, 'supports' => array('title','editor','custom-fields','thumbnail','page-attributes',)
I want to some custom posts their own page template via the Page Attributes box
@saltcod 'hierarchical' => TRUE too?
yeah, that too
'karma' => 'excellent' might help. :)
tried it, no go
the whole thing: gist.github.com/2960234
'slug' => '' – what the …?
oops. how'd that get in there
@saltcod Does the metabox appear, and just not the templates drop-down? Or doesn't appear at all?
@StephenHarris Doesn't appear at all
Is this not a bug I wonder?
Could be part of why this exists maybe: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-post-template
@saltcod So it does appear
@saltcod Just not the template drop-down
Templates aren't supported automatically for non-pages see github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/3.4/wp-admin/includes/…
@StephenHarris Not sure what you mean. Page Attributes > Template doesn't appear there
Unless I'm going blind!
@saltcod I meant does the attributes metabox appear? - which it does. Its just not showing the template drop-down - which it shouldn't because WP only adds that for pages.
@StephenHarris Gotcha. So even when I have my cpt set to have capability => page, it won't give me a template dropdown?
@saltcod no - its only for the page post type. Fairly easy to fix. You'll just want to add a metabox for choosing a template, save it in post meta, and then hook into the template_include filter to load that template when called for
@StephenHarris Right. Should have known. That's precisely why that custom post type template plugin exists.
@saltcod yup :). I don't know why it isn't something post types can't have out of the box (i.e. by including that property when you register it... but there we go...)
@StephenHarris Knowing extremely little about how to fix this, it seems to me like just swapping 'post' for 'post' || 'capability_type' => 'post' might do the trick
@saltcod this makes no sense
@saltcod no - inside the metabox callback WP check the post type, if its not page, the template drop-down doesn't get shown.
it's like getting a computer repairman to come round to your house
presenting him an empty room
and telling him you can't log on to GMail
@TomJNowell HAHA!
@saltcod Likewise when WordPress comes to choosing a template it will only look for a selected template (in post meta) for pages and no other post type.
@StephenHarris I can't see a way to theme an individual custom post then
Custom Post Type: Topics
Post: Pedagogy
Something like single-pedagogy.php, or topics-pedagogy.php, etc
add a metabox with a dropdown with choices
then, single-topics.php put something like:
@saltcod you create a metabox for that cpt with a list of templates in the theme. You save the user's selection in post meta. When WP choose a theme it filters it with template_include - you can use this to check if you are displaying a single cpt (or else use a better hook), and if so, look for the template file in post meta and load that instead.
$template = get_post_meta($post->ID,'_my_template',true);
get_Template_part('topic',$template); etc...
Which is essentially what that plug-in does...
or take that code and adapt it to template_include as @StephenHarris suggests
[ that plugin actually only works for posts ]
[ sadly ]
I know, I know
@saltcod anything that works for posts can be made to work for a cpt
Alright, that's a good bit to digest for the afternoon
we've been playing with lego glasses
what is the font used on wordpress logo?
Anyone installed Mac OS X Lion in PC Vmware?
@TomJNowell glasses as in spectacles, or drinking glasses?
I'm trying to prevent the reversed attribute from being removed from ol tags when switching between visual and html. I got a tip to look at kses and did this: $allowedposttags['ol']['reversed'] = true
however, the attribute is still getting stripped out regardless of how I put it, <ol reversed> or <ol reversed="reversed>, so I figure the issue is with something tinymce related.. does anyone have any tips on where to look for modifying the tags tinymce filters out?
@toscho is it a free font?
@Sisir no
@Sisir does it matter ;)
whatsup guys
any WPML gurus here?
i'm trying to find out what i need to do to translate user profile fields and could use a code example on how to use icl_t() for this -> wpml.org/documentation/support/…
if anyone cares or sees this later, the issue I described is tinymce related, and requires adding reversed to the following line ol[E|type|compact|start]. Now to figure out how to do it without editing the source lol
    function allow_reversed_ol($mce_settings) {
	    return $mce_settings;
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'allow_reversed_ol');
that breaks tinymce.. am I doing it wrong?
2 hours later…
where did tweet question links go?
@Rarst I think they vanish one hour after your last edit.
@toscho what? why? I mean there were links under voting to share questions and they went poof
Can you orderby a list of users by meta_value using get_users()?
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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