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@toscho downvoted the answer for you (judging by your comment)
5 hours later…
@toscho WTF? Was that your contribution to WPEngineer.com? You write for websites?
2 hours later…
@AahanKrish Of course. Why not?
I need git to human translation
> The directory C:\server\www\dev\wp-content\themes\hybrid-wing\hybrid-core is registered as a Git root, but no Git repositories were found there.
any ideas?..
@Rarst There is no .git in this dir.
@toscho there is
@Rarst Hm, looks like a PHPStorm issue
ah.... meh...
must … not … mention … Eclipse
@toscho why?
because it doesn’t have this problem. Git repos in Git repos work just fine.
@toscho oh, it works just fine... it just complains :)
that’s not fine. it’s annoying.
if only everything annoying in life could be dealt with by single mouse click...
@Rarst it can! Do you not have cornify on your site?
@TomJNowell cornify?
<?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 * Plugin Name: Make it work
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 't5_make_it_work' );
function t5_make_it_work(){	?>
<script>jQuery(function($) {
	var css = {
		'padding':    '0 20px',
		'cursor':     'pointer',
		'background': '#080',
		'color':      '#fff'
	var miw = $('<li>Make it work!</li>').css(css).click(function(){alert('It works!');});
It works!
@toscho what works?
Everything. With a single click. Just for you.
1 hour later…
nothing like core update making my plugin fatal error makes me truct in commitment to backwards compat :(
@toscho guess what this is? 01110100 01101111 01110011 01100011 01101000 01101111
(I said guess... dont start searching)
@AahanKrish Must be a fake. The last one in the last (most right) row is Korean and translates to "Samsung"
Others (Chinese) transalte to "Nokia" and "Phillips" ... will we end up having a domain ending for every company? Probably not.
Going to reserve "dictator.BANANAREPUBLIC"
@kaiser Fake? No. We've been awaiting this for months now. Besides, companies have only *applied* -- it's for ICANN to decide who gets what
or "usaisa.bananarepublic" :D
@AahanKrish Ah, ok.
@kaiser ever heard that .org domains resolve faster than .com and .net?/
@AahanKrish you know what to do, test it
@kaiser I've read that .org root infrastructure is managed by UltraDNS, so I am guessing that's true
@AahanKrish - finally got round to fixing that markdown plug-in. Title attributes for links should now work. Thanks for flagging it.
@TomJNowell So far yes, org always trumped most other tlds
@StephenHarris Oh, great! I'll test it out :)
@AahanKrish have you tested this only with your own DNS?
andnot others?
@TomJNowell right
@AahanKrish almost had post 5000000
@TomJNowell huh? don't get you
@AahanKrish see the bit where it says the message number when you click next to a message to respond directly to it?
@TomJNowell :D Aha!
4999999 was really close
What's mine? 5000001?
someone else took it
Would have been great... :^|
You were so so close!
The ♥ (symbol) in binary anyone?
nvm, it's 00100110001000110011100100111000001100100011100100111011
too long for a domain :(
Whats the equivalent to get_stylesheet_directory_uri() but gets server path not uri. E.G. /home/..../wp-content/themes/..../
@Rarst @anu thanks
sigh... it's monday.
@MichaelEcklund My Monday is better as I'm staying at my GF's tonight :) No monday feeling that way
@Brady Nice! I get to see mine everyday as I live with her. :P
@Brady so faux pas in IT chat.
@MichaelEcklund haha
@Rarst How is that a violation of social norms?
@Brady never mind, I will just go sulk in the dark corner :)
@Rarst You not got a lady friend? Why not?
@Brady likely severe misanthropy
@Rarst you or a potential mate?
@Brady me :)
@Brady who says it's a lady
@TomJNowell despite long hair - not gay :)
@Rarst pics or it didnt happen
@Rarst Okay am I understanding the definition of misanthropy? Or do you just have major trust issues?
@TomJNowell pic of what? :)
@MichaelEcklund are you understanding the definition of misanthropy?
@Rarst I'm not sure. Do you have major trust issues? Trust is huge in any relationship.
@MichaelEcklund trust matters in relationship, it doesn't if I don't have one :)
@Rarst but you'll never be IN a relationship, if you carry the plague of trust issues virus (TIV).
ok, shelve the the psychobaubble... I afk to cook
Later, issues man.
@Rarst your hair
like it! :)
@Sisir still not gay
who's gay?
@userabuser are you gay?
and the skeletons come crawling out...
@TomJNowell I'm not gay, are you gay?
what's up with chat today?.. see @Brady you derailed nice developer room into topics of haircuts, gayness and trust. Told you... :)
@userabuser I am actually
Ah I love taking the piss.
:) i am straight (to be clear)
@TomJNowell Good to know. I have a child on the way.
@userabuser I've a cash fund, how much do they go for?
@TomJNowell I'll do you a deal. I'll throw in my girlfriend and child for $3,000 + a bit of freelance work. Whaddya say?
@userabuser find me a bf instead and we'll call it a deal, pending approval
@Rarst can have your gf and a bottle of Valium
@TomJNowell My girl can do that for you, quite easily.
Valium? LoL... why? Someone a bit edgy?
@userabuser nifty, perhaps I can go to her and cut out the middle man
@userabuser to calm the nerves for the trust issue
@TomJNowell Where I come from, everyone needs to get paid ;)
@TomJNowell first day from lacking vacation... trust is not high on my issues list at mo
@TomJNowell Ah ok, must've been the prior topic of conversation I missed out on.
WordCamp Portland is coming. I'll be submitting a talk. Which talk would you like to hear me give the most? poll.fm/3rix7
guys when you do wordcamp please make sure the sound is okey.. last couple was horrible on wordcamp tv
torn between jquery/ajax and the nginx
actually tbh each of those are good topics @EAMann
@EAMann 1sh and 4th for me
@Sisir They're randomized ... 1st and 4th are different for everyone :-)
@EAMann I have a two part question for you..
@EAMann ah.. the nginx and merging multiple database..
@userabuser Shoot
(But I might have to step out in a min for a meeting)
@EAMann 1) Will your Portland talk be recorded? (I do hope) and 2) Would you be willing to do a guest post for each of the other non-selected topics on a WP related site I have forth coming, paid?
1) As far as I know, yes. 2) Sure. Hit me up offline eric[at]eamann[dot]com and we can talk about it.
Great, I will thank you.
14 :)
@all I don't have to escape data or anything before I save it via the settings API do I?
If I use $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $logo->ID, "firm-location" ); anyone know how to return a PHP array with id's as a multidimensional array based on the hierarchy the terms are in?
terms are returned like:

so I need:

[1] = (
    [2] = (
[5] = (
    [6] = (
Ah @Brady, yes... sec
My end game is to get all ID's in array from each level
@m0r7if3r nope - you should validate it, but you don't need to do any escaping
level1 = array(1,5)
level2 = array(2,6)
level3 = array(3,4,7,8)
what should i do when a wordpress site is slow (tested with default theme and without any plugins) and backend is also slow.. The database queries takes lots of time..
@Sisir get a new webhost
I suggest Rackspace cloud server with 512MB RAM
Minimum 512MB* lol
@Jared overkill!
When I use one with 256MB it is fast for a little bit, then goes mega slow after about an hour
its my clients site, the site was compromised via tim thumb attack.. and its was on godaddy.. rfidsolutiongroup.org
Q: PHP - Convert flat array of data to layered multidimensional array

BradyHere is my data returned from a CMS function: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 31 [parent] => 26 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 3 [parent] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 32 ...

Asked on SO
I'm gonna have a stab at it now
@Brady can you provide source data as copypastable code? $var = ...
@Rarst nope unless you know how to convert a variable into PHP source
@Brady var_export()
array (
0 =>
 'term_id' => '31',
 'parent' => '26'
1 =>
 'term_id' => '3',
 'parent' => '0'
2 =>
 'term_id' => '32',
 'parent' => '26'
3 =>
 'term_id' => '33',
 'parent' => '26'
4 =>
 'term_id' => '34',
 'parent' => '26'
5 =>
 'term_id' => '26',
 'parent' => '3'
@Rarst there you go
@Rarst I'm thinking something like this:
            $level = 0;
            $stack = $terms;
            $items = count( $stack );
            $count = -1;
            $end_game = array();
            while( $stack )

                // Have we been through them all?
                if( $count == $items )
                    $items = count( $stack );
                    $count = -1;

                $this_term = array_pop( $stack );
not working yet
@Brady Are you wanting to know how many levels deep a term is?
$output  = array();
$current = array( 0 );
$index   = 0;

while ( ! empty( $data ) ) {
	$parents        = $current;
	$current        = array();
	$output[$index] = array();

	foreach ( $data as $key => $term ) {
		if ( in_array( $term['parent'], $parents ) ) {
			$output[$index][] = $term['term_id'];
			$current[]        = $term['term_id'];
			unset( $data[$key] );

	$index ++;
@Brady poke
@Rarst looking
@Rarst Top man!
term_id and parent are objects though :P
use -> not ['']
@Brady deal with it. posted answer
@Rarst Not just a pretty face then ;)
@Rarst thanks for the help.
Rarst. Doesn't like people. Likes arrays. :D
I need to use this as tag line somewhere...
Rarst trusts arrays
no, I don't. they are misleading. they are really hash maps.
If an array is a hash map, then what's a real array?
@userabuser there are no real arrays, PHP is lying to you :)
I feel cheated
Going to go learn Ruby instead
reducing competition, one disillusioned developer at a time ;)
Why I would never do such a thing... tsk ;)
Stuff Ruby!
I don't understand the fuss with ROR tbh and why its even in demand within organizations...
@userabuser it's hip
Its ugly.
I don't really know what would I mess with if not PHP at moment... maybe Python or Lua
Python, Lua, Pike, SmallTalk...
It'd be Python for me, although I mess with Python a little for fun here in the office which is why I base my decision on that.
huh what? lol
"Should I learn PHP or Ruby" -> quora.com/Should-I-learn-PHP-or-Ruby/answer/Adi-Raman - haha, exactly.
2 hours later…
@toscho I don't even know what to make of that...
@m0r7if3r Me too. Therefore …
Q: Why are there updates for obsolete WordPress versions?

toschoToday milestone 3.3.3 was completed – five days after version 3.4. I have seen the same with milestone 3.2.2 which was never released. WordPress does not offer any long term support as Matt once explained. See also: Will there be security updates for 3.1 once 3.2 is released? 3.3.3 is a securi...

@toscho How would I even upgrade to that?
Would that have to be manual?
@m0r7if3r Yes, probably. This will not be available via the core upgrader.

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