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4:11 AM
@JoeTaxpayer This question on SO might be helpful
2 hours later…
5:41 AM
Hey guys, what was the link for browsing wp plugin repository codes? Could you please provide me the link..
5 hours later…
10:52 AM
@JackJohansson - Thanks! That answers both questions, the speed issue, and where these things are discussed.
2 hours later…
12:59 PM
@TomJNowell Tom, could I borrow your code review consciousness for a moment. I have this tax_query:
'numberposts' => 1,
'post_type' => 'cc_group',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'no_found_rows' => true,
'tax_query' => array(
        'taxonomy' => 'cc_release',
        'field' => 'term_id',
        'terms' => $release_term_id
There are over 250,000 cc_release terms and $release_term_id is attached to a post that has 40,000 cc_release terms attached to it. When I run this query, it takes around 6 full seconds. If $release_term_id is attached to a post that only has a few terms, then the query is ultra quick.
Is there a way to actually improve this query... so getting one post won't take 6+ seconds? =D
I understand you deal with premier platforms so you may have stumbled upon a similar issue?
1 hour later…
2:31 PM
Are numberposts and posts_per_page interchangeable?
2 hours later…
4:29 PM
@ChristineCooper true, but usually those kinds of data structures are a red flag, also +1 to the numberposts and posts_per_page, I'd stick to the first
what does cc_release mean?
and what is a cc_group? There's likely methods of reducing the sheer volume of stuff, or segmenting it further semantically
it could be that at this point, the limiting factor is the database server
be it memory thrashing, or disk speed
you can add the post author, but I don't think that would yield much performance gain
cc_release is "chapters" of novels. cc_group is the publisher. So my option is to store the target post id in the term custom meta.
hmmm why would you need to attach chapters directly to the publisher group then?
I understand it makes it easy to fetch which publisher the book is from
but it's more efficient to fetch the novel post and then figure out the publisher from there in a 2 step process
More specifically, it is "translation groups" rather than publishers. Different translation groups release different chapters from the same novel... if that makes sense.
so lay out the data relations in your mind as a node map
i suspect, that every node is connected?
in which case, that might not make the most sense here
so your goal is to be able to list all the things that a translation group is working on or has worked on?
The setup: the chapter (term), is connected with 2 posts. One is a novel, the other one is a translation group.
4:36 PM
where a deliverable is a chapter for example
Yes, to some degree. Basically, I display the chapter (and related term datas), and which translation group that released it. The problem is when I am fetching the translation group (the query above).
I sense that the most viable solution is to store the translation group's id in the chapter's term meta...
so novel and translation group are connected via a chapter term
what's the maximum number of chapters you can expect in a novel?
And simply do a get_term_meta($id, 'cc_group_id'. true)...
The biggest novel so far has around 4000 chapters, and rising..
Yes, they are connected via the chapter term.
that works but a querying taxonomy terms via their meta is just as expensive as querying post IDs via their meta
what if you flipped it around?
so that novels have chapters
and groups have novels
but yeah you could store the ID of the group in term meta
as long as you have hooks to update it, and you only ever use get_term_meta to retrieve it
Meaning, with your approach, novels are cpt, and chapters/groups are tax.
4:40 PM
if you wanted to be really crazy, and I don't recommend it, you could use a taxonomy taxonomy
eh something like that
What do you mean with taxonomy taxonomy? =D
eitherway it's a lot of terms
Aha I get you.
well, you know how a taxonomy has terms that group object IDs?
what's to stop those objects themselves being term IDs
4:41 PM
granted, the UI would be strange, and it has very little uses
It's too bizarre haha
I think I will go with storing the post id within the term meta and fetching it via get_term_meta.
The joys of optimization.
Thanks for the feedback.
Out of curiosity, do you often stumble upon issues like these with the bigger platforms? I presume most of them were designed with these scenarios in mind.
I can't think of one with posts that have thousands of terms
in these situations, I'd consider using custom tables and an ORM library
or flattening things a little
it's a little less about how semantically things fit together
and more about what kind of queries you want to make and figuring out the data relationships accordingly
so it could be that chapters become a CPT and you use post_parent
as that's an indexed value, but it constrains you
as well as figuring out which direction relationships should go
so in this case you need to figure out a publisher/translator via the chapter
ideally you'd design things so that either that was easy to query, or that situation is never there because you already have that info from the context

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