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@MichaelEcklund look for questions about widgets on the site. I am sure I gave a long answer at least once. tl;Dr; it is a template from which new "objects" of the widget are creeated
tbh something feels off about needing to know the widgets ID
2 hours later…
@TomJNowell I see
How to debug slow queries? cloudup.com/cGJ6DwrvAd2
Can this be because of plugins? or Heavy server resources usage?
Almost all queries on the page are slow
4 hours later…
@bravokeyl There are some insanely poor-written plugins that hook into the queries which slow the process
One for example is the redux framework, which will PAUSE the loading unless it can access a JSON file on their even slower server
You have to either wait for the request to finish, or wait for curl to timeout.
@MarkKaplun For some reason I actually have an experience in which I got different results from $_REQUEST than $_POST
never figured out why.
Which is why you should not use it, but for that question it was unlikely to be the cause of the problem
at least php defines $_request to aggregate all
@MarkKaplun It was a case in which I couldn't get ANY data from $_POST, so I had to use $_REQUEST
Later on I turned it into a rest-api and got rid of the issue, but never understood the problem
3 hours later…
@MarkKaplun well I realize that, but shouldn't I be expecting to see the actual instance number, if I have the widget assigned to a sidebar and I'm previewing it within the Theme Customizer? Isn't that essentially a representation of the frontend? It works fine on the frontend.
@TomJNowell So I've made a class to store store objects once they've been retrieved. So that I can check for those objects in the class before attempting to fetch from DB. These are WP objects, which I've customized into my own objects that work for what I'm trying to do with my framework. so it makes sense to check to see if the object already exists before doing all that work of fetching it from DB and customizing the object.
So for example, when a Widget is instantiated, internally, the settings are already available. So I stick them into the class. I assign them in an associative array by $widget->id_base and $widget->number
so later on, I can conditionally load files needed by that widget and specifically a particular instance of that widget.
instead of fetching widget settings multiple times, it only happens one time
Does anyone ever look at code and just be like: "how does that even work?"
1 hour later…
@bravokeyl sometimes your queries are slow because your DB server is slow
you can't throw a MySQL server on a watch and expect queries to run quickly
just as you can't expect the DB on a shared server to be fast
and ofcourse it could be that your queries are slow because a caching plugin is intercepting them and using the file sytem, and the file system is slow
@MichaelEcklund so basically you've duplicated the functionality of WP_Cache?
All of that stuff already gets cached by WP_Cache, posts, post meta, options, they all get stored in WP_Cache to prevent making a second trip to the DB
and if you have an object cache, it'll store them there, so on the next request it won't touch the DB and goes to the in memory cache Redis/Memcache/etc provide
that's why object cache dropins give such a massive speed boost
and it's where options that have autoload set get saved
as for which files to load
@TomJNowell How does WP_Cache work? Can I fabricate core objects as my own object and cache that?
so like for example, WP_Post doesn't provide a permalink property. So in my object, I fetch the permalink, and assign it as a property to the post object. So my object name is no longer called WP_Post
That way in my code later on, I can simple just do $post_object->permalink instead of get_permalink( $post_object->ID );
@MichaelEcklund what do you mean by fabricate core objects?
why would you modify the WP_Post objects?
I would stop doing that
also keep in mind that you're introducing potential compatibility issues
if these things need to be cached they're very likely already transparent cached by WP_Cache
I'm not modifying it I guess. Maybe fabricate was the wrong word to use.
e.g. calling get_post(2); get_post(2); does not trigger 2 sets of queries, only 1
I'm cloning the object into my own object, and then customizing properties.
@MichaelEcklund it still sounds bad, stop doing that and just use get_permalink etc
don't be cloning objects
wrap objects if you must in a wrapper class that takes a WP_Post object
What do you mean
but even then, doing stuff like that with the permalinks means the filters don't run
very very bad, stop cloning things
much technical debt
why wouldn't the filters run? I'm still calling get_permalink();
the first time yes
but not the following times
and you're messing with internal core objects
I don't understand
do not mess with core objects, don't monkey patch them, don't replace them, don't clone them and do weird things to them
at most, removing a core object and placing a sub-classed version of it back in place is a hacky way of doing things that's necessary in 0.01% of cases
but it sounds like what you need to do needs the wrapper/adaptor pattern
What's the difference if I do $post_object->permalink = get_permalink( $post_object->ID ); and then just use $post_object->permalink; everywhere, versus repeatedly calling get_permalink( $post_object->ID ); elsewhere?
@MichaelEcklund get_permalink is a standard API maintained by Core with built in caching and filters with known behaviour
whereas now you're facing problems because of this approach that you wouldn't normally face in WP development because they're usually non-issues
ya but doing it that way also opens the possibility of passing the incorrect ID
e.g. you're problems with widget IDs and mapping your custom objects etc
@MichaelEcklund wrapper objects
encapsulation, wrappers, adaptors
all standard entry level computer science
Can you link me an example to what you're talking about?
I guess I dont know what that stuff means
I've had great success using my own objects this way though.
it's an object that you would pass a post object to
then call the wrapper object
@MichaelEcklund not based on the questions you ask here, you're having to tackle problems and issues you shouldn't need to
like what
imagine there's a very busy person
he/she hires a go between
you now talk to the go between
Oh, so you mean to just extend WP_Post ?
not the original person
no, extending WP_Post is inheritance, sub-classing
still bad
aka the very busy person was replaced by a new very busy person with an extra arm or ear
I'm talking about something that wraps the post object
the post object itself remains intact and unchanged
you interact with the wrapper
like a shell surrounding it
a front of house
yeah is there a code example somewhere
and adapter, a facade, a wrapper, container, go between, middle man
I see one on wikipedia but its like super complex
class TomjnPost {
	private $post;
	public function __construct( \WP_Post $p ) {
		$this->post = $p;

	public function permalink() {
		return get_permalink( $this-post->ID );
you don't have to modify objects to achieve your goals
or change the very nature of object types
that's basically what im doing
in your example
you can encapsulate things, and use composition to achieve goals
no, you said you clone objects
very different, one wraps an object leaving it intact, the other changes the object at a fundamental level
hold on
what you described is essentially:
I'm doing exactly what you did except I'm doing it like this
foreach ( array_keys( get_object_vars( $post_object ) ) as $property ) {
	$this->{$property} = $post_object->{$property};
$objectB = clone $objectA;
$objectB->permalink = get_permalink( $objectB->ID );
@MichaelEcklund that seems wasteful, just pass things to the original object
It looks cleaner in the code though
public function __get($name) { return $this->post[$name]; }
or something like that
eitherway I don't see how this conveys any performance gains
all it does is avoid passing a bad ID into get_permalink, which is avoidable by checking values first
with your way its like: $post_object = new TomjnPost( $post ); and $post_object->post->ID versus my way like $post_object->ID
which could still be a problem, it just moves the issue to your copying/cloning code
oh I suppose ya I could do it like you just said
@MichaelEcklund thats not true, use __get and __set magic methods to pass them along
magic methods meaning PHP provides that in every class? I don't have to define those?
you should read up on them
ya apparently
but tbh I'd just use the native API calls
well I mean I am still using the native API calls
just one time instead of 50 thousand times
there's no performance difference
it's not about that really
you might ave a few nanoseconds doing it
it's about shorter and cleaner looking code
by spending just as many nanoseconds on the new overhead of the classes
imo it's just introducing complexity
and increasing memory usage
so with my way, I can refer to the featured image simply just like: $post_object->featured_image instead of $featured_image = get_post( absint( get_post_thumbnail_id( absint( $post->ID ) ) ) );
so much easier to read and understand what's going on
I mean that's probably a bad example, but you get the idea
or like for post_author ... I have it set the user object to that property, instead of just the user ID. so I can do $post_object->post_author->ID; or $post_object->post_author->display_name
same with post types... $post_object->post_type->name; or $post_object->post_type->labels->singular_name;
it just makes things faster and easier for me
I like doing it this way
and way less chances of error fetching the data needed because I have classes setup to conditionally retrieve and append the needed data.
it's structured and consistent
I like the idea about magic methods though
that's a lot of absint calls
and I'd use temporary variables, and the 1 action per line rule
if an error occurs in any of those calls it'll show as the 1 line and it'll be harder to debug
there's also the rule that says you shouldn't do more than one -> in a single statement
but yes even magic methods should be considered one of those sometimes necessary evils rather than a nice to have
but additionally, your example has no error checking
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );
if ( !empty( $thumbnail_id ) ) {
	$thumb_attachment = get_post( $thumbnail_id );
Versus just $post_object->featured_image;
that doesn't give you much info though
and you still have to perform a check to see if it's set or an error message
and you don't know at which stage it error'd
whereas all the featured post functions also take a WP_Post object
so you could easily call get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_object )
and what if you wanted to throw an attribute on the thumbnail in widget, but not in the main listing
you're now stuck because you cached it earlier
ideally, you'd want to shield all those member variables from the outside world
and expose a method based interface
so really it should be something like $obj->get_featured_image_tag()
which internally calls the WP APIs
whereas right now you're doing 2 things, caching, and trying to simplify the interface for your own purposes
once you've moved to methods, you can make the new object extend an interface and genericise it
for example, I wrote an object that saved me writing raw SQLite queries on a table for a CLI tool
I encapsulated everything, so outside code couldn't see the internal implementation details, and didn't need to know
then I extracted an interface
and implemented a version of the class that uses WPDB
but the code that uses it only type hints on the interface
later on I realised they shared some code, and implemented an abstract class that implemented half the methods
in your case, WP takes care of caching already internally
so it's just helper methods and helpers essentially
Anyone know how I can turn on permalinks programmatically so my add_rewrite_rules will work on plugin install?
My plugin successfully adds the rewrite rule, but it only gets used if I manually turn on pretty permalinks, which I don't want to require.
This is a plugin for internal use, so I'm not concerned about forcing pretty permalinks to be on.
so you want your rewrite rules to work even with pretty permalinks off?
@TomJNowell Either that, or I want to turn them on from the plugin. Either is viable for me since this is a plugin for a single website.
I don't think the first is possible
since it's for a single website, why not just turn pretty permalinks on?
That'd probably be fine, I'd just like to make as difficult to break the website as I can.
in that case asking how to force pretty permalinks on would work as a main site question
or, making it super nag the user to turn them on
Ok, thanks, maybe I'll go ahead and ask :)

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