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1:08 AM
Wohoo, I can read chat code now without HTML entities in a separate tab! :)
5 hours later…
6:27 AM
1 hour later…
7:34 AM
@toscho lol
Are there more like this?? pea.rs
I think @Rarst shared this yesterday.
@geekpanth3r more meaning?
I really liked the simple examples.
Is it a work in progress, or is that all?
Won't they be adding any more?
well, it's about theme... examples are just a demo content
is that a wordpress theme?
7:41 AM
yes. try, y'know reading the front page :)
I didn't know that
> "Grab the theme at Github."
I was on the home page the whole time, and didn't even notice it. :P
Thanks for the share @Rarst
no problem, been cleaning up dump of my WP bookmarks for couple of days
want to clean mine too? too afraid to look these days
8:36 AM
Global Variable http://geekandpoke.typepad.com/geekandpoke/2012/04/simply-explained-gv.html this is sooooo WordPress
@Rarst how can I enable email notifications for all new questions (questions only) asked on WP.SE? Do you know?
@geekpanth3r SE doesn't do email much, use RSS
okay, how's that?
I mean, there are lots of tabs here
I can't afford to miss a question
Why do you want to read every question?
8:42 AM
@toscho newb craziness, it will pass
@toscho I think it will help. Besides, I can use it on other SE sites as well (UX for example)
We get on average 44 questions per day. Saturday and Sunday is usually rather quiet, so there are more during a week day.
Even I don't read all questions. I just close them.
It's fine (since it's just an RSS feed). My Google Reader gets 1000s of new stuff per day :) I don't read them all either. I just scan through when I am free
Come on, tell me, tell me!
Chrome sucks at RSS feeds.
@Rarst Does it look like the right one?
get a browser.
@geekpanth3r this is what I've messaged above
8:51 AM
toscho's question eclipsed your answer. :P I missed it. Thanks
wordpress.org/extend/plugins/static-html-output-plugin this can be niiiice for small static sites. generate, stuff it on S3 - should be fast and dirt cheap
9:07 AM
I think I will start to convert all answers that contain just one link to comments. :) Thoughts?
A: Include PHP file in Content using [shortcode]

Wolframthis Plugin works fine: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/shortcode-exec-php/ Wolfram

Perfect example.
@toscho nah... I have templated comment that basically says "elaborate on this... you don't want anything bad happen to your answer, do you?"
> Lone link is considered a poor answer since it is meaningless by itself and target resource is not guaranteed to be alive in the future. Please try to include at least summary of information you are linking to.
@Rarst Yes, I have such templates too. But they don't learn.
Okay, I changed my template. Made it slightly more aggressive:
Will you improve this answer? Or should I convert it to a comment?
just leave it alone. converting it to comment does nothing to improve it
just makes it non-votable and non-editable
9:25 AM
hey guys
@toscho 3 more downvotes (or 1.5 down- and 1.5 up for @EAMann) and Eric gets a badge :P
I have implemented post id on permalink from this Q of @Brady wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/44047/…
hey people
But it seems wordpress still adding numbers on end of the permalink if the title is same..
i got a quick question
9:35 AM
citystirlakeview.com check upcoming events list..
anyone used windows server 2008 on Virtual box ?
i am scared of windows products..
does anyone have video on wordpress rewrite engine? (an wordcamp video perhaps)
why your scared lol
had to work on a windows server with wordpress couple of months ago.. Lots of permission issue and also that creepy index.php never go away..
that was my first time though.. it was painful as i was virgin :-/
9:52 AM
@Rarst This is the outcome. Guess my first LOL in here :)
10:05 AM
@Sisir No, but this
Serious Q: If I got a .htaccess file that rewrites some subdir to a subdomain: example.com/sub/dir/ » subdir.example.com and I want to access the local domain as well as the server with the same domain: How would I get around this? When I leave the .htaccess locally without some change, the browser will always access the server...
10:18 AM
Is there a built-in WordPress function for automatic first-letter capitalization for words in post title? (I know that there are plugins, and functions, but something hidden or less known?)
@geekpanth3r: good point..
@Sisir should I put it into a question then?
search the stie first..
I did. Also googled for help. No luck
trying again
looks like I found one
@Sisir this is the function I found
function captitle($title) {
$title = ucwords($title);
return $title;
add_filter('wp_title', 'captitle');
add_filter('the_title', 'captitle');
Can it be further simplified?
@Rarst if you are there... any help?
@geekpanth3r add_filter('wp_title', 'ucwords'); add_filter('the_title', 'ucwords'); ?
@Rarst hmm... let me try it.
ucwords.. awesome!!
there is no point in wrapper for single function call :) a lot of people have brain block on this
gist: WordPress Image 404, 2012-04-21 10:25:14Z

 * Redirect 404 for image file to graphical resource instead of showing HTML error page.
 * @link http://wpengineer.com/2377/implement-404-image-in-your-theme/
 * @license WTFPL
function image_404() {

	if ( is_404() && preg_match( '~\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg|bmp)(\?.*)?$~i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {

		wp_redirect( 'http://dummyimage.com/80x50/f00/fff&text=404' );

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'image_404' );
broken images been haunting me lately... any opinions/improvements?
@Rarst I noticed that some sites use a 1px image instead of showing a 404 error page.
It probably is lighter on the server
@geekpanth3r 1px is not very visible :)
10:31 AM
Oh... so, you also want to tell them that the image doesn't exist? But wouldn't it be obvious anyway? Just saying.
is there a way to ucword ignore prepositions (of, in.. etc)
nope... some browsers show "broken" graphic when they get invalid image (which is actually 404 html), some don't show anything at all... this will show very visible in-your-face red image
@Rarst hmm
@Rarst The code is working by the way. But does it add any visible overhead on the server?
@Sisir nope. that would take dictionary and a lot of linguistics... add in non-English languages...
@geekpanth3r why would it? if anything it would be less because you skip out of generating 404 html
@Rarst Oh, my old code. Take this: github.com/toscho/T5-404-Tools it is better.
10:39 AM
@Rarst You have to hover over my reply to see what I am actually referring to. :P
(And sorry about the confusion...)
@Rarst Hook into '404_template', not 'template_redirect'.
@toscho too much for my needs... what does hook matter here? but I suppose I can skip is_404...
@Rarst Exactly.
And you don't want to send a redirect for 404 requests.
You need a proper Content-Type header too.
@toscho this is not going live, I only need to see in local stack when crazy backend code spits out bogus image links
@toscho I don't since I redirect to real image, not loading image into PHP stream like original code
@Rarst But a redirect changes the status header.
10:44 AM
so? what that has to do with content type?
If you don't want to change the status header you have to include the image in PHP. And then you have to set the Content-Type per script because WP will send text/html otherwise.
Trust me, my logic is irrefutable. :P
I don't care about status header
That's sloppy code.
10:50 AM
I. don't. care. :) it's not mission critical stuff, it is to debug stupid output in development. I don't need it rock solid :)
added PS in gist that this is not production stuff
@Rarst and/or @toscho Will the overhead caused by this function on the server/processor be negligible?
add_filter('wp_title', 'ucwords');
add_filter('the_title', 'ucwords');
................................................................................‌​..... (function added in theme functions.php)
or is it not worth it?
Yes, ucwords eats 1MB per character.
@toscho kidding, right?
@toscho bully
10:54 AM
i would do the modification before wordpress saves the data..
Native functions like this one are very fast. Use Xdebug to measure the difference if you're not sure.
use the filter "title_save_pre" codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference
or better chill... when people start to meaaaasure results are usually facepalmish... forty thousands preg_replace is something to worry about... dozen uppercases is not
need to get back to work.. Later guys :)
11:09 AM
thanks for the tips
@geekpanth3r You may use Webgrind for profiling, a nice web based output for Xdebug.
@toscho taking a shot
@toscho webgrind is messy... last I used it - it was slightly broken (again). I use xdebug parser in PhpStorm or XHProf (got working window build at last)
Yeah, very useful tool
11:15 AM
anyone tried ack on windows? much mess to get working?
That will probably make sense when I get to some level of PHP.
As of now it doesn't. :(
But I am noting them down
So stop chatting, start learning PHP.
I'll start today.
Thanks for the push @toscho
11:44 AM
ok, that was quite easy:
A: How can I install and use ack library on Windows?

RichIf you already have msysgit installed, then you don't need to install Perl, because you already have a version. You just need to download the standalone version of ack1 and then create a batch script somewhere in your path2 with the contents: @"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\perl" C:\path\to\ack-stand...

11:58 AM
damn, this thing is fast... (decent hardware helps as well)
12:16 PM
What does it do? googling "ack library" doesn't seem to retrieve any definitive results
betterthangrep.com domain pretty much explains it
hmm... nice tool
yep... I search inside PhpStorm most of the time but bit of command line can be useful
hmm... but grep comes builtin all linux (don't know about Win). I see that ack is better for programmers though.
daily dev tools should be what is best, not what is generic
12:32 PM
@Rarst But then why are you using Windows?
Time and again, I read that Linux is the best OS for devs
it feels like home, they say
@geekpanth3r best how?
I am no dev yet. I read. Let me see if I can find you some.
check the first link
@geekpanth3r I read that earth is flat and outer space is government conspiracy
> This post is very old. Please bear in mind that information here might be incorrect or obsolete, and links can be broken. If something seems wrong, please feel free to comment or contact me and I'll update the post.
12:36 PM
It shows that in all old posts on the site
because they are... old?
Come on @Rarst I am not arguing.
> I said: "Time and again, I READ that Linux is the best OS for devs"
fantastic. what this has to do with me using Windows? :)
lol! It all started with you saying:
> daily dev tools should be what is best, not what is generic
(by which you meant ack > grep)
and I am waiting for your point how Linux is best...
"Someone on the Internet wrote that!" is not a point :)
12:40 PM
"for development" -- I meant to say that.
right... I've learnt that the hard way (...now) :P
Windows is best for development. < here, I wrote it, you read it. Does this make it universal truth? :)
most of my colleagues are on Mac... we use same IDE, same version control and most of the difference is that I write code that doesn't crash on different directory separators :)
oh... hmm
But I am sure Linux is better for upcoming languages, especially very new ones. You cannot deny my point now. :D
who cares about upcoming languages? in five years they are either dead or hacked to run on anything, including your fridge and toaster
12:47 PM
'Go' is a new language. It's coming to shatter C++ / Java and the like
ehm... lol
(at least that's what they say... folks at Google) :P
anyway, a noob's argument should be taken with a grain of salt dood
sure :)
why did I say that! :'(
said what? :)
12:51 PM
forget it. :'(
@Rarst starting PHP in a few minutes. Wish me good luck.
I'm excited!
I am still stuck in my bookmarks... shoveling down a mountain (into hills of categorized folders)
just say it @Rarst! AARGH!
say what?
lost me
12:54 PM
> Starting PHP in a few minutes. Wish me good luck.
ah, good luck... not that you need it for PHP :)
in my opinion PHP is one of those languages that make it easy to express your thoughts. that is why it has crappy reputation and so much crazy code out there.
True. I also don't like it when people speak ill of a language. It's just a tool. Use what best suits your need.
I've seen a lot of this on StackOverflow
I see you've grown immensely in those minutes passed since you tried to establish Linux supremacy :)
1:03 PM
Have I really? That's nice! :-D
1 hour later…
2:22 PM
@Rarst There are confusingly many plugins for deleting revisions. Could you suggest one quickly?
2:48 PM
@geekpanth3r nope, I just disable revisions from the start
I did too, but the plugin I use still says there's a revision after I make a new post
I pretty much disabled autosave too (set interval to a day)
1 hour later…
4:14 PM
@geekpanth3r bit.ly/96Hefa I use this link a lot for manual SQL queries, which is what you can use to delete a revision manually, scroll down a bit it's in there :)
2 hours later…
6:00 PM
@geekpanth3r People will always bash what's most popular, most widespread and in-use, in this case PHP - its human nature, they're just pissed that their "codez" aren't king of the hill. For a web-based language, whats better? Its a subjective argument at best but PHP does the job and then some and for what it is... its a great language, though not without need for improvement of which it has been doing so of late.
@userabuser there is nothing especially great about PHP itself. it is convenient enough and has great adoption, but it is hardyl pinnacle of language design. the value of scripting languges is in ecosystem, not language itself
@Rarst That's exactly what makes PHP great, its convenience, its community and its ability to get the job done. Its definitely not the pinnacle and I should hope not because its absurd thinking that any scripting language is; naive even. If there were something better than PHP as a whole, we'd be using that primarily and it would be the dominant player in the market.
market doesn't really run on "better" :)
...again which is why PHP is the dominant player in web languages. No matter how you approach the topic.
which is why
> If there were something better than PHP as a whole, we'd be using that primarily
is not entirely realistic :)
6:15 PM
The definition of better consists of more than one variable in which attributes to the language and not strictly because one language performs better than another so therefore it IS entirely realistic.
...I did say as a "whole"
6:51 PM
@userabuser yeah, sorry, skipped over that :) sleepy and working here
@Rarst all good.. i know the feeling.. 4:30am and working here too.. shitee

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