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lol I thought encrypting php source code died 20 years ago.... encrypting code do not prevent anyone from copying and running on their server. At best it will only delay the nulification.
if it is executable than there is no problem in transpiling the inteerpreted result into new php code
in wordpress you basically sell support, not code
in my "pro" plugin I have a DRM style protection that works by communicating with our server to get activation. But obviously the activation is stored in an option and anyone can just populate the option by directly writting to the DB.
The only point in that DRM is to keep honest people from temptation. Trying to defend against actual "bad guys" is a battle that you can not win, and better to not enter it in the first place.
1 hour later…
the point of DRM is mostly denial that you are not in control of life
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Julia Silge on July 06, 2017

This week, my fellow Stack Overflow data scientist David Robinson and I are happy to announce the publication of our book Text Mining with R with O’Reilly. We are so excited to see this project out in the world, and so relieved to finally be finished with it! Text data is being generated all the time around us, in healthcare, finance, tech, and beyond; text mining allows us to transform that unstructured text data into real insight that can increase understanding and inform decision-making. In our book, we demonstrate how using tidy data principles can make text mining easier and more ef …

2 hours later…
@Rarst Sigh. The bug I discovered through the error in Laps is leading me down a rabbit hole...deep down...
WordPress! where simple things work great and everything else is subtly broken :)
Make it a T-Shirt...
I barely get invited to the parties as is
LOL again
I put several "self-destruct" methods through out my code. So if you're bold enough to try to remove one of the methods... it will uninstall itself.
Use it how it was intended to be used or don't use it at all.
I'd hate you if I'd need to work with your code. :D
Use the APIs... Don't dick with the source.
Do you hack core WP, or do you use their APIs?
It's actually a good security implementation. You should try it.
I consider kill switches unprofessional (sorry). I know some people are fine with them, but other people will blackball such on sight.
Killswitch Engage. Good band.
and it makes security much worse. now any minor vulnerability/edge case have possibility to trigger not just notice, but self destruct? I won’t let such anywhere near production.
Well if it's been tested and proven stable, why not?
I suppose I could take less drastic measures and just deactivate.
you cannot prove stable. no code is ever bug free forever. code engineered to be brittle highly escalates that.
Or I could take the Jetpack route and have everything done remotely.
With the REST API improving, that actually wouldn't be a bad idea. Hmm.... Gears are turning.

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