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I'd like to incorporate a way to track who clicks a particular link that goes to my website in my email signature to see how many people actually visit my website
Is there a way I can generate a special query in WordPress (plugin, function) that logs this for me?
So if my email has my website link as example.com?click=email
That will let me know in WordPress how many people are actually clicking that link in my emails
May involve some third party plugin, but I'm not sure what to call this thing that I am looking for
@EthanJinksO'Sullivan Use Piwik. No need to use WordPress.
wow wordpress.org/plugins/wp-piwik 60k active users and I never heard of the service before.
Anyway @EthanJinksO'Sullivan, if I got you right you will want to use mailschimp to send your emails. There are probably some other companies that specialize in sending an tracking emails
8 hours later…
@MarkKaplun as far as I remember piwik is software primarily rather than service, it's a usual go-to for people who want to self-host stats
Thanks @toscho
early morning + not enough coffee === bad selection of english terms. although I didn't even try to see what the plugin tries to connect to, just was impressed that there is an alternative to GA
@MarkKaplun To clarify, I wouldn't plan on using a service such as MailChimp since they're more for newsletters
that is just a misconception
Just when I send out regular emails with my website in my signature, just to see how many people are clicking through
emails is something that seem easy when you need to send on from your mailing software but can become a nightmare if you try to scale it even a little
let the pros handle things like tracking emails, you are more likely to get banned as a spammer when you will try to do advanced things
It's not spamming. It's to see how many people click to see my website in my email signature when I regularly email them
that is what all the spammers say ;)
send mass emails and statistics are the two things that should never be part of WP and better delegated outide
and you want emails that trigger statistics ;)
Q: Appropriate content

RobinI've just had my account blocked from asking question for 2 days due to a post which got down-voted (about making WP CLI work properly on Windows). I'm confused. I was told in a comment that WP CLI was off topic, but I don't understand why. To my mind a forum about WordPress development would be...

@MarkKaplun WP CLI is loosely considered on topic as uniquely useful tool related to WP dev, in lack of "official" console tool
linux also since there is a lack of official WP OS :( ?
ok, no moding anything anymore
merely informing you what the current practice is. some linux-related questions are on topic as server configuration, for example some have linux packages of WP in their package manager and those can be peculiar.
.... just upvoting sometimes .....
I know scope it sort of a mess. :) WordPress!
if installing php on windows is on topic then I can't even guess what is not on topic
na it is not wordpress it is mods here not having a clear idea what they want, sorry to say
but the reason I am upset right now having nothing to do with that, the reason is that you and toscho point this remarks toward me, and why? because out of all the people that downvote or close i am usually the only one to explain .................
it's doesn't matter what mods want, we are not in charge here. if community makes a case to change the scope then that will be it and mods will act in line with the changes.
I pointed remark toward you because you participated in specific situation that user brought up on meta, which I am now sorting out.
it's good that you want to interact and clarify, but that also exposes you to expectations of being extra right in your clarifications.
3 hours later…
In the current state of the site there are probably no 5 3k+ that can close a question active enough to do it in a week. So it is nice to talk about a community that stirring things one direction or the other, but in practice right now every question is on topic unless tosco thinks it should not be
Maybe it is a good sign that all worthy questions have been asked and whatever is being asked now just shows lack of research and this drives people away, but for whatever the reason, those people are away.

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