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congratulations @gmazzap and @Howdy_McGee !
Congrats @Howdy_McGee & @gmazzap!!
and yayyy on WordPress 4.6. Can't wait to use the new term queries and CPT stuff.
3 hours later…
Congratulation @gmazzap and @Howdy_McGee - you made it through!
And something nice for me too. With WordPress 4.6 I now became a Core Contributor. Tribute to all my teachers and mentors here in WPSE.
@MayeenulIslam Wow that is awesome! Congrats Mayeenul!!
My contribution to the core stuck in tickets as usual
@Sisir Takes time usually. Sometime it's the decision process, and sometimes it's the dependency of one changes to another.
@TimMalone Thanks :)
Congratulations by the way :)
@Sisir Thanks dada
2 hours later…
Thanks to all! and Congrats @MayeenulIslam!
Interesting fact: 2,405 voters were eligible, 812 visited the site during the election, 530 visited the election page, and 272 voted
**Marketing Lesson**
I summed up this to a count this way:
- *Potential Site Visitors:* 2405
- *Actual Site Visitors:* 812
- *Actual beneficiary:* 530
- *Actual devotee:* 272
Only 11% of your potential customers finally became your customer
@gmazzap Thank you
there is even a badge when you vote, and still …
...still it's 11% only :(
anyone seeing new comment queries making SQL which explodes?
as in starting with 4.6 ?
@toscho Wow thanks a lot!
Hopefully for the next elections, I will be a strong candidate not only for the mods but as a WP developer. =D
don't get cocky :P
Good news folks. TinyMCE.js has been upgraded to the latest version... meaning that we will have a flux of clients with broken sites and a ton of out-of-date answers here.
This will be the month when I can finally afford a new car.
Hmm, for me it's more likely to be the month where clients say "that's regular maintenance, not something extra we asked for."
that's probably why you are not getting a new car... :)
that or you can get new car every month regardless of WP updates. that works nicely too.
4 hours later…
@MayeenulIslam Nice, congrats! First time contributors should be in bold text IMO :)
Wow - WordPress is asking to update the database without being logged in? That seems weird...
Apparently that's always been a thing...
Well I mean you press yes, and than it does the upgrade with nothing bad you can do. And I think it only happens on the login screen, not on a random public page, right?
Yeah, only happens on the login screen. I suppose if they're 100% sure that the update won't break the site then sure might as well but I don't trust WordPress to be sure 100% on anything.
IMO should be an admin privilege / choice.
The problem is that having updated the code, but not the DB might leave the site in a weird state. So this should happen asap after an update.
Anyone using cygwin with win 10.1? I am trying to connect with ssh with keys. I get "Permission too open" error. None of the solution found online is helping. Stuck with it almost a week.
Eh, I just don't like normal users being able to stumble upon that.
This is why each deploy is ideally followed by wp-cli.org/commands/core/update-db
WP is mysteriously loosing sql_clauses of comments query in production... ugh
late congratz to the winners (or losers if you take @toscho's word about the role)
WP_Comment_Query looses sql_clauses with Object Cache https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/37696 ok, made a fair troubleshooting attempt, but no clue :\
@Rarst WP has removed caching in comment. I wonder if that is the reason behind
added, not removed. I know. I don't see why and how it breaks though :\
1 hour later…
@Howdy_McGee congrats man!
do you feel the power now, lol
I don't know about power - I can't shoot lazerbeams from my eyes yet so... meh

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