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well, wordpress is not the right tool for everything
at least, if the tool (wordpress) is that important to you, then fork the money for what ever development you need.
this just sounds like they need a big time CMS like the one used in main portals, or rework their workflow to adopt it to what a hacked CMS and a low level DB can give you
5 hours later…
Thanks everyone here :)
3 hours later…
regexp was created by the devil. It always seems to be at first something easy to do, but ends up as a huge sink of time
regex101 will save your life.
no, it just makes you think it is easier then it actually is because the site exists :)
going to break a big regexp into smaller ones to at least be able to debug better
Try without it. It made major changes for me.
my problem right now is that I get matches longer then I expect
and pick up parsed parts from the wrong place because there is anpther possible match there.....
the problem is that you always feel like you are just one tweak away from getting it right ;)
Couldn't agree anymore with your final statement there.
I had around 3 months of playing around with regexes and I aged 3 years during the process.
It was 3 month of only regex stuff. Seriously, it was insane. :)
I have 10 lines of code on which in agregate I spent at least 30 hours
PHP is mild with regex. try Perl. it's like writing regex in a language that is itself regex.
I think I learned my lesson now. Either simple basic regexp or html parsing. Will bloat the code by a factor of 5 but will probably take half the time
A finite-state automaton is often faster and easier to write than a complex regex.
Site site is nice when building regex: regexr.com
@toscho, you are probably right for people that do it alot or write perl code ;) but there are many gotchas and the end result is unreadable for 99% of developers
@MarkKaplun There are no words to describe how much I disagree. :P
You just define a fixed set of states with start and end markers. Then you run over the string and search for these markers.
knowing the markers is easy, making the regexp to actually obey my wishes is hard :)
it's not a regex, but a tokenizer
what is the difference? I want to use regexp as a tokenizer
the difference is performance and readability
a FSA is very fast und easy to read
loosely related — anyone seen a parser for filenames with semantic version in them? need one for Release Belt
customizer code..... fast is not a relevant requirement ;)
@ChristineCooper @MarkKaplun Regex makes no sense if you are a visual person, but there are some nice regex-tester sites out there that make visual groups. That is like kick-starting understanding them.
2 hours later…
hey guys!
hello @Jean-philippeEmond
in the action "user_new_form", the parameter $user return a string : 'add-new-user'
thats s**k because I use esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( '_typeuser', $user->ID ) ); and I got an error..
@CoderSte, how are you?
I'm good thank you hbu?
yeah too.. I'll be on holiday in 2day ^^
Awesome, where you off to nice?
I travel to Toronto 1 week
ho noo... need 45 pts before friday haha
If I would vote for election :P
need 150 pts.. I have 580 into the stackoverflow but just 105 here
Darth vader, have you an idea about my question ^
@Jean-philippeEmond Only 25 to go now. Hurry!
hey @ChristineCooper, how are you?
I'm great! Was working with the SoundCloud API.
I got it I think ^^
cool! what kind of music you want to listen :P
Oh it was client work, so not for myself personally.
ok.. I'll change my question: What kind of music you listen :P
Mainly chillout/atmospheric type of music because it calms me while doing work. Otherwise, alternative stuff, and a lot of Zero 7. You?
when I work, Mashup or Country stuff..
well.. it is generally that.. and hum.. popular stuff like Radio music :P
The related artist feature of Spotify is actually outstanding.
@Jean-philippeEmond I think you should make your questions on the main site. Some of which might get a great answer.
@ChristineCooper how is their API? I've been wanting to mess with it for awhile
I had no problem with it at all. A task I expected to take all day took only 1 hour. Instead, I got stuck on a CSS issue for far too long.
wouldnt this question be better on server vault?
Q: DNS, DDNS, and site URLs

Brandon DubeI am trying to host a low-traffic website on my synology NAS. Bandwidth and resources are not an issue. I am using Synology's DDNS service, and have the optivault.synology.me domain as my endpoint for things. I own another domain - retrorefractions.com, which I point the CNAME alias of at opti...

ok.. I'll kill 1 guys
@ChristineCooper I've been playing with more APIs and JSON. I like to take an API and work it into a widget or theme. Last one I played with was Etsy and it was a nightmare. I still need to learn more on getting the JSON data into the database instead of relying on the JSON file.
the wordpress stack exchange user have some difficulty to accepting the answer
@Jean-philippeEmond who?
"the wordpress stack exchange user have some difficulty to accepting the answer" is that users in general or a specific one?
Why? I think compared to any other part of the stackexchange, we have a good ratio of acceptance here, right?
from past experience I find that if a user has several questions with none of them marked as accepted they tend to need a little encouraging with a comment, lol
I'm looking on many question and many times, the problem is fixed but not green check ^^
@ChristineCooper I think he might be judging by view as when I view the questions right now on the front page only three are marked as accepted compared to so many
Yes, but all of ones on the front page are new questions/answers so it may take time to mark them as accepted.
@ChristineCooper, you may right ^^
is it wrong to classify a question as poor if it shows no implementation effort?
@Darth_Vader not really. It is poor if has no research effort... if someone show that searched for a possible solution, but not found any... then yes, it is generally a poor question, but there might be exceptions, as always :)
"Show the grandmother/father of the childpage" lolllllll thats funny title question
the question is already on the main..
but no answer ^^
I think I'm being rude unintentionally but I can't seem to explain my view. Am I skewed by a frustrating week?!?!
he could use contactform7
and using the wpcf7_before_send_mail to add/remove/doing what he want
@Jean-philippeEmond but isn't that relying on a plugin which Q&As, per what Ive been taught, shouldn't rely on a plugin to do something?
he want a plugin that he can do that
"the contact form submission to include the url of the landing page they came in on"
but per the close reason: Asking to recommend a product (plugin, theme, book, hosting provider), tool, library or off-site resource is out of scope of the site, as it attracts opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
well.. contactform7
I don't think I want the best product of.. just a product that can be done.. or how to produce that..
How to do that.
you can include a plugin in the answer..
mix the add_action previously with stackoverflow.com/a/1864587/1250185
@Jean-philippeEmond either way I still, for some reason, view that as too broad with a mixture of no effort asking for a plugin. In general that leads to me why I asked about a poor question.
"I need" and "best" are usually telling signs of bad questions
first is usually a result of skipping research and the second too broad
@Jean-philippeEmond why go that approach and not get_query_var()?
@MarkKaplun so how would you close vote that?
for? the HTTP_REFERER? because we don't know if its the same wordpress (multi-site)
for the add_action, you can do what you want.
too broad
reason, too broad is when there are too many options for a valid answer
since there is no "lacking context" it is the best fit IMO
you would I flag?
IF a question is already in main but no answer.. (1 year ago)..
could I repost it?
and.. . . that is why I dont comment usually after I downvote =/
@Jean-philippeEmond that depends on the question but if it's EXACT I've know to encourage an edit
yes, and when I did comment, I got a Q&A question on my name in the election ;)
if the question, for me, older than two or so years I usually cite reference to it
but the tatst rule is a good one to follow. Never more then 3 comments
@Darth_Vader, is my problem about "user_new_form" and the param is a string...
the referal is
If the guy didn't get it by then, just leave it
grrr rarst rule
@MarkKaplun I did see our fearless leader has a new profile pic..
not a good day for my typing ;)
maybe one day I will have one as well
too lazy to make a nice one
ha I quoted the wise Mark, lol
@MarkKaplun one day we can type what we think, then I'll be in trouble
that is why I am in trouble and didn't even think about participating in the election. Dumb people and free loaders get me upset too fast, which is not very useful for moderation
@MarkKaplun I dont think it amounts to being dumb, I think the SE site model is completely different and takes getting used to. However, when arguing and trying to validate why your question is crap, yes, that will make me mad. At times I love to help but frankly I think some come to the site expecting free work. I come for collaboration and growth and I wont get that from bad users.
dumb, not with the question itself but the arguments that follow after explaining close or down vote
and some questions are dumb, like the OP is talking to himself
@Jean-philippeEmond edited
id vote on it but I reached my voting cap
I change the question..
weird question.. what is the best practice about === ?
=== True ?
=== TRUE ?
=== true ?
I use alway TRUE and true.. but.
yeahhhhh I CAN VOTE NOWW
@Jean-philippeEmond uppercase or lowercase, but then be consistent and write also FALSE and NULL. The value that cannot change belongs to left side: if ( true === $var ) See yoda condition
he have a diff between true === $var and $var === true?
the latter is more error prone
@Jean-philippeEmond In this case, you don't need the comparison: if(is_string($user) === true), because is_string() returns always a boolean. So if( is_string($user) ) is good enough.
(sorry for the delay)

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