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@Rarst Changed pic :)
1 hour later…
done voting for mods :)
3 hours later…
Is there any means of viewing comments left by a particular user? (i.e. a list of recent comments)
search by their email or something?
wait, you mean WP or SE or what?
Sorry, I mean SE. I'd like to see what kind of interactions the perspective mods have had with users
profile > activity > all actions > comments
ah, brilliant. Missed that. thanks :)
With @gmazzap and @Howdy_McGee in the race, Wikileaks need to drop some dirt on them in order for me to stand a chance in the elections.
Where is that Assange when you need him.
1 hour later…
Answered candidate questions... Sorry for late, this is the reason:
Wow did you get married or am I totally confused?!
He did.
It was spectacular.
There was more good food than I could eat. Very mean.
That's amazing! Congratulations! Where was it held?
Well. Italy I'd say. :)
Haha, actually that was meant as a response to @toscho
Sicilia. In August. Imagine how hot it was, then add ten degrees.
That's great! Just out of curiosity, how did you know each other outside of your online presence? AFAIK you live in completely different countries. WordPress camps?
First WPSE, then we worked together for nzz.at.
congratz @gmazzap
Yeah congratz @gmazzap :D
august, such a horrible time to get married if you are at the med and want to do it outside. totally agree @toscho
It's OK, if you drink a lot. Which I did. The wine was very good. :)
and wearing a tuxedo.... that is very brave :)
been at a wedding last week at an area bordering the desert where you don't expect much humidity and still lost a Kg just from sweating :)
Marry as late in the day as possible, party all night I'd say :)
I never looked at the details, but I my guess is that atleast at coast areas it is actually less humid during the day, not that the difference is that big
at least in israel
One day, there was a short, refreshing summer rain. Guess who was the only person swimming in the ocean.
I love the irony how of we grump about our issues internally, but outside it's like “WPSE is actually functioning site on WP, can we dump our problems on them!?” :D
yes lol
What happened Rarst, you need hugs?
my day today is customizer+select2+jquery.... I need a hug :)
not in this instance
Hm, I can see where he is coming from. But you are right. His proposed solution isn't a good one.
weston claim the customizer is well architedted.... I want to see how he debugs anything slightly complex in it. maybe I am just an idiot, always a valid posibility
1 hour later…
so, WordPress–is–great–for–everything crowd, what’s the current good things for content staging and deploy? https://twitter.com/LisaLinnAllen/status/763028357843869696
2 hours later…
maybe I don't get that question.... why do you deploy 300 pages at once, and why don't you just edit it on the site? How do "big" CMS handle it?
staging. content needs to be created/reviewed/approved, then moved to live site
on big CMSes — hell if I know :)
Why does it need to be on staging, this is what I don't get. Use special post status and hide it from front end to non editors
had you ever tried that? it's a clusterfuck
transferring 300 pages from staging to production doesn't sound less of a CF
marginally less, welcome to WordPress
editorial flow is a plugin maintained by automattic, and I assume that it is being used on VIP. For anything less then a major newspaper I really don't see the point of having more then contibutor->editor flow. main problem is images, but if you don't trust the contributors on that level then you are probably doomed in any case
I guess that staging is not backuped as well as production, so it is more likely to go down, taking with it work over 300 pages
who said anything about "less than"? that tweet is in context of giant enterprise intranet (tens of thousands of employees and stuff)

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