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Good luck @Howdy_McGee
4 hours later…
@toscho Thanks for the suggestion. In fact, I had great interest in entering the moderation elections but didn't think the elections would be held this soon. I felt that I still needed to grow as a developer before I would be eligible but in second though, maybe this isn't the main factor.
@ChristineCooper Your developer skills are not important for that. You have to know/learn how the system works, stay calm all the time, and bring your own perspective when we are discussing edge cases.
I need to read up more about the duties of a moderator and basically what rules are enforced. I've actually done moderation (secretly) for a number of years, or more like 15 years, so I know the general gist of how to engage with users and resolve conflicts.
I need to look into the duties nonetheless and see if this is something that I can do in my current schedule.
On a good note, I actually pulled off the WordPress developer interview and I'm officially working with it as of next week... which gives me a lot more reasons to engage with the community here.
I have one question.
How often are these elections held?
whenever we run short of active mods
so this might be the last opportunity for some years. :)
90% of the job is clicking flags away. That's not hard, but flags shouldn hang around unresolved too long.
Interesting, and can you enter a new election (whenever this happens) if you don't win this one?
Yes, you can nominate yourself every time.
Nice, I might actually get involved then. And if I don't pull through, I'll learn from it and come back stronger for the next one in a decade :D
What we need urgently: someone helping me hunting sock puppet rings.
I'm ready for it.
There are a few users I would love to see in the team.
Hello everyone
I wonder how many people will nominate themselves. This is really exciting actually!
Hi Android. I hate the experience of making a webview app for you. :)
I am working on an obscure XML RPC bug with a client's Android app right now. This sucks.
I need some helps. please help me. to get out from this problem.
I want to add topic in Discussion board using rest with attachment. how can i achieve this. i didnt get any proper example for this.
Topic in discussion board?
topic mean i have some message with attachment. so if any one want to reply on that message then they can. this requirement i can achieve i think using discussion board.
I haven't played with BBPress as much but as a starting point with the API, install Postman browser addon (it will change your life) and check your routes.
@ChristineCooper medam have any idea about it.?? i was search on it. but not getting any example in REST
No unfortunately I don't. As I highlighted, I haven't played with BBPress much, but if you have some experience with inserting data using rest, it should be relatively straight forward. Have you search for answers properly here? I'm sure there is something to dig up. :)
yes i had search for it. but getting using JSOM OR CSOM
@ChristineCooper its ok. thanks.
1 hour later…
I hereby announce my nomination for President of Moderation
As a moderate moderator I promise to moderate the moderation of moderate moderators so that they're more moderated
you are too late. and even that's not new. :P
3 hours later…
@bravokeyl :D Thanks!
Best of luck @Howdy_McGee
@Howdy_McGee for 2016 elections. . .
Thanks guys!
I hate CSS.. -_-" i'm not a frontend dev.. ^^
@Jean-philippeEmond sub-contract out to a web designer, lol.. no shame in that
its for a non-profit.. no money to sub-contract lol
70% of my job is front-end.. i'm very slow and I mess all stuff well.. it take more time ^^
Find a new job that isn't frontend ;)
It may 50/50 but I take alot of time to get nice stuff that the time increase.. And I come here to talk.. well the time increase.. loll
I do the same tbh xD OCD makes frontend design hard :D and then I spend time here...
@CoderSte ha ha, something similiar to you lol
I mean I designed and programmed a site for a client and then after I completed it I re-done it because I didn't like it xD
circle of designer
hey I want an Amazon Website. I have $500 for you if you do that.

- Ok.. how many product you want to sell?
- only 1.
- hmm..?
For $500 you shouldn't even ask them the second question. Nothing can be done for $500.
Depends where you come from I suppose
I can write an invoice for $ 500
- Hey... I want to be the first when you write something on google.
- Done. now when you enter "9hOIuhdoiushdaoiuYy&8Y*7y87yhoIuhoiuhIHui" on google you are the first one.
@toscho An invoice for writing that very invoice.
Someone once paid me 50 € for a regex. Writing that code took me 8 seconds, writing the invoice 2 minutes. So the money was actually for the invoice.
Most people in the chat freelancers or work for a business?
i'm at school
I am … just playing chess at the moment. Doing a little bit freelancing when I'm in the mood. Looking for a new job next month.
hey anyone is good in c++/python/c# and want to help me with a darkside stuff? :P
I work for a business but I do freelance on the side
same as McGee
@Howdy_McGee dont most devs do that?
at one WordCamp we had convo about org accepting donations, which often cost them more to process by accounting than donation amount was. we theorized plugin that would intelligently pretend to accept donations, just not do it for meaningless sums.
@Darth_Vader I would think so - I'm not the biggest fan of freelance mostly because I don't have a solid design background and everyone wants image changes :/
I've found over the years as a designer if someone wants something cheap I offer them a pre-built template solution in my arsenal.
@Howdy_McGee love me some imagemagick, lol... hey! you can freelance me the images ;)
Haha, may take you up on that. Usually if I need design work done I outsource it. I did the whole template deal for smaller clients but found it was more trouble than it was worth. Low budget clients always seem to be more troublesome in my experience.
Same experience here. I think it is a mixture of them mostly not being too professional (otherwise they would have more money) and the ratio between actual work and organizational stuff is the worst on low budget projects
+1 I don't even to listen to anything below 250$
makes me not very popular, but lets me sleep better
ya but most of it comes from print design where I spend a few minutes and add their logo and send them an editable PDF so they could send it to the printer
@MarkKaplun Add a zero
No seriously. If it is something standalone.
speaking of which, do you guys charge by project or hourly? I find if someone referes to hourly it's for a block of 3-4 hours an instance
I offered to make a site to a designer I worked with in the past for about 750$ and she said it is too much. This is what people usually think of how much wordpress work should cost ....
@MarkKaplun ya I get that argument a lot from designers, then I question their design prices, too.
@kraftner I'm with you on that.
lol, I just deciied that I am too offended by her since she actually knows the quality of my work to even bother arguig with her
Now days I try not to work fixed
Then just say thanks, no. There is so much web work out there.
best way to avoid feature bloat ;)
@kraftner, I whined enough how in israel FB is practically the web, don't make me whine again ;)
@MarkKaplun lol
Do you have a meetup or WordCamps? I get more requests than I can handle since I'm active on those.
maybe I should ... but frankly I prefer to work with non israelis
sometimes it is just easier to put limits when everything has to be via skype and email
@kraftner locally here meetup is pointless
wordcamps here haven't been good the last couple of years so quit going
@Rarst You there?
sort of
Is HyperDB still a good recommendation for multiple DB's with WP?
no remote idea
@Darth_Vader Why? You're living so far on the countryside?
@Rarst oh, well I just saw your answer here -- in response to question: Split WP install between 2 databases? Thought I'd ask.
@kraftner they never have a meetup as it appears to be yearly. Last one I went to was beginners looking for people offering free work. So I suppose developers stopped attending as did I
@rarst I was interested in splitting reads/writes and possibly some partitioning...
not my area, I just answer here :D
Well I was interested in trying it out, however, BROKEN PLUGIN -- HyperDB
Oh just kidding, all the sudden it works now.
It said invalid plugin before and wouldn't let me download it.
or at least that's what happens when trying to install directly on a WP site searching plugin repo
Anyways, up-voting your answer. Thanks for guiding me in the right direction.
@MichaelEcklund, obviously you need such a thing sometimes but IMO better caching and better server for mysql migh be a better idea
well what I want to do is have the site READ db from the same server as web server and write to a remote DB server. sync them together.
do you have a mirror of the DB?
Do you know if mysql replication INSTANTLY replicates or is it a throttled (or delayed?) process?
so why not to do it on it? I probably miss something
have you a plugin to load content by ajax with the "prev" "next" "number" button click for custom post type?
einstein said that nothing happens INSTANTLY ;)
well the whole point is I want to reduce server load.... Lotta sites bogging the server with DB writes.
I assume it is configurable, but can't see a real life situation in which it actually matters
what kind of writes? stats?
I'm not sure exactly on the stats. Just I know these sites are importing stuff regularly. Everytime I check the processes it's usually MySQL through the roof.
@Darth_Vader Same problem here. Still sometimes reasonable clients show up. Ratio is bad and you need to learn saying no, but still it is worth it.
Maybe I should just offload ALL MySQL to a remote server.
I just figured a local MySQL DB read, would help the site to load faster than a remote DB read.
The right way to solve it is by having a single write per transaction, but I don't think WP is even close to dreaming about such a thing
no, for reads you just need better cache
What do you mean? I'm using W3TC
Well, actually the writes will invalidate caches, so maybe need to figure out how to reduce them
can you do them only once a day?
@kraftner I've been mostly eager to get to know people to learn and grow from and I dont get that there so I dont bother.. I learn and grow more auditing the WP site and WP tag on SO
@MarkKaplun There's multiple websites. All importing at different frequencies.
I'm going to just try HyperDB and see how it goes.
the bottle-neck is the server, AFAIK performance is basically table based, so as long as the number of tables is the same I am going to guess that you will not gain anything
if you have to have the writes, you might need a stronger server for the DB
Well right now I have a stack.
Bind, Apache, MySQL
I'm wanting to turn the stack sql into a slave for reading only. Push the rest of mysql to remote DB server as master
is it an MU site?
why exactly you need the hyperDB? is it the size of the DB? or too much traffic?
The problem is these sites are running import scripts. Heavy on the database writing. Every once in a while, their imports overlap, and the load just skyrockets until their scripts are done importing.
writting to one DB, while reading from another is a sure way to get unexplained, hard to recreate bugs
That's why I was asking about the speed of MySQL replication earlier.
it doesn't matter, as the cache in the DB itself and th driver will not be reflecting correctly the current status
Is there a way with HyperDB to have it read from one DB server on backend and another DB server on the frontend?
is there any possibility of scheduling those import? For example an import queue table. The master importer script takes entry from that table, locks one finishes it then starts the next.
in any case you can not easily have such a setting on a WP site, one DB to read, another to write
no, hyper DB will not do that
Yes they are all scheduled. And they're all on different frequencies. Although -- Some of them overlap once in a while.
need a queue unless hard to avoid the overlap..
K well that's new to me. Queuing ... didn't know you could do that with MySQL.
They're all different websites, importing different stuff, using 3rd party plugins, etc. -- So if the queuing them needs to be done at a script level, I can't do that.
I see..
All of their scripts are so different, how would I ever be able to implement that anyways?
will not be practical then
I thought you meant that you could queue actions to MySQL
charge them more for CPU utilization ;)
I'm just trying to avoid unexpected crashes or server bogs. Trying to keep the budget low.
Anyone running PHP7?
seriously, when a server needs more memory or CPU, there is nothing to do about it, unless you are willing to remove functionality
You can always optimize you current setup
Unless you've already done so 100% to a "T" from the get go.
been there, tried to avoid that, was a total waste of time
your time is expensive
I heard php7 makes a HUGE difference with PHP anyways.
hardware is cheap
I'm running 5.6 atm
idk I believe in optimization.
your problem is the writes to the DB, not the speed of PHP
well, you are not trying to optimize the actuall issue .... ;)
where do you host?
Yes that's true, little bit of a segue there.
Hole in the wall small company that's growing.
maybe that is part of your problem
but what I actually wanted to say, is that you have already wasted here an hour discussing it, and probably one more researchin. Going from a small plan to double the size on linode will cost you 10$ a month, so by your effort till now, before any coding and testing you have probably already "paid" more then 6 months of a better server would have cost
developer time in western world is seriously a much more important thing to optimize in the long run than hardware cost
I like the way you think.
hey guys quick question..
If I want something like:
$sentence = __('I have X banana','mydomain');
I know I can use printf(__('I have %s banana','mydomain'),'3');
If I want to stack in a variable..
should I use
ob_start ?
"stack in"?
yeah.. I forgot the s ^^ thanks
2 hours later…
Best WordPress Importer?
I only know of the one and only WordPress importer :S
Probably not your best bet for complex data though.
Yeah it's just all over the place xD
I'm sure someone has done an (un)-official one
All I'm trying to do is import media
Ok, since when do Emojis work in answers? And how? wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/233861/385
@CoderSte There are actually three options:
1. The official one that you can download in the admin UI
2. The fixed official one from wecodemore https://github.com/wecodemore/wp-importer
3. The unfinished one from Humanmade https://github.com/humanmade/WordPress-Importer
Does hamburger work here? :hamburger: 🍔
I mean, WordPress is forcing us to love emojjis so I say lets embrace it, amirite?
:joy: :hamburger:
seems not
Maybe copypasta
@kaiser thanks
1 hour later…
@kaiser why wouldn't they? it's just UTF :)

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