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@Howdy_McGee when post is deleted that you have downvoted
13 hours later…
hiya :)
@Rarst does Meadow cache the compiled php templates or just regenerate them on each page load?
not by default, since there is no universally reliable filesystem writes in WP, but you can certainly configure it to
@Rarst That's what I thought (about the filesystem writes) :)
Trying to find a workable solution to duplication of templates for PHP and JavaScript. Twig looks most promising so far (it has a .js port).
Also looked at Handlebars & LightnCandy (php port) - but that screams at you to cache compiled PHP (fine for client work, less so for public distribution). LightnCandy boasts on its performance but I imagine they are measuring with cache.
why not just mustache?
Why actually no one creates a writable folder outside of the web root? Is it just so dumb idea no one except for me bothers to think about?
I didn't see anyone hyped much twig's JS port, it's a little too involved comparing to simple mustache which excels at cross language
people sure do, the point is you can't ship this in a public plugin
talking to me? if so why not, I can probably create directory and adjust permissions with the file api
you can, the plugins need UI to deal with where you want it and likely UI and storage for credentials. it's a mess.
You don't even know if you have write access anywhere.
A lot of my setups are read-only. Maybe apart from the uploads folder.
that too, some install won't have any write access ever. not even uploads.
so how do you upload media?
low hanging fruit is just never to rely on file writes, if someone needs it they can configure it with code (Meadow approach)
off-server, s3 and stuff.
ha ok
but I would think those are exceptions and not the norm
@Rarst That's what I started with, and moved on from them to Handlebars. I really liked it, but you have a limited concept of 'escape' - i.e. you can escape HTML, but not URLs. PHP version has helpers, but JS version does not.
well for a public plugin there are so many exceptions you should probably only really use what everyone has
But then having written that I found this: github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/277 so it does kind of support helpers
I use mustache too, although not very complex templates
hm? it shoud have lambdas or something for callbacks
@Rarst mustache.php does, but for mustache.js it looks like you have to do something a bit more... hacky...
@kraftner, but the result of that approach is that backup plugins put the file in a web accessible directory :(
nice try to trick me into a WP rant
I just wanted to know if it is a dumb idea because I will probably try it in a plugin at some point
@Rarst you sportin' a mustache?
alas, I can't really do facial hair
haha awe :( just giving you crap anyways. :P
How's Yoast?
You should make those "coming soon" sections on QueryPosts come soon!
as these things go probably once I am out of a job again...
Says it's only valid up until 4.0? Don't you have it automated?
hadn't got to that point
What's involved with an update? Is it easy?
Do you get a fair amount of traffic there?
the issue is there are always small kinks here and there after scan, like messed up html slurped in from descriptions and stuff
about 5k pageviews/mo
I like your donation post.
thanks :)
Did Joost propose a position to you or did you inquiry him?
position as in? I don't really have one
Oh, I thought he like ... hired you or something. To work on his plugins?
well, I work, I am not an employee. I just do whatever and invoice. :)
@Rarst I think you're the master of WP... I shall call you yoda..
where did that come from...
LOL he's Darth Vader... duh.
lol. star wars fan and I went through your WP.SE and read about all your answers ;)
research purposes of course
rarst is thinking "creepy"
You have a fan Rarsty.
to be precise the thought was "approaching creepy", you are not quite there yet.
@MichaelEcklund call me that again and you are.
haha I feel like you said something along the lines of that last time I called you that. :x
See any aliens in the Ukraine area?
not this far from Chernobyl
You ever think about our existence? Like why are we here? What's our purpose?
lol what? Is that your breakfast ... or ?? Dinner? What time is it where you are?
that's our purpose as civilization. unless you got better suggestions.
So let me ask you something about "time".
We know of x, y, and z dimensions. We also know of "time"... Another dimension we are aware of, which is a "non-physical dimension" called a "temporal dimension". Now, we all look at "time" as a "single dimension". We all know "time"... has 3 different aspects to it (past, present, and future). What if time is constructed of "multiple dimensions"? Is "time" actually a singular dimension or is it just a hologram of the past, present, and future?
go away
@Rarst lol
Hologram: a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source.
Come on Rarst. We're talking Objects here.
@Darth_Vader, did you see my answer to your question?
@MarkKaplun I did, thank you for the answer. Testing CAI's later tonight.
that whole thing I need to step back and think it through. Trying to fire everything in that particular meta box is what Im looking for. Plus my AJAX is minimal so might look at some resources to learn from
only reason why I'm doing it is to learn something
ok, it as just complex in the post screen as wordpress do not have any built-in way to handle partial save, and at that point the featured image is not saved to the server at all
so if you want some ajax processing even if just to produce the correct image you will have to send the attachment id which I am sure it is stored somewhere
just read wordpress "experts" suggest removing the query string from static resources..... There is nothing more evil on the web than the google pagespeed test that makes people sugest and do stupid things
@MarkKaplun What I think Im battling is trying to get the meta box to fire once the media is loaded
it sounds like you figured out most of the JS part
2 hours later…
@MarkKaplun I did, my issue with it is once the image is loaded how to properly fire the loop. So that raises the question, show I try targeting the id for the featured image as I've seen a different id is present if you add and remove the thumbnail image. So Im puzzled if I should ask another question around it on SO but I would like to tie into what is there in WP if possible. All of which little documentation, lol
3 hours later…
Why is this question protected? wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/228416/7355
@Howdy_McGee Three deleted answers from users with less than 11 rep
So it is seen as attracts low quality answers
Gotcha, that makes more sense. Usually I only see protected on high rep questions.
@Howdy_McGee The irony in that is: one of the pseudo-answers is from the asker. He has helped to protect his question against answers.
How are two Q&As created today have 3 upvotes on the referral of a plugin but users that provide good answers with actual code get nothing.
I also dont know why mcgee's woocommerce answer was downvoted if the code works but i dont play in WC yet.
@Darth_Vader Unfortunately, we have some users who are downvoting every answer to an off-topic question. This is a clear misuse of the voting capability, but there is nothing we can do about it.
Actually we can upvote them. If mcgee's answer is right and he took the time out to help he should be awarded an up vote not a down.

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