@kraftner I haven't had chance to yet (and probably won't have time before 4.5 is due to be released), but seems fairly clear from the code. But I'll report it to the security team anyway rather than updating the trac
I think when it comes to security better be safe than sorry. And although discussing this here wasn't the smartest thing to do trac still offers way more publicity I guess.
@StephenHarris as it is not the only place in core that suffers from that, just better to do the proper thing. Actually was wondering about the same thing....
btw @StephenHarris, nice to see someone that is being unique by not pricing things in dollars. I imagine the thinking is "if you can not do the conversion yourself, you are not worthy of my plugin" :)
You only get bombed or assasinated if you attempt to trade oil in anything other than dollars, plugins on the other hand, they haven't cotton on to yet.
@MarkKaplun Yeah... and its not unique to WordPress...
@MarkKaplun It's more a case of I work in £ and that's the price in £. How much it costs in $ will vary depending on much the payment gateway wants to charge you :)
@userabuser Are you suggesting its only a matter of time before US foreign policy turns its attention to WordPress plug-ins ;)
That is exactly what I am saying... :) I read somewhere today that "Camping In Your Own Back Yard Is Now Illegal" in the US. Of course, take that with a grain of salt but nothing is off limits.
@lkraav ah, is this the Markdown_Parser dependency? I've not tested it on php7. Happy to accept a PR using a new version if it passes the tests. Just updated GitHub.
I'm not really proactive at maintaining it at the moment, as there's always other stuff in the way. I still actively use it (just not on php7 severs ;) )
@lkraav That's the one. Though a lot has changed (and looking at the history of WP-Markdown, I think some changes were made to that version to ensure compatability with WP).