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@kaiser you breaking things again?
@Brady :) No. You didnt' update to the repo and I expected that
my bad :( I'm fixing some more this morning
only solution is to store meta_id in the table to :(
        public function delete_postmeta($mid) {
            global $wpdb;
		    $in_post_meta_ids = "'" . implode("', '", $mid) . "'";
		    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `{$this->tablename}` WHERE `meta_id` IN({$in_post_meta_ids})");
Speeding things up, thanks to internals ...
@Brady wp core = internals (in my version of english)
@kaiser I've cracked it :)
just putting finishing touches :)
@Brady: need a quickie suggestion for js
@Brady the wall? :)
ask and i'll try my best
@kaiser you know what im talking about :)
var thisfile = jQuery(this).attr('id');
it is just giving me the text as it should do
@Brady memory says yes. pain says no ,)
I want the object as returned by
var thisfile = jQuery(this);
$int = 5;
$array = (array) $int;
basically, i want to extract the object from class to id
does $array = [0]5?
asking me?
@booota I need more info please
@booota not you directly. I was asking all
I have 3 upload form elements. all having same class but different id
calling upload function through class
jQuery('.file-wrapper input[type=file]').bind('change focus click', VIGET.fileInputs);
@booota jQuery calling object through class is extremly slow compared to ID
but when the function is called, i want to use the id instead of the class
var VIGET = VIGET || {};
VIGET.fileInputs = function() {
var thisfile = jQuery(this),
fileval = thisfile.val(),
valArray = fileval.split('\\'),
newVal = valArray[valArray.length-1],
button = thisfile.siblings('.button'),
fakeFile = thisfile.siblings('.file-holder');
if(newVal !== '') {
button.text('Photo Chosen');
if(fakeFile.length === 0) {
button.after('<span class="file-holder">' + newVal + '</span>');
} else {
i want to get the object thisfile through id in line 3
@kaiser: if i use the id, i will have to triplicate the code for the same purpose
@booota Make a function out of it, call it three times
but different upload scenarios
@booota input argument?
It is a function, I will need 3 different IDs and 2 additional calls to the function. Does not it take more calls
@kaiser: ok thanks then... should i take nvm as i should go ahead with your suggestion? I think so :P
@booota No, I guess @Brady is leaving his colour on my behavior. NVM = never mind = forget it
@kaiser: if you dont mind, can you suggest me a multifile jquery upload interface (i dont need the upload functionality just interface). As i have searched alot and none of them come without upload script.
@booota sry, no clue
i want to upload through simple page refresh but upload interface should be rocking
@kaiser stuck on the re-index query
@Brady: can we use upload UI in our theme?
if yes, how?
@booota Just add the cover of "Master of Puppets" in the background. That makes it rock.
@kaiser I've hit a brick wall again :(
lat and lng when stored in seperate meta rows will give me two meta_ids ....
not one
@Brady seriously?
gonna have to look at this differently
this is turning into one huge nightmare...
@Brady Maybe the Q is: What should core have to avoid $meta_id
@kaiser Sorry but I've run out of time to work on this.
@Brady n/p
got to go work on something real :)
2 hours later…
"I think this can be done by using PHP if or something"
Q: If has $title in widgets

iJamesPineI'm writing a widget for 125/125px ads. There are 6 spaces for ads and this all works. However, I want it so if there is nothing entered in the vales in the widget admin, no add is shown, I think this can be done by using PHP if or something, I can't remember what it is exactly. I need it with th...

My eyes hurt.
@toscho WP_Widget::display_callback() calls $this->widget($args, $instance);. So, simply check for isset OR empty on $title when calling the instance.
should work ...
@kaiser I know how widgets work, thanks.
@toscho "I think this can be done by using PHP if or something" thought this was a Q...
@kaiser It is a quote. Didn’t you read the excerpt?
@toscho No. Was focused on quick answering it.
@toscho Much better :)
(idiot save now)
@kaiser If he doesn't know how use if he will not understand your answer.
Remember? Yesterday when you didn’t understand return?
Q: Generated web font doesn't show dots above Ü

BradyI'm using http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator to generate my font ready for web. I've set the options to include subsetting of the German language. In the website I put this: Über WFW Deutschland but when viewed it comes out as Uber WFW Deutschland. Whats weird is that if I view in an...

anyone had this promblem?
aimed at you germans :P
I have enough RAM for Firefox!
@Brady When the whole set doesn't have those characters, then it's normal. Check the font via some download and then compare file sizes for a quick "is it the complete one?"
it is possible! :)
@kaiser lost me...
I have the font in TTF with all the chars in... I then upload to the generator select german language subsetting then use whats given
@Brady Seems like all efforts to be friendly and helpful fail today :P
whats given works in IE but not any other browser
sry, no clue
how do I check in js if an array is empty?
'undefined' and 'null' and '' fail
ah, .length
if(A && A.constructor==Array && A.length==0)
@Brady thanks!
@Brady Have you checked that U+00DC is Ü?
In the font files, of course.
@toscho yup
Hm, could be a hinting problem. Some fonts like Myriad Web drop the spaces at small sizes. Does it happen on big sizes too?
already tried that
made font bigger. they didnt appear
@Brady (Maybe) Stupid Q: Only on screen render or in source too?
just on screen. in source the correct symbol shows
This is bizzar...
@Brady Try to check source here: validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input
@kaiser fine
@Brady out of ideas
Thats what im seeing
top two are custom font. bottom two is just Times New Roman.
So "Rechtsanwälten" is from the custom font?
lol's auto avatars are now xmas'y chat.stackexchange.com/users/2833/tombull89
yup but a different font but still custom font that has gone through same process
@Brady haha, it's a ServerFault thing.
Q: It's Santa Time!

HolocrypticLet's do this. What with the DramaLlama being out in full force, I think it's time to take a breather and bring the funny back. To wit: I propose the Santification of your gravatars till after the new year. Some of us have already gotten started. You can use the image as your baseline. or ...

@Brady Could you try adding "ÄÖÜ äöü" to both places?
@Brady I guess it's a simple export failure or unicode range is restricted somehow
works fine in IE though...
but then again IE uses the EOT file format for the fonts
The glyphs are broken.
The small »z« is broken too. Way too large.
And the second Ü has "grave" and "acute" instead of "diacretics" (not sure about the wording)
And why do you need a custom Palatino?
I dont need custom Palatino
Im using Palatino Light Med and Roman
Im just converting them so they work in the browser
Already re-downloaded and tried with a fresh copy?
yup many times
Only thing I can think is that the generator is butchering the fonts
So it could be in two places... The convert from postscript format to TTF or the TTF to Woff
I think its the second as the conversion from TTF to EOT is fine
@Brady Or the source of the font itself
@kaiser isnt that because in the design it displays fine using the source font
@Brady "Design" from Adobe Product?
Adobe Photoshop CS5.5
^^ thats using the source TTF version. as you can see all fine
So postscript and ttf sources are fine....
@Brady No. Adobe products have their own font-fixing engine. That's why you can use all those fancy things, even when your font is ... don't know how that tech from corel was called.
ok got it working
used a different online converter. but the fonts look like sh*t now.
font-squirrell supports: Apply Hinting - Improve Win rendering
thats why I use them
found exact what option it is that breaks the font
Apply Hinting - Improve Win rendering....
So if I disable that on the converter it works fine. But I need that to make the font look half decent on windows...
this is nice... I need to read book on MySQL or something...
A: How to prioritize a LIKE query select based on string position in field?

DemsIf you mean to prioritize matches that are Exactly at the start... SELECT id, country FROM tblPlaces WHERE country LIKE '%ca%' ORDER BY CASE WHEN country LIKE 'ca%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, country LIMIT 2 EDIT More generic and possibly faster (Assuming "closer to the start the 'better' the match")...

@Rarst nice find @Rarst
bah its readable enough and doesnt look so bad. will just have to stick with it.
yeah, I have wicked incremental search implementation (using shortinit core load) and client keeps adding requirements to it
@Brady You should write a post about it.
@kaiser CBA
@Brady WTF
Honestly. I need to google all your shorts all the time and I have a brain that's already stuffed with too many shorts :P
What's CBA?
Carnt be arsed.
"cannot be bothered" in other words
@Brady And what does that tell me? Seriously: Don't understand the meaning of that.
means Im not going to write a post about it cos I cannot be bothered to write one
@Brady See: Lesson learned. Always talk to kaiser as if you'd try to explain the word sit to a cat.
I gonna sh*t my pants if I stay on lolcats for even one more minute
@Brady One of the cats from my parents... :)
@Brady jQuery UI Widget Q incoming.
not a fan of jquery ui. so confusing
Ty. When I got for example a slider that's already defined in a plugin. How would I go and define the options later on?
.slider( "option" , optionName , [value] )
Get or set any slider option. If no value is specified, will act as a getter.
^^ so with that you can set or get option value later
Hm. .slider() has "unexpected token ."
but what is slider originally set to?
you need to call slider on the same thing it was assigned to
As seen here.
$("#someID").slider("option" , "disabled", true)
give me something easier ;) already fried my brain yesterday...
i dont know whats the issue with that code
@Brady There's no issue. Working fine (finally getting a clue of what js is about). I'm just searching for an easy possibiliy to globally (re-)define options for the slider, so people don't have to write complicated js loops just to change for e.g. all 30 slider step options.
do all your sliders have a clasS?
then just target the class?
@Brady like this?
Tested and works. But not sure if not possible minetrap solution.
Overwriting previous options for example. Overwriting in the sense of deleting all other options.
bah german language is far too long
not as flexible as english...
@Brady Go, tell @toscho. He invented German :)
@Brady So what’s your word for Schadenfreude?
@toscho Schadenfreude
simply cos you invented the word so we use it too
@Brady Well … that’s flexible.
@Brady Don't be sad. We austrians had to invent dialect to get out of @toscho line of fire ,)
but the meaning of said word is: to take pleasure in someone else's misfortune
many ways that can be said.
in German its that word and thats that...
@Brady The German language is a Gesamtkunstwerk (and no, you don’t have an own word for this too). :P
work of art
number of words but still shorter than you mamoth long word
plus many ways of saying it in english so hence flexible. Your language you have one word for it...
not as long but still
^^ in the english dictionary
In German, you can combine any words. Bradyverhämermützenstrickergewerkschaftsvorsitzender.
The above translated: "Danube steamboat company"
@Brady Illnesses don't count. :P
yeah thats why I gave a propper word
@toscho dont know why you want to do that. just makes a bunch of words harder to read
mgiht as wlel satrt wtiring lkie tihs...
still readable but harder
Is a wp_nav_menu more efficient than wp_list_categories?
@AlxVallejo kind two different things
got Generalist badge. surprised it's a valid word...
@Rarst, I'm actually looking at an answer you made earlier this year: wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/7244/…
it involves adding a custom walker to wp_list_categories to also grab the posts from each category
but you would be calling the db multiple times
what it has to do with menus? also note that code is far from efficient
well with menus
you can just pull each category
and then pull the posts under each category
that would be more efficient since you would essentially implement logic manually rather than doing it by code on each run
right that's what i'm thinking
there is probably good solution for this, but I am really not up to working on it... too much work lately, hadn't been answering much :(
are u freelance?
not really
I don't really define myself in business terms much :)
@Rarst short Q - got time?
@kaiser half a sandwich worth of time
@Rarst ehm... is this a yo or no? :)
can threw in some tea if not enough :)
just ask
:D Thanks
I just want to know "how do I pass stuff to the ajax_object when saving a post"
What I got:
I have no freaking idea, I am weak with JS side of things :(
Ajax file enqueued and ajax_object gets to js file
Hm. Problem is that I don't know what the name of the action might be, so I can't pass anything
Listening to womans skiing world cup in background. Impossible to concentrate, but austrian girls winning again :)
1 hour later…
the level of aggression in wp.org forums is nuts at times... makes me appreciate WPSE for being much more civil and under control
@Rarst link? (fast - have to go :)
not worth it. just another almighty plugin developer raging about issue with free repository plugin he can't be bothered to troubleshoot.
3 hours later…
@Rarst which plugin?
@kaiser work stuff, not mine development so I am not butting in

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