I'm just searching for an easy way to get lat/lng values from post_meta data into a query to render markers in a map. Needed for a meta_query BETWEEN lat_min/lat_max, lng_min/lng_max - based on the bounds/viewport
So my problem is that I get the bounds from the map. When I can't pass the bounds directly to my query, I need to add a button and run this all through ajax script...
@kaiser cheers :) if you have any other development you want to add then feel free to and then submit to me. I'll then update the repository and pass it off as my own work ;)
@Brady When looking at getPostIDsOfInRange(), then the result is only the post_id, because of $wpdb->get_col(). Why not $wpdb->get_row()? This way you get the distance too...
@Brady Already tried fixing that this way before. doesn't work... for some reason Unknown column '$wpdb->prefix_geodatastore.post_id' in 'field list' is the error...
I'm still struggling to get my head around this whole hooking into things, so I'm really stuck on trying to do the following task:
If update_post_meta is fired then check to see if the meta_key is equal to something (I want to trigger some code if a particular meta_key is used). If the meta key ...
I have a movie site
when i create First Look of that movie
there also created further links related to that movie in the end of the Post using meta tags
For Example
Movie HD Videos
Movie Mp3 Songs
Movie Trailer
and in future whenever i create same links with which created in the end of every P...
nvm I copied the function and renamed and it worked
so I could see what was returned
* Hooked into deleted_post_meta
* @param array $deleted_meta_ids Array of Meta data row ID's that were deleted
* @param int $post_id Post ID
* @param string $meta_key Meta data key name
* @param array $only_delete_these_meta_values Dunno whats here but dont need it anywway...
public function deleted_post_meta($deleted_meta_ids, $post_id, $meta_key, $only_delete_these_meta_values) {
$this->meta_data_captured($post_id, $meta_key, "delete");
} // End deleted_post_meta function
but im thinking meta_type can only be post or user
so this CPT business is seen as post
function delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '') {
// make sure meta is added to the post, not a revision
if ( $the_post = wp_is_post_revision($post_id) )
$post_id = $the_post;
return delete_metadata('post', $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
I'm using the list category posts plugin, and can't get the thumbnail_size parameter to work with a given pixel size. The parameter can be a word, but also a size in X- and Y-dimension, as I understand it. Can someone give me an example of how to write this? Thanks.
Ok. currently inspecting: Geo Storage class and meta_data_captured() fn
Ok, problem simply is that the hook doesn't get fired. If I add it to the 'delete_post_metadata' hook too, then it gets also fired on save_post or update_post, which is wrong.
Used in accounts and lists to indicate that an item is repeated (often indicated by ditto marks under the word or figure to be repeated). Used to indicate that something already said is applicable a second time.
ditto = repeated
so when I said when i wanted to go to bed I thought you meant ditto which would mean you want to go to bed too :)
but never seen detto before
now I know it means OK
but surely it would be easier to say OK rather than detto
Question 4 all: Why doesn't wp_list_pages have a taxonomy/category argument? What if I wanted to list pages based on taxonomy and not the usual parent/child depth relationship?
actually i'm thinking what would be more helpful is if i could list categories (the taxonomies) in a hierarchical form (wp_list_categories ('hierarchical' => true)) and for each category list the pages
but the walker would say where category = "categories of the hierarchy"