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@Howdy_McGee Tried __return_null as callback?
@toscho Good idea, but looks like both __return_null and __return_false still show the metabox just without any of the options inside of it.
hmm, and just false?
ooo false does the trick!
Good catch
I knew I have done this in the past. Just couldn't remember how.
9 hours later…
Q: How would you have avoided the Miss Universe 2015 mistake?

Tim HuynhIn case you missed it, over a week ago Steve Harvey incorrectly announced Miss Colombia as winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant. He later apologized and corrected himself; Miss Philippines won. Harvey essentially blamed his cue card for being confusing, and I don't blame him for blaming said...

3 hours later…
@Sisir what? that is a thing people discuss...
I mean could the card have been clearer, sure - can it be done right with the card as it is, definitely - end of story :D
I actually thought the discussion there was interesting
@MarkKaplun no contradiction on my part, in terms of all the details that are brought up, but on the other hand, it actually isn't a complicated problem to solve
I don't know why, but I kind of was surprised, but in the end, what do I know :D
1 hour later…
@ialocin, I guess the hard part is to notice that there might be a problem :)
@MarkKaplun you are probably right, although it isn't that hard
1 hour later…
Pops on January 6, 2016
Stack Exchange Winter Bash 2015 wrap-up
3 hours later…
Without having a counter, what's another way to determine first and last post while in The Loop?
I guess one way, which works for first and last is to do something like this outside the loop $last_post = $wpquery->posts[ $wpquery->post_count - 1 ]; and compare the $post-ID in the loop
@Howdy_McGee How about the $current_post WP_Query property? I.e. if( 0 === $query->current_post ) //First post and if( $query->post_count - 1 === $query->current_post ) //Last post
Ooo I didn't know there was such a property, good idea!
and it belongs to the main site
Seems like WP 4.4.1 is starting to trickle out
yeah, they're discussing in the core slack for hours now
posted on January 06, 2016 by Aaron Jorbin

WordPress 4.4.1 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. WordPress versions 4.4 and earlier are affected by a cross-site scripting vulnerability that could allow a site to be compromised. This was reported by Crtc4L. There were also several non-security bug fixes: Emoji […]

Anyone had a look on the scope of this?
same question
@Howdy_McGee, I don't remember but I am almost sure the loop has a counter, not sure if it is public
Seemed to work, I was just bored and trying to find different ways to do first and last classes.
otherwise github.com/WordPress/WordPress/compare/4.4.1...master will show it once the tags are synced
If I didn't miss anything it looks like missing escaping in theme error messages: github.com/WordPress/WordPress/commit/…
yes, I think that is it. doesn't seem like something any of us here need to worry about
Hilarious. They stopped escaping translations and worry about this.
agree, if you install bad theme then you are dead in any case
I'll wait for the inevitable 4.4.2
So you agree that this seems to be it, right?
seems to fit the description
Hello everyone :)
Now that they believe to have auto-update in place everywhere I think they use it too light heartedly. This is not worth a security release while some people might not be back to work after christmas/new year
the security issue is a minor one. there are other, much more important fixes
I think the SSL fix is important IMO
Or is that the same security fix?
the old slug is really a BBQ issue for people that depend on it
BBQ issue? That sounds like the best kind of issue! What's a BBQ issue?
the release is on fire? I guess matt came up with the term
BBQ is super hyper high priority
lol that's pretty awesome
the SSL seems to be an issue with outgoing http request so can be bad but it is more likely to cause failure then security problem
To me this is worth a release, but not calling it a security release...
Whenever I read it, my first thought was "Is every subversion a XSS fix?"
@MarkKaplun Even the release post calls it a non-security bug fix
So far, so good.
I wonder why you can't close vote questions with open bounties on them, that seems silly

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