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@Rarst you're up against Siobhan at Norway on the schedule =]
I'll have developers then, I am fine with it :)
also so morning wow
I'm doing a lightning talk on WP CLI there
and a non-technical for Norway
no good event for DI :( complexity level: developer too advanced
no one saw anything.
Has anybody time for a paid gig? One of our users has a multisite installation with some quirks. WC products disappear from time to time, and other settings seem to be reset without clear reason too.
Perhaps you would have better luck on submitting talk topic: "Unicorns, for WordPress"
@toscho as in disappear from DB (removed entries)?
I don’t think so. She isn’t sure, but she gets 404s suddenly and is not able to debug that.
Can likely lend a hand from Wednesday... if you're still stuck on finding someone.
That would be great. She is a very nice person, but I don’t have time for that.
Can I use the email address from your SE profile?
No problem, just ping me at that time if trouble persists...
yep, that's fine...
disregard the talk thing, should have kept my trap shut about it...
what talk?
dependency injection is important but it's not common in WP circles and people are unawares, similar to Composer at one point but not as easy to sell
it needs to be sneaked into a related talk
I found people understood and were more willing to go to a framework vs components talk than a composer talk
Cool tricks for your functions.php (interfaces, auto-loading and type objects)
1 hour later…
it's weird that it feels harder to get each next talk in. I guess no rockstar appeal, and fresh meat factor wore off :)
Try a hair cut.
or pigtails!
I look girly with pigtails
that’s the idea.
2 hours later…
@userabuser could you fire up PS for a new @Rarst ?
8 hours later…
@kaiser toscho suggested that it could be double encoded gzip. On W3 Total Cache I disabled "Page cache" which says it compresses. The problem vanished, but I'd still like to understand what's going on. But if toscho posts this as an independent answer I'll mark it as correct. — oneloop 1 min ago
Cc @toscho

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