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Jon Ericson on December 14, 2014

There is no better antidote, at least for the worst hours and eclipses of the soul, than to conjure up … serious frivolity.—Friedrich Nietzsche

No, it’s not a new flavor of Unix shell. Rather, Winter Bash is an ancient tradition of Stack Exchange. (2011 is ancient according to Internet time.) Here’s how it works:

Starting right now, when you complete one of 30-odd challenges while logged on a participating site, you will be awarded the associated hat. To notify you, an icon will light up on the top bar. In addition, admire your hat collection on the Winter Bash 2014 site …

6 hours later…
Wow! empty room!
not empty any more :)
If anyone used WP JSON REST API to create endpoints that shows data from custom tables. Please give a shout. I am working on it right now. If you can share some code I can just copy and paste instead ;)
github.com/WP-API/WP-API/issues/724 the json api going to be a great way to create a DDOS on yourself for people that don't really understand the concept of what is API
hopefully someone will be smart enough to keep it as a plugin and out of core
My api isn't public. only for logged in users..
@sisir, obviously I was talking about the guy that opened that issue. And in reality there is no such thing as private client server API
But I meant how easy it will be to right a small JS widget that use the magic of jason and will bring your site down once you have more then one person viewing the site at one time
@MarkKaplun how so? Considering only read operations is public and all write/delete/edit operations are properly protected via authentication or api keys. It will be just like a public facing website isn't it? only difference is that data is presented using json and not html
But I agree with the fact that moving it to core might create security issues if not handled right. Core team must consider conventions over configurations
The API itself is public, it might not return any data when used if you do not have the proper authentication, but there is nothing that prevents anyone from trying to use it on someone elses server
But if I get it right the whole point of it is to make it easier to make the info public to all
otherwise I don't get why it is needed when you already have XML-RPC and can write your own AJAX
wp-api.org/#posts_retrieve-posts do not require authentication. content scrappers will be delighted
well formatted content :) golden age for scrappers..
yes, which it was implemented when I was running some small content agregation site :)
which=wich, need to work on brain to fingers coordination :)
grrt :)
just it upper arrow :)
everyday I learn something new :) hope I will remember it tomorrow :)
2 hours later…
@MarkKaplun there is already XML-RPC, Ajax endpoints, form endpoints, not to mention like serving HTML... REST endpoint makes no difference whatsoever
@rarst, but all those are complex and we need to make it easier for people to shot themselves
who said REST thing will be easy? bulk of people create endpoints in plugins because they can't get as far as figuring out what admin-ajax.php is
And all of theme except for HTML require authentication and/or explicit coding
the point is that they create endpoint in plugins which you have to manually install, and are not part of core. I have no real problem with JSON as a plugin
WordPress doesn't care about your problems :)
Tell me about it :)
4 hours later…
Allow to provide full name for file templates https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-25904 (pet peeve, please vote if you use file templates in storm a lot :)
haven't started using them..
got my first hat :)
One hat per day? ;)
1 hour later…
@userabuser what version of ember-data.js you use? Bower pulled up v0.14 for me which says last commit was at 2013-08-31
@Rarst did you have any involvement with the latest OAuth 2 update to yoasts Google analytics?
no, I did graphs
or rather redid
the very latest minor update completely overhauled their google api code, and they now load the google libraries on every page load, wether it's needed or not, crippling another plugin of mine in the process
report on github?
in the end I replaced it with a plugin named "FU Google libs"
I opened an issue
Hi, anyone know of a plugin to save marketing query string params as Javascript cookies for heavily cached pages before I start writing it?
marketing query strings? what are those?
You know. ?utm_source=adwordss
I don't, but it sounds like something that would require almost entirely javascript for the solution
Nice thing about doing it as a WordPress plugin is having some admin settings to allow people to control which params are saved, for how long, and whether they can be overwritten.
@TomJNowell just unregister theirs everywhere. then blame Yoast to brake things, which you gladly fixed for your users :)
professional much?
It wasn't being loaded in a way that would be easy to undo, so I did the !is_admin && !is_super_admin() on wp_footer with the tracking js
do the ! mine() && remove_yours()
if array field might or might not have data which is better: omit it or fill it with false?
false / empty array / other appropriate empty value
@Rarst ! isset imo is proper thing to use
that's on read, what about write?
or default
I meant as "preset". Do not fill it with false. That's misleading
I think in this specific case it'll always be some default though...
$tocheck ?: $default
Else you have to write $tocheck === false ? $default : $tocheck or similar
Anybody ever used Git namespaces?
1 hour later…
i will need to google how that's used
I linked the SCM/Manual :D
How to unfollow annoying bicycle helmet wearing twitter business advisers. Byebye, CurtisMcHale.
git log -10 --dirstat=files,1,cumulative --ignore-blank-lines --abbrev-commit --oneline --graph --decorate
Still can't find where I put my nice stats command, but ^ this seriously rocks if you want to get a quick overview of what is going on in your repo.
@kaiser Put it in your .gitconfig
@Sven In my global? Nah. Than it's not available on any server. I like to have full commands instead of alias.
Trying to save it as Gist - if I can find it. Had it on Twitter, but that's not really searchable via Google (or otherwise). And mentioned it to a friend in Hangout - again: not searchable in a usable fashion :P
twitter fixed search recently, need to use the web site, clients don't get full access
@kaiser Let me know; maybe I need that, too ;)
Seems I haven't put it on Twitter - or they didn't fix search
Okay, but you could also configure a custom .gitconfig on the server if you're uploading those snippets
I'm always having a global .gitconfig on the server; is there any other way to configure things like name or color?
Also I'm using a custom .bash_profile for each server...
@kaiser what is the pct mark about there?
i use this alias

log1 = !git --no-pager log --graph --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
usually git log1 -20
@Sven yes, that's possible. And I have a custom color .bash_profile here on my local machine. But I don't do that for remote servers. Too much work and one more thing to track.
@lkraav well, I don't need to know the commiter as I mostly work on my own. I like the colors, but normally I don't bother to throw them at a command. The --date=relative is something I really like. This is so human readable :)
yep relative dates me like as well
@lkraav shortened it a bit and saved it to the Gist. Thanks for that. git --no-pager log --graph --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset %s (%cr)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
Everytime I read this #PHP bug report about the `::` operand, I feel like someone wanted to kick t world in t face https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51176

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