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pitty google haven't heard about how great are JS only sites ;)
right now I am trying to streamline a site that has 3 jquery libraries loaded from 3 different source, you can guess by yourself how it impacts the performance of the site.
why different sources?
although it might be a little tricky to set on single (free/public) CDN with less popular libs
3 hours later…
have not got to clean that one yet, one from jquery cdn, one from google cdn one from wordpress :(
ah, you mean three copies of core jquery itself? ouch :)
3 hours later…
how widespread is SplEnum?
not very... what's with "PECL spl_types" requirement? is it built in?
> Warning

This extension is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this extension including the names of its functions and any other documentation surrounding this extension may change without notice in a future release of PHP. This extension should be used at your own risk.
I guess that's why
not bundled with PHP, no windows DLL...
Ah well, shame
Little less than a week ago I asked this question
Basically, every time I tried to access the admin panel I'd be logged out
It resolved itself on its own in 3 days
Now it's started happening again
Anyone have a clue as to what might cause this?
I saw it, but had no ideas... check the server time and time on your local computer. other than that hands-on debug needed really...
It has to be an extension, doesn't it?
Or are there other things I should check?
Also remove the "solution" check mark on your answer. No one will try to answer it that way.
Is there some sort of server timezone setting I should be checking?
WP mostly overrides time zone, check that time and date are accurate
My server's on PST and is reporting the accurate date & time for that timezone.
As far as wordpress goes, it's a little hard to check without access to the admin panel...
access the DB directly
Q: (Guide) How to add database details to your question

kaiserAs we got quite some questions dealing with migrating other CMS or custom databases to WordPress, we need a guide on how to attach the minimum needed data. Those posts have some views, but there are simply too many different systems out there to have an expert for everything. So if you want to ke...

Also rename all plugin folders and your current theme folder to switch back to default, then try again.
The options DB entry name is timezone_string iirc
Yup, 'America/Chicago'
That matches my timezone, but not the server's.
What should WordPress's timezone match?
it's unlikely that it is issue directly... I mean if it could have easily broken login we would be drowning in reports of such
Makes sense.
Well, then, I'm off to deactivate plugins via ssh.
ooh, intriguing, I can now see my site in Chrome. lol
Maybe I'll figure out what was causing that issue, too =)
Aaaaand... disabling all the plugins fixed both issues. =P
Yay! My custom plugin isn't the issue.
As I suspected.
It's iThemes Security. /sigh
Do any of you have experience with that plugin?
That could mean I was locked out intentionally, but usually iThemes Security emails me when a user gets locked out.
Woops, wrong link. Here's the right one.
Thanks, @Rarst & @kaiser for your help. I mentioned you in my new answer.
@NathanArthur Yes, it raised dozens of support issues with my plugins. Delete and forget it.
1 hour later…
@toscho: Do you know of a more-compatible alternative?
proper server config and maybe some specialized plugins with clear code and focus.
Sounds reasonable.
2 hours later…
@Howdy_McGee Could you please stop flagging posts when you already down voted, close voted and left a comment? This is highly annoying. Use flags only when there's no way around moderator involvement.
@kaiser Are flags not used to bring moderator attention?
I thought the whole system revolves around downvotes to remove them from the front page, comments to give the asker a reason / expaination, and flag to bring moderator attention for a possible close.
It takes 5 users to close a question
Why comment > downvote and then flag on top of it?
Flags should be used if moderator attention is necessary. For e.g. rudeness, comment explosion, etc. Closing questions is not in this list.
I suppose I don't know how the system works then. I thought flagging a question threw it into review, where reviewers had the potential to close it. I thought if a question wasn't flagged it would never get closed
Well, it throws it into moderator review. :P
Close votes is what puts it into the user review queue.
What's the point of all of the flagging parameters then? Such as Off-Topic, Low Quality, etc. ?
If Righgt
> For e.g. rudeness, comment explosion, etc
Rule of thumb: If users can't handle it themselves: flag. Else: Don't.
So it's up to users to handle it by downvoting alone? Wouldn't it be far better to just limit the flagging options to: Rude, spam, offensive, etc. ?
I just read the following on this page:
> Note that once you gain the reputation to vote to close, you should no longer flag for moderator attention to have questions closed or migrated. It is your responsibility to vote now. See also: How should my flagging change when I gain the ability to vote to close?
Man... I need to talk to SE staff to change that.
@Howdy_McGee moderators don't have the ability to change flagging options. believe me: else we would have done so already.
Gotcha - well... I've been going through the plugin tagged questions, should I not do that / not flag them?
inspecting now
@Howdy_McGee flagging is for when it needs to be gone like RIGHT NOW
@Rarst seems to be not fully true. join TL
@Howdy_McGee could you please search up a close worthy question and flag it for closing?
link it here afterwards please
Sure 1s
Wait, close worthy question in my standard or the standard we just talked about lol ?
An example would be this:

just do as usual
flag it please
ok, @Howdy_McGee it may take a while until the flag appears on our side
Ok. I'll stick to not flagging unless it's important. I guess just let me know what I should do for some of these old plugin questions.
will ping you when we know more
xD Sorry I didn't mean to spam you guys with all these flags lol. I have a better understanding now though.
@Howdy_McGee do me favor, please: flag some more. flag isn't happening
@Howdy_McGee could you please tell me from - let's say 3 questions - a link to them and what flag reason you used? I'm just trying to get around what raises a flag for us and what goes directly to the review queue.
@Howdy_McGee Please use the following "flag" in the future: "it should be closed for another reason... This question does not meet this site's standards and should be closed."
@kaiser Ah right, I did mark one down as low quality earlier. Do you still want me to flag a few more questions?
@Howdy_McGee it's ok. just flag what you think is flag/close worthy. but please don't use "low quality" instead of close votes. that's reserved for "so bad that it needs to be deleted immediately" :)
which is what I said half an hour ago...
@Rarst you should have named the respective flag...
I see, ok will do!

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