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@MichaelEcklund take a look at rsync, I only know it from linux, but there are windows clients too
3 hours later…
What’s wrong with styles and scripts in #WordPress? a blog post http://gm.zoomlab.it/2014/whats-wrong-with-styles-and-scripts-in-wordpress/ and new Brain module https://github.com/Giuseppe-Mazzapica/Occipital
What would I refactor an object that holds three similar methods to single objects with an interface?
highly depends. deduplicate business logic, not code.
Sorry, what does deduplicate mean?
de–duplicate :)
reduce number of copies
Okay, will give it a try :)
@G.M. funny, I have just rewritten asset handling for MultilingualPress
@Sven cannot find the post on it :\
@toscho was it funny? :)
current state, far from finished
in my private default theme, I manage dependencies between scripts and styles too
I found a lot similar things. A provide feature too!
of course
your Enqueuable looks very much like mine
interface Enqueuable
	public function get_handle();
	public function get_properties();
	public function get_type(); // script or style
	public function get_positions(); // admin, wp (for front), customize_controls or login
	public function set_dependencies( Array $dependencies );
	public function add_position( $position );
	public function remove_position( $position );
but I handle the position in that class. not sure if that's good
I handle it in a separate part to make easy add same asset in different positions
positions are an array in my objects, so that's solved inside
That was an option I considered too. However I realized that responsibility where a thing should be added is probably better assigned to the class that adds, not the one that have to be added.
2 hours later…
This file is encrypted using the AES algorithm in ECB mode but the key is predictable since the method that generates it can be found in the class com.snapchat.android.util.crypto.SlightySecurePreferences. The key is generated from an MD5 hash using the Android ID concatenated to the string 'seems legit...'. source
@toscho not surprised at all.
1 hour later…
WP i18n question: What is the best way of making a text with hyperlink translatable? https://gist.github.com/tacoverdo/2ffad5693b9532305a41 #WordPress
Is there a command in PHPStorm to delete desktop.ini files? or at a minimum exclude them?
exclude from what?
settings > file types > ignore files and folders
From showing up in my project browser pane thing
@Rarst Nice. THANK YOU.
Super annoying
Isn't there a common one that mac users leave behind too?
We have .DS_Store :D
Yeah? That's it exactly?
Maybe it's just me ;)
Okay, well I added .DS_Store as well.
Maybe this will help you too: gitignore.io
See: Windows / OS X
You'll probably laugh, but I'm not using GIT right now. I have a very strange setup for my development since it's basically just me right now.
I guess system files might be the same to ignore?
I have two servers, one at work and one at home which are used for development. Home server is synced to work server, so that I can continue working at home. I just use sFTP and use PhpStorm's deployment sync option.
but when doing the sync, files like desktop.ini are showing up in my project pane.
I'd like to explore git but I don't fully understand it. I know nothing about setting it up on a server, or even using it in general. I just don't have enough knowledge about it to use it, and I don't really have the time to figure it out right now. So my current setup works just fine for now... Although, I'd like to be setup like all the big boy developers some day.
I explored using it once, on github, using their provided windows program. I just wasn't fond of using yet ANOTHER program, and the fact that anything you publish on a free github account is public.
I don't mind my current setup at all. I have super redundant backups and archives of everything. It's just a little cumbersome to manage at times. If I had another developer working with me, my current setup definitely wouldn't fly.
I see your reasoning but it is really worth the effort. Backups are by far not the only advantage.
I really like the idea of committing and commenting changes. Branches for organization. Easily clone or fork a project without effecting the source.
but I know very little about git. I know nothing of it's power.
The other thing I need to evaluate is a better WordPress development setup.
Right now, I have a setup like: Development -> Personal -> WordPress

Then inside WordPress I have:
- mu-plugins
- plugins
- themes
- wp
- original
"WP" contains the latest copy of WordPress. "original" contains the version of WordPress which I started with and a copy of the database from when I started too.
mu-plugins, plugins, themes are all sys linked to the wp-content folder.
so each new site, I just restore a copy of WordPress from the "original" folder, then update to the latest version.
Well I hear you. Just improved my environment in spring/summer. Took me days and still isn't finished fully.
"WP" is just used for adding as a source or what ever to PhpStorm.
So that setup only works well for working on ONE project at a time.
I need a more optimal setup. More organized, and efficient. Something that actually make sense. I'm all about re usability too, which is kind of why I syslinked: mu-plugins, plugins, and themes.
Where I struggle is when I do "Website Design". I need to have a copy of WordPress specifically for a particular project. and not just for developing generic themes or plugins. Something that's being built for a company and the data on it is very specific to them.
That's kind of where my current setup is lacking.
Perfect for just developing my own plugins and themes though.
@MichaelEcklund Maybe you can improve your current setup step by step.
It's kind of a drastic change moving into git though.
...by adding multiple databases so that you can switch between them; after that maybe multiple domains with different rooting and so on...
Hi. How can I stop WordPress sending plaintext passwords in emails?
The problem is, what if I pull in a site to work on, and it's 3.9.2, but my setup is for 4.0? Their file structure/db structure might be different.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Someone asked a similar question about a year ago. Turn off admin emails for new user registrations You can perhaps try that solution? See if that does what you need it to do.
@MichaelEcklund I found a plugin on this thread, but it just disables the email being sent.
> Be aware, that you need to have a provision for giving new users a password.
@toscho Thanks for the article. I bookmarked it. The problem is, I know NOTHING about git right now. So that looks slightly outside of my comfort zone at the moment.
I could use an article which gives a nooby the "low down" (so to speak) on basic git usage. From setting it up on your own private server, to actually interacting with it via command line.
Then anything on how to be optimal with WordPress development, management, organization, etc.
Do you really think an entire book is necessary? I learned everything I know about PHP/WordPress online.
this is an online book, and it is very good and not too long
So I can read everything that's in the book if I bought it, for free, on that website? -- Or what? I'm confused.
Nice, how does that work then? If everyone can just read the book on the computer for free, why bother buying the book?
don't ask me, I don't read computer books :)
I've seen sites before where they let you preview the book, but you can't read the entire thing from beginning to end. You have to buy it.
I've only read one book about programming. It was introduction to OOP.
Since I knew very little about PHP at the time. I wanted to be "modern". Everything I read about OOP online was just super confusing at the time. So I bought/read a book.
Kind of how I feel about git right now.
and I barely know enough about Linux command line, just enough to do the basics.
Seems that all employers require programmers to know Linux command line and git like the back of your hand, or they won't hire you.
Do they even teach you that stuff in school?
lol, version control got exactly 0 days in my computer science program
had a half semester course on Unix and C though
@MichaelEcklund Maybe you can give it a try first: learn Git in 15 minutes
to be fair though, a computer science degree doesnt teach you to be a programmer, it teaches ya to be a computer scientist :)
I quit school after I found out that, in-order to get the degree I wanted, I had to take all these general courses, like: English (reading and writing, Math, History... Like really? History? So I dropped school and taught my self everything I know now.
doesn't hurt to be well rounded
"Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications."
I just like providing extra functionality to WordPress as plugins, and creating awesome themes that work with WordPress. I love giving people more control over their WordPress website, so that they don't have to constantly bug me to make changes all the time.
I build it and basically walk away from it, because they don't need me anymore. They can do it all themselves. Very little maintenance involved, other than keeping my code up-to-date and bug free.
Sure beats the way I was operating 3 years ago. Each project had 100% of functionality shoved into theme directory. Reinventing the wheel on a per project basis.
Now, most my stuff is ready to go in a plugin. Upload, activate, configure. Good to go.
So I'm open to learning git if that's going to help me to better manage my stuff.
@MichaelEcklund take the time, it's worth the initial time investment to get just a basic understanding and then just learn as you use it
use bitbucket.com - unlimited free private repos
Yeah, I'm just kind of weary about using 3rd party services with my code. I'd rather have a private setup on my own server.
for the most part, especially if you dont' know much about server admin, you're MUCH safer with a good 3rd party
and you always have a local version
Most of what I have is proprietary stuff. People pay to use my stuff. It's like, premium plugins, but at a bundled price. They pay me monthly to have access to all my plugins.
so? that has nothing to do with being able to have a remote repository for your code
I just hear about cloud services getting hacked all the time. I don't want my hard work just going to waste.
someone can also break into your bedroom and steal your private server
i really don't think NSA facilitated hacking is something we need to worry about
with regards to WP code
@MichaelEcklund what license are your plugins released under
Apparently if you say GPL 3 times quickly a @rarst appears
See that's another thing. I don't even have a license yet. I know nothing about legal aspects of my plugins. I just say it's proprietary and copyrighted to my and my company. I'm not going to plaster that all over the internet when I'm not even sure I'm protected properly.
and I know there was some huge discussion about licensing WordPress plugins anyways.
Some b/s about since WP is open source, technically any derivatives of WordPress inherit the open source license that WordPress has.
Right now all I do is sell monthly access to use my plugins. If you stop paying, then you don't get to use my plugins anymore.
So I'm not really "selling" a product. I'm selling access to a product.
I have a lot to read up on
thats called software as a service (SaaS)
but eventually I want to just sell the plugin, instead of leasing it or w/e
you buy it, and you own it.
but I need to make money still, so I was thinking about charging upgrade fees for huge major version upgrades, kind of like PhpStorm does.
@TomHarrigan SaaS usually implies access to service, not getting copy of code
which would make enforcing his "access" a problem
@MichaelEcklund Storm doesn't charge for major upgrades, only access to updates in general
I've been pumping all my time into brainstorming ideas and building the stuff, but not much time thinking about the business.
@Rarst So is that Saas then?
it seems like it's SaaS in your head, but not in practice
> Software as a service (SaaS; pronounced /sæs/ or /sɑːs/) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_as_a_service
if the code lives on their server, and they stop paying you, they still have your code
I only let people have access to my stuff if they're hosted through me.
It's an optional opt-in with my hosting package.
and I manage everything. They don't even get control panel, ftp, or db access.
lol, you sound like a dictator
Theme and plugin editors are disabled in WP Admin too. So they can't see my code.
Well that's the only way of which I can currently protect my hard work.
I was exploring code encryption.
Problem is it's another expense to do that.
that actually does sound saas :)
The problem I'm currently facing is, I'm not charging for bug fixes and other maintenance costs involved with my provided plugins. Sometimes I need to make a drastic change to a plugin so that it does what ONE client needs it to do. I don't get paid for changes like that.
As a customer, I'm not buying your bugs, I'm buying the product, if its messed up, why is it on them to pay you more
So, I'm thinking about having another subscription for updates, to kind of cover me in situations like that. So they pay to have access to ALL of my plugins, but then they ALSO pay to get updates from all of my plugins.
@pietergoosen stahp that madness with flagging the hell out of comment threads please. no one cares and mods have other things to do.
Is there something wrong with SaaS approach?
@Rarst I understand your concern and I know we all have lives, but I see no wrong in trying to keep my answers clean. Unfortunately I cannot delete the other party's comments. I don't agree that no one cares. And comments get obsolete, do we really want to keep them.
Anybody in here familiar with the CMB class? github.com/WebDevStudios/…
@PieterGoosen the comments are not part of your answer. if you want to have extended discussions there is always chat. since you are literally the only person who goes on such flag sprees — literally no one else cares. :)
@Rarst "the comments are not part of your answer" I agree, so why should they glog up answers? Just a thought :-) . " you are literally the only person who goes on such flag sprees" Sorry about that, but that is just me. And it is not a daily thing, so it should also not bother the mods to much :-)
well, it does bother mods.
@Rarst Thanks for bringing up the issue. I will try to be more considerate then.
thank you. also please see flag posts for what actually merits flagging. minor tidying up usually doesn't.
A: How does comment voting and flagging work?

Toon KrijtheSome parts of this answer are taken from the 2009 Stack Overflow blog post Comments: Now with Flags and Votes. Note that flagging has changed considerably since that blog post. Comment votes      You need 15 reputation to upvote comments. Upvote a comment by clicking on the up arrow that appe...

@Rarst Am actually busy reading that very same post :-)
Does anybody have any idea how the cmb_metabox_form() function from the CMB class is supposed to work? I'm trying to use it, but I can't figure out the second parameter ($object_id), and what it's supposed to be.
Nevermind, got it.

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