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@kaiser what if in your case you need to catch the exception and log the error (notify your admin) but make sure the client side does not horribly fail? That is a good case to "go off and drink beer" in try/catch imo. Don't see a problem with your logic there...
@userabuser well, logging only happens in the background and off to Loggly or Slack. Still it's slightly bugging me that I (if I) add a fix there and use it as if/else.
Not sure how I would test for that.
hrm so you're saying not sure how you test IF you need to fix there or not? Sorry just asking to clarify as little confused?
yeah and logging should happen in background of course for sure... example in our case we have some processes that can throw exceptions if certain servers are down but still degrade gracefully for the user but send us log/push notifications to admin
If I understand you correctly ( I could be wrong ) why don't you just extend Exception and test for instance of SomeExceptionClass so you know what to do...
or pass error codes etc....
I was more about unit tests. I started using PHPSpec in this project - switching away from it as it's kind of not-major-enough and now I have to think about what happens if I unit test that. Kinda the wrong approach, but that's how it is now.
btw, you might want to look at Monolog and the 3rd party vendor extensions. Slack and Loggly are in there and insanely easy to use.
I will look... ended up writing my own custom logger for our use cases but that's very narrow and its a pain to keep extending it with more features when other more important app dev needs to be done
will check em out thanks
you're welcome
@kaiser ha! Turns out I have Monolog already starred... there's no way I would have remembered that though so thanks hehe
HipChatHandler: Logs records to a HipChat chat room using its API.
Wow ok what rock have I been lying under... Monolog is the default in Laravel 4 polepalm
@kaiser btw are you regularly using slack?
I just started using Slack. The free plan is more than enough for me.
you like?
The amount of services you can integrate is awesome. Even logging builds from BitBucket there.
I want to move from HipChat back to slack...
I don't know HipChat/never used it
I know thats why I want to go back to slack.. imo so much better that HC
What I like most is their phone App. Just works and the UI is really slick and clean.
yeah this is also a strong point vs hipchat... HC is mobile too but its just not as strong as slack imo, even though HC should be better than slack in reality because its owned by Atlassian/BitBucket/Jira - they have far more money to dev the product than slack do... but they just are ass backwards sometimes
GitHub UI vs. BitBucket UI ... says it all
I yesterday met the boy friend of an ex colleague at a party. He got a company in SF that builds a project management tool named blossom. Looks pretty nice from the screenshots. Sadly no free OS plan.
@kaiser I heard of blossom through friend but not looked, UI is looks nice a clean... hmm you tempt me to show boss this to move off JIRA now :D hehe..
so long as it has Kanban style workflow (which it does) then should be ok
JIRA is an awesome product but its so SLOW if you use their hosted service
but also they allow you to buy JIRA and host it yourself... starts at like $10
I wouldn't want to host such a service myself. Just even more stuff to check for updates and maintain. Reason why I don't use GitLab.
heh I bet you change your mind after you feel the pain that is hosted JIRA :D
I'm better off exchanging agile work flow via snail mail
The combination I currently give a try is Slack for a complete overview and Loggly for ... detailed logging.
UptimeRobot is in my package as well.
Not tried Loggly... nice to know your impressions
and Uptime too
when you have some good measure
I have just set up and integrated loggly (credentials and connection). Don't log so far and the UI is quite overwhelming. If you know something better that has a free plan, please let me know. They got no phone app btw.
eeee.. no phone :/ ...you might need to wireup push notifications/sms yourself through 3rd party, depends on how mission critical your logging is, but for me I need phone
just about everyone I know in reasonable sized app/mission critical app, talk about NewRelic <--
NewRelic - haven't thought of that. Stupid me. Monolog even has a handler for it ready...
Thanks for the heads up.
no prob
and they got an iOS app :D ha!
yeah NewRelic definitely have you covered just about everywhere
much bigger than Loggly
UI is pretty much everything for me. Looks nice.
it sure its decent... not sure how their price compares to loggly though
"forever free plan" - will have to look at the details.
> 24hr data Retention
that's really not much.
Loggly offers (iirc) 2 weeks for free
That gives a much better picture
yeah but for a free plan i would expect nothing much
if you need to use a hosted service you need to pay to get something decent
what plan you on with loggly?
If I use a self hosted service, then you have to pay an additional server. Else your down time will never be recorded, right? ;)
no contest
So free and not self hosted sounds like ok to me
if you only need simple up time monitoring and free plan does that then no reason to pay sure...
9 hours later…
Anybody here ever setup email forwarding on a Digital Ocean vps?
how difficult/reliable would you rate it?
3 hours later…
Give a warm welcome to PHP dev Tom Nowell from @cftp to the #WCEU speakers table! http://2014.europe.wordcamp.org/2014/09/01/tom-nowell/ @Tarendai http://t.co/xhLUhOxyHd
of all my new Serious photos ( capital S ) she chose the waving tongue in cheek one heh
> running a Cookie Bank tied to an IRC bot
what, good photo :)
@TomJNowell wat was that cookie IRC bot thing?
@kaiser so in the spring engine lobby chatrooms there was a bot called Cookiebot
and if you did nice things I gave people cookies
it did other stuff like banning people or enforcing swear word rules in certain channels
there was ( still is ) a website for managing and sending cookies between users, though it's fallen a little into disrepair, the fb connect plugin's broken a bit
ha! nice!
3 hours later…
I dare you to tell me this isn't cleanest way to template WP comments you had ever seen https://github.com/Rarst/meadow#comments #twig #meadow
WP comments in twig tempalate with support of all the WP's globals/threading/pagination crap!
class Core. What does it? It cores.
I am high on success and immune to being picked on right now :P try again later
gimme a minute
Is Twig_Node testable? In your child classes it looks like it is filled wirh selfies.
ah, wait, that’s Twig_Compiler
not sure what you mean by "filled with selfies"
methods returning $this
Twig_* is upstream, just following docs
I know. Just wondering if it can be covered with tests. Because I’m in that mode right now.
well, there are tests in Twig github.com/fabpot/Twig/tree/master/test/Twig/Tests no idea if they test what you think they should test :)
ok, the compiler "test" is exactly what I expected. :D
3 hours later…
is it normal for a plugin to only work if the shortcode in used within the content and not via do_shortcode(['shortcode'])?
or is it completely down to the author and the nature of the plugin?
Best cut out! The deleted scene from #Terminator that explains why the T-800 looks like @Schwarzenegger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kayFrIR-Qfw
for instance a login/registration plugin
2 hours later…
Is it possible to get a list of ALL Meta boxes and not just the ones from the current page?
I thought I could just loop through all the screens which I wanted to retrieve meta boxes on and use convert_to_screen(); and then global $wp_meta_boxes; but that didn't quite pan out as I imagined it would.

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