Recently moved to reseller hosting. I am finding sites are lot faster on their server then on hostgator (generally speaking). And good thing is they have git and composer installed :)
To ask a total newbie questions, I know that composer is a dependency / install manager, but never found myself in a situation where I required it. Care to give me a simple example to give me a general idea?
it depends. can find yourself never in need of a fork, can just eat with hands right? but sometimes it's hot. sometimes it's liquid. sometimes people look at you funny.
sometimes you want your dependencies managed and de-duplicated rather than throw bunch of stuff together and hope it works
The design thing is also relevant, but complicated by the fact that Bootstrap should care about design. But of course, many do implementations do take on the Bootstrap look and feel.
I had never ever been told "this is bad design because of Bootstrap" about any actual real site. the "badness" of Bootstrap for design mostly exist in the designers' imaginary space