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Recently moved to hostnine.com reseller hosting. I am finding sites are lot faster on their server then on hostgator (generally speaking). And good thing is they have git and composer installed :)
1 hour later…
To ask a total newbie questions, I know that composer is a dependency / install manager, but never found myself in a situation where I required it. Care to give me a simple example to give me a general idea?
it depends. can find yourself never in need of a fork, can just eat with hands right? but sometimes it's hot. sometimes it's liquid. sometimes people look at you funny.
sometimes you want your dependencies managed and de-duplicated rather than throw bunch of stuff together and hope it works
:) simple enough and logical on top of that
2 hours later…
> Bootstrap does not do things the WordPress Way
nobody does things the f**king WordPress way... and thank God for that!
:) Twitter BS?
You can wrangle as many themes as you want, Frank, but you're wrong.
should be title "Why WordPress is a bad fit for any real open source project."
this is a wordpress plugin question!!! — zod 13 hours ago
2 hours later…
ooo internet explorer colours tabs depending on where they've been opened from. (E.g. open tab from an existing one, and they'll share the colour).
2 hours later…
That is a good article
2 hours later…
@jnthnclrk that which? Bootstrap one? no, it's not :)
[email protected] Please do not flag posts that don’t need moderator invention.
hm, why is it impossible to notify this user?
Oh, I thought he made some good points. And I'm a HUGE fan of Bootstrap.
@toscho don't know then
@jnthnclrk what would you consider the best point(s) of it, for the sake of discussion?
@mostafaqanbari test
"WordPress way" / wp_nav_menu()

I have battled with that several times themes like this one atlantishotelbarbados.com.
it is the good point that WP menus are hard to customize. but it's also pretty much issue with WP, not Bootstrap :)
also you can see the leading sentiment about "WordPress way" in this room multi-starred in sidebar right now :D
The design thing is also relevant, but complicated by the fact that Bootstrap should care about design. But of course, many do implementations do take on the Bootstrap look and feel.
*shouldn't care about design
I have never published my post Should I learn PHP from WordPress?, because the fanbois would mark me as Übertroll. Forever.
I had never ever been told "this is bad design because of Bootstrap" about any actual real site. the "badness" of Bootstrap for design mostly exist in the designers' imaginary space
@toscho please please please. please?
I try to find a more positive expression instead. Might take some time.
I guess the path of least resistance with WP and RWD, would be to follow the default theme's approach. As ugly as they are.
I found it extra slice of ironic that that post throwing design stones was posted in 2014 theme :) which is utter disaster in my opinion
Lol. 2014 is shockingly bad.
Anyways, I'd still love to find a good front end theme dev for hire....
right? I mean, ok maybe it's not to my taste aesthetically and such... but I can barely read anything in it because typography is just ugh
It's tragic
Maybe this is the wrong place to post jobs?
maybe :) most folks are booked to the gills usually, also I don't think we got many front-enders hanging here
@jnthnclrk Try the WP dev community on G+
Understood, @rarst. Thanks, @toscho.
and last on that post — designers complaining about grids is rich :D
Haha. That's true!
Usually can't get enough of 'em.
Damn. I need just one upvote to hit the rep cap, and I have to leave now.
3 hours later…
WordPress: the only software with future proof backward compatibility
@toscho WP_Post is final is to prevent someone extends it in a way that in future can cause back compat issues. Future-proof back compat!
1 hour later…
Awesome idea for a slide intro by @Tarendai #mwug http://t.co/lcw22xyhLH

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