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this shit is hilarious commitlogsfromlastnight.com
@Wyck for a while there I had my shell scripts set up to snag a message from whatthecommit.com if I neglected to enter one :P
ooo just seen votes are in. Our overlords grow in number.
Now I have finally time for sock puppet hunting again. That will be fun.
@Wyck apparently hones in on words "shit" and "fuck"
@toscho that sounds like the only potentially fun part of moderation, honestly
@GhostToast closing a question with a single vote is a relief sometimes too.
@Wyck it also tweets out the message to the commit author's twitter handle
Q: Wordpress theme identify

Zain SohailI need to know the name of this theme, if someone has seen or used this theme before please guide me the name or link to this wordpress theme.! Jpeg of the Webite

@kaiser seems legit
Totally. I mean someone here will be able to identify a WordPress theme by a screenshot in Hebrew, right?
It's basically our focus
but easy to answer
it is a custom theme
@toscho fair enough - didn't actually even think to look for a browsable URL for some reason O.o
@boscho the asker missed that too
2 hours later…
@userabuser why does that smiley face have so many noses?
I know this is a bit annoying to chat on an issue instead of questioning on the site, but this is something I need to talk first before posting a new Question, because I got an unsolved trac ticket also, in this issue. Can I please grab your attention to this comment?
@bungeshea No body nose why :D
And I don't have any paid account in ElegentThemes. :(
@userabuser :D
3 hours later…
@MayeenulIslam as long as you want to save something through settings api. I guess you will be needing manage_option cap. The workaround might be handling the form submission yourself and save them using update_option(). Although I've seen people recommended not to do it time to time.. but still depends on contexts
@Sisir আমি আসলে ঝামেলায় আছি। খুব বেশি কোড করতে চাচ্ছি না, Settings API দিয়ে সমাধান হবে জানি, কিন্তু চাচ্ছিলাম খুব সহজ কোড এবং খুব কম কোড, যাতে সাইটের ওজনও হালকা হয়। কারণ আমি কয়েকটা টেক্সট বক্স আর একটা দুই অপশনের রেডিও বাটন ইনপুট নিচ্ছি। Ian Stewart-এর সমাধানটা দারুণ, এবং সবচেয়ে বড় কথা আমার ক্ষেত্রে যে, এটা lightweight। তাই আমি এটাকেই একটু ফার্নিশ করতে চাচ্ছি।
আজকে একটা সমাধান দেখলাম, এটা বাসায় গিয়ে ট্রাই করে দেখতে চাই, দেখি সমাধান হয় কিনা।
কোনো আইডিয়া?
2 hours later…
Jay Hanlon on January 29, 2014

If you can’t read the rest of this post, it’s because I’m not talking to you. Which is a little weird, since I can’t even read this without help from our Brazilian Community Manager, Gabe, who’s been kind enough to help me write this in Portuguese.

Depois de semanas em beta privado, nós temos o prazer de anunciar que hoje vai ao ar o nosso primeiro Stack Overflow internacional. E não se trata de um clone em português do site original, mas sim de uma comunidade completamente nova. Uma comunidade que vai poder decidir como ela quer ser, e como vai poder ajudar os desenvolvedores de língua portuguesa. …

@MayeenulIslam Please use English in chat. If you want to use other languages, please add a new room for that.
@kaiser :)
Btw, you could even propose a community ad for such a chat room.
@kaiser (and @TomJNowell, @s_ha_dum), congratulations on the election :)
Merci! :)
@Sisir patch?
Hey guys
can someone help me with this problem
I want to show ALL posts, regardless of category, in archive.php
I tried loads of crap using pre_get_posts, used $query->set('cat', ''), and it worked but still only posts in the category showed up..
@kaiser what are you showing me? There is nothing there that helps me
I have tried this:
global $wp_query;
$args = array_merge( $wp_query->query_vars, array( 'cat' => null ) );
query_posts( $args );
@BillyMathews you were pretty quick with reading trough 34 questions + answers...
I have been trying to do this for 2 hours now, you think searching isn't the first thing I do?
How should I know what you have been doing upfront?
Anyway, read this before proceeding.
I did read all of those post (title)s, none of them have what I need
I know about that
As I said, I tried using pre_get_posts, which has the same problem as I got when I gave up and moved on to query_posts()
No, you don't. Else you wouldn't use query_posts(). And a question title doesn't always have to be accurate and reflect the content of the answers.
As I said, I tried using pre_get_posts, which has the same problem as I got when I gave up and moved on to query_posts()
I was only using query_posts because I wanted to see if it would work
> query_posts() is overly simplistic and problematic way to modify main query of a page by replacing it with new instance of the query. It is inefficient (re-runs SQL queries) and will outright fail in some circumstances (especially often when dealing with posts pagination). Any modern WP code should use more reliable methods, like making use ofpre_get_posts hook, for this purpose. TL;DR don't use query_posts() ever;
A: When should you use WP_Query vs query_posts() vs get_posts()?

Rarst query_posts() is overly simplistic and problematic way to modify main query of a page by replacing it with new instance of the query. It is inefficient (re-runs SQL queries) and will outright fail in some circumstances (especially often when dealing with posts pagination). Any modern WP code sho...

It's the most upvoted answer for a reason.
Good. Why did you then "move on to query_posts()"?
are you reading my replies?
As I said, I tried using `pre_get_posts`, which has the same problem as I got when I gave up and moved on to `query_posts()`
I was only using query_posts because I wanted to see if it would work
And no need to use Caps Lock.
Well I said that I knew about three times
Still no reason for that.
and you were still posting me links
so clearly you hadn't seen me saying that I knew
Yes. Because you were actually using it. Doesn't matter what's the reason.
Anyway: Modifying the query using either pre_get_posts or the SQL statement itself using posts_clauses.
this is the pre_get_posts function I was using:
function show_all_cats( $query ) {
	if ( !is_main_query() ){
	if ( is_admin() ){
	if ( is_archive() && $query->is_archive ) {
		$query->set('cat', 0);
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'show_all_cats' );
You need to actually return the 1st argument. That's how filters work...
And don't set $query->query_vars['foo'] directly.
@BillyMathews you need to run checks on $query() object, not via function calls
@kaiser sorry, that line was a mistake..
is_main_query() function actually doesn't quite do what you think it does
@kaiser except that pre_get_posts is not a filter :D
Ah.. yeah facepalm ... doing three things at a time...
I know :) I start to lose track of what is what myself, it's semantic since it does work either way.
trying to setup proper unit tests with too custom wp-config.php at the moment
And, yeah I was going to say, it's a hook ;)
filters and actions are both hooks
you're right.. action hook haha
lately there seems to be terminological kludge that filter is hook, action isn't for some reason :\
@Rarst the whole WP naming scheme ... well.
@Rarst so, I thought it returns a boolean base on whether the query (eponymously) is the main query, so what does it do?
@BillyMathews You get an Object instanceof WP_Query including all methods.
@BillyMathews de-facto it checks if main query object was overriden
That's why you can do $query->method(). Plain API functions mostly won't be setup as globals are not ready as they're based on the resulting query/queried object.
you always want methods for checks in pre_get_posts, otherwise you are checking who knows what
@BillyMathews so what is the real code now?
function show_all_cats( $query ) {
	if ( !$query->is_main_query() ){
	if ( is_admin() ){
	if ( $query->is_archive ) {
		$query->set('cat', 0);
I'm off - client call
they'd rather help clients buy new PCs than make it work in IE7
I just need this to work I don't understand why the fuck I've been stuck for hours on this
$query->set('cat', 0);
manipulating taxonomies might require re-running meta queries processing. I'd say ask on main.
main site
ah ok
No one is answering.. I kinda expected that though
global $wp_query;
$args = array_merge( $wp_query->query_vars, array( 'cat' => null ) );
$posts = New WP_Query( $args );
yes, those 11 minutes since posting question must feel like eternity.
That should work, right? I am creating a whole new query, with all the same args as the original query, except category
May call our first born rarst
but it still just shows posts in the category
@BillyMathews see my new answer
@Rarst I have been doing this for 3 hours now, every minute I spend on it now is just bull shit
You're really motivating people to jump in and spend time.
@BillyMathews exactly why do you need this?
what's the context
and where does the category name come from?
it's on a category archive page
I want to allow all posts to be displayed on any category archive.
and why do you want a category specific archive page, to show all posts?
if you want a separate homepage and blog archive you can do that already without hacking away at category archives
Because I am going to provide a category filtering/sorting method with Javascript. In the main navigation there are links to category archives, and when javascript executes it removes the links and treats them as buttons to filter the posts. But if, for any reason, javascript is turned off or the library fails to load I want the category archives to still work.
So, initially, all posts that aren't in the current category will be hidden, untill another category is clicked on
instead use a main archive that isn't a category archive, and add the category filtering
rather than doing it backwards
that way your filters can link to the actual category archives
and you preserve sanity, along with SEO benefits and sane URLs
I'm going to remove the holding page from the site so you can see what I mean...
your real problem is you want an archive with JS based filtering of posts on categories that degrades gracefully
that's what you should ask
something like an ajax call to grab the new post listing would be the best way to degrade in that case
no pre_get_posts filtering required
Yes, using ajax to get the posts would be better in ways, but then you have to wait for it to load
also keep in mind, if I filter by category X, then share the URL, the other person sees all posts, unfiltered
and the filtering works by clicking practise, people or inspiration
also, if JS fails to load, you're stuck with category archives that dont work, the user cant filter anymore
hmmm I thought that was a menu not a toggle
in PHP I will hide all posts that aren't in the category, so if Js fails to load, posts are displayed correctly (and links to the other category archives are maintained)
if you are building a php-fallback ajax-loader
why not just have an archive page?
you should be able to process any GET vars with php to load the initial set
also, if you click the main logo, all posts are showed (I think that's stupid, but it's designers say, plus that is what is displayed on the homepage, so, meh).
then have category specific pages that JS users never see
and not need an actual ajax call for that request
eitherway people with no JS won't see the flashy masonry, animations etc
you're just setting yourself up for a fall further down the road when they complain filtering doesnt work anymore if JS doesnt load
the filtering will work, though
but ti doesnt, thats the point
he has yet to build it hes saying
because the toggles are initially loaded as links to the category archives, then changed to toggles
the toggles/links are getting stuck for me
like 1 or 2 are always highlighted
if you are on an archive page, that is a css issue I haven't fixed yet..
how to do it:
- build a standard archive page
- build a categeory archive page
- Make them all link to eachother
- Add JS to the primary archive template to filter via class
- Add JS to the category pages to redirect to the main archive page
if JS user lands on category page, they're redirected
and hey presto, filterable archive with all posts loaded
non-JS users see the fallback
Thanks, that's a perfect idea.
and your question and the problem you have become a non-issue entirely
If I find a solution to the cat issue I'll post an answer, had something similar with feeds the other day and 'name' being set, unset helped there, shame it had no effect here
Well my standard archive page is home.php, how would I redirect to this and tell Js 'the category is x'?
should I just use a query string?
redirect to whatever home_url is
use something like wp_localize_script to pass the value to your frontend pippinsplugins.com/use-wp_localize_script-it-is-awesome
window.location.href = <?php echo home_url('?'.get_query_car('cat')); ?>
something like that
Gonna eat my lunch and come back to this.. everything should go well anyway with your new idea
glad I could help
Get two days free at Code School by using this link! http://go.codeschool.com/2L-WZg (referral for two extra days for me :)
main site lagging for me
whole stack had a hiccup
@RachelBaker do you mind if i ask about your setup for work? hardware + software of choice
@GhostToast Not at all. MBP 13" with large display. Code in ST3 or sometimes in PHPStorm
use Vagrant for local dev.
the project I work on uses mostly SVN, but I use git for everything else (internal and personal projects)
ZSH shell, with tmux using iTerm
does that help?
yes, thank you
@RachelBaker btw monster ate your websites bandwidth
trying to see how much MBP i can afford
and still have leftovers for any software i may need
@Wyck I took it down.
someone was trying to hack one of my subdomains, and that was my quick fix while I look into it.
@RachelBaker ah how do you know twas a hacker
Email alerts from my VPS
it would be nice if .org plugins had a latest tag for downloads URLS
hey guys, what are some possible reason as to why a custom redirect would not be working? mod_rewrite is enabled, I tested the regex,
what kind of redirect are you talking about? or do you mean custom rewrite?
the latter
too many variables to address, best to open a question on main site i think
give as much info as possible there
ok thanks
Anyone know the difference between key #1 and key #4 customizing post type messages
What triggers each of those messages?
ooh ooh! i bet i know, just a guess
but one is quick edit perhaps
I suppose I could just play around with them all and come to a conclusion
quick edit aka ajax response?
I don't see any sort of "message" while using quick edit. Although I could be missing it.
hmm. not even at the top?
well, was just a guess. you could dig through source and see where that's ever used
So far I'm only able to trigger keys: 10, 9, 6, 5, and 1.
piled up 6 days of access to code school - time to learn backbone I guess :)
Can't figure out how to trigger keys: 8, 7, and 4.
must consider the possibility that it is deprecated too, and left in for backwards compatibility
@Sisir May be a minute thing, but solved at last. Thanks to @chipbennett and Ed Nailor. (Details: tuts.nanodesignsbd.com/editors-to-access-and-save-theme-options) (I'm sorry, it's for Bangla readers only) :p
Congrats to our new moderators. :)
@GhostToast Good point. Didn't think about that.
@MayeenulIslam do you ever use your native type for variables or do you use only english characters in yourcode?
@TomJNowell Ninja Forms guys do care a lot about the PR :P
and the funniest part is when you look at there resent pushes to the repo... "Legacy Code" my a$$ :)
@TomJNowell Please don't be angry on me. The post is for Bangla readers, because English readers already have one. People who doesn't knows English well, and Developer who doesn't clarify their tactics made many of the worlds knowledge critical. That's why, what I learn from you Guys, I try to make it clear to those who wants to learn, and as there are many English resources, I love to share the knowledge in a language where the knowledge is till not reached in native language.
@MayeenulIslam I'm not angry, I'm just curious
I mean when you write PHP code, do you always use english/latin characters or do you ever use Bangla characters?
I just made a detailed Bangla post on Ed Nailor's post: ednailor.com/2012/04/16/…
I've seen people use native european languages, and the odd bit of Chinese kanji in C
@TomJNowell Yes of course, English
But I tried commenting in Bangla once
So if someone else wrote code in another language, and I viewed the code, would it display in English?
no reason Bangla shouldn't work
IIRC PHP doesn't care what language a variable name is in, it just sees it as a string of bytes
Then I realized the global aspect and started commenting with English again.
@TomJNowell That's well-said, and a new information to me
And from my experience: except some previously adopted languages like French or Spanish, relatively newer languages (after the Unicode rev.) has some IDE difficulties rendering the scripts.
And the keyboard layouts are sometimes creating problems in the case of Bangla too. Suppose, in different keyboard layout available in Bangla, the same word can be differentiated due to character and glyph disorientation. Like one of Bangla keyboard writes "আমি" with o+a-m-i, but other writes "আমি" as a+m+i. And you know that as a string or variable "$oami" != "$ami".
So, using native languages in programming can create problems - till now (though, may not a mass matter).
hello @EAMann
@GhostToast Key 8 is used by contributors submitting posts. Still unsure about keys 7 & 4 though.
7 doesn't appear to be used at all, and 4 appears to be a fallback
working on a remote server and getting this PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /var/www/html/wp-includes/canonical.php on line 48
did a var_dump($_SERVER) and HTTP_HOST is definitely defined as expected. Everything else working fine...
dumped exactly there?
Q: The "on hold" instructions look like an ad

MauroSo my question was put on hold. Call me a newbie (I still am after 5 years); fact is, I didn't read the box with the information containing the reason why my question was put on hold, until I accidentally found out, my eyes (that must have unconsciously blurred that area) accidentally stumbled u...

@Rarst i'm not sure at what point the notice is thrown. i did a dump in a page. but yea, might be related to a plugin even...
canonical.php on line 48 duh?..
oh you want me to dump out there
i mean, what is calling that function
for starters check if it's defined at that point
SourceTree for Windows 1.4 released! http://blog.bitbucket.org/2014/01/29/sourcetree-for-windows-1-4-released/ local git to remote svn! gotta try that
@Rarst this quiets it without any notice or addition to logs: if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) die('http host not set but WHY!?');
@Rarst can also take .zip snapshots without the revision history, kinda useful
though I wish it connected to amazon , then it would be 1 click backups
suddenly suspect Yoast plugin
@Wyck anything git archive/mercurial equivalent doesnt already do?
@MichaelEcklund 4 maybe used when when post type isn't public? i.e. doesn't appear on the front-end...
@StephenHarris There's a good thought. I'll check into that.
@TomJNowell no, just an option in the GUI nothing special, was hoping for remote send support
@MichaelEcklund 7 might be similar too...
bbPress front-end styling is ridiculous
body.page .bbp-reply-form code,
body.page .bbp-topic-form code,
body.single-topic .bbp-reply-form code,
body.single-forum .bbp-topic-form code,
body.topic-edit .bbp-topic-form code,
body.reply-edit .bbp-reply-form code {
	font-size: 10px;
	background-color: #f0fff8;
	border: 1px solid #CEEFE1;
	display: block;
	padding: 8px;
	margin-top: 5px;
	width: 369px;
1 hour later…
Inventing new word today: housefice aka "house office" or "home office". #housefice
grrr closing questions is scary now, if I vote to close it happens immediatley, no reassurance from others doing it too
someone can always fight to get it reopened, right?
well I now have a definitive bitch slap at my disposal
@GhostToast sounds like #housewife
shoulda gonna with #hoffice
That's not really English, right?
not at all
Does anyone know what's the default menu_icon size nowadays?
@GhostToast I've grown fond of "house orifice" as a metaphor for a room here in the last hour.
@boscho the hole in which you work and live? are you in a dorm?
@kaiser *
resizable icons
Yeah, I know... just wondered what to use for CPT > menu_icon now.
could have asked better
@boscho where is the back orifice?
@GhostToast hahaha. Not presently, though I did spend a lot of time living and working in the same room - I suspect it's bound to happen again. I meant the orifice of a house is a room, though evidently the orifice itself can also be the house.
@Wyck next to the storage orifice
exports only
My reference is for old people
Back Orifice (often shortened to BO) is a controversial computer program designed for remote system administration. It enables a user to control a computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system from a remote location. The name is a word play on Microsoft BackOffice Server software. Back Orifice was designed with a client–server architecture. A small and unobtrusive server program is installed on one machine, which is remotely manipulated by a client program with a graphical user interface on another computer system. The two components communicate with one another using the TCP a...
wow... no idea that that term would actually exist.
I remember this type of software. I used sub se7ven or something
kind of reminds me of some Cisco back-door crap our university had us install...
Back Orifice, that is, not the Dead Cow ASCII
backdoors, backdoors..everywhere
at my next office i totally plan on eliminating my no-eliminating at work rule. aka, poop at work. it’s gonna be awesome.
so you are enabling a backdoor
yes, like a flush_cache
W3 Total Brown Cache
@TomJNowell <--Why I didn't put myself forward :)
maybe_serialize() runs for any function attached to register_uninstall_hook(). Then it kicks you in the stomach:
flexbox css support would make wordpress widgets so much better, but ya f*^cking ie
> Fatal Error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed' in ~\wp-includes\functions.php on line 336
> Exception: Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed in ~\wp-includes\functions.php on line 336
hey smart guys
how would you alter a query to return separate post objects for multiple meta values on a post
i'm noticing the query has GROUP BY wp_33_posts.ID which i'm about to test removing. but is there a generally better way to achieve goal
1 hour later…
What happened in 3.8.1 to cause strict errors to start appearing?
@StephenHarris oh ya I had those today on 5.5, had to turn it off, didn't bother looking at why
@StephenHarris there was a question about it :)
@kaiser do you have a link?
must have been in the last two or three days. didn't find it quickly.
@Wyck I use querymonitor - satisfyingly hides it all :)
@kaiser searching "strict error" didn't get me anything. I'll browse a bit. Not answered stuff in a while anyway...
searched the same and then for "error" only - no result. but I remember that there was something...
@kaiser You're having fun with dashicons tonight? :P

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