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2014 WordCamp Norway photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/rarst/sets/72157640234422803/ #wcnorge
6 hours later…
> Election closes in 13 hours.
3 hours later…
@Wyck Which flavor of French is used for Canadian French?
I mean the wp_locale
2 hours later…
@Rarst looks like a pretty awesome place and a nice buffet
1 hour later…
Not cool. Not that it's cool to not check your values, still verrrry lame to add a 1-star review... I hope one day they'll simply shut down the mandatory plugin "forum"...
Yeah, that's a bit hard done by... This is what you have to put up with as a commercial author especially.
I’ve got a 1 star review recently too. But I could convince the author to change his mind.
Wow, he tried all contact form plugins and left 1 star reviews
@kaiser OMFG... o_O
at worst at least glob for files recursively and require them or... err use an autoloader!! there's an idea.
the thing is basically all procedural... that must be maintenance nightmare
jep... dozen of options.
the ninja guys simply can't code.
doesn't look like it, looking at the functions, they are... o_O
@toscho he left a 1-star review at really every plugin he tried.
@userabuser Ninja Forms is hackers paradise
If you got access to their widget on a site: have fun
@kaiser I am seriously blow away by the quality of this code... :|
check out the nesting and length of this insane func, github.com/wpninjas/ninja-forms/blob/master/includes/…
if you say so...
and in the meantime check the AJAX save function :D
thought it was over... obviously not
my gosh i didnt even get them all... lol thought it was more than one func... haha man, you've made me laugh today
if...foreach...if...foreach...if...if...if...if..if...if...if...if...if...foreac‌​‌​h...if...if...if...if ... I'm a ninja then I hide my code in a lot of assumptions.
 if { if { if {} else if {} else } if { if { if {} if { if {} }  } if { if {} if { if {} } } } } if { if { if {} if { if {} } } } if { if {} if {} } }
if {
	if {
		if { if {} else if {} else {} if {} }
		if { if { if { if {} if { if {} } } } }
		if { if {} if { if {} } }
	if { if { if {} if { if {} } } }
	if {}
	if {} if {} }
That's the real amount of ifs...
@userabuser O.o
It's strange because overtime, you usually get better as a developer, code decoupling, reuse, simplification and management usually begins to show by the time you get to a point where you sell a premium product... this doesn't look like it has happened, kind of reminds of s2member code quality
Respect to them for earning a good living, but I could not imagine how you would even begin to maintain or evolve this product without it being a cluster fuck
Ninja Forms ASCII art @userabuser
@kaiser if you stare at it long enough it kind of looks like space invaders
@userabuser I believe this is a support nightmare. And I'm sure most support issues get either fixed by accident or by adding yet another if.
If user has a problem, add another if to fix it, if it does not fix it, add another if, until it does. If not...
you meant else if ... right?
@wpninjas you need to attract some real code talents... not ASCII-art artists ;) https://gist.github.com/franz-josef-kaiser/8667657
if i mean else if does it mean if is not equal to what else if is?
there should be one comment in the end...
// if you really managed to get here...
I'm going to go play with some iterators after reading that I feel a bit stupid
Seen my article? Got a repo started on GitHub as well.
yeah I read your last article, I tried to post a comment but my browser was timing out...
O.o ...
I'll try and repost the comment shortly...
basically, I've been doing something similar with extending wp_query, though, not using iterators... that was a nice touch, made it a great article.
@kaiser lol
(\w*)~ regex cat
@Rarst Why is Marc Gravel owner of this room?
Or did I get something wrong?
I have no idea, why not?
Can he delete the room?
I don't think rooms can be deleted
@markoheijnen I love the BIG ASS message when trying to leave: "ARE YOU SURE!?!!1!" ...
@unserkaiser haha. That part is something still I need to write as a nice dialog ^^
seems like we got WTF-days at Mac D
Closing Twitter for the sake of sanity.
@kaiser just commented your article on your site
@G.M. do I need to moderate it or did it go through?
@kaiser is on moderation, but maybe you wan't publish it ;)
seen it - approved
pretty strange.. approved, but didn't get added? yeah, wtf-days
cache problem?
Dashboard-Widget approve didn't work... strange
Had to approve it from wp-admin/comments
strange, don't know why
actual temp outside is -26c, not taking into account wind chill
windchill -35C
@G.M. read it, answered and explained the "why". :)
@GhostToast Fahrenheit?
@kaiser -35C is -31F
anyone have unit testing setup for wordpress?
when nacin says unit testing needed: core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10792#comment:15 what can i do to help?
@kaiser replied the reply :)
@Rarst nice pics on flickr man!
thanks, I was up to using camera more this time :)
php storm is too slow to start :/
@Sisir sure is
too much in the project or not enough hardware :) starts fine for me
7 seconds from click to being able to write code for me...
I have high specs... i7, 8gb ram, good SSD...
@userabuser why on earth you ever close it!
also also it's java-based right? you using 64bit java? else you can't assign it all that RAM
@GhostToast i don't, but if you want to know the the boot time you at least need to close it once...
yep, 64 bit here
well on that scale yes... I start it once a day, so several seconds is kind of fine :)
sadly, having 64bit java breaks many things, such as plugins for Chrome
i use chrome for dev testing only but dont really use addons in chrome, firefox is my main browser so i come out ok on that end
i use phpStorm and SublimeText together
I should learn to write plugins for phpStorm, I've just gotten competent at writing them for Sublime in Python...
anyone used sublime editor?
with linting and other packages for sublime, you can get pretty darn close to a full fledge IDE
@Sisir yeah, I use both...
need to try that too.. but why would you need both?
@Sisir I have a main project in PHPStorm, and sublime for arbitrary editing and opening of files, or note taking
I used Sublime before phpStorm, so out of habit I find it hard to give up Sublime because I have it highly configured to meet my needs, but wanted to adopt phpStorm so now I use both.
I started liking php Storm..
while we are still in this topic.. what is the keyboard shortcut for wraping a html tag around selected codes?
@G.M. why would it make a difference if you iterate over sql before processing?
@kaiser control on results. E.g. if you set posts_per_page != -1 and then apply the FilterIterator there's chances that you got no posts. Otherwise, if you set posts_per_page = -1, the problem become high number of posts retrieved VS possibly low number of post shown (sql/memory inefficiency).
@G.M. But where's the problem if you got no posts? Of course, you wouldn't set posts_per_page to -1, but the Iterator works no matter what type of resulting posts you get back.
It's just about trying to "Sort and order results in SQL or PHP pre-processor (wpdb)" vs. "Sort and order results during runtime".
@toscho fr_CA
hello @RachelBaker!
Hello @GhostToast
4 hours left to vote
Vote for @me !
Just found (one of) ScottBs account(s) on SO: 380 Questions... This guy has written books of questions.
Hey @RachelBaker you had your chance to vote?
@TomJNowell Of course. Vote cast on day one.
encase you need a cyclomatic complexity quickly and dont have dev tools at hand
Well it's official. I have put in my 2.8 weeks notice at current gig, will be working at 10up starting February 17th
@GhostToast Welcome to the 10up team!
@GhostToast congratulations!
@RachelBaker thanks! i'm near chicago so i'm sure we'll end up crossing paths
thanks @kaiser
i'm really excited. forgot my exclamation point on my announcement haha!
Yay another midwesterner.
i am wearing heated, USB-powered, fingerless gloves at this very moment
It is very cold here as well. I am bundled up and under a blanket.
rather fine here, I spent cold weekend in warm Norway :)
@GhostToast congrats!
@GhostToast where did you get those?
I can’t stay awake anymore. See the younglings tomorrow.
@TomJNowell dealextreme
worth it?
yea, should be able to find some for around $6 USD shipped, can't beat that. but DX shipping is usually several weeks
Oops. Guess 17th is presidents day, so i will be starting on the 18th
@GhostToast congrats and btw if you join their "let's hire Rarst" campaign - your chat privileges are revoked :)
@GhostToast congrats , looks like a good team
ohh virtualbox..says disk image will take 28min, actually takes about 45 seconds
@GhostToast Seems all wpse folk end up at 10up sooner or later ;). Congrats though!
@StephenHarris You will be assimilated
@GhostToast congratulations!
thank you all
Not to make you type out more "thanks" messages :P
The 10up hiring bug is infectious.
@RachelBaker exactly how large do 10up plan to get?
@TomJNowell <?php echo PHP_INT_MAX; ?>
oo hey John
rolls eyes
I have a bug for you!
we specify 3.8.x in our composer
yet we were getting dev builds rather than 3.8.0 stable prior to the 3.8.1 update
does your fork maintain @stable ?
and is it a min required stability thing?
reproducible example?
I've had that issue before too
I think it's a minimum stability thing
changing it to 3.8.x@stable should work
(although I usually do ~3.8@stable)
but to be honest, I don't know
Composer doesn't make any sense to me some days ;)
~3.8@stable seems like a much better version to use
why is it looking for dev in first place? give me composer.json example
"minimum-stability": "dev",
well, duh?
you ask for dev, dev you get
@Rarst lol
anyone used ngrok before know why a multisite redirects yet a non multisite works fine out of the box
I geuss it has something to do with define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE'..
Ironically, asking this question in a WordPress forum is offtopic because of the nature of your question. Also, I'm pretty sure Gravity Forms was never meant to run outside of WordPress, best of luck. — GhostToast 27 mins ago
@GhostToast aren't you allowed to close vote?
not that im aware of
i think i need 3k in WPSE
hurry up! answer all the things!
@TomJNowell that PHPLint thing doesn't work. End up at a page without args filled.
@kaiser add <?php to the beginning
it isn't without its quirks
works now. stupid.
thanks anyway
What a day!!1! My patch from 2.9.2 seems to finally make it into 3.9! Waited just 4 years for that day.
hats tossed, trumpets blare
4 years - guess this patch is even IE4 compatible.
> 1,287 voters were eligible, 554 visited the site during the election, 353 visited the election page, and 217 voted;
Voting is over!
more hats toss, more trumpets blare
looks like congratulations are to @kaiser, @s_ha_dum and @TomJNowell !!!
Congratulations to our new mods :D
Thanks guys! Sadly there weren't more positions. You two would have been good mods :)
next election ;)
   Candidate | Count
      kaiser |   105
    s_ha_dum |    64
Tom J Nowell |    22
     ialocin |     3
       G. M. |    14
      boscho |     5
        revo |     4
   Exhausted |     0
that's what I got with my OpenSTV audit at least
I thought my canvassing would get me more
I'M BACK! Or technically I have been here all along, just not here... here. Just stopping by to say congratulations to the new moderators! Serve us well! ;)
/me jumps up and down
I'm too used to IRC
@boscho i hope you try again next year
party time ;-)
@G.M. @boscho @ialocin miscounted. three people that would have deserved it.
now where are the weapons of mass destruction
How often are these elections held?
@TomJNowell check Core :P
@GhostToast I intend to, assuming no outstanding obligations :) . In the meantime I will hone my flagging skills
NO MORE HANDLING s_ha_dum's FLAGS! happy
What really? I can't remember the elections last year.
elections aren't annual, they kind of happen when mods have hysterical breakdowns in mod room
@kaiser Thanks! I have faith that the three we've ended up with will do wonders on their own ;)
Who makes the decision to hold a new election? Is it mods or site owners?
@Rarst So @TomJNowell should be searching for weapons of mod destruction, then
higher powers make decisions, usually prompted by them seeing mods making hysterics
And where is @toscho? (maybe it is because of his absence we need 3 more mods :P)
I think he's asleep O.o
er... saving the internet
so when do we get ordained?
should be official announcement tad later and you will get prompt to accept mod agreement
I'm going to treat myself to chocolate eclairs, my last indulgence before a life of austerity
@ChristineCooper hysterical breakdown. my #evilempire just started now.
@kaiser OMG!
I thought @toscho was merely a manifestation of the site itself in human form?
@toscho is an update of GOPHER
@TomJNowell no, artificial intelligence
@toscho is what TELNET became when patches stopped. It patched itself.
@toscho is SKYNET?!?!
this explains the unintelligible language
@TomJNowell Yeah I always wondered if I would see @toscho in organic form, he would basically appear in a psychedelic type of binary exposure.
@boscho Nope, Skynet is a Japanese robotics company.
official party in The Loop
@ChristineCooper perhaps under the skin, but he appears quite human on the surface
@kaiser or is humanity's demise this MIT licensed Go project on GitHub?
@GhostToast lol, you actually did keep that on standby
now quickly, one of the new mods, turn it into a text link before i get banned!
I need a new tshirt for wordcamp now
a stack exchange logo chewing on a WordPress logo wearing a CFTP hat
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', create_function( '', 'new ${CLASS_NAME}();' ) );
that's uncomfortable to look at
...so I won't.
Congrats to @kaiser @TomJNowell and @s_ha_dum!
@Rarst where did you find that?!
@G.M. thanks =)
Barry's slides from Norway
btw 14 votes for me are more than I expected :)
You can find the slides of my presentation on plugin development at @WCNorge this morning at http://www.slideshare.net/cageNL/plugin-development-wordcamp-norway-2014 #wcnorge
@Rarst I may need to deviate from schedule from my next blogpost
@TomJNowell fashion victim...
Q: 2014 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9WordPress Stack Exchange's third moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the three new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! ...

@Rarst any intention of uploading the slides from your presentation?
I tweeted them and posted here
@Rarst wanted to ask if this is a Yoast guy ... code confirms.
@Rarst ahh, fair enough. Thanks :)
Slide 22: Mentions @Rarst
@ChristineCooper p.s. welcome back
@Rarst I love Slide 38 after reading the Gist.
Thank you @GhostToast
@G.M. You'll make it on the next election ;)
@G.M. we'll groom you for assimilation into the collective
@ChristineCooper yep, maybe :)
@TomJNowell you'll not miss my flags, at least :)
agreement accepted!
What is everyone's IDE of choice? I'm in the market. Sublime Text vs phpStorm seem to be front-runners
I use both of those, lol
storm, duh
Primarily phpStorm for anything web-related
Storm and Coda 2 for quick edits
Sublime Text for everything else and ease of customization
I seriously home no one ever uses [this function[(wpexplorer.com/create-wordpress-posts-pages-using-php)
I've been really annoyed with sublime recently, for some reason the find & replace keeps crapping out
also @Wyck did you end up getting a dell or a macbook?
i'm also in the market for a portable rig. if i can convince my wife ;)
I wasn't looking for a laptop, a work comp, I ended up with a pc
I upgraded my home comp with a new everything as well
ssd is awesome
@Wyck I had some issues with a few PHP linting/intel plugins messing up all sorts of basic functionality... Can't recall the specific issues or plugins, though. Likely PHPCS.
mmm sublime would sometimes stutter for a little while indexing/analysing stuff
@boscho ugg it's weird because when I close it and reopen it works for a while, also the damn keyboard keeps switching languages even if I try to toggle it
and it happens to replace <> with "" so ya..it's annoying
@Wyck well that's no good O.o
I think I have to remove all my plugins and start from scratch
I dont use a linter though
@TomJNowell @Wyck - you guys running ST3?
I'm using 2, maybe I should switch
multi-threading support in 3 fixed a lot of my stutters/lags, not entirely sure how much it did for general bugginess, though.
3 is in beta
@Wyck ST3 has been working great for me
I will go back I'm taking a phpstorm break
@GhostToast indeed, but it's pretty solid :) . Getting a license for ST2 grants you access to the ST3 beta.
2 at the moment
I'd recommend VCS Gutter if you don't have it already
Git gutter + svn/hg support etc
@boscho ST3 is in public beta at the moment; anyone can download and use
@bungeshea @GhostToast ^ What he said!
@GhostToast seems I'm the only one using NetBeans
thats's new!
Now that I had a look at the mod queue (and the privacy statement), I can tell you all that @toscho is everywhere. Always.
@TomJNowell yeah, I really like how they handle composer support in 7.1
@G.M. Is your routing API still working and under development?
Q: Single trip to conferences in two schengen countries with one visa?

RarstI am Ukrainian and currently considering if trying to stack attending two professional conferences under one visa is great optimization or crazy talk. :) Conferences will be on consecutive weekends in: Switzerland, May 3-4 Netherlands, May 10-11 I can get business invitations for both, no is...

@Rarst duplicate lol
hmmm a site where @Rarst has a 3 digit reputation
which conferences are you going to?
this was just crazy idea in the middle of cold norwegian night, thus sanity checking. it hit me that those two wordcamps are on consecutive weekends :)
@kaiser working, but in this days I'm making some improvements
under tests
Kool! Working on an example Iterator/SPL/real-OOP theme (devname: wpuber@GitHub) and was searching for recommendations for other API parts. Added your library to the README. Will be visible on next push.
@kaiser you should join the bubble kicking club and talk about iterators at some wordcamp :)
In effects I'm working on spl-ing my routing ;) @kaiser
@Rarst Bubble like "won't ever happen in real life"?
@G.M. nice! :)
bubble like WP stuck in PHP 5.2 times bubble
@Rarst I've been told by Kimb Jones I'm not allowed to talk about clean code at WC Sheffield
@TomJNowell ehm?
I don't want yet another composer talk
just not picked to talk? "not allowed" as in?
@Rarst well he was at my talk in WC Lancaster, think I lost him when I mentioned the terminal commands
@Rarst oh... bubble kicking! Yes, I'll try to have some talks this year. Got accepted in Berlin this year, but dropped it in favor of spending some time off with Y. :)
bubble popping may be better
@TomJNowell is that the controversial WPUK one by the way?
@Rarst nope, Tonys WPUK 'unconference' hasn't been finalised yet
effort spent at kicking bubble doesn't guarantee it being popped :)
Wordcamp London and the Automattic backing kind of fractured everything and sent him panicking
now there's a WordCamp Sheffield, Brighton, Mike Little wants a Manchester, I think there's another, and the eventual WordCamp London
I want to try London this year, but will see how it goes...
you think you can get in via Remkus?
what Remkus has to do with London?..
didn't he invite you for Norway and Europe?
the whole business invite thing
Europe, because Forsite is local there. Metronet invited to Norway.
well if you need an invite for the UK, try prodding one of the CFTP Simons, Dave Coveney will probably do it too, though he'll try and hire you in the process
no date for London yet, although chatter is it might be earlier in the year this time
also it's probably time to make some money for any grandiose wordcamping plans :)

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