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I had again a request for /wp/wp-admin/, this time from Google.
I wonder where they have this URL from?
RedirectMatch Permanent /wp/wp-admin/ /
How can we stop a user from adding advertisements puposely.
Can some one delete or block the user or something?
I have raised flags in all the three posts, though two of those have already been deleted
@MarutiMohanty which one is still visible?
how to do I cross file search in php storm?
@toscho I see none now, the user account is deleted.
@MarutiMohanty I have destroyed the account, and with that all its posts.
@toscho Yeah ... i see that... Thanks
Any day now I expect to see @rarst's WCEU talk appear on wordpress.tv.
crap... at least it's been so long since and such a pack of talks it will be lost and not watched. right? right!?
i haz popcorn
Sometimes I got some anonymous edit suggestions, and most of them are vandal.
Why not we prevent edit option to non-logged in user?
low friction
Q: Prevent suggested edits under 10 reputation on protected questions

BobRecently, we've had some suggested edit spam from anonymous users. The specific question being targeted is protected: protected by studiohack ♦ Apr 27 '11 at 1:10 This question is protected to prevent "thanks!", "me too!", or spam answers by new users. To answer it, you must have earned ...

vote it up
2 hours later…
> Howdy - you're receiving this email because you are one of the handful of humans on this planet who has a plugin...
- pretty big hands
I read that email like "we are huge on backwards compatibility, unless painting admin in new colors is on the line"
> make sure everything looks... just like you expect
but good luck with that because there's no proper framework or style guide
Looks great does it? Oh cool, what about if I select sunrise. Oh, you haven't made a 6th stylesheet for that skin?
Sure we could have proper semantics & framework which would allow you to build a skin-independent stylesheet, but, erm... we power 20% of the web so f**k you.
Hell yeah, democratize the web! Unless you can't/won't use a mouse: make.wordpress.org/accessibility/2013/12/12/…
assuming you're all clued up on last nights dev chat?
> photomatt: it's an f-ed up situation that is a result of a completely broken culture on trac, the bottlenecks of the core devs and review, years of broken release promises that cause people (including translators) to ignore the core process until the very end...
@TomJNowell ...no...
I wonder what might that broken culture be in his opinion.
he has thoughts on the themes bundled too and underscores
aswell as more on the accessibility thing
punted to 3.8.1
it isn't OMGBBQ
tl dr I think the team can prioritize…http://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/2013/12/12/tl-dr-i-think-the-team-can-prioritize/ this thread is kind of thing that get posted to clients from hell
> I don’t know how long it would take to test as they were merged, or as feature plugins, but probably less time than the team’s weekly meeting.
especially this. I have no clue, but I will make random assumption and bash you over it.
@toscho I say in line with positive community feedback on meta.wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/3697/… we start eliminating plugin tags. I propose merge large ones (like woocommerce into ) and gradually eliminate small ones
> photomatt - 3.9 will randomly select plugins from the directory and auto-include them per-download
quote mother fucker?
@Rarst agree
3.9 will what?
I have a thing to finish then I will poke through site some, really it's just clearly time to slaughter
@Rarst Will this include all plug-ins? I'm not too fussed in that I use my own site and occasionally .org forums for support. But the tag is helpful in alerting me to a q. on WPSE.
That said last q. was in January :)
well, in practice the problematic ones will get the knife first. you know I would love to have plugin devs monitor their tags, and if more did the whole plugin thing might have turned out differently. but so few do - it's not worth it comparing to harm it does to scope and quality of incoming questions. fair?
tldr: much scope for redoing and fixing the plugin repo, unlikely to happen anytime soon
> photomatt jenmylo: for several releases now, the default themes are explicitly not for copying, we have underscores and other things for that
in context of? like people should not take bundled open source theme as example/base for something?..
Basically don't use default themes as boilerplate / starting point for theme development, I think
well, duh... good luck making that stick on other hand
I really want API for shit list, I can feel the points flowing today...
anybody used the WP API REST interface yet?
the one Ryan works on? nope... and I am hesitant I am usually mentally incompatible with his stuff :)
Any of you guys know what the option meta_key ms_files_rewriting is supposed to do?
search source? I think it's about that change to how media is handed in multisite
Ta - looking through stuff now, just trying to work out why a theme might be making literally thousands of queries like this: `SELECT meta_value
FROM wp_sitemeta
WHERE meta_key = 'ms_files_rewriting'
AND site_id = 1`
sighs, i'll never get the hang of code formatting in chat
anyway, will keep digging
enable savequeries and look at trace?
Ah, good point, will do that. Does that show more info than QueryMonitor (where we can see the calling function, but not a complete stack trace)?
it should have complete trace, Query Monitor probably just omits it because it's messy
the corpse of tag was discovered, stabbed with cursor twelve times. the suspected motive is "off topic".
Ah, latest version of Query Monitor adds the query stack trace as a toggleable option if SAVEQUERIES is defined - very nice!
@toscho I think about merging all plugin tags above 100 questions for starters, makes sense?
rest are small fish and can be dealt with gradually
Ho ho ho!
Anyone run their own dedicated server in here?
Just wondering if it's better off to have 3 1TB drives or 1 3TB drive for storage.
their own? like that i can touch with my actual hands? no. but i run dedicated servers from providers
@Rarst Would be nice if you announce that on our meta half. Something along the lines of ...
> We have tried and failed with plugin tags. As a result, we're merging the non-working tags into . Those that work will be left. If we see a specific amount of questions tightly bundled to a plugin or theme starting to work, we'll consider adding it back in.
Just as a precaution to not get flooded by haters who want woo support for free from us.
I'm thinking about adding more storage to my server, it would be cheaper to just buy one 3TB drive versus three 1TB drives. I also like the idea of having separate drives in-case of drive failure. Thought I'd see if any of you had a preference for any reason.
frankly I don't care to very much. action was suggested and approved on meta
I'd even add something on that brief meta announcement post like "the only purpose they served was helping users to ignore that part on the page easier".
If you want, I can write it for you :)
@MichaelEcklund RAID probably good, or some type of redundancy. more drives prob good as long as you also consider offsite redundancy as well
@GhostToast two backup servers available. Literally only used for backups.
this in your house/office? or data center?
Main server is in DC, one in office, and one at home.
I haven't quite explored cloud technology yet. Not sure when I'll join that bandwagon.
Anyways, probably just going to get three 1TBs. :o
yea sounds like good idea
unless you have a 1.5TB single file you should be good!!
wonder what becomes of custom post type icons now
svg/font icons?
> Latz: Seems the blog post was scheduled in advance
3.8 is not out
posted on December 12, 2013 by Matt Mullenweg

Version 3.8 of WordPress, named “Parker” in honor of Charlie Parker, bebop innovator, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. We hope you’ll think this is the most beautiful update yet. Introducing a modern new design WordPress has gotten a facelift. 3.8 brings a fresh new look to the entire admin dashboard. […]

@TomJNowell almost on time :)
"This is our second release using the new plugin-first development process, with a much shorter timeframe than in the past. " - What do they mean by that?
what it says? stuff is developed like plugin then merged into core
Ahh, gotcha.
I don't really like the admin notices anymore.
One little red border define an error message? Not very attention grabbing.
it's rather annoying that releases now happen without corresponding VCS tag :\
@StephenHarris yes, The Events Calendar plugin is changing the default post type in the $wp_query global object
@StephenHarris oh whoops, just fully read the question, nvm. Saw the title at first and assumed it was an existing bug i've been talking to them about
@TomHarrigan Its Event Organiser, and it doesn't touch global $wp_query (though it sets post type to 'event' at pre_get_posts )
@TomHarrigan no worries ;)
@StephenHarris nice, 2 mistakes in a row for me haha, let me get this cup of tea down and i'll take a look
@StephenHarris it looks like that warning got fixed already. Was she running an earlier version of canvas when he made the ticket? cuz atm she's running the latestversion of canvas
@TomHarrigan All I know is what she's posted there, but looking at her site she's running 5.5.1
Is that an outdated version?
@StephenHarris her meta tag says 5.5.4 cld.wthms.co/LobZ
@TomHarrigan I was going on style.css...
@StephenHarris That's where the tag gets it's number from. It looks like style.css says 5.5.4 as well cld.wthms.co/BPqt
@TomHarrigan Ah, so it does. She must have updated, and I was getting the copy cached from yesterday
@TomHarrigan So bug was fixed somewhere between 5.5.1 and 5.5.4?
@StephenHarris cool, if it was 5.5.1, then the update would have fixed it. It got patched in 5.5.3
@TomHarrigan Cool, thanks for your time on this. Would have been nice if she had updated the thread to say that the update had fixed it :/.
@StephenHarris lol, gotta love it :) I get tickets all the time for theme questions, and in between the time of submitting and the time i get to it, they're running a different theme
@kaiser @StephenHarris WCM lang switcher looks borked in MP6 to me, dropdown is dark
@Rarst would you mind opening an issue?
might be because it's russian entry
Thanks in advance.
@Rarst that's ok. should at least work for every language :)
If it doesn't: It's a bug.
yep, switching to russian blanks whole admin
not your bug probably
likely custom font is the issue
Ah, ok. Custom Font on your side? Browser, OS?
they just shipped custom font with core FYI
@Rarst Did they end up storing it locally. At one point they were using a DNS hosted font.... (for admin)
seems to be pulled from google
@Rarst afk?
afk maybe means: A freaking king ... @Rarst probably speaking of himself.
afk = gamer jargon for "inactive"
ah, away from keyboard
had the same aha right now :) ... google for the rescue
lol, it's like watching grandmas learn how to use chat ;)
'what does idk mean?' 'I don't know' 'Why does no one know what it means?'
don't ask me how long it took me to understand lol and rofl and smilies aside from :) and ;)
Just remembered a story that happened in 1996. I was the intern for a team of bricklayers and my master really hated everyone who was going to school. He couldn't read construction plans, so he started shouting at me when I pointed out that we were doing it kind of wrong. Here's what happened:
Still wondering if the owners are climbing above lawn mowers and stuff just to reach the cellar.
ok, cyrillic now showing...
@stephenharris88 @Rarst http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.8/src/wp-includes/script-loader.php#L559 cc @unserkaiser
Filter gettext-hack to turn that one "off and on again". applause
space between 3.7 and 3.8 seems awfully small
and seeings how 3.7 won't auto-update into 3.8, what was the damn point?
Auto updates are only for minor versions. No X.X ones.
automatism still is a nice thing in the right place.
does someone have Opera on hand? think it might be specific to it
I get to fallback sans-serif for some reason
@WordPress when beauty meets usability: Wordpress 3.8 is the industry standard
no comment.
remind me where does one get language files?
dot org
anyone here play on chess.com?
// quick fix for Opera add_filter( 'gettext_with_context', function ( $text ) { return 'no-subset' == $text ? 'cyrillic' : $text; } );
@kaiser thanks, didn't help, maybe in official 3.8 update
Maybe check if it're really Opera?
it works in Chrome since it seems to usefallback even without cyrillic subset
New plugin: Logout Roulette. Awesome reviews.
Ugh. it uses rand() that is terrible!
@Rarst Please ask on meta before you merge. This deserves its separate topic.
why? eliminating tags was very clear action item in my original thread
@Rarst but no one responded to that point. Please open a new thread for it.
so what? no one contested either and it was upvoted overall
I consider it processed and accepted for action
For the record: I think this is wrong. Most readers seem to have missed that point. Some upvotes for the rest of your post are not a sufficient legitimation.
or they didn't see anything wrong with it, either way - de facto accepted
Have you ever read Hitchhiker’s guide through the galaxy?
a meta discussion getting meta-meta...
Please read just the first 50 pages before you base your actions on something that was publicly accessible but went by mostly unnoticed.
if someone complains then it's my problem. if not - not worth time. I slaughtered woocommerce already anyway
2 hours later…
WordPress.org on a mobile device. Oh the irony.
Seems like Thomas and Andrey have left the stage :)
@kaiser Well, now they've gone this <strike>mime</strike> might get interesting
oh chat fail.
It's three dashes :)
doesn't does work
Is that a markdown thing?
Not sure. Maybe GitHub flavored MarkDown.
No. GFM uses ~~Striked Out~~... ~~test~~
Doesn't seem to a MD thing - various different implementations on top of MD
WOW! Ghost hosted platform: $5 for 1 blog.... and 10k views.
Q: Is it possible to use strikethrough (<s>, <strike>, <del>) in Trello?

Dom DelimarTrello accepts Markdown in card descriptions and it even helpfully links to the Markdown syntax page. That page mentions that "for any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax, you simply use HTML itself". However, using <del> for example to strike through text does not result in satisfa...

@StephenHarris found the same one.
@kaiser What happens at 10001?
No idea. I just don't get it. Delivering a bit of text, some images... why limit the page views? It's much easier to say "as many page views you need" when 99% not ever reach that limit. imho this is ... stupid.
@kaiser Yeah seems odd way to price it. Do it on features: back-ups / domain.
Yep. Would do it exactly that way.
(yeah learnt that today)
mmm.... thinking of creating a grunt tool to parse files and generate (very simply) hook documentation (static HTML)....
Grunt > Jekyll > GH Pages
@StephenHarris serp for this
You're really trying to bring QP out of business? ;)

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