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Matt has not approved community to approve links on trac
@toscho you see that wrong: Matt allowed generously to use his wordpress.org site-template to be used on trac :)
@hakre Have you already solved that jQuery problem?
@kaiser yes. and it was not a jquery problem, just a WP problem :D
@hakre btw, you can use $wp_query->current_post for current. IIRC there's $wp_query->next_post() as well.
@hakre There's no "WP Problem". There's just an unexplored feature.
@kaiser yes, but this is an external iterator, so it iterates WP_Query but it's not using it's internal iterator.
A perfect addition to allow IteratorAggregate on WP_Query.
So you're just throwing a final WP_Query object at its constructor?
is it final? - no it is not final.
final !== final :D
I meant you're throwing the resulting WP_Query object at it?
@kaiser jup
Btw, @hakre you got some Angular experience?
a little bit, it's long ago
nowadays I only fight with jQuery
Ok. Guess then you're no good source for answers...
Problem is that I'm using it together with requirejs and somehow it feels a bit unstable. Too often stuff (locally) doesn't load.
Oh NO!
mmm requirejs
omg... update killed my internet connection. set back to before update. work gone... and couldn't push to repo... fuuuuuuuck
Oh NO!
A: Wordpress: How to put my javascript in the footer

Jk_Use a functions.php file inside your theme template add this : <?php function add_this_script_footer(){ ?> [YOUR JS CODE HERE] <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_this_script_footer'); ?> Hope it helps!

@kaiser D:
yeah. work of the whole day simply gone.
no recourse whatsoever? No open buffers??
nothing. can't move back to that point. simply fucked up.
shit man, I'm sorry :/
trying to repeat it now from the back of my head. completely wrong time for that :/
For some wired (and lucky) reason, the PHP files are still there and got the latest changes. Just JS is at state 10 a.m.
Even the HTML files are latest.
that is a botched commit if I've ever heard of one
Since you're working with Angular and requirejs, though, I assume most of your work was in js?
it was a fucked up win7 update that ran in background and that i didn't realize.
and yes, 90% of the work was js :/
@kaiser is there no local repo?
yes, there was
the windows update removed the repo?
computer suddenly hang. for ~2 hours. then completey crashed. disc reported to have not crashed. restarted. found out my network controller couldn't be found. inspected win updates and realized that there was an update that caused it. set win back to before update. now realized that I commited, but didn't push. local changes are gone.
gaaaah. Screw you M$ "user-friendly experience" and your ninja updates. All assassinating a good man's code and whatnot >:|
this is why I keep my local repos in my dropbox
Guess where mine are. But I commited a lot and didn't push it...
dropbox maintains a history for all files. you can recover them from the website
I use a Dropbox as repo that I commit and push to > remote location.
Never thought about directly using the Dropbox folder as source folder for themes and plugins.
@toscho If this is your setup and works, I'll consider it and say thanks for the idea. Sounds better than what I got now.
I never lost a local repo, so I cannot say how good the recovery works. try it
I'm either very lucky, or got a stunning brain considering the current time. Was able to completely write down everything again from memory. Only one error.
1 hour...
so it wasn’t that much
yeah, just 5 or 6 files. But a lot of research, try and error with minor things.
i am hungry.
this beer will have to do.
5 hours later…
SE network updates: On Stack Overflow, any approved edit on a closed question will push the post into the reopen queu
posted on September 06, 2013

On Stack Overflow, any approved edit on a closed question will push the post into the reopen queue (soon to be live on the rest of the network).

SE network updates: The dialog for flagging posts was redesigned in order to streamline the process. Some of the chan
posted on September 11, 2013

The dialog for flagging posts was redesigned in order to streamline the process. Some of the changes include: Duplicate votes are separated from close votes, and anwers can no longer be flagged as very low quality.

Q: Bot for "WordPress"

Mayeenul IslamWith much edit experiences, I've seen a common mistake by all the newbie is typing "WordPress" as "Wordpress" or "wordpress". Is it feasible that we have a bot account to correct only the mistakes in the spelling of "WordPress". Disclaimer: I know in a site of code, and bugs it's not mandatory ...

@toscho I keep all my repos/dev in dropbox too, I've had to rely on it more than once for recovery and it works very well, that and the fact that you have your dev tree available anywhere you go is nice
per yesterdays enqueue script woes, here is some suggestion I've created: core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/25277
@kaiser Local History in PhpStorm, look it up
@hakre core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/24994 <-- map error in console?
@StephenHarris yes, I had it. Thx. Need to subtree merge against trunk now.
@toscho +1 for dropbox. I do the same..
@StephenHarris what is funny: I track 404s on my live site and no such things appear in the server-logs.
@hakre Odd. I just ignored it tbh, I only noticed it when checking console for other debug messages.
@StephenHarris Yes right now looking into why this is not on the live server (or if actually it isn't double checked)
I have it as 404s in the logs of my local dev
also dating back since middle of last month when I started that project
Okay, I have one entry oneline, by default it looks like WP does not use jQuery any longer in the admin. This entry is referrring to a plugin which uses it in the admin.
"what a mess" - you just wanted to integrate a stupid jquery plugin with the stable wordpress version and you run across trac tickets and even need to write patches for such things that should be simple.
@hakre it is your choice to use a browser that ignores the working, existing file to load a file that doesn’t exist.
@hakre it does, they made it harder to mess with in admin
@toscho well it doesn't break anything. it's just giving 404 / console errors.
Which is correct according to protocols. Like what happens for robots.txt or favicons.
PHPStorm > JSLint note:
> Unexpected TODO comment.
lol, okay :)
JSLint seems to be a lazy bastard :)
Is this report by me correct? core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/25278 - Just asking not that I miss something obvious.
And can someone who has access to IE 8 (or higher) test if using data-URIs inside script src attribute works for javascript? <script src="data:/text/javascript,alert('works');"></script> (I can not test that here)
why would you do that?
<script> alert('works);</script> ?
@hakre works in Chrome. Tested in IE 8,9 & 10 with no output.
@kaiser I know it works in chrome, just was interested for IE, thanks!
Angular is a bit like Rom. Every way leads to some result.
1 hour later…
promising to swim naked from Alcatraz to San Francisco … I wonder what answers I would get with such an announcement.
@toscho read part of this. and now have to figure out how to ask for a raise
easy: don’t
@toscho basically a rip off of Amander Palmers TED talk
@toscho why not ask for a raise?
@GhostToast the only thing you do all day is hanging out in our chat room. why should you get more money for that?
@TomJNowell I … disagree
@toscho I didnt think you dealt in opinions
@toscho my presence here is a valuable commodity. you guys better start forking the money over or i'll stop posting lame videos altogether.
@TomJNowell it is a fact, politely disguised as opinion.
1 hour later…
@TomJNowell interconnet it involved. @All not sure if this question shouldn't get closed or improved. Actually it's multiple questions and a bit of "do this job for me for free".
@kaiser it's a deployment question with certain steps that he's also asking how he'd do
i can't believe Coda2 doesn't have a vertical line/ruler to see when you hit 80 chars or anything
gets out the tape
@TomJNowell correct. much too many things involved to ever get that one answered.
A: Wordpress Git Workflow Help

kaiserGeneral Questions answered Nr.1. Would like to have my git environment on my own server internally, not using Github to handle repos. The first thing I'd do is to check out composer and how it works with WordPress, which is a project by Andrey "@Rarst" Savchenko. Nr.2. Automatic creatio...

The most massive namedropping of WPSE users ever in one question. Edit if you don't like your name in there.
i just saw that :)
Just realized that I get 404s for ~/wp-includes/js/jquery-10.2.min.map... see the map suffix. What the heck is that?
weird. and why is that being called
Q: jQuery's jquery-1.10.2.min.map is triggering a 404 (Not Found)

Paul IrishI'm seeing error messages about a min.map file being not found. Any leads where this is coming from?

Chrome problem... no. it's a feature :P
i do think i recall seeing something like this
> I have two things to add. 1) Downloading a jQuery map file is not enough, you will also need an uncompressed source code (otherwise you'll see an empty jquery-*.js file while debugging). 2) If you are loading jQuery from one of the CDNs then all three files (map, compressed and uncompressed source code) are in the same location and you can start debugging right away.
So what's next? jQuery CDN versions everywhere in WP again?
in my dev theme i deregister jquery and load google's anyway
@GhostToast =o
@TomJNowell google. too big to fail? :)
hi, I am trying to use this custom permalink "/%postname%/%page%/%year%/".. the page is giving 404 with "http://wordpress-serv/projects-teams/designers/1/2013" but this works fine "http://wordpress-serv/projects-teams/designers/1" (without year).

Any ideas?
I will just leave this here for @toscho vimium.github.io and decide if it's worth looking into depending on how loudly he tears it apart
@rarst cute
he is more into keyboard :) I still use mouse...
but does not seem to be in any way a developer tool. only a browsing one.
browsing is most important developer tool, that's how you google
i like to use both. my wife seeks my help for photoshop once in a while, and i tell her the keyboard commands for things, which annoys her to no end. i figure: you have two hands, why use just one?
@rarst true. my keyboard hand is mostly for CTR+T, CTR+W, CTR+Click (new tab)
and of course initiating CTR+F
@GhostToast PS killed the labels of approx 10 keyboards for me. First one gone: Alt, Ctrl, Space, Tab and Shift, V and A. I love the look of Photoshop-Keyboards. :)
guys, is it possible what I'm trying to achieve of is there a limit for number of params that can be set in custom permalinks?
i am on a mac right now, and this one is surviving pretty well. my keyboard at home has laser etched windows for each key, to let LED light through. we'll see how that survives the test of time
@vulcanraven not sure, might have to search main site or ask question there. i am not very fluent with rewrites
@GhostToast, thanks. will do that.
@vulcanraven there're different plugins linked in answers. Search for "T5Rewrite" and "MonkeyMan Rewrite Analyzer". I've written a mini plugin that will find on the wiki pages of "T5Rewrite" that connects both.
@Rarst regex search is nice
@kaiser, please reply to the question here wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/113787/37912
@vulcanraven why should I?
You can answer your own questions as well. It's actually even encouraged by the SE network policy.
@Kaiser, you can get upvoted and the whole world can see your reply. Isn't it the whole purpose of stackexchange?
I don't answer with links only. I only gave you some tools to play with to come up with a solution.
Make me angry in two steps: 1. Get a question ban on SO. 2. Ask on WPSE. Success!
190 points behind Mike... ok.
2 hours later…
@wyck i'm tearing skeleton apart and putting some different meat on it. it lives surprisingly well outside of WP once you put the pieces together.
which makes sense since i believe it was born elsewhere first
@StephenHarris i installed event organiser on a client site last night and was impressed with your options. i was also pleased that quite accidentally, my own plugin had some similar features (though not as well-dressed)
some of the same features, certainly not all
@GhostToast thanks :)
ultimately i don't think i'll be using it as i'm very comfortable with my own, but i was definitely impressed
(easier to support / modify my own stuff, primarily)
It can require the templates to bet set up for a particular theme, but then I've always built it for developers.
@GhostToast Totally get that.
Even well laid-out plug-ins I struggle to work with / debug. Fortunately, most of the time I know what action or function I'm looking for and eclipse does the rest. But still takes time & effort to understand someone else's code
yea. one thing i did was have a shortcode to drop in a calendar. and when you drop it in, you pick (optionally) how many months forward and reverse it contains
the single-event.php, if found, is used. otherwise it latches onto the_content filter to inject the necessary information above content, for that post type's single.
also will use theme's style sheet unless same-named one is found in theme dir
@StephenHarris Is it possible to put the templates for your plugin into a separate directory in a theme?
@toscho Yes, if the templates are found in the theme they are used (e.g. single-event.php, archive-event.php, taxonomy-event-category.php etc). Otherwise default templates are used (except single event pages, which uses the_content). The places it looks for templates is filterable too so other plug-ins can become template locations
so I can put all required templates into themedir/event-organizer/?
@toscho Yes.. though I think you might have to explicitly add that as a location via the filter...
@toscho Yes you will, it doesn't traverse the entire theme directory: it uses locate_template()
@StephenHarris nice. ya that was a "wow i did something apparently close to good" moment for me, discovering you had done the same thing
background: some of our costumers were asking for support of event plugins. we cannot just add themedir/single-event.php, that would probably break the sites for clients with other plugins and the same CPT name.
i have worried about cpt namespace myself
'event' is probably pretty common
as is product or portfolio
anything else just looks stupid though: mister-super-gallery-item
@GhostToast I personally hate the_content stuff, resisted it for a while. But it means its more likely to work 'out of the box', and for devs its easy to over-ride.
@StephenHarris ya. i does feel like an unnecessary check in front of everything else that's happening. but, i've certainly seen worse
@GhostToast :S. My rookie error. Do not want to change it now, but the plug-in deals with events it did not create gracefully.
@StephenHarris my plugin also uses 'event' namespace, but i am also not releasing it into the wild, so i have a lot more control. how do you handle bastard events?
@GhostToast It will conflict with stuff too. I hook onto the_content as late as possible and check post type, but the fact is you may end up adding it where its not wanted. (E.g. there are plug-ins that provide a shortcode to include content from other pages :/).
@GhostToast It appears at the very top of the admin list, but has no date details. Won't appear at all on the front-end until its assigned date(s)
@toscho Untested, but that should do the trick: gist.github.com/stephenharris/6528219
@StephenHarris cool, will test that
warm up your server, 3.6.1 will be out soon
@GhostToast ya it was made by a twitter dev as a slim alternative to bootstrap
i dodged a big fat "we want this developed in drupal because wordpress isn't safe" bullet by saying "hey, why not use NO cms, bitches?" kind of fun to make a mini templating engine
@wyck and so skeleton rides again
@GhostToast why make templating engine?.. off the shelf stuff is fantastic
@rarst good experience? don't feel like learning markdown? plus my function is only 50 lines long. site itself is only going to be 7 pages. spending more time on fun stuff like css animations
@Wyck it what? thread breaks above
@Rarst getskeleton.com theme
@GhostToast ah you mean content, not page templates? still same argument, existing stuff is great
and still same rebuttal. my knowledge of php is almost completely limited to what existed beside it in wordpress. i dont want to quickly jump into another frameworks arms i guess
Skeleton thing seems a little stale?.. no commits for year+
@GhostToast you keep changing what you are talking about. what do you need, templating engine, markup language or PHP framework?
@rarst apologies. templating engine i think is what i am using. my understanding of all the differences is lacking. basically needed a way to separate the functionality and automation, from the content (at least somewhat). and have a rudimentary handbuilt method in place
use Mustache. dead easy, great PHP implementation
Hi everybody! I'm new to wp so I have a hard time to find good search terms for what I'm looking for:
hey we were suppose to change the room tagline/description.. can't remember what was it..
Building a site for my bicycle club I want to display a "sponsor area" – with exchangeable sponsors. Probably there exists a widget for this case. Can anybody help or suggest something? Thanks!
@toscho you spelled that wrong. K should be T
@Sisir nope
there was a meta post about it..
@AvL welcome to the dark corner of wordpress stack exchange. i recommend you make a custom post type.
it was about the room name
no need to custom post. might be overkill..
That was what I thought - but how to display those in a specific area?
@AvL you want to display only in sidebar?
create a custom nav menu, use it in a widget
could use Text Widget and just handcode an image in
but CPT is always the answer in my opinion!
@Sisir actually not really - rather independent in the upper right corner…
hmm.. try cpt then. shouldn't be hard..
I have editors who want to be able to update sponsors themselfes - so no handcoding…
cpt? me->noob
never mind *C*ustom*P*ost*T*ype...
well formating isn't working as expected...
@AvL try the image widget
good thing is you will find majority of the problem already solved when you search :)
I need some porn.. later guys!
@Sisir have a nice masturbate!
@Wyck Thanky, I'll have a look!
..mental breakdown!
@GhostToast I don't want to sound lazy, but displaying CPT in a specific area seems a common need – isn't there a widget for that or even a build-in solution other than creating a custom widget area by "hand"?
@AvL depends how brave you feel. on one hand, you can spend half a day researching plugins and finding that nothing suits your needs completely. or you can take some of that time and learn how to do it just the way you want. with your leftover time, you can then watch television.
@AvL there are quite a few such widgets around. search plugin repo for Query Posts and Mini Loops
@AvL ͏͏͏͏͏͏http://wordpress.org/plugins/multiple-content-blocks/
or there's always drupal.
@GhostToast we are worried about what your work does to you
I just wanted to try wp because drupal seems such an overkill for this kind of small club website ;-)
@AvL I was joking. I have recently dabbled in drupal myself. It felt like putting a car together with hopes of getting to later take a drive down the street.
Well, I think I'll dive into the apis - after all the results for "Query Posts and Mini Loops" look much more complicated than doing it myself. As always…
@AvL you sure you are looking at plugins, not docs? cases of unfortunate naming :)
It's like a rainbow for your brain: A brainbow.
@Rarst Well, Mini Loops do look interesting (kind of like "views" in drupal…) I'll check it out — tomorrow. By guys
@AvL take care
@toscho I can't see his user name on any profile... so confuzzled O.o
Unless it's just "User"
it is.
ignore me.
@bosco it's an ascii character that I cannot paste into chat but you can past it into gist or a text editor
Q: Cannot @ reply to users with usernames composed of non-visible unicode characters

bmikeWe have a potentially clever user in the ways of unicode or javascript user name validation (and certainly very knowledgable in general) that managed to get what is effectively a null user name from the normal process to change user names in their account management tools: http://apple.stackexch...

Stack Exchange has some crazy broad naming guidelines O.o
I want to be BEL
I wonder if 'admin' is taken
multiple times
user names are not unique. we had another rarst for a while
wonder what happened to him?
most likely deprecated
This is a list of people who disappeared mysteriously, and whose current whereabouts are unknown or whose deaths are not substantiated, as well as a few cases of people whose disappearance was notable and remained mysterious for a long time, but was eventually explained. Before 1801 *71 BC – Although he was presumed killed in battle, the body of the rebel slave Spartacus was never found and his fate remains unknown. *53 BC – Ambiorix was, together with Catuvolcus, prince of the Eburones, leader of a Belgic tribe of northeastern Gaul (Gallia Belgica), where modern Belgium is located. Acco...
we tricked @anu once into believing we all would change our names to Spartacus. He changed his name first and couldn’t change it back for three moths. No one else did that. :D
@toscho Have you seen The Highlander? There can only be one (Rarst)!!!!!!!
@toscho could you please use more telling anchors in commenta than "this" ? :) there is always bookmarklet for Markdown links I made to not type it out...
yes, I could. but I’m too lazy
me too, that's why there is a bookmarklet for it
@Wyck very interesting.
@toscho heh ya it's a wiki rabbit hole, might get lost for hours on that page
toscho mysteriously disappeared whilst reading the "List of people who disappeared mysteriously" wiki page
dangit, I wanted to write that
While we're on the topic of Wiki time-sinks, I'm sure you're all familiar with how following the 1st links on any page not in parenthesis or italicized will eventually bring you back to Philosophy about 90% of the time, no?
Q: Do all Wikipedia articles lead to Philosophy?

trav1s Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the article text not in parenthesis or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at "Philosophy". - Randall Munroe, XKCD (mouse-over text) I have tried this for several different articles and was surprised t...

wow people put a lot of effort into figuring that out
Damn you skeptics.
was in one of their recent newsletters
Civilization Voice: You have discovered Philosophy.
You want an interesting subject on wikipedia, read about hive insects, particularly bees, then ants. and then read about neurological parasites of ants.
@GhostToast Leonard Nimoy?
um no thanks I have an ant phobia
@TomJNowell huh, didn't know that
@GhostToast Ah yes, the ant parasites. Mind control. Etc.
@bosco ya. cause they represent a HUGE biomass on this planet, they have highly specialized parasites. kinda like how wordpress is targeted by hackers...
imagine what might become of our species if our biomass continues to grow. it won't go unchecked, i imagine.
Wordpress developers, I mean. :P
@GhostToast heh. But what kind of parasite targets a WordPress developer?
Are those clients?
@bosco GPL
The Loop - Where humor prevents work from getting done.
Leonard Nimoy's hive goo.gl/345avS
(penthouse with tree, I used to live nearby)
@bosco WP Core has a knack for 'hooking in' to a developer
@TomJNowell :D and continue to feed off of their life force, eventually driving the subject to the brinks of insanity
reindexed QP for 3.6.1, it broke again on raw HTML in function description... grr
Out of curiosity when using namespaces in PHP, does prefixing non-namespaced functions with a '\' result in a performance benefit as opposed to having PHP perform the lookup on its own?
Perhaps I'll test this on my own...
@bosco PHP will always search in the local namespace first if you don’t use a leading \.
@bosco define "performance benefit".
@toscho ah, alright, I had thought as much but wasn't positive
@hakre Well, I have to imagine that specifying that the function exists in the global namespace executes said function some number of milliseconds faster that not prefixing it with '\', and requiring PHP to attempt to look it up in the local namespace before the global
@bosco no you don't have to. you have to metric that first.
and while you do so - and doings that properly - you understand why you don't have to.
what’s more important: it is easier to find the functions and classes for the IDE and other developers
btw, 3.6.1 is just out
just merged in as outlined in:
A: Wordpress Git Workflow Help

hakreNo time to write a full feature answer (I know sort of lame) but probably worth to share anyway (I might edit this because I plan a blog-post on this as well): I'm cloning Wordpress from Github (you can even do this for the source tree from here: tierra/wordpress) I then use it as via a subtree...

@hakre fair enough
@toscho also fair!
@bosco actually that is the performance you are interested as developer, how quickly you can change the code.
@hakre Computer Science kind of ruined me in that regard. I always try to count out CPU cycles, even when it just gets in the way O.o
posted on September 11, 2013 by Andrew Nacin

After nearly 7 million downloads of WordPress 3.6, we are pleased to announce the availability of version 3.6.1. This maintenance release fixes 13 bugs in version 3.6, which was a very smooth release. WordPress 3.6.1 is also a security release for all previous WordPress versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. […]

@StephenHarris nope. they should just include the .map file instead :/
@GhostToast Read an article today about parasite ants who live in mushroom cultivating ant colonies and eat the mushroom ants mushrooms, cut of their queens wings and eat their eggs. But when enemies come and attack the colony, they serve as mercenaries. Perfect symbiosis :)
there are two types of unreasonable askers - those who want a plugin and those who don't want a plugin
@toscho what do you mean another Rarst!?
Just like @kaiser, but named … well … Rarst.
I hadn't approved that!
@Rarst Just because it's @kaiser? Harsh, @Rarst. Harsht.
how do you query a meta key if a value exists using meta_query , I must be missing something simple
or maybe it's still not possible..
 'value'   => array(''),
 'compare' => 'NOT IN'
they added NOT EXISTS but no explicit exists yet...
I subscribed to it 21 months ago , must have forgot lol
seems like they did maybe add it, but it doesn't work, core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/21185

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