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Happy new year from the UK :)
Happy new year, (me in UK aswell)
Happy new year to you!
I've got 6 more hours
Good NYE to you, @Li357 and a good New Year when the time comes.
(I call it a day. see you next time we are in.)
@Mithrandir I spread my efforts far and wide so it will take me far too long to do that on any one site. I think my top 3 sites get me over 100k though...
Happy new year everyone!
@JesseBusman You too!
Hats off to the new years!
2 hours later…
@HenryWHHackv2.1 good to see you again. I remember that furry guy from last WB.
you were around last year right?
Last year means 2017?
was just saying that it was nice to see you again.
@HenryWHHackv2.1 no last WB (WB 2016)
For so of use 2017 is last year. :)
Me a few more minutes and boom!
@David I was around.
I still enter the old winter bash room.
I am always in there.
2 hours later…
in Sandbox on Stack Overflow Chat, 30 secs ago, by David
this sounds like a safe room to post a message that could get a hat.
done :)
I'm going around to all the chat rooms I have accounts on and posting (hopefully) funny messages
lol - for those people who want as many duplicate hats as possible XD
10 more minutes until 2018 for me!
3 hours later…
Yay. Got Brunhilde - I forgot about counting meta.se rep :)
Happy new year!!
Happy new year
hoppy new ribbit year
are you new year?
I'm already new year
But everyone is not here
Give glass to me!
If you get starred here, you won't get a hat.
This room has no parent site, so you can't get hats here.
No parent? why.
What happens if you get starred in a chat of a site in which you don't have an account? Who gets the hat?
Another day. Another +7 answer with comments. No Silencium for me.
...probably nobody.
My latest Silencium attempt - stackoverflow.com/questions/48048614/…
Well, one of the other answers got comments, so I guess that won't work
Well, I'm two votes short of 7. Based on the hat description - "answer a question that has never been commented on; your answer gets no comments and scores 7+" - I may still get it. The question and my answer never had comments.
And it's gone. Just got a comment on my answer :(
Now it got to 7...
That's why you shouldn't make yourself suffer such an excruciating pain of attempting Silencium on Stack Overflow. You'll just get more and more frustrated when, at +6, someone says "plz send teh codes, it not works for me" :P
I'll keep trying. Still have 1.5 days left :)
I have decided to post bounties from the rep I got for signing up just to vote.
So if there is a hat for handing out bounties tomorrow I can get it.
Would be great to have a hat you can only get if you were generous before you knew you had to.
I have a bounty to award for the show off your hats question. I only posted that bounty to help that question get me my Waffles hat :)
Good Q, I am not going to answer it but that is just because I am lazy.
@Eran :|
There should have been a hat for getting +20/-20 votes on a post :p
@Mithrandir There was +5/-5 hat a few years ago. I got it (and many other hats) for posting the secret hats question of that year.
Most sites never get as many as 20 votes on one Q, even less -20
That was the monkey one, right?
Well, it's at +33/-25, so the net score is 8. Not terrible :P
@Mithrandir It was so easy to get Waffles via that question. Thanks for posting it! Last year it was very hard for me to get the Waffles equivalent hat, and I thought I wouldn't try to get it this time.
Well. That certainly wasn't my intention when posting it, but... when life hands you lemons, make lemonade? :P
I myself didn't get Waffles though :(
@Mithrandir That's too bad. Did you answer it before it got down to -3? Or perhaps you can't get it if you post the answer yourself.
Mith posted an immediate self-answer, so it was at 0 at that time.
Yep, I posted them simultaneously.
Another Silencium attempt - stackoverflow.com/questions/48049567/… - no rep in it for me, since I'm past the rep cap.
already has a comment
For the explorer hat, it is enough if the answer has been there for 12+ hours before the accept?
Ah, the accept came with an upvote and I am not sure which came first.
@Willeke At one point I considered down-voting a question whose OP had 13 rep, so that they won't be able to up-vote me after accepting my answer. I decided against it in the end. :)
I will not down vote a good Q or A, hate to get downvotes but is happens too often on some sites.
In Bicycles I regularly get downvotes without explanations. And I also get them when I post an answer that differs from the main point of view at the site, (while I feel that opposing answers are much more valuable than those that go with the flow.)
It is the reason I stopped answering in Workspace.
Someone closed the Q I had a bounty on, I did not know that is possible. But it did return the rep back to the account.
Only a mod can do that.
First they have to refund the bounty, then the question is closable.
@Willeke That was me. Bounties are refundable by a mod when it stops a question being closed as off-topic, unclear, etc or in this case as a duplicate.
Ah, so my memory was right, you can not close a Q with a bounty.
@Willeke Correct. Although I suspect a CM or Dev can work around that without refunding the bounty.
So now I need to find an other A worthy of the bounty. I prefer relatively low level users who are active hunting hats.
Or at least show they have hats.
@Willeke Yeah. Try to pick a question that isn't a dupe and wont be closed :)
Hard to judge that on a site where you are not a regular.
2 hours later…
@Eran Do a self q&a. You'll get two hats in one because nobody really comments on those in my experience
Also please don't get Silencium on SO I want first
And I still haven't gotten my Extra Toppings hat and it's been 21 hours
@Eran pops talked about that years ago (2015 I think) You actually would get a hat, but it is tied to nothing, so you never see it. (Or something like that)
@David Um. So... time for some science!
um no. what is the point of getting an invisible hat?
Oh, wait. Can't anymore, the trigger has expired now, hasn't it?
@Mithrandir :) there in lays the key.
@David for science. Aren't you filled with a burning desire to see if it counts towards that site's hat count or your hat count or the network hat count?
if you already posted a chat message in the time frame, but it has not bee nstarred you can still get the hat.
@Mithrandir no
@David Welp. There goes my experiment.
but "for science" you can star one of these
I have not gotten the hat on any of thoes sites.
and the time for getting the hat is past, yet I will still get the hat :)
I wanted a site where a.) nobody on that site has gotten the hat b.) the person posting the message has no hats c.) the person posting does not have an account on that site
@Mithrandir can't do C. if you do not have an account you do not get the hat.
Well that's the experiment, isn't it.
Oh, and d.) I have access to the account :P
Unfortunately, my sock hasn't posted anything in the required time frame, so that's out.
did you anywhere?
Did I what anywhere?
post a chat message, in the time frame, on a site that you have not gotten the 2018 hat yet?
Yes. But that's not what I was curious about.
It's so disorienting to see posts that have timestamps "Dec 23 '17"
2 hours later…
I did get my Red Hat with White Fur Trim a couple of days late, but I do not know if the Glasses with Numbers On will be given late.
2 hours later…
@David Starred all of those :)
1 hour later…
So is this is, or will there likely be another hat or two before the end of WB?
Probably it
So apparently Extra Toppings may require the answer to be posted for 3+ days
1 hour later…
I need 2/3 votes on this answer or that answer to get Taco Tuesday Any Day.

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