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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@David Didn't work for me :/ I guess I answered at the wrong time (before it got to -3) but I can't be sure.
I thought this answer would be a good candidate for Extra Toppings, as the accepted answer is weak. No traction, though -- apparently most of the community on The Workplace only uses the site from work and people are off for holidays. :-)
@David Whoa - you're nearly at the top of that cliff. Only 3 more to go until B.SE wins the bash :)
@X-27 so close! (I can only vote once. :-) )
@MonicaCellio I already did too :)
Can we make duplicate accounts? XD
That would be unwise. :-)
Ahh well... I need to find other people with more than 15 rep on the meta to recruit to vote!
@DavidPostill yah I think so.
Yay! Already 3 UVs on my SO self-answer
And I unintentionally got Hero of Time
@Li357 yha thats awesome. I did that too. I was asking on scifi (to get trendsetter) and I happened to get the 7:00 hat too.
@Li357 just UVed you should get the selfi now.
@David All but one of the people I've talked to either don't use Stack Exchange, or do so without an account.
But out of nearly 3,200 people, I'm sure there would be 3 people who could upvote that. But I don't really want to put out a video saying, "Go vote on David's post so he can win the Winter Bash!"
@X-27 lol
1. Create 3 sock puppets. 2. Ask two questions and let your sock puppets answer 3. Upvote them all 4. Upvote yourself on WB post 5. Profit
@Li357 That is really shady...
I'd prefer to upoad a video begging for votes XD
@Li357 you do know I am a mod right?
@David Even better
@X-27 But hats
@Li357 I understand completely - I was a hat nut in past years - and have asked some really, really interesting questions to get hats XD
@Li357 (I know you are only joking) but it is exactly stuff like that, which is making SE wonder if they should even do the WB.
Q: Discouraging "soul-selling" for hats

Andrew LiWinter Bash 2016 has started, and is in full swing. I love hats as much as the next person, but can't help notice some "soul-selling" for them (which I am also guilty for). By "soul-selling" I mean things such as votes not based on content ("This is Fine" for example, and for badges and thus, hat...

Q: How can I add a cube?

X-27I am trying to add cubes to my scene. I'm sure there are lots of ways to get a cube into the scene (but for the purposes of this question, I have no idea what they are) - Are there any ways to add a cube that are easier than using the python console and manually adding them by using this command?...

Me last year
@Li357 you posted that?
Yes.... how to add a cube.
@David That was me yes
Got loads of answers, really fast
I forget which hat that was for :)
shift a > mesh > cube?!!?one
@Li357 why do people use different chat profiles then their accounts?
@X-27 the pizza (5 answer in under 30 mins)
yah, that one! :)
@David Well I changed my username/etc on SO and it got weird on chat
The pizza one was that? I don't remember that one
The Archimedes was still my favotire hat, ever.
@Li357 I can show a picture, if you dont believe me... :)
It fit perfectly with my specially made avatar:
from 2014
Oh 2014
I didn't participate until 2016
I remember Snapchat I think
oh so your "one of the new guys"
@David At least I was dedicated last year
@Li357 nice. from what?
The self q&a!
3 hats in one!
@Li357 sweet!
@Li357 39 out of 41. not bad for your first year!
007 was one of the harder ones for me.
I was pretty proud
That google doc was the best
only year we had such a thing
I wasn't there on the first day to create it this year but it seems like there are less people participating in WB this year
@Li357 there are. also the secret hats are easier to figure out. ( mother of dragons was the only one that we had to really figure) and even at that I figured it out in about an hour after its first appearance.
Yeah. Not as exciting
no, but it is understandable.
too much bad behavior going around for hats.
The last regular hat I can plausibly get is the Brunhilde
@David Bad behavior? That is what made previous years fun!
@X-27 no, it was not.
@Li357 post a picture of the bash page, winterbash2017.stackexchange.com its too hard for me to try to figure out which ones you still have left to get.
I guess I can go for Waffles
Extra toppings **
@Li357 yah the pizza is the easiest one you have left to get.
Oh boy
2 hours later…
@David Just two votes away!!!
@David Thanks
3 hours later…
Trying for both Silencium and Waffles - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/305244/…
@Mithrandir You got my votes. Good luck
Thanks! :)
I'm also going to keep trying for Silencium till the bitter end. I'm not trying for Fashionable though. Viral questions are not my thing.
Heh. I got that one fairly quickly, because my attempt for Hero of Time went nuts :P
But Explorer and Universe Brain seem to be out of my reach :(
I got explorer twice, even though it took a long time. I got lucky with Universe Brain.
I'm not active on SO, so no clueless users for me.
The one tag I follow on SO usually just has crap questions.
Welp. Strike that Silencium try.
I'm expecting another secret hat (possibly the last one) within an hour.
Silencium is nearly impossible
Going for sherlock on Super User ...
@Mithrandir One step closer :)
@DavidPostill you're now 2/6 of the way there
I'm stupid. If I'd waited for 5 minutes I would have got Hero of Time :/
@Mithrandir hahahahaha. lol. That question has gone HNQ!
Ha! :D
I just need it to get another 2 votes without any comments... and then have the hat be awarded before HNQ people start commenting.
...too late
It got a comment. >.<
Okay... yet another try :D
I expect we will see the first NY hats soon.
11 AM in the UK, means that the new day is starting in those island nations that moved the date line to be the first to meet the new millenium.
Almost I should have said.
1 hour later…
Got Sherlock. Now if the hat haters will refrain from commenting I might get Silencium :)
@DavidPostill Here, I got you a little bit closer
I got Silencium as a surprise, did not even know what you needed and got it as one of the first hats.
I still need another 4 votes on Movies.SE...
Never been on Movies.SE, and as I do not watch movies, not going to either.
@Mithrandir If you were to provide a link ...
And Literature is not my corner of the world either.
@Mithrandir here, @DavidPostill
I got my Q answered on a new site, with just one upvote, I got my self answered Q, just one upvote on the Q, (3 on the A) and so I have a few more.
@Willeke it's easy enough to create an account ;). And we accept pretty much every good SE question about books, plus questions about poetry, plays, song lyrics...
@Mithrandir Ah. I can't vote on that one :/
@DavidPostill I'm curious, why?
Might try a Q that is easy enough to find the answers.
one more on the win 10 Q
And that answered a question I have had for a long time. (no longer, win 10 on computer now.)
And as I started making accounts, I might as well continue.
I've got an account on every single SE site :D
A vote for me here will help: travel.stackexchange.com/a/107275/27650
and two more on the Q here: travel.stackexchange.com/q/107102/27650
And @DavidPostill, do you have a link to that movies Q or A?
Which? Mine?
Possible spoilers for the ending of the first Harry Potter book/movie movies.stackexchange.com/questions/84378/…
If you have a Q or A that needs votes (next to that nearly at 100) you are welcome to post @Mithrandir
I could even have known the answer to that, I read the first 4 potters.
Well... there's that Movies.SE one I linked, and I suppose if meta.stackexchange.com/questions/305244/… gets another 11 votes I'll get a gold badge...
Hi there @the
How goes the educating?
I did not even have to join for that last one.
And muchas gracias for the votes.
@Mithrandir It's good. The site is slow, because it's a new site, but I like it.
@thesecretmaster I still find it amusing that I have user ID #5 :D
@Mithrandir I already voted :)
Ah. Heh.
@Mithrandir Oh wow, you do! I'm 58, how'd you get in so early?
Thanks, I got two hats :D
@thesecretmaster Funny... that's my user ID on Literature.SE. Where I'm a mod. Coincidence?
My user ID on lit is.... not 5 :)
Also, I happened to be online when it launched and created an account I think 37 seconds after A51 notified me that that it was going live (as I had followed but not committed).
Oh. Yeah, I was kinda not active on SE at the time it launched. That was about a year after I started asking on SO.
Got Silencium :)
@DavidPostill Congrats!
@thesecretmaster It could be 2832 ;)
25 hats on Super User, leading by 9 hats :)
@Mithrandir I'd join if I had any knowledge to share
@thesecretmaster of course you do. Do you read any books?
Also, you should join because you're sometimes with Charcoal and so should have an account on every site ;P
@Mithrandir Not as much as I'd like to. Last book I read was an english translation of Les Miserables.
Nice. We've got Les Mis questions. :)
...I wonder who user #24601 will be.
Congrats on Silencium, I think it is the best looking hat of this year.
Les Mis was ... a lot of words.
@thesecretmaster Heh. Isn't every book?
Also, if you didn't understand it, all the more reason to ask questions about it :P
@Willeke And not so easy. When a question and answer goes HNQ comments are expected. I was lucky :)
Lunch has been called, I will be back after I have stuffed myself.
Heh. Bon appetit
I checked all the answers I posted during Winter Bash having at least 3 votes, and all have comments in the question or answer. No Silencium for me.
@Mithrandir Yes, but not usually > 1000 pages of words (at least in my copy)
@thesecretmaster Those are the best. I love long books.
@Mithrandir I prefer thick books, not long ones :)
Yeah, but they're not great when you don't have very much free time.
Just read in the wee hours then ;)
But sleeping!
Eh, who needs to sleep
Hats are naturally more important
@Mithrandir Meeee! I already only get ~5 hours a night and I need more!
I expected this would get me a Galaxy Brain, but it's behind schedule. I don't understand why that (non-CW) question has a higher score than the CW answer ...
@Glorfindel and to stump you even further I had already UVed the answer, but not the question.
New secret hat!
"Glasses With a Number On Top"
@Mithrandir new years
just got the great answer badge!!!
Nice! Still two short here :(
@Mithrandir did all you do was vote?
@David Congrats
@David not sure. I don't even know if I voted.
Pretty sure I got voted on...
I really have to thanks all of you who voted on that answer. Without all of you I sure would not of gotten it.
@Mithrandir interesting.
because I was expecting this hat, so I have been voting.
@Mithrandir you done anything on movies in the last hour and 40 minutes? Did you get UVed?
Yes, I did.
hmm it might be your post. but then again it might be the UV
I haven't voted since Dec 27th there.
@Mithrandir yah, casting votes does not seam to have anything to do with this one.
you want to UV anything of mine, see if the getting a UV in the new year thing works?
@Mithrandir the think one?
@Mithrandir (you do know you could...)
Oh that's right
lol who stared the star request? that is so meta.
rubs hands let's see if this theory works
Me, as a test
Last year we had to star posts in the chat, if I remember right
This room is de-parented.
Ah, bad luck.
@Mithrandir exactly. this room wont work for the staring.
not sure the starred message is it. Just went to BSE's room, and a message I posted recently was starred.
I did that.
the regulars will "love" that :)
I post so many of those review sweeps
@David It worked. You got a 2018 hat
no kidding.
(I haven't seen it yet)
Saw it in the leaderboard
but I have not gotten any UVs yet this year, so that is not it.
another trigger ripped from past WBs
Maybe it was the starred chat post
try it post something here
I can clear up after you get the hat
I just did
@Mithrandir did you get any other hats this year?
I'm wondering if it is "get a hat in 2018"
I did post in the 'You Are Here' travel chat.
Don't think so
I did get several hats today, but not the new years one.
its probably the starred message
so I finally get the universe hat, but the 2018 hat moves it off the list.
@Eran its been 5 mins. did you get the hat?
@David nope
I got a starred message but not a hat
Maybe it's not for that (?)
blames caching
I tried voting now. Perhaps it's a voting trigger after all.
yah we haven't figured this one out (yet)
did that go through?
@Eran Huh I don't think so. I don't think I have voted during this period
I have it but no clue what it's for if it's not because of chat
I got it now, on Blender, so it was definitely the chat.
could still be caching
@Eran nope
Ah cool
@Mithrandir good guess! nice work everyone.
@Eran you have it too.
That is the starred chat post?
@Willeke yep.
post a message in chat within +- 12 hours of the new year that gets starred.
there is your trigger.
at least balpha remembered to use the correct year this time. :)
I have accepted a self answer with no votes on it, makes me wonder if that will work for the accept without votes.
@Willeke dont think so (there is a post on the meta about self answers not working for that hat)
TTFN all
And the tradition(?) of descriptive secret hat titles continues with Glasses With A Number On Top.
Is there a new hat?
Yes, we need to star each other's messages.
Stars in this room don't count. No really, they don't, because the room has no parent site.
@Glorfindel Yeah. I'm begging on SO
And it worked
I think in other hats it read 'where it is X (date) anywhere in the world.
@David did you get universe brain yet?
I got an answer at 24
@Li357 I'm not quite begging but... chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript
Happy New Year!
Happy new year to you.
@alecxe \0/
@Sébastien :)
@Sébastien Also since you're a JavaScript person, I've got an answer at 24 (need that galaxy brain) :P
@alecxe What are you doing at #4 ?
@Li357 Grear answer ;)
@Li357 I didn't - need two more votes :/
@Mithrandir There's a literature SE?!
Never read 1984
There ya go Mith
Thanks! :D
@Mithrandir I love Orwell. Just joined literature for some reason...
While we're on the subject, movies.stackexchange.com/questions/84378/… needs two more votes as well for Silencium ;)
Darn it. My question lost its hot network questions place
They drop off after a while; the entire algorithm is divided by age, IIRC.
My top voted one I think lost HNQ then got back onto it
I've done that too :)
"Why does this comma inside a ternary operator throw a syntax error in JavaScript?" is not as eye-catching as "Does Java have a “private protected” access modifier?"
I'm tied for first in hats on SO!
Ooh, shiny.
Just got Universe Brain. Thanks! ^.^
Now I'm tied for... 8th network wide.
If only I could get two more votes on Movies.SE, that'd get me Silencium, I think...
How did you guys get extra toppings? Is Meta.SE easier?
Except that Meta.SE will also eat you alive.
I'm very subtle.
@Sébastien Do you mind if I add an answer to this for a chance at extra toppings?
@Li357 By all means, I might upvote if it's good ;)
@Sébastien just have not yet got awarded the 2018 one, be right back at 1st with others :)
@alecxe I have no doubt!
I wonder if there are any secret hats left..
@Mithrandir congrats on getting the Universe Brain!
It would be great if there is a 'last minute' hat.
Last year there were 41/2, two hats where you would only get one (on each site) and 40 others.
How many are we now?
@alecxe thanks!
@Willeke 33 total as of now
Mmm, quite a few less.
it could be that some hats are gonna be assigned after the WB based on the actions during WB..
If I got enough votes here, I would get mother of dragons: 3dprinting.stackexchange.com/questions/5176/…
it's closer now
Thank you as well.
hint hint again
I can only do one vote there, sorry.
To get the right time for the 'Hero of Time', I would like to check my computer with the time of the site.
Looks like it is within a minute with here.
@Sébastien I added another answer :P
@Willeke click on the achievements dropdown
Thanks, that would work as well.
@Mithrandir hint hint
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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