@AnkitSharma Note that if you upvoted that question, you have to get to a score of 4 (i.e. your vote doesn't count for getting the hat). I believe this may also be the case if your vote was one of the votes that originally brought the question down to -3.
@Eran In this case it was -3 before my vote and not final score is 3 ( including my vote) and answer is at 6. You mean to say question need another vote here?
Does a Cosmic Brain answer have to be for answers posted during Winterbash? I have a feeling it's the only hat left that I have any hope of getting....
@Willeke Hey, don't take it too hard - he didn't mean to hurt you. I read it as a gentle "Hey, just FYI, this is how it's spelled", not in any condescending or hurtful way. Don't take it too hard :(
And to avoid this getting out of hand, I hope this is closed now. (for your information, bad memories from 'well willing bystanders' making situations worse all my school days.)
@alecxe please dont take this the wrong way, but I kind of hope you and AnkitSharma don't get the univerce brain hat (looks like I wont). That way we can all be in first.
There is also a "fresh" module called npm-check:
Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
It also provides a convenient interactive way to update the dependencies.
@David "my own question" could also be a good guess. May be even "bounty on your own question with your own answer only" - promotional-style bounty sort of
Brunhilde is awarded for earning 150 reputation on each of three different sites (other than SO). I've earned the hat on four sites so far, three initially and the fourth today when I crossed that reputation threshold. So it appears that the hat isn't a one-time award; once you have it, other s...
@David Catija's answer there really, err, takes the cake. :-) There are some other impressive ones too. Most of us are just part of the pack. (I think I'm at ~26 or so.)
see this is the part of the bash I like the most. (not the vote swapping) but the sportsmanship. We are all in this together. I just gave alecxe his last hat, and in turn he is helping me try to get it too.
Absolutely! And now we are all, like friends helping each other out, going to downvote Ankit Sharma's posts so that he would not get that Universe Brain hat :D
@David yes, I like this sportsmanship too. I'm not in the same league as you guys; I'm just interested in collecting nice art without distorting the sites in the process.