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@DavidPostill The Link from Zelda not the html link.. "Hero of Time" is the title of this hat for posting at 7:00 pm in any time zone.
Does the mad hatter require you to edit someone else's post?
@micsthepick I got mine from tag fixups which I do anyway
@JourneymanGeek on your own question?
SU has a big list of tags we need to clean up
@micsthepick I did a few random old questions that still had "thanks" in them.
just went there, picked 5 questions and did the needful XD
Anyone else chicken hunting?
How to hat?
get hat. wear hat.
Mmm hat
(I have a mod hat under my mod hat ;p
(I have my bald head under my mod hat ;p)
I don't have a hat :(
@Michael do you have the mobile app?
you can get a hat just from voting seven times on questions or answers in the same site on the mobile app.
I can't seem to get the "delete 10 old comments" hat.
eh. That's easy.
Just go through your old comments ;p
@JourneymanGeek But they're all good!
I deleted a ton of them.
@JourneymanGeek According to the guidance, it's only on your own comments.
delete 10 of your own comments posted in 2017 before the start of Winter Bash
yeah, only your own comments. I purged 10 comments on a post and didn't get the hat
I deleted 10 of my comments, no hat yet... does it take time?
@anonymous2 ya, its your own
@WELZ caching
+ there's apparently wandering grinches ;p
Sounds like a children's book
"I asked 5 questions on superuser...no hat yet. I posted 10 messages in 10 different rooms...no hat yet."
ooh, close to a rep cap ;)
I''m one answer and one vote away from a gold badge ...
you can do it :p
I'm at 80/80 posts and 399/400 score on a silver tag badge right now
@JourneymanGeek Do you have to not make any comments, or just none on the questions that you edit?
not sure if I can even get a good badge
@micsthepick donno, no one made any. I didn't make any
@micsthepick just on those posts
That's why I picked tag fixups
"edit, or suggest an edit, 5 times in a single UTC day without commenting on the post"
@WELZ bad description?
it's without edit comments I think
the way I read it, you have to edit a post five times without making a comment
@Riker That's the official description winterbash2017.stackexchange.com/the-mad-hatter
I know
@Riker nope, I did, I have the hat
hm ok
It took a good few hours for me to get it (probably to make sure you don't comment)
hm, ppcg has 2 marshal badges handed out
1 to a high-rep user
and the other to somebody with 103 rep :p
that takes committment
he's got like 12k on SO, that's it I think
he's got 1 answer total on ppcg, meta answer
@JourneymanGeek or autoflagging
that's also kinda dedication? ;p
I think I was at abooout 30k when i got my marshal. Maybe more.
3 yearsish ago?
for "I'll handle it", can the post be closed before wb?
that's a tricky one for me
Well, If I close it, edit it and reopen it on SU, I basically abuse my hammer ;p
and most stuff I close on MSE is really crap
@JourneymanGeek ah I see
not a problem on ppcg, where we get like 1/3 questions closed
@JourneymanGeek Could do it on ServerFault or SoftRecs
@anonymous2 true
and then 6/7 of those reopened in a couple days
I'm not on SF as much as I used to
not as much chances to play with fun stuff these days
Should be relatively easy on SoftRecs.
ehh, maybe
not using it as much either ;p
Maybe not the re-opening part, but the closing and editing would be pretty easy.
I still can't get over getting the Tumbleweed badge on a question with a bounty on it over on SoftRecs.
why secret hats, why ;_;
@EriktheOutgolfer they're all pretty simple at least
just harder
@Riker we don't know if those are all
and I'm afraid that's a secret
@EriktheOutgolfer I got a pair. One of which without really trying.
@JourneymanGeek yeah the ooh shiny one is relatively easy to get
@X-27 LOL nice video!
good troll/joke
also btw I should've got its-a-me at least an hour ago
@AlexanderO'Mara definitely. both must be posted during the bash.
@Glorfindel I still expect a solstice hat.
@DragandDrop you have one minute. from 7:00:00 till 7:00:59
@micsthepick no,no edit 5 posts without leaving a comment.
@Panda thanks for adding all the hats into the list!
@David No problem :)
Seems everyone's got the SE hat but me :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing the mod hat?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Just CV something that already has a few CVs
ಠ_ಠ PPCG hasn't had a closable challenge since yesterday
it had earlier today
it's had 2 off-topic questions so far today :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh that kind of trouble. come over to BSE we got hundreds, probably thousands.
@David Don't have enough rep (or an account :P)
@cairdcoinheringaahing rep doesn't not matter, flag to close works too.
@David Well, in that case, I might as well go over to SO and get 5 hats :P (Yes I know it doesn't work like that)
@cairdcoinheringaahing you gettting it now on ppcg? :p
hovering at 4 if you didn't vtc already
@Riker I was the first to VTC :P
tfw you're 1 off on two badges
(silver code-golf score, waiting for the thingy to remember I made my 100th edit for archeologist)
So I should have mad hatter right?
that one is rather slow
hiding well you have.
@Panda meta.stackexchange.com/questions/304340/winter-bash-2017-hats/… Mario and Link ones were taken from the original Hat Dash event on Arqade. I added the info on the post. Sadly, can't confirm the original name for the Mario hat.
BTW - if anyone wants to try. Probably it is just an easter egg, but could be hiding some secret hat clue. See here)
for the Brain badges.... does it have to be answered during WB, or you just have to get the badge now?
for anyone not getting why we are researching chickens, I suggest reading this one too
Can you get Mad Hatter from editing your own posts?
@WELZ only get the badge durning the bash
@cairdcoinheringaahing haven't tried. let me know if it works.
@Derpy Great, thanks!
I think the actual name's "The Numismatic"
as per this no-CSS web archive page of Hats Dash: web.archive.org/web/20120108015416/http://hatdash.com:80
and this image which shows it's the 18th hat on the list: stackpromos.com/content/img/common/hatdash/2.jpg
Oh neat link's hat is hero of time
@Panda yep, that was my source. Didn't think to check on the web.archive.
@Panda do you also want to make a note about what year and hat the trigger was from?
that will be harder for the old ones
Funny. Edited 5 old questions on SharePoint. Got werewolf but no mad hatter.
@Derpy you will, it just takes longer
yep. Probably it is just still pending
@Derpy are you SPArcheologist?
Anyway, see you later. Will see if I can find some more info about the chicken
@David I'm not exactly sure, but I think some of the triggers are new?
@Riker Yep. Long story short, this account started as a bot test, then I started using it for the chat site.
@Derpy Haha
@Panda some, but many of the regular hats are reused.
@David That's true
But it seems like many hats are reused throughout a few years
I collated this list last year
Cause they are reused multiple times, its probably hard to compile a full list lol
Getting ready for my 7pm question. Fun fact - it will actually be posted on 7pm my local time.
just one upvote from a hat:
A: Three Right Triangles

micsthepickThe answer is: it can be found in these triangles: note that: Why smaller numbers do not work: as you can see:

@micsthepick there you go
@Eran thank you
I got the cosmic brain
do we know what that is for?
Also, I’m think one of the criteria in the above list’ll probably trigger a secret hat
@micsthepick it’s for nice answer
does it have to be that score when accepted?
Nope, just need to score +10 to get cosmic brain
but what about for IDENTIFICATION DIVISION? I was aiming to get the linked (^^^) badge?
Have you received the enlightened badge yet?
Probably need to wait a while longer
@Panda wow nice chart.
The only hat that I have is this "You have not earned any hats yet." :c
does anyone have any idea what the secret hat I and Giuseppe are wearing is for?
A: Winter Bash 2017 Hats

EranSecret Hats Ooh, Shiny! Cosmic Brain Galaxy Brain Universe Brain Rep Cap

Ah thanks
4 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
Oh huh there is a rooms for this :D
duh, it's actually quite surprisingly hard to find comments to delete for a hat responsibly
@Panda I finally got it
Going for the self-answering hat with a SAQ that I've been meaning to post for a while:
If you place a 100 point bounty, is that 200 or 300 points you need to rep cap?
Q: Is the Flame and the Void a real meditation technique?

Rand al'ThorIn the Wheel of Time series, several characters - especially the protagonist, Rand al'Thor - use a technique they call "the Flame and the Void" in order to improve their concentration. It's used by archers to perfect their aim, by male channellers to find saidin, and it's also a way of ignoring e...

@AlexanderO'Mara If you place a 100-point bounty, the max you can get in the day is 100 (plus acceptances).
votes to close as off topic
But for the Epic/Legendary badges, "rep cap" means "at least 200 in a day", not "max possible in a day".
@David Doesn't look like it :/
@Mithrandir A downvote? D-:
Hey, wasn't me
I'm guessing it's SFF being allergic to self answers again
Shameless plug for my attempt at Universe Brain:
Q: ReCaptcha API v2 Styling

jhawesI have not had much success finding how to style Google's new recaptcha (v2). The eventual goal is to make it responsive, but I am having difficulty applying styling for even simple things like width. Their API documentation does not appear to give any specifics on how to control styling at all ...

@Randal'Thor I think I recall something about it in one of Roald Dahl's stories, BTW
Henry Sugar
@Randal'Thor have a consolation upvote :c)
Aw, thanks :-D
2 hours later…
Rep capping is hard when nobody posts good questions...
is there a google docs set up this year to test/confirm triggers for secret hats?
I don't think so
@Skooba well, you're asking too soon :p it might be eventually created
@AlexanderO'Mara :) thinking of rep capping are you? If you give out 100 rep today (bounty or DVs) you need to get 300 to cap, and get the hat.
@Skooba not so far, because all the secret hat as of yet were pretty easy.
@David You sure? Someone else said I would still only need 200.
If you give out 100 rep bounty, you won't be able to make more than a net earn of 100 today, which doesn't count as a repcap for the badges. I don't know about the hat.
I think you need to get +200 net rep, not repcap
@EriktheOutgolfer ah okay. just ahead of the curve!
*wonders if this sneaky way of linking answer will work*
it did ;)
it just took a few tries
so sneaky I didn't even notice
I only wanted the most determined of all to see it
Just got rep cap. Looks like you just need to earn 200 points, excluding bounties.
Excluding downvoting answers, too.
Because I just got it.
Now I can take a little break!
Hmm.. from David's starred comment; are mods given the details for hats? I was under the impression it was only employees with the information
@Rob Mods are not told about any of the hats AFAIK
@Rob mods aren't given the info
We asked the CMs about those specifically.
Ah, okay
@AlexanderO'Mara well I'm not 100% sure, but I think remember from 2 years ago that you needed net 200
@Mithrandir I have the same type of thing in the Hat post on the meta.
@Rob no we are not.

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