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00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 08:00

unable to locate
package exfat-fuse
i tried
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d

sudo rm ./*
did you sudo apt update before ?
and after that ?
ah yes sorry i did not, you mean in software & updates
do i need to go check mark all of those
yes :)
if they are set you forgot to update the lists, the computer cant serve you anything he does not know
i'm updating again
i did the updates
no i do sudo apt update
now i do sudo apt update
sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
says app stream cache update failed
i did the sudo exfat-fuse etc... now at progress bar
let's see
ok everything is fine
now the problem is that i cannot view certain folders from the live usb stick
says i do not have permissions
and those did not copy over
wen you right click on those folder and choose properties what do you see on the permissins tab?
user # 1000
which i've never
seen before
and at the bottom says
you are notn the owner, so you cannot change the permissions
user ID 1000 is your normal user in ubuntu
yep you might need to do this from command line
like transfer files over command line
or to change permissions
you could do both if you sure youre not going to use the 11.10 system you had set up again you could take ownership of those files
what does the general tab say where this folder is located at?
and what does the properties general tab say where your backup drive is located at ?
Says /media/ubuntu/86cce761 then a long set of numbers and letters
and the back up drive says
/media/ubuntu/Dre's 4Tb drive
type says inode/directory
and you want to copy all of that drive to the backup drive ?
yes actually that would be great and I would delete what's necessary after
ok you can make use of tab completion in the terminal so type no return untill i sa the line is finished:
cp -rv /media/ubuntu86
press the tab key
and then when it completed the name followed by a /
which name?
ok do following so nothing gets harmed cd /media/ubuntu/86 then press tab and afterwards return
the name with the many numbers should get completed automatically
unless there are two drives which have the same number at the start
did it tell you that youre have no access to that directory?
or are you actually in that directory ? you can confirm by typing ls
and it should list the stuff in the directory you want top copy
yep in the directory :)
no error message
ok now type:
mkdir /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ Drive/backup
do i need to put the name exactly as it is
or will it auto detect as well?
yes since you where so clever to name your drive with spaces and special characters in the name :D
you can type Dre and <tab>
and it should complete the name for you
hahaha awesome
yes it comeplete
then i hit return
and it sais
and it has the same baslashes as i did i guess ;)
did you complete the line ?
yes exactly
after i hit tab
i hit return
should i have done something else
it said ....4TB\ G/
the line should look like this before you hit return
mkdir /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ Drive/backup
this creates a directory in your backup drive called backup
brb getting me something to drink
no problem
says no such file or directory
huh? ok does it show a new directory which is called back in your backup drive when you look at it in the GUI ?
not sure what that means "GUI" ?
GUI == graphical user interface
where you before looked at the properties etc
does it show there a new folder in your backup drive ?
don't think so
says /media/ubuntu/Dre's 4TB
then i can't see the rest
well that drive is not there it has another name
the name on the left says
Dre's 4TB G
the main name for the hardrive
and on the right side are there any new folders in that drive?
nope i did rename the main folder
where I initially did the transfer
because i assumed we'd be doing another fresh transfer
so i didn't want it to replace the existing folder from the first failed transfer
the last one where i had to shut off the computer
there's also a system volume information folder
not sure if that's new
yes and your command should have created a folder ;)
if you did it complete
mkdir /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ Drive/backup
ah no it did not
and that folder should have been named backup
because it said error
i'm retyping it
i wrote mkdir /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ G/
i press tab
I pressed tab after dre and that's how it completed it
should I add something esle
ls -lah /media/
and make a picture of it
and in
ls -lah /media/ubuntu/
mkdir /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ G/backup
what do you think
yes now it did a backup folder :)
cd /media/ubuntu/86<tab+return>
then do
sudo cp -rv ./* /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ G/backup/
and let it run
said cp
invalid option
woot ??
only invalid option or did it say more ?
sending you a picture
you missed a space between -rv and ./*
sudo cp -rv ./* /media/ubuntu/Dre\'s\ 4Tb\ G/backup/
ah yes
code is precise isn't it
and sure . is not a valid option ;)
yes it is
shall i start from the beginning
press arrow up key in terminal and then with left and right arrow move to where you made that boo boo ;)
but make sure you insert the space at the right place
only that line again without errors please this should copy that whole drives contents over prompting you a line for each file
i did it again
instead of going up
now the code is going crazy
i'm assuming it's backing everything up
now it is copying
when it stops outputting a line for each file and gives you back your command prompt its done
when it is done you might want to take ownership of all files inside your backup folder
now will this remove the permissions for that previous files i wasn't able to copy
no it wont remove the permissionis it simply overrides them becasue you say youre root/superuser and tell it top copy and not to move
ah perfect, will everything still act normal when i remove the usb live version and use 11.10
by normal i mean how it was before
not with access to exfat
but just the general settings i had before
it should unless your previous copy attempt did move files over
hope you didnt delete the backup folder you had made before ?
i did not
ok good
because there you did a move action when dragging and dropping the icons
what you do now is making a copy
you can test if 11.10 is running still after you did your copy, ping me in here when the copying is done
i'm assuming I could then try and upgrade my ubuntu copy
to newer version
and not worry since i have the entire hard drive back up after this
and whats with the stuff on your encrypted disk?
tbh if i where you i would go for a fresh install instead of an upgrade
there are more files on their i want to back up on my big 4TB
so it is possible that this new transfer of files is only transferring the files i did not have permission for earlier
or is it transferring the same files as my last backup with the drag and drop + the new files that I did not have permission for earlier
since it froze and you restarted the computer it might have files which are as well in your other backup, but you can sort that out later
i think?
and you should look int o mounting that crypted volume
yes i agree, i just want to make sure this new copy of files is everything as it is
and the old i could delete
but you're thinking this new transfer may be missing some files from the last backup?
err no the old one you might want to keep for now too, since im not sure which files got moved already and which are not
ok now for starters, your first attempt moved files to the first backup folder, which are now not being copied because they don't exist anymore on the drive you moved them from
the actual running command is doing a copy of the rest of the files which are existent on that drive you wanted to backup
so you might want to keep both folders for now and maybe you have to take ownership of those folders later on
i see, is there a way to merge them and see what's a duplicate or not
to be able to access them if youre doing a fresh install of ubuntu on that laptop or another computer
you could copy them over to a third directory and merege them there and afterwards testing for completeness remove the old folders ?
i see
either way this new copy of files should get everything
yep and they are even still on the disk you copied them from
o/ @sudodus
o/ @Videonauth
I see that you are solving the problems :-)
i try to :)
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 08:00

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