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Did ya get it?
203 rep, yep.
Didn't get enough to counter the downvote, but now I'm on a multiple of 10 again :)
Ah nice that's better then haha
I capped yesterday too and didn't think I would
That asoiaf one got more than I expected
It got you 21, not too shabby
Few more toots and that's a silver badge.
22 and I got 185 rep from it (I think)
I'll bump it in a min haha
Its still on page 1 of the HNQ
Top 30 or so.
Oh nice
I never even look at the actual HNQ list haha
Missed another illumination... poop
Getting bad at this now...
Haha oh dear, how many to go?
Would've been 321 if I didn't miss the last 4...
Oooh unlucky
279 answers 175 illuminated, still over 50% that's what I need to keep it at.
4 in 500 is almost 1% makes a huge difference haha
Yeah, though over 50% illuminated is pretty good
I doubt I'm anywhere near that haha
Probably like 15%
Bellas going to beat me to illuminator too, with all her answers, gosh darn it.
Top 3 is ok, I'll take that lol
Oh yeah and she pretty much edits every Q she answers too
Become a HP nerd and you'll be fine haha
That is apparently the way to win
Lol, or Story-id
I still have the top illumination %, and one of the highest accept rates, I will just need to keep up on editing answers
Ah true
Especially with new users always forgetting the actual story id tag
Maybe I should write a script (or figure out how) that when I click the post answer button it throws a popup that says "don't forget to edit the question"
Haha would be a good plan, though always edit first
That should be easy enough to do.
Why always edit first?
Much better to have the "answered by" tag on the homepage than "modified by"
Does that really change anything?
I dunno, I know I'm usually more likely to read a new answer than some edit
I've never tested it properly but it's just always been an assumption of mine
I guess the textbox for the answer has a class, I guess you could have it pop up with the warning before you answer, but FGITW
Aye true
Though you don't get too many of those at least
And my illuminater rate is apparently 8.79% so lower than i thought
Not too shabby haha
Bellas also stealing my top editor title...
Well to say I've never really paid any attention to it, it's alright I guess
Haha oh dear
I'm number one editor (for everything below all time)
I mean I have 1800 edits more than her all time, but this month I'm quite far behind.
Time to fix some borked tags
While the site is sleeping
Haha go fix GRRM for me will ya, I keep forgetting
Ok, answer some questions so I can bury them!
I might just go round fixing author tags for now.
67 and 97 views respectively for gold badges, must edit them later today!
Haha yup certainly gotta bump those
@Edlothiad That is an author tag ;P
I know, so I'd group that in with the others, you silly goose!
Were they all tag only edits?
Oh right yeah haha
Edit the body too on closed ones, then we can potentially get reopen votes
Assuming they haven't already been through the queue of course
Nah has to be within 5 days of closing.
If you're up for re-open votes I might start fixing up closed posts shortly after they're closed.
Could make it TLC and Ed's morning routine haha
Oh I didn't know there was a 5 day limit on it
Yerp, OP anytime, anyone else within 5 days of closure.
Ah fair enough
I only have 182 edits and 96 flags, I should probably get those up
Although I have to go scan few thousand documents first haha
That's a lot of docs
So saying the new desk is nice because it's bigger is the wrong thing to say, maybe I should say it's not the same friendly atmosphere as before.
Hahaha not as cosy?
@Edlothiad It is but this scanner does around 1000 per min so it doesn't take too long
Can you hurry up and answer a Q to get those last 2k views to hit a million?
I've been waiting on it for a while haha
I saw it today and just thought to myself, maybe I should never post again, wonder what TLC would say
Ok I'll answer something just after lunch, but I doubt that will take me to a Million.
jhees bella is 4 away from double HP gold...
Do you have an ad blocker at work? If so which one do you use?
@Edlothiad Haha you'd still hit it eventually anyway
@Edlothiad That's HP for you
@TheLethalCarrot uBlock Plus Adblocker
@TheLethalCarrot Ye but the long grind of you watching it tick upwards would make me happy haha
@Edlothiad I did have AdBlocker Plus but I'd read a few bad things about it so I have uBlock now
If the views on this question were counted I'd be even closer!
@TheLethalCarrot What did you read, I think I have the other one at home :/
Ahh mine seems to be a combination of the two.
@Edlothiad Just it hogs memory and isn't that efficient and what not
Hmm maybe I should look into changing
@Edlothiad Wow that was poorly received haha
@Edlothiad I'm gonna give it a go for a bit and see what it's like
2 more votes are needed to delete that post, lol
I've been tempted to disassociate it from my account.
I'm in 2 minds if it's a good Q or not but meh, I'm not too fussed about it haha
Got my silver :)
It's an awful question haha. I only asked it to get the tag created but that's not how that badge or tags works lol
I say two minds cos it is sort of useful for learning about the film, even though I doubt it'll ever get reopened haha
And that's a horrible tag haha
I should now get it with Solo though
To be honest I think any question like that is going to be poorly received or controversial at best haha
Just depends who sees it first
Yerp, took the risk and failed haha
Alright, luncheons.
That "Don't Panic" question is in the positive again as well
Odd though that Valorum's comment on it has 109 UVs but the Q only has 73 DVs
Well I say odd but I know people don't like to DV for whatever reason
That's a stupid question
What is?
What I said?
The Don't Panic one
Oh yeah it really is
Total rep farm
Nah it is strange that people will upvote a comment saying "you should downvote it" and not downvote
Also barked up the wrong tree with that latest answer.
What d'ya mean?
Wrong asker to do give a quick googled answer on.
Oh yeah I guess so
Known for asking for quite a lot of depth and detail and understanding (a lot of their questions go unanswered)
I mean though I gave a quote from the author about what exactly they are and it answers the main question
Anymore than that is just extra detail that I would say isn't really needed
Not with this OP
Aye, I'm just saying I cover the scope of the question, it might not cover the OP's scope but that's tough luck to them haha
I know nothing about that universe so that will have to do
Oh yeah for sure
I wish he'd made the wiki for the tag before going off to ask another Q and answer one too. The backlog for tag wikis is already quite high
I'll get round to them at some point. Focus on the excerpts if you do do them, the Wikis are just additional noise
Well I'll do both if I'm doing them but won't be putting much effort into the wikis haha
I'm not in the mood to actually fix them at the moment though haha
Too much effort :P
1 hour later…
Hopefully I can ride on yesterday's answers to cap, already at 165
Including 30 from today
That's pretty good. I think I'll leave today off, I'm on 20
What's with all the bloody infinity stones questions
All from the same user though aren't they?
Hence the question
Why's he so bloody interested?
Rep farm/too lazy to google
Take your pick
I think I'm going to use an image of the infinity gauntlet and say yes, except one.
They all appear the same size to me
Oh wait ignore me
Damn he addresses that in his question
Originally the same size
One bigger in MCU
Take the answer and go :P
I'm going with that
Probably not enough to repcap off that
Silver surfer vol 3 issue 44, apparently the very first appearance of it
There are a few more shots of it throught the comic and they are all the same size
Is that before IG1?
No idea, I'm gonna post it though, take it to the HNQ hopefulyl haha
Yep 7 months earlier
I may have semi snaked you :D
Meh I was going to let you have the answer alone anyway but posting a second in quick succession will potentially send us to the HNQ haha
I don't think so
No doesn't look like it
Ok, top 12 rep this month
I should do some work :/
Lol, I've had a bit done today, mainly testing and support calls though
I've got some tutorials I'm going through, I've done 2 and they're basic as all else
Oh unlucky
Ugh, that comment under my answer "But on my screen they're not the exact same size"
Marvel says they are then they are, take it and leave...
I had a similar comment
On my screen the green one is 9mm while the blue is 8mm. They should be the same distance to the "camera". — OrangeDog 4 mins ago
I don't think I can even be bothered to reply to that one
Wow those comments are just getting out of hand...
I was about to write a snarky comment about not bringing my micrometer with me today but thought I'll leave it haha
I think just upvote each others comments and make him feel bad
Flag him as R/A
Haha I wouldn't go that far but he's certainly being difficult on purpose
I'm not going to reply to them now
Don't see the point
Lol he reversed his upvote into a downvote.
I saw, an idiot
Don't understand why you'd UV it first though if you're just going to argue it
I'm in another discussion elsewhere, this is getting frustrating
Lol amazing answer
And here comes the HNQ, lol
Haha, I've DVed their answer it is very poor
you are the one misinterpreting the quote. 0.7" and 1.4" are both "approximately one inch" and yet one is twice the size of the other. — OrangeDog 55 secs ago
Oh deary me...
I know
I started replying and then realised not worth it
Oh they sent the same comment to both of us
C'mon 1 more updoot to cap, then room for a couple more updoots too
Lol I think that's enough evidence that they are the same
Also edit the Q :P
Nearly forgot to illuminate haha, just saw this
Haha, I think you have enough images in your answer now though that they are the same size
Can I have the downvote reversed then?
You'll have to ask them haha
I doubt it though
The all important full stop, of course!
Of course ;P
2 fullstops!
Looks like I'm redoing the tutorial, set up with the wrong board, lol
Oh dear haha
@TheLethalCarrot Not "if I see it", rather "if it's flagged for mod attention and I'm the one handling the flag".
@Randal'Thor Well that's pretty much what I meant
Do you know where the relevant meta policy is for that one rand? I couldn't be bothered to find it.
I was just letting Ed know
I don't have some kind of vendetta against such links; just following the policy (as detailed in meta and TOS) when flags bring it to attention.
@Edlothiad I linked to it when editing TLC's post.
Ah ok, cheers
This one I think
Q: Should We Allow Links to Sources of a Questionable Legal Status?

TangoI was just reading a question where an answer provided a link to a script of a two part episode of a television show. This is not hosted on a production company website, it's what appears to be a private site. I am not aware of all the legal issues with scripts, but I know there are a number of...

My hardware doesn't have the supposed files I need, argh
Do you think I'll get 1 more UV today? I'm at 194 for today so far
Most likely
OK, in image 1 they are actually identically sized (and colored). In 2 and 3 though they are vastly different. Image 3 even has the massive central gem. — OrangeDog 4 mins ago
I give up...
"Vastly different" "massive central gem"
There are only two explanations, he's still taking the piss, or he's tardigrade and micrometers are kilometers to him
I hate writing recursive functions
Me too
11 secs ago, by TheLethalCarrot
Me too
6 secs ago, by TheLethalCarrot
11 secs ago, by TheLethalCarrot
Me too
I was just going to write Me too over and over but it collapses into the same message apparently
Recursive functions aren't too bad but most of the time you're better off with a loop in my opinion
I'm working with arbitrarily deep arrays. The recursion is to check for children.
I have 0 children, no recursion needed for me
Don’t most languages have an easy way of getting array length?
yes, but not depth
Ah fair enough
I do a similar thing when deleting down directories get all files, delete, get all directories recurse, delete directory
Ah I thought you were using them interchangeably
Interesting that someone has gone through and UVed that users comments but haven't UVed their answer
So once SO switches to the new theme, IDK if SO-ify will work for the 2 months until SE switches over.
I didn't know SO were going to a new theme
I supposed I could download the .css file and do some shenanigans to pull it in, but idk how possible this is.
Q: Left nav, responsive design, and theming next steps

Joe FriendIn the post entitled Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes, I described a number of changes that are coming with the introduction of the left navigation bar. In addition to the navigation changes, we will be introducing responsive design and new theming across the Stack Exchange...

@TheLethalCarrot ^
And previously
Q: Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes

Joe Friend Thanks everyone for your feedback. The team has responded to feedback in the post Left nav, responsive design, and theming next steps . Check it out. Ch-ch-ch-changes are coming. As you've hopefully read in our various posts on Teams, we are in the midst of some major work. We're introduci...

Oh the Left Nav? I didn't get the impression from reading that, that they were gonna theme SO, though i only skim read it
Dammit TLC, I was answering that question
Lol, I was sure it was her but I was looking for more sources saying the same thing before writing an answer up
Plus it took about 10 mins to find an image that SE would actually accept
Snipped me by 12 seconds....
Though, thinking about it, I don't know why i didn't just save one and upload it haha
12 damned seconds
Lol UVed yours anyway
If you UV the Q as well, we could probably get this on the HNQ
I already have done
Maybe I should watch altered carbon :P
I'm actually surprised how many UV the Q got before there were any answers
Didn't think it would be the sort
I'm not looked to me it was going to be popular
Its a decent show. Worth the time IMO
That's why I answered it even though I've already capped
Hoping it'll go into the HNQ and I can get a headstart on capping tomorrow haha
@amflare It does seem decent so will have to give it a go
Though the Netflix app on our TV has borken
That is terrible
Me trying to headstart tomorrow or the app borking?
the app borking
Yeah tried a few things to fix it and nothing's worked yet
Have you tried throwing it out of a window?
Only a year old TV!
"The things I do for netflix"
To be honest Netflix in the UK doesn't seem that great
tbh I'm not stoked about netflix over here either
We have NowTV which isn't too great but easier to use on TVs than Netflix
My gf pays for Netflix though so doesn't bother me much haha
If I was paying for it, I wouldn't be :P
I get that
I use netflix to find new things that I would not otherwise be exposed to
for anything even reasonably current, I have sources
Aye we've used it a few times but more on the rare occasion than frequently
thats my biggest gripe about netflix, that it takes forever to get a show added
The only reason we have NowTV is because the landlord stupidly ripped out the aerial cables when installing a Sky dish so we can't use a Freeview box
Yeah is a pain
Like "The end of the f***ing world" was on Netflix months after it was first on Channel 4
I watched a show called Imposters the other day, the whole first season is up, and the second is currently airing. So I get hooked and then either have to wait 9 months or pirate.
And they wonder why its such a big problem
Doesn't look like that will go to the HNQ
Too few traffic
Oh well, I'm going home now anyway haha
It has a damn good start for its age. It'll only take a couple more votes to make it
take it easy man
Oh aye it's had a very good start out but few people looking at it, suppose I shall see tomorrow
There we go. It made it.
3 hours later…
I like netflix, I can binge the hell out of friends

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