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Q: Golden core and many small meteorites

portonAccordingly my Bible interpretation it is expected that an object with golden core surrounded by many small meteorites will fall to the Earth. Is the following a likely event producing such an object? Two asteroids (at least one of which consists of gold) having nearly the same orbit collide. T...

Where would you get a golden asteroid? The only way you could get one is if it was artificially created.
@Phiteros I read somewhere about a particular asteroid (I don't remember its name) consisting of gold
@Phiteros "433 Eros, the asteroid NASA investigated contains more gold than ever extracted on Earth" - from
A: An asteroid that has lots of gold is not the same thing as an asteroid composed of gold. B: That Wordpress post is completely fake. There is no solid gold asteroid.
@Phiteros I do not claim that it is 100% gold. I can claim only that it is to have much gold to conform to my description
How much gold is that? You need to be specific. Anything over 10% of the asteroid is going to be unlikely in the extreme.
@Phiteros The question about how much percent of gold an asteroid to contain to be called "golden" is too vague
@Phiteros By the way, why do you assume that an asteroid is unlikely to contain more than 10% gold?
Most metallic asteroids are 80% iron and 20% other elements, most of which is nickel.
Also, if you are saying that you can't answer how much gold you need to call something "golden", then how is anyone else supposed to?
It's your job to be specific with your question.
The only thing I am sure about this is that after second come of Christ the streets will be covered by gold rather than asphalt. So the asteroid will deliver much gold
So you want enough gold to cover all the streets in the world.
maybe not all ;-)
at least the most important streets
again vaguely defined. Sorry, I don't have the exact numbers
@Phiteros are you an atheist?
Not in the slightest. But while I am religious, I am also a scientist.
I do math research too
the 8th chapter of Apocalypse is VERY similar to a description of comet or asteroid impact. It is unlikely to be just a coincidence
I have two downvotes. Apparently for the only reason that I mentioned Bible
It's not because you are bringing in religion. It's because your question is not very specific and the idea of a single asteroid having a high enough gold composition is very unlikely.
I didn't do calculations. But it seems for me that gold in Eros is indeed enough "to cover all streets" on the Earth
there is also the question of how easy or hard will be to mine the asteroid which is described by Bible to fall into an ocean
I think that you should first learn more about asteroids and their compositions, then revise your question by asking something like "how much gold is there in a typical asteroid" or "What is the most gold found in an asteroid".
From there, you yourself can do simple math to calculate how much roadway that would cover.
Thanks for the idea
and more importantly I should rewrite my e-book which was based on a fake claim (but true in the essence, just wrong in details)
also nobody answered my question about clash of two asteroids with similar orbit.
thanks for the discussion. I am now resting from writing some advanced free software. I am available to talk, but I assume you may probably be busy
Another way to revise your question would be to ask something more general, like "what size objects would be created if two asteroids collided?"
4 hours later…
This is ridiculously vague even after your edit. And you want to find out how likely an event you claim is essentially ordained by God is according to science ??? While promoting your ebook. If a God wants it to happen it will happen and science has no relevance. I think you simply want to promote your ebook, period.

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