Hi @Topos and @Long. If I may ask, is this intended as a room to discuss topics from category theory in general?
Or is this a specific room for conversation just between the two of you which arose from some problem you were discussing elsewhere?
I am asking partly because another user asked quite recently whether we could have room for category theory. Coincidentally, you have created this room, so maybe this room could serve that purpose...?
If this room is intended as a general category room it could be added into the List of chatrooms. (This might attract one or two users at least to peak in.)
Or we could wait a bit to see whether this room gets some activity and ony then add it to the list.
Oh I definitely had no intention to start or even maintain a big channel. Topos needed some additional details which I couldn't fit into the answer, so we moved here. I'm not familiar with the chat system, but I suppose it could be beneficial to have a room for category theory. On the other hand I'm not currently learning category or am no expert, so I wouldn't task myself with kickstarting conversations here...
But I guess that still if I (or somebody else) start such a room, we can let you know - maybe you could be interesting enough to peek in that room occasionally.
The only problem is to get enough users to get room working, so if you want the room to prosper, you probably need to mention it occasionally in main chat or elsewhere in order to attract some attention.
I have to say that most of the rooms devoted to some specific subject are not very active. But you can have a look at the rooms in this list and judge for yourself.
To be more specific, in order to get general topology chatroom started, I have repeatedly mentioned in the main chatroom. The room info says it has average around 330 messages per week, but this is probably calculated from relatively recent period. (There were rather long periods in this room with almost no activity.)
Re: What does it take to maintain one? As I said, there's not really much maintenance involved. More important thing is that there is actually somebody who comes to the room and discusses stuff related to the subject.
Re: it doesn't look like you can delete a room. Actually, if a room is inactive (has no messages) for 14 days, than it gets frozen.