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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Mego would it be possible to add websockets so clients can get notified when a new post is added
@Downgoat Probably. I'll have to dig through flask docs and extensions.
@Mr.Xcoder does the latest version fix the header bug you were experiencing?
@Downgoat No change
Also does the form validation work for you? If you go to 'Create Post' and you don't type anything and click 'Post', do any errors show?
@Downgoat Where is the "Create Post" button?
if you login it's in the top right
The problem is that I cannot login.
Again, login acts like a no-op to me
oh yeah :/
@EriktheOutgolfer you also see alignment bug? or just login button doesn't do anything
@Downgoat no alignment bug for me (chrome 62)
but the top bar isn't sticky, and it initially looks like it is, which is a bit annoying
Yes we need position:fixed :P
hm ok
@EriktheOutgolfer login button doesn't do anything for you on chrome?
I have same chrome version with no issue which is odd
@Downgoat it opens a "sign in with google" button
I click it, then sign in via the pop-up that shows, but then I'm not signed in
google is only sign in atm because SE pranked me my being like "o yeah we love open id" and then using a 12yo open ID protocol
Huh, I just logged in (can't change my username though)
@EriktheOutgolfer meaning after you sign in on the google popup. Code Golf site does not indicate that any sign-in has happened?
@Downgoat no it doesn't
@Downgoat and of course the tags page is 404
@Downgoat Wow, PPCG v2 (looks like it) is really coming along
@EriktheOutgolfer after you sign in, are there any errors in your console?
@Downgoat it refreshes
so the only thing I see is "Hi curious developer!"
me too
@EriktheOutgolfer so you still see a "Login" button in top right corner after it refreshes?
If you go to codegolf.vihan.org:4321/user/me does it show your user details?
  "success": true,
  "unauthorized": true
For me
it says "success:true, unauthorized:true" so I don't think I've been logged in
but..."success:true"? what is that
yes for some reason the login button is completely malfunctional atm
it's a complete failure, not a success
@EriktheOutgolfer can you try to login one more time
@Downgoat Any clue why ^^^?
@EriktheOutgolfer that means no server-side error
@Downgoat now it doesn't even refresh
and now it's offline
@Downgoat put back online please
huh, appparently your name has unicode characters which crash mysql
"Έρικ Κωνσταντόπουλος"???
@Downgoat Yaaaay the login form has appeared
It seems to be fixed for me now
@Downgoat I've been logged in since yesterday so idk whether the login button is working or not, but this page shows my email, name and ID as well as success:true
@Downgoat wait how am I going to login now
not sure, I am going to try to figure out why SQL is rejecting your name
:O My ID on PPCGSE is 66833 and my ID on PPCGv2 is 63. Clearly 6 and 3 are my lucky golfing numbers :P
@Mego would you have any insight onto why Erik's unicode name would cause MySQL to give a Incorrect string value ... for column 'name'
@Downgoat The problem is not the login button, in fact. The login view appears below the page and I must scroll to get to it.
@Mr.Xcoder whaaa
A gif will illustrate that better
can emails contain unicode chars?
@Downgoat Should we move here to remove clutter in TNB?
yeah that is good idea
@DJMcMayhem can you move the above messages to the PPCG v2 room
he's on mobile
btw if anyone knows Jelly, and can login, can you post a question with jelly code in the format of:
... code here...
@Downgoat Here we go
I must scroll to see the login form
@Downgoat would it crash if I login?
yes I have not fixed it yet
Umm I tried to login but failed
@Downgoat As unicode-y as possible?
@Mr.Xcoder what happens if you run $("#md-context").style.position = "fixed"
in the console
(with the login popup open)
yes pls
> "fixed" = $1
@Downgoat I tried to post and it printed this:
Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
oh no
@Downgoat What did I do?
@anyone Can we move here to reduce clutter?
does the popup now appear correctly or do you still need to scroll?
Still must scroll
So I broke the post page?
@Downgoat Nope. (Mobile)
Maybe ask a non-US mod/RO cause most of the US mods are probably busy with turkey day?
Ok sohuld be fixed
@Downgoat Ya have a problem... After I login, this appears in the console:
@DJMcMayhem you seem to be focused on the food :p
@EriktheOutgolfer can you try logging in now?
(cc @mınxomaτ @MartinEnder)
@Downgoat Me or Xcoder?
@Downgoat refreshed without logging in
Also, if you could get this too:
34 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
@Riker We still do. Would you mind moving some of those to sandbox? (I'd do it, but mobile)
Where does it start.
what do I need to read?
@mınxomaτ here
@mınxomaτ ah, you were first, it's your responsibility now :P
@Mr.Xcoder omy
do you also have unicodes in your username?
Is that very bad?
@Downgoat ASCII-only
91 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@Mr.Xcoder yes
But do you have any idea why the scroll thingy happens?
@EriktheOutgolfer the fact that is refreshed is a good sign
@Downgoat oh, ping when I should try again
@Downgoat I logged in!!!
and now let's see in my case
@Mr.Xcoder :O :D
The dark theme looks cool
oh no I didn't log in
it threw a couple of errors
Try again. It didn't work from the first attempt here either
try clearing cookie/cache
sometimes I have to clear google cookies
aaand bork
You said you wanted me to create a post
not from that, Eriks login is still borking mysql db
@_@ why
I cannot post anything...
safari 10 wat ru doin
... it obviously ruins the website :P
You have quite a few things on your tofix list
note: Dennis has issues with TIO on Safari too, and for a long time, so I don't know if it's an easy fix
> excruciating pain of developing for Safari and Edge. The World would be a better place if anyone used Chrome. --- Dennis
@EriktheOutgolfer try logging in now
I changed encoding of all parts of DB to utf8mb4
Oooo the math renders in a very cool manner when in dark theme
(at least the contrast is amazing +1)
@Downgoat success
@Downgoat Should I try logging out and back in too?
Math is also all rendered server side so no more waiting 10h for MathJax like math.se
@EriktheOutgolfer :D
o_o I can logout too
@Mr.Xcoder sure
The scroll problem still stands, no idea what causes it... moving on to login
Ok login works now 10/10
ok cool
let's make the jelly post now
@EriktheOutgolfer You can post things :O?
btw if anyone has any points I should add to the "Writing Tips" side bar, ping me and I'll add them
@Downgoat yeah, make I/O format flexible and avoid cumberstone
oh ok good idea
I wanna see if Safari mobile works
@Downgoat went offline again
yeah offline
oh crap
wait really?
Why do I have a penguin on my homepage?
not anymore
Loaded now
@Mr.Xcoder Mego's idea :P
@Mr.Xcoder because why not
Nov 12 at 1:59, by Mego
@Downgoat Giant penguin. When we think of something better (unlikely), then we can change it.
@Downgoat Oh yeah, the penguin doesn't load on Safari 10.
aww :(
a penguin will make your day :)
ok I guess now I should debug safari 10
@Downgoat Everything works perfectly on Safari mobile
@Mr.Xcoder if you run $("#header").style.display = 'table', do the header items vertically align?
No, they get worse
In fact
They align to the left, but not vertically
oh my
oh idea
@Mr.Xcoder what happens if you (reload the page) and run $("#header .content").style.alignItems = 'center'
@Downgoat Although everything works smoothly on mobile, posting doesn't work
28 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
for me it worked
does it still do that for you?
@Downgoat They align perfectly that way!!!
except now I can't delete posts
(the header)
ok so 1 porblem is solved
@EriktheOutgolfer looks like same unicode error:
This Session's transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exceptio
n during flush. To begin a new transaction with this Session, first issue Session.rollback(). Original excepti
on was: (mysql.connector.errors.DatabaseError) 1366 (HY000): Incorrect string value: '\xE1\xB8\xB6\xC2\xB2D...
' for column 'body' at row 1
I guess I'll fix
@Downgoat I'm still logged in
For reference and ease of seeing: : Make the post title and body sections show on Safari 10
@EriktheOutgolfer try now
@Downgoat but it didn't log me out
it's the same error but this time it's complaining about unicode in the posts
I updated the table though
what? I didn't post any unicode
I cleared all caches... Let's see
No, the frontend problem is not fixed
Conjecture: It's good to develop websites on an Apple machine, since Safari is the most picky browser and everything will most likely work on the others too.
@EriktheOutgolfer did you post Jelly Test For Downgoat
@Downgoat I did.
From mobile
oh ok
can you try to repost that
@Downgoat no
But that error appeared, and I thought it didn't
it didn't post because encoding error
Wait why did it show me error 500 if it got posted
@Downgoat yes just a sec
@Downgoat It doesn't show up for me though
yeah it didn't post
nope ^
for me it takes ages to load
for me
phew, finally
@Downgoat Posted and it worked!
> jelly test for dg 2
But from mobile, safari 10 hates me
now I'll post a massive one, @Downgoat hope it doesn't crash
oh there's a 16384 char limit
> Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
@Downgoat nope, 16384 doesn't seem to work
I posted a 100-byter full of Unicode, it worked
and this is how I generated the 16384 test
the title was that truncated to 60 chars
@Downgoat can we/you delete posts?
@Mr.Xcoder when running it I get EOFError: EOF when reading a line
@Downgoat because I don't think that's intended for running :p
@Mr.Xcoder there's no Delete button yet because idk how we would want to do deletions
if we'd want to keep the answers or like permanently delete from DB
if you want just tell me the post id and I can delete
@EriktheOutgolfer It's actually one of your answers from PPCG
btw @Mr.Xcoder 100 chars isn't massive
I know
well good news is TIO execution seems to work with unicode
@Mr.Xcoder oh the rick roll one?
I guess
yeah seems nobody has beaten that yet
@Downgoat 14
but why delete?
Because trashy
I think we should keep them for now, it logs the successes we've managed so far
btw @Mr.Xcoder use lowercase jelly after the ```
Got it
yeah like hackmd
@Mr.Xcoder done
yeah, GitHub flavored markdown specifically
reason is, is that way we can check what language id you've given and we can then add syntax highlighting + tio execution
has anyone created a syntax highlighting sheet for jelly?
I don't think so
btw the site doesn't load for me after I tried posting
and it's down again here
@EriktheOutgolfer Actually it got beaten
The weird and wild bean game
Back up here
@Mr.Xcoder oh I wasn't referring to that one
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: This Session's transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exception during flush. To begin a new transaction with this Session, first issue Session.rollback(). Original exception was: (mysql.connector.errors.DataError) 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'title' at row 1 [SQL: 'INSERT INTO post (title, body, date_created, user_id) VALUES (%(title)s, %(body)s, %(date_created)s, %(user_id)s)'] [parameters: {'title': b'MASSIVEPOSTTESTMASSIVEPOSTTESTMASSIVEPOSTTESTMASSIVEPOSTTEST', 'body': b'MASSIVEPOSTTESTMASSIVEPOSTTESTMASSIVEPOSTTESTMASSIVEPOSTT
@Mr.Xcoder me too
:D jelly test show rotten eggs
@Downgoat what's that supposed to mean
@Mr.Xcoder it was my massive test
@Downgoat : Make the tio result white when in dark mode
or grey or whatever
oh crap is it not
is output not white
no it's not
oh wait my "```jelly" test got posted!
Long ago
@Downgoat are you sure the dark theme works?
what do you mean
I threw together the dark theme in an hour yesterday so it may have some bugs
dark theme is server-side CSS modifications though
so only thing that 'can be broken' is basically incorrect colors
the first time I picked it, it was mostly white
then it changed to dark after I ran TIO
after that, it's dark
Strange works perfectly here
@EriktheOutgolfer weird
maybe caching?
It serves all-dark.css based on a session variable so not sure how that could happen
ahhh it is so annoying that post is borked... WHY SaFaRi?
do you have chrome installed
And I don't even have enough memory for it
what mac do you use
macbook 2012, imac, mac mini?
macbook early 2015
> I don't even have enough memory for it
wait you use a potato for a hard disk?
Well, I meant disk space
I am going to try to find a computer with Safari 10 brb
@Downgoat well
there are websites to test among different browsers
@EriktheOutgolfer No but I should delete my > 100 Swift Xcode projects to save space just saying
Aha! I can reproduce
@Mr.Xcoder or move them to cloud storage
No iCloud storage left... It's full of mom's photos
I should buy more though
@Downgoat My error?
or Erik's?
@Mr.Xcoder google drive :D
I can repro yours I found a Mac with Safari 9
@EriktheOutgolfer ಠ_________ಠ
basically, use multiple cloud storage services throughout the internet until you exhaust 'em all
Huh what's different with the CSS that makes it do that
@Downgoat Wait I still didn't get it. Do you repro the login scroll error or the post one?
or both
@Mr.Xcoder both
ah nice
... And the header one I suppose :P... And maybe the penguin not rendering too
ok solved the scroll issue
ok I made a fix brb applying
Ok nice
@Downgoat The scroll bug has been fixed on Safari too
Oh btw, don't forget to make the header changes
yeah I just forgot one line
lemme add that
out of curiosity, what was causing the issue (I am learning web dev so I want to know what to avoid in the future)?
where it says "create post"
@Mr.Xcoder top bar and login should be fiexd
Nearly fixed on Safari, borked on Chrome
New issue ^^^^
oh no
@Downgoat Yes, indeed fixed here
It's good that you have Safari and Chrome bug reporters :-)
Oh the same happens on Safari @Downgoat (Create post button)
user image
basically me rn
yeah you fix a bug and cause 2 others
ok the "Create Post" bug is fixed
any more?
I confirm
ah one more
Oh yeah the Post misalignment
I see no misalignment in chrome
if you click the user dropdown it's misaligned
Yeah that's a major issue in Safari
oh I see
in Chrome too
Yeah but in Safari it loads like that
@Mr.Xcoder when you load up the "Create Post" page is that sitll broken?
I get an error
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)
@Downgoat for me the tip of the balloon when I click the user button has the tip on the top of the page, not the bottom of the top bar
when you click the "Create Post" button O_o
@Downgoat stil broken
@Downgoat No, onload
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah not sure what's causing that I didn't even change anything relating to that lol
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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