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@Downgoat that sounds even worse than hooves for accuracy
not sure that's possible though
@Riker idk wjat yyur ta;king abopt
2 hours later…
What mysql lib is this using?
@ATaco Ask @Mego
Btw, @Mego, if you could push the database stuff to the github repo so we can actually test the project, so we can contribute, that would be great.
mysql is So 2013 anyway.
The safe and efficient method is to store everything in .txt.
@ATaco If it was up to me it would probably just be a serialized python object representing the data. Good thing it's not up to me.
(Don't ask how a-ta.co stores things)
(Because the answer is .json)
What does a-ta.co even store
Oh, the filesystem thing I guess
And user information, and the TreasureChest™
What's that?
My method of allowing users to save arbitrary things. I only use it for a-ta.co/858 and I probably should just interface with xstore.
Is xstore an actual directory structure?
Well at least it's not a directory structure serialized in a json
I’m not a monster :P
@Pavel I'll toss the structure file up there. No data though, because that will eventually contain sensitive information (like OAuth keys).
@ATaco MySQL Community Server 5.7.20, using MySQL Connector/Python
@Mego Well, yes, just something so we can construct our own database for testing purposes.
@Pavel I'll have it up soon
Another benefit of our own independent site: we won't get SO questions incorrectly posted
Would it be helpful to have code in main.py to initialize the database if it doesn't already exist?
I don't think so
On the one hand, I finally have a reason to learn SQL, which I've kinda wanted to do for a while. On the other hand, I have no idea how database construction happens.
Ah well, I'll figure something out
Protip: use MySQL Workbench. It makes everything so much easier.
It's the equivalent of using a WYSIWYG design tool instead of writing raw HTML/CSS
@Mego Writing the raw HTML is half the fun though :P
You have an odd definition of fun
@Mego Can you tell I've never fully designed a website before?
@Pavel Same :P
@Mego Huh. I'd gotten the impression you've worked with Flask before.
Ah well. Learning things is fun.
I have worked with Flask. I'm just terrible at design
What I meant was that I've never worked with any part of the website stack process.
It's really intresting, but there's all the things to do and learn.
It's not terrible. Working with a decent backend library like Flask makes things nice and simple
Trying to work with PHP is hell, so LAMP is not my choice of stack
I looked up how to make a RESTful API with Flask, it's so easy. The decorator just needs a methods=["GET"] or methods=["POST"] parameter.
Yep, it's awesome
I don't actually know what RESTful means, except that it's the kind of API you're supposed to have because it's good.
Although I have worked with them before.
RESTful mostly means that you allow HTTP content interaction through meaningful URLs
There's other stuff that's important but you let the frameworks take care of that for you
Me and my friends are making a multiplayer game for a programming competition this year. I'm the only one who knows anything about networking, and yet at the same time I know nothing, so we're pretty concerned about how it's going to go. I hope that by working on PPCGv2 I cn figure some stuff out.
Small victories
ಠ/10 commit message btw
You mean the post content?
No I mean the git commit message
You used the same one twice
Oh yeah, PyCharm was fighting me
I never use the version control built into text editors
I just pull up the command line
I like PyCharm's VCS interface because it has a checkmark for "reformat code", which fixes PEP8 violations
I just obsesively fix PEP8 violations while I code
Ain't nobody got time for that
I really don't like PEP8, but I dislike the little warning indicator in the corner more.
PEP8 is beneficial for larger projects because there's one ultimate coding standard
There's no need for debate about coding standards because PEP8 was created by our lord and savior GvR
And the only time GvR has led us astray was when he said he didn't want functional programming in Python
I don't feel there's a reason to have two blank lines after every method, especially if the method is one line long and next to a bunch of other related methods.
(Do I call them methods or functions in Python)
Methods are specifically functions attached to objects
Got it
So random.randint is a method, but print is a function
Isn't random a namespace
Or module I guess
However, people use them interchangeably because the distinction is pointless
Err, yeah
I guess a better example would be f.read (where f is a file-like object)
I feel like evereyone should just call them functions for consistency, but I use method a lot subconciously because C#.
But also because of the magic of Python, random is an object (of type module)
Honestly not sure how to feel about that
I suppose that's technically useful since it lets you do namespace aliases easily, but really import foo as bar is plenty good already.
Can't think of any other use case
@Downgoat That isn't the greatest idea. We'd have to attribute every single post, which would look messy. I'm of the opinion that we should only allow crossposting from PPCG.SE to v2 if the original author copies it.
Copying over code that others have written is only marginally simpler, due to code being licensed under MIT (whereas all other user contributions are licensed under CC-BY-SA).
Well attribution is easy, just link to the SE profile of OP along with a note.
PPCGv2 is MIT, so the SA part is fulfilled
@Mego How do you plan on minimizing the voting culture present on current PPCG? What is this site going to do to discourage mindless "+1 the top answer"-style voting?
@ConorO'Brien That is a problem for far in the future. I'm sure we'll have a ton of discussions about it as the site progresses.
that's fair
Right now I'm mainly concerned with the technical aspects
I'm excited for this project! If you need assistance, I'll be happy to provide all that I can between school work
Haha yeah I have so many projects going on that I'm not sure how quickly I'll be able to make progress
The biggest thing that I'll need for this project is frontend designers
Because that's something I don't have the skills for
@Mego We could ask Downgoat
I'm not too shabby at that myself
Not terrible
Especially for 30 minutes of work
I don’t think I am terrible at frontend either, I can help too. For reference I made this in about two days (the actual work was ~1 hour and a half), and I can improve it a lot (I am aware that the gradient is quite awful, and that I need to fix the borders and so but Cthulhu is not a thing anymore so I abandoned the project)
did someone say frontend
@Downgoat very much so, someone has too redesign ppcg from scratch
4 hours later…
Hey wat dis
2 hours later…
@betseg A new site similar but much better than our current PPCG.
@Mr.Xcoder Are we abandoning stackexchange?
@SocraticPhoenix At least we are trying to.
@Mr.Xcoder Plotting betrayal in their chat rooms? I smell treason :)
we want a better place for golfing
makes sense
Something that automatically links answers to TIO...
What if you end up just splitting the community? I doubt everyone will move to a new system...
if possible, some languages are not on TiO. Not to mention we don't have leaderboards, design, we have Q&A written everywhere and have to use userscripts too much.
lol you make it sound like some sort of civil war
@SocraticPhoenix Who wants to golf in a better place will come, and the other ones will stay. I think I am going to be active in both places nonetheless.
@Mr.Xcoder Makes sense
@Mr.Xcoder That's how I see it, too. I didn't start this out of malice towards SE or anything - I just think that we could build a better place for PPCG than what SE can provide
And I'm not going to try to convert people over, either
I completely agree.
@Mego Yeah maybe just post a comment in The Nineteenth Byte (when it's done) to let people know of its existence, but I don't think advertising it on SE would be appropriate either.
So here's a hitch: We can't call it anything relating to PPCG, because that's a trademark owned by SE
@Mego Coding Difficulties and Programming Shortening?
The name is the least important aspect right now IMO. It's just something to keep in mind.
um I don't think that we would want to call our site anything "difficulties" ;p
@EriktheOutgolfer Tried to think of synonym for "Puzzles..." failed...
I'd rather the name be something like competitive programming
Because competitive programming is a better description of what PPCG is about
Let's see if this works...
Mego has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Looks like GitHub commit feeds still don't work
Mego has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
5 messages moved to Trash
Btw if anyone wants to take a crack at setting up some very rudimentary implementations of the rest of the endpoints (/post, /post/<id>/answer, /post/<post_id>/answer/<answer_id>, /post/<id>/vote, post/<post_id>/answer/<answer_id>/vote /user/<id>, /login), go for it
Endpoints that end with a parameter are GET, otherwise POST
Also a few more future things to add: collaborative answers (rep sharing), bounties (including challenge bounties, indefinite bounties, and shared bounties)
Also rep will have to be designed to avoid double-dipping - rep from PPCG.SE should transfer, but rep gained on crossposted posts should only come from the source side (so v2->SE posts only gain rep on v2 from the v2 post, and SE->v2 posts only gain rep on v2 from the SE side)
@Mego that or they're just slow AF, like the rest of the feeds
so what is this for
an experiment in moving this site off of se?
@Poke yes, exactly
Help wanted
2 hours later…
@Pavel what technologies are being employed
@Poke Linux/MySql/Flask/Python
But we need frontend design also
i can vertically and horizontally center a div inside a div
@Mego can we get an example config.py in?
@betseg Brilliant, you're hired.
jokes aside, can i join
@Mego How will collaborative rep sharing work? 1 rep to each of the posters per upvote?
@betseg It's open source, so absolutely. Although currently there are a few things missing (config.py) which is needed for it to work. I think that config.py configures the SQL database, which includes a password that understandably Mego doesn't want to put on GitHub, but an example_config.py would be nice.
or like
public key encryption so only we can see the actual config.py
20 config.pys for everyone's own key
@betseg Who do you mean by "we"? Contributing to the project doesn't make one an administrator of the project.
i mean, as in those who should be able to see it
but it was a joke :/
@Mego are we allowed to put in # noinspection comments to suppress PyCharm warnings, or would you prefer we don't do that?
I'm specifically looking at def get_post(post_id, post_title=None):, the parameter post_title is unused.
2 hours later…
@Pavel i am familiar with all of these and am interested in helping though i'm not sure how much i'll actually end up contributing
because of other things like my jerb
2 hours later…
@Pavel It's not really important. All it stores is DB connection info.
@Pavel Sure
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's a future problem to solve
@Pavel No, it's just straight up broken. It didn't read the time stamps correctly.
@Mego Well I need to put something there now that I've configured MySQL, or it won't work, and I'd rather not try to guess what it's doing so there isn't weird behaviour later.
@Pavel It's literally just a dict with connection params
I don't know what all the correct params are tho ;-;
Also, I feel as though collaborative questions should be a thing. If you both created and developed the idea, you should be able to share the reward.
@Mego Could you just paste your config.py in here with the sensitive info stripped
@Pavel A quick gander at the MySQL connector/Python docs will tell you that's it's a username, password, host, and default schema. It only matters for hosting the DB.
@Mego Well, I have to host a DB for testing purposes.

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