room topic changed to SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric Approach: For potential Grothendiecks. When the Fields committee look for us, we'll be too busy doing the communist revolution. test (no tags)
room topic changed to SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric Approach: For potential Grothendiecks. When the Fields committee look for us, we'll be too busy doing the communist revolution. (no tags)
room topic changed to SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric Approach: Technically, the room owners can continue discussion in a terrible form, by editing the description. (no tags)
room topic changed to SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric Approach: For potential Grothendiecks. When the Fields committee look for us, we'll be too busy doing the communist revolution. (no tags)
room topic changed to This room is now quasi-unfrozen: For potential Grothendiecks. When the Fields committee look for us, we'll be too busy doing the communist revolution. (no tags)
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Transcript for
Mar '1830
SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric …
I want to draw a commutative diagram in the room description s...