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@BalarkaSen Is there a reason why you linked this, instead of this?
Ah no not really
I forgot Hatcher added it as chapter 5 to AT
Right, just making sure
That seems to be the updated version tho
The other one said 'last updated 2004' or something, and then I saw CH5.
Ch5 is the right thing
I guess I may as well continue my feeble attempts at working through Brown
So contractibility obv implies acyclicity because you'll be homotopy equivalent to the trivial chain complex
Trailed off, honestly over the break I'm not gonna have time to do much because my parents keep calling
Okay so a short exact sequence $0\to A \to B \to C \to 0$ splits if $B = A\oplus C$
So if we take $0 \to Z_{n+1} \to C_{n+1} \to Z_n \to 0$
So if $id = dh + hd$, we restrict $h$ to $Z$, which is just $dh$
@Daminark It splits if there are maps going in the opposite direction, such that going into $B$ and then back out again is the identity on $A$ or $C$, but what you've written is equivalent in an abelian category
Ah aight, thanks!
No idea how often we'll leave abelian cats
Also the result I refer to is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splitting_lemma
For chain complexes we'll prob stick around in abelian cats
Maybe when we actually get to the group cohomology, we'll have to leave
But yeah alright so, if we write $I = dh + hd$, we know $I\restriction_Z = dh\restriction_Z$
So $h\restriction_Z$ splits $d$
I guess homotopy doesn't make sense outside of an additive category, so we'll always keep that shrugs
(when you think about it as $C_{n+1} \to Z_n$)
Now, the other direction of this theorem says that if $C$ has 0 homology and every such exact sequence splits, then $C$ is contractible
@Narcissus does it not?
@Daminark We want atleast a zero object in the category, so that mapping in and out of it induces a zero morphism (so we can say $d^2=0$)
Next, we constantly use the group structure of the hom classes
Wait do you need that for homotopy though? I could see homotopy making sense where homology doesn't
Well the latter we need group structure atleast
(27.5 hours awake atm so I might say strange things, just gotta stay awake to teach in 1.5 hours)
Jeez, what are you teaching?
Calculus II :P
(Also drink coffee soon if you haven't already, otherwise that won't be fun)
I've had so many coffees they are losing effectiveness unfortunately :P. I missed the last bus last night, and was trapped here.
We do want abelian group structure on $[C,C']$ right?
For homology I definitely see us needing that, I just didn't realize that any category for which there was a homotopy category had to give rise to homology
So yeah
(I'm presuming that group cohomology is gonna correspond nicely to ordinary cohomology, since if it was really a different cohomology theory, I wouldn't think chain complexes would be of relevance, in which case we'll prob stay in abelcats)
Okay maybe I should read homological algebra at least concurrently
@Daminark group cohomology does correspond to ordinary cohomology, but chain complexes come up when dealing with any abelian category, even when it's not ordinary cohomology
I see
7 hours later…
@Daminark Right acyclic implies contractible too.
$\mathbf{Ch}_\bullet$ is a super convenient category
Homotopy and homology are the same
@Daminark $n$-th group cohomology of a discrete group $G$ is $H^n_{singular}(K(G, 1))$
3 hours later…
room topic changed to SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric Approach: For potential Grothendiecks (no tags)
room topic changed to SGA Over 9000: Séminaire d'Geometric Approach: For potential Grothendiecks. When the Fields committee look for us, we'll be too busy doing the communist revolution. (no tags)
That's more like it.
4 hours later…
Hey @Daminark, Michael here
3 hours later…
Not too much, you?
i have to do dynamics
Lol, dynamics is aight, though hyperbolic business is the second most technical thing I've ever seen
Yeah it's super technical
Do you at least like it?
Oh I love it

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