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This is a world of wonders!
really first day and second chatroom already, oh boy!
james is the name, right?
Thanks for opening this chat room
This must be the best chance to figure our why inflation would be the best thing.. kind of :)
yes, i'm James. Please to meet you, and you're welcome. was just trying to keep the general room on-topic, and this is kind of off-topic-ish. :)
the rules are strict it seems
so the big thing is that we have inflation everywhere, and that is unavoidable, and indeed a good thing.
I agree to that
but what is happening is the world is getting dangerously close to runaway inflation. which is bad - basically, with runaway inflation your $2 today will only buy $1.75 worth of stuff tomorrow, and so on and so forth. until it's cheaper to burn money instead of buying firewood to keep you warm.
as I conceive it is composes a problem for the people who are rich mostly
it composes a problem for everyone, but that's another thing.
well in the "runaway" form , yes
so then we have moores law, which says that every 2 years, my $200 will buy a computer that is twice as powerful as two years ago.
@humanityANDpeace right.
but in a decent form, it might strike harder the ones who have dollars (to loose their value)
Ok I see.! I really missunderstood and though Murphy law
and at the same time, the bitcoin mining process is getting harder - at roughly the same rate as moores law.
Does the law (morres that is ) actually hold truth?
then bitcoin's devaluation (resulting from increased abundance) is restricted, right?
Oh, btw thank you for the reply on the askubuntu question related to appArmor
moores law is pretty close to fact - it isn't a constant, but it's a good rule of thumb.
and you're welcome. gave me an excuse to go find stuff about apparmor. :)
that was nice. Also seems to be someting you are also handling (judging from the bounty you set upon the quetion of the fallback rule). 'find / -executable -type f` will bring us the executables and aa-status can resolve those that have already a profile. all others could be programmatically assigned a fallback profile. only that would omnit dynamically new executables etc...
and then bitcoin will go through some inflation, which will end up making it almost impossible to do.
yes might be a good rule of thumb
but than again, it's not such a "long tradition".... The law is quite new. Could be mere coincidence that it applied
Sorry. This i do not understand
moores law comes from Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore's 1965 paper, so it's 50 years and still going strong. it's a close to a constant as anything in the tech world can be.
@humanityANDpeace ok, let me try to explain again.
inflation would that mean more bitcoins? why would that be ? I though that those things are kind of harder and harder to mine , the more abundant
bitcoin goes through inflation - they call it doubling. what it means is that for every 1 bitcoin, when they double, it will take twice as many calculations to do.
new bitcoins are take a higher number of calculations to be "made"/mined
basically as you said something like 2^x kind of
so the theory is that moores law will hold pace with bitcoin's doubling.
and now my difficulty in understanding. The increased efforts necessary are -at least at first - some means to avoid inflation
as the new bitcoin generation is limited by exponentiolly growingf effort to mine them
however, we don't have a large enough collection of data to know for sure on that one.
@humanityANDpeace ah, ok - right.
you mean not enough info about the bitcoin mining effort (math background?)
so it's trying to limit it
@humanityANDpeace we don't have enough cycles of moores law to decide if moores law will keep pace with bitcoin mining or not.
100% right.
so the missing piece is: will bitcoin actually go through inflation?
If I would have to decied I might put more trust in the theory behind the increased efforts of mining (since I assume it can be a mathematical expressed and described problem... little risk) while the moores law is more an arbitrary thing.
the theory is it will go through a period of inflation, because people will start mining more, and more coins will enter the market.
That would be a good news if you aim on bying in
so in the end, we don't know anything solid about it, because bitcoin hasn't been around long enough. :P
and maybe even a great news if you expect a smaller inflation later, actually rather defaltion or stagnation
I think spending 50 Bucks (if they can be spared) on some bitcoins might be a hurtless gamble
if they can be spared, sure. the exchange rate is a little wonky sometimes, but it's mostly stable.
either way it develoos it migh make sure you can benefit (at least from the exalted excitement it brings you!)
Oh yes.. I wonder why I have not done that yet.
welll maybe beause I cannot spare so often.. and the usual things.... spend in romantic warfare etc etc
Now I am excited about the "real money" inflations arriving
It's a pitty the overly riich the excessively rich (those more then 20mil USD) can kind of safe their wealth in land, gold etc. otherwise a big inflation would almost be a way to deal new cards.
a way that everybody less inequal (financially)
no more "big money havers", a clean new start
i can safe my money too - silver, bullets, beans and bandaids.
Inflation a charming idea (for me as a have-nothing-guy) I seem so unimplicated
bullets? what for?
bullets value goes up as the economic stability of a country goes down. so while i can't actually buy them (because of my age), they are a fairly inflation-proof currency.
I actually though that modern production made those things rather being inflated .... or phrased differently there might be to many bullets
I really did not know this
and in my place there is no chance to buy bulltes
so its not really a game for me
there is something I am overly curious about
true - it isn't an option everywhere. but medical supplies, beans and silver coins (so coin collections) are all options for almost every country out there.
The idea of medical supplies has a charming touch
mostly dry drugs like Tylenol, ibuprofen etc.
after all in any case you can (if hard times come) use it to do quite some useful, helping stuff
The last drug I bough was the iodide... after the fukushima "fun"
and those last 2-3 years, so $50 US spent on them can be well spent come doomsday. :P
My hopes, though are that with the good people like us, no doomsday will come anyhow!
there needs to be more of us.
maybe there are :)
reminds me of that joke: if nerds ruled the world, world hunger would be solved by lunchtime, world peace would have been accomplished by mid-afternoon, and we'd go back to squabbling about Kirk vs Picard after dinner.
(or maybe it was Jedi vs Ewoks. I don't remember. :P)
I like the Jean-luc
suits me still a little better
same here. so therefore, we should rule the world!
in the words of Hunter S Thompson: Why not?
> Resumes will include high scores. Those who completed “BioShock” will be given upper management positions.
> "Make It So" replaces "Git 'Er Done," a phrase never uttered again except in alcohol-fueled lexiconic accidents. Even then, dude, just don't do it.
that actually happend to me once
I was in Arizona and just said goodbye to my bunch of hippie friends... all the good wishes
then comes this guy and (and really he was this kind of obsessed nature indian guy) and tells "Make it so!"
He infact was an indian nature guy and a treckie
actually I am a student and I study something related to sustainable resource Mgmt. Recently I worked -freelance- for a Brazilian organisation made a few bucks there.
Now , I do not meet many fellow ubuntu / linux users that often. Do your IT skills bring you "bread and cheese" james?
i'm a student, and do IT work on the side.
if i had a steady supply of work, i could make a decent living off of it.
about 28K USD/year at the rates full-time i'm using right now. i could live in some places on that, not a lot though. the cost of living here is high. :(
hey! that sounds good. I am happy to hear that. It is not something to be taken for granded that today a young person, student can make an income. I think you can be happy ahout your situation and I am happy to see from time to time people in those kind of good situation. After all in spain , greece etc the young folks is quite in shitty position....
So I am always a little worried if I am thinking right when thinking that IT might be a good think to look into (incomewise).
most kids my age over here are off flipping burgers at a fast food joint, or washing dishes at the Chinese food place.
Also good that you manage to do the IT work "on the side". I did that job for the Brazilians and kind of overestimated my abilities and ended up skipping classes to finish the project
IT is very lucrative if you find the right people to work for.
that can be qutie true. BUt also it is so magical and well powerful in a way that ...IT folks is more close to what is going on in the technology kind of thing
i had one project that was miserable, the pay was better than what i'm getting now, but it wasn't worth it. glad i moved on.
So I do not wanna know how often already some white-hats have or well how to say. good IT folks managed to render a big service to humanity, without us even knowing
Pay is not everything.... good , necessary sometimes but not the goal, rather the mean in a way.....
You work with ruby, thats true?
i'm learning ruby, yes. written a few odds and ends, but it's not anything i'll be doing professionally anytime soon. I think it is about ruby
maybe you knew already
ahyes, wat. that's a good one.
he talks about javascript in there too.
last project I did was a firefxo extension that worked as database for survey entry and with export to MS ACCESS jet database stuff
so the JS part I find funny and can relate to even more than to the things he bring up about Ruby
firefox extenions can bassically be writen in JS
that's cool. i haven't tinkered with extensions that much.
Before I made the tool my options were to develop a MS ACCESS file... I did that 3 years ago and because I was forced those day and so the firefox extension just came as a welcome, better option
The extensinos by the by are also a huge securtiy breach potential
if it works, it works!
security is something to keep in mind, but for internal tools that only you will ever use, it's not that big of a deal.
well the access stuff... mostly doesn't.... work
The security , you are right ther, was not anything of a consideration
The firefox extension was simple the better choice for User interface feeling. Browser is more usable to most than a MS ACCESS programme
and the extension are among the easiest things to deploy "cross platform" and all
Q: develop a firefox extension in place (not via encoding to xpi first)?

humanityANDpeaceDeveloping an extension for Mozilla Firefox I wonder if there is an "easier way" to what I do right now. Currently I do: Create a folder - in which to develop - for example myextension Inside this folder: Create and Edit the Files (like install.rdf, chrome.manifest, xul files. Basically all the...

now thats cool.
and their development quite undemanding....
It made me think about this mozilla OS for smartphones. Since in many sense the addons already today are quite like apps
i'm looking forward to a ubuntu-based phone OS.
In many ways that would be awesome.....
is there something planned.....? soon?
who knows?
they said that they want ubuntu on phones by april 2014.
(and tablets, and microwaves, and everything else out there)
That would really make me buy a microwave... (which I dont have yet)
Since microwave (once rootkited) could pose a thread I really would hope the security concerns and .... well... I would be happy to have a even safer OS
for the sake of my popcorn!
microwaved to death by SGAM_WORM12.TROJAN :(((
do you think ubuntu is safe? I mean do you feel you are "better of than the windows user guys"??
um, yes and no.
by virtue of the unix roots, ubuntu is safer.
i am also a fan of the "best tool for the job" idea
so while ubuntu fits the bill for most things, some things windows is better at.
I see
Welll James. Thank you for the chat. It's been a pleasure meeting you and I enjoyed our conv.
so have a nice and safe and warm an great and super holidays soon!
and a happy new year (in case I am like usual absent on askubuntu)
good luck

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