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A: What was the first gift given by Harry Potter?

ValorumThe first gift that Harry gave was the second greatest gift anyone can bestow, the gift of freedom. Harry sat up and gasped; the glass front of the boa constrictor’s tank had vanished. The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly, slithering out on to the floor – people throughout the rep...

Sadly, the snake probably didn't get very far. What do you consider the first greatest gift?
-.- At least it wasn't a RickRoll....
Take another look at the final paragraph of my question. I'm interested in objects, not generic concepts.
@TheDarkLord - How very commercial of you.
This has me curious, what's the first greatest gift?
@Tim JK Rowling confirmed that the snake in the first book was in fact Nagini, so she did pretty well for herself for a few years.
@krillgar Really?! But Nagini was a horcrux - what the hell was it doing in a zoo? Also, shouldn't have Harry felt pain being that close to it?
@krillgar - See youtube link above
@Tim - That wasn't Nagini in the zoo. Krillgar is having a little fun with you
@krillgar !!!! (shakes fist)
@krillgar - Source?
@Valorum The greatest gift is a tacky Christmas song? =p At least it's sung by people with talent.
Does it really count though if he didn't consciously intend it?
@TheDarkLord - That's what my waiters keep saying about the "tips" I give them too.
@T.E.D. Classic. But actually I would say that that aside the snake could be argued to find objects after being set free... But I still understand The Dark Lord's point. And he was Hogwart's most gifted student so I have to give him credit when it comes to logic and reasoning.
@T.E.D. - "Never eat yellow snow", "measure twice, cut once", that sort of thing?
@TheDarkLord So giving Voldemort a headache when he was an infant is right out then?
@corsiKa - Chicks dig scars. Technically Voldemort was the one who gave Harry a great present.
I only just realized that the snake is speaking Spanish and heading for a Portuguese-speaking country.
@MissMonicaE - I'm wondering if it'll take you a similar amount of time to finds out that amigo also means 'friend' in Portuguese

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