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@Krazer If they're indexed then we shouldn't worry about it. Unless we have examples which are at least a month old we shouldn't bother MSO.
and also, do not forget to check out the ones on Arqade: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/5602/…
@LoganM The GUNDAM one is from December, but I think that was private beta territory.
c'yall tomorrow
@JNat Bye :(
@Eric Both the Gundam one and the Moths one were over a month old, but if they're indexed now then we shouldn't worry about it until we find another example of an old one which isn't indexed.
@LoganM The Gundam one is not indexed.
I can't find any other long-standing examples. I'd assume the Gundam one will be indexed eventually, and sooner if we answer it. Until it is answered I don't think we have much need for it to be indexed.
@Krazer What show is this from?
@Mysticial GJ-bu
@Krazer Is that this season?
Since I swear I saw something with that name while I was browsing for music...
@Mysticial started 1/10 this year
ah, so it is this season.
A: Who is Saber extending her hand to in the ED of Carnival Phantasm?

SasumotuThat arm could be the arm of Kiritsugu Emiya. In the picture the characters are connected to thier masters. The masters of Saber would be Shirou Emiya and Kiritsugu Emiya. It could also be the arm of Irisviel van Einzbern, who wasn't the real master of Saber but some sort of stand-in, while Kiri...

^^ new user, should we just give him the benefit of the doubt?
Both characters mentioned aren't in Fate Stay Night.
@Mysticial Not a very good answer without any support. Carnival Phantasm has no Fate/Zero.
@LoganM That's what I'm thinking too.
I'm don't think I can upvote.
@Mysticial It might make sense, perhaps they are hinting at them appearing in the next season
@Krazer You have a point there. Since Carnival Phantasm came out before Fate Zero.
@Krazer Yes, but without any evidence it's just random speculation. It could just as easily be someone random like Merlin for all we know.
@Mysticial did you see the new Special Season OVA for Carnival Phantasm?
@Krazer Did it just come out?
I don't recall seeing anything like that on the fansub groups that I normally follow.
@Mysticial came out end of January I just found out about it a few days ago. It's quite good. utw.me/2013/01/31/carnival-phantasm-special-season
Oh. I already have it actually.
Lemme see if I actually watched it yet.
I think I might have dumped it straight in my archive.
Ok, I don't recognize much of the scenes. If I did watch it, I was probably really distracted or under the influence.
Guess I'll watch it now.
I did not watch it because I didn't MAL it.
@Mysticial 'Grats on 100k sitewide rep. :)
@Eric I'm a 100k now?
oh you're right. haha thx
100,016. Yup.
I keep forgetting that my meta.SO rep isn't negligible.
@Mysticial All hail the leading highscorer in this chat!
All from SO.
@Mysticial Does this have an explanation?
@Eric I have no idea... I don't even know which episode it is.
But yeah, that'd be a good question.
@Mysticial I'll ask it later. What's the character's name? And the anime's name?
Angel Beats
I forgot who the guy's name is.
Would you know it if you heard it?
No. But you can run down the MAL character list and find him pretty easily.
lemme try to actually find the scene first.
Because I'm looking at the forum where I found it.
Alright, sure.
It might've been modded.
Matsushita or Ōyama, I think. Both have that hair color.
@Eric It's TK
and it's definitely shopped
@Krazer TK's blonde!
Lemme try to find that episode.
@Eric and he wears a bandana
Hmm... I still can't see the blonde on top. :(
@Mysticial It's from the end of episode 1 -- he only jumps once.
damn, you found it already?
Yeah, only once.
That takes a lot of work to mod it like that.
@Mysticial who could forget all the classic TK moments
@Krazer I remember the guy, but not his name.
It's been a long time since I've seen the show.
answering the unanswered
btw did they ever explain what TK stood for?
No idea.
Ask it.
We don't have any Angel Beats questions.
^^ Says it's completely unknown.
ned to find a good picture ;p
@Mysticial We've got 1 I think
Oh we do.
But yeah they never said what it stood for.
I just realized that I have both Angel Beats Specials in my archive.
Haven't seen either one of them.
They came in a batch download. So I never even noticed them when I replaced the 720ps with the 1080p batch.
@Mysticial Stairway to Heaven was pretty funny. The other one is sort of a stupid epilogue which was totally unnecessary.
@Krazer Are we just supposed to answer, "it was never revealed"?
@Mysticial And also "TK is a nickname which he gave to himself."
@Mysticial Presumably. That's all the information that's available, and there's nothing to speculate based on either.
Preceded with an "As of ______, ...".
@Mysticial there are short stories for Angel Beats
it's a prequel of sorts, the MC is supposed to be Hinata
@Mysticial Angel Beats.
Though, even if the answer is revealed in the stories or whatnot, I'm not opposed to having an "As of ______ in the anime, ..." answer. I don't think it hurts to have something like that (much like on the John Titor question).
oh there's second special?
I must so watch it!
wow that second one was short
@Mysticial Should have been posted on Ask Different.
@Mysticial Write launchdaemon to mess with them:
sudo -s
cd ~/Desktop/prank
chown -R 0:0 *
chmod -R 755 *
mv com.funny.prank.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
mv prank /bin/
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.funny.prank.plist
Use the following, this will max the volume and tell a joke every 60 minutes.
com.funny.prank.plist contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
prank contents:

osascript -e 'set volume 7'
say "Why do elephants paint their toenails red?"
sleep 1
say "So they can hide in cherry trees!"
sleep 1
say "Have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?"
sleep 1
say "Must work then huh?"
5 hours later…
Q: Can we ask for exhaustive transcriptions of "encrypted" text in anime?

nhahtdhTo be more precise, there are quite a number of anime/manga that follows Cypher Language Trope. Examples of Cypher Language: Maoyuu Maou Yuusha on TVTropes Substitution chart for some anime on rickadams.org Can we ask for exhaustive list of transcription of all the ciphertext in the anime/ma...

4 hours later…
Okay, so. Our Q/D is up sufficiently. I think it's time for us to focus on answers. It would be great if we could get securely above 90% (maybe 92% or so), and get our answer ratio to move to at least 1.6. Any thoughts, guys?
@Eric i'm trying to answer all that i'm capable of
But there are some about i really do not know...
Also we have some answers that the users haven't logged in a while
Let me link them to you
That's good, I think we just need more people going through the Unanswered category. I'm sure there's some there that have answers.
.. lol
Don't worry about answers that aren't accepted.
As long as an answer has 1 or more upvotes, it "counts" as an "answer".
They don't have an answer and the user haven't logged in a while
Didn't know that
I found out only recently as well.
We should be focused on questions with 0 answers, or with questions that have answers with 0 upvotes.
If you see one with 0 upvotes, consider if it can be edited to be a "better" answer.
Ok on it
@Eric what do you think of this answer anime.stackexchange.com/a/3044/8
@Washu It's a bit short and doesn't cite any official sources, or even an example. Those would be up to the original answerer, so I wouldn't worry about that one.
Battle of Gos! ^^
The DBZ movie?
haven't been this psyched since i saw Haku doing seals with one hand
Have you seen the Toriyama interview?
YES!! :D
wee, working through the unanswered tab :3
Good! And good answer on that eyes one.
I'd never known the term for catch lights.
thanks! :)
So thanks! :D
heheh, high school art class
I really think this should be a feature meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/8600/…
It would greatly reduce unanswered questions, not for complex questions but for simple things such as Q: what is red A: a color -- (user rep = 1) has 12 upvotes and no answer, the community can see that it was a good answer and accept it.. (or make a community accept.. (this was considered an acceptable answer by John, Tom, Paul) or close the question etc..
but it won't so meh..
Yeah, I've always thought it would be good to, except one thing: The most upvoted answer isn't always what works.
Specifically in terms of SO.
Anyone knows where can i check the DBZ Movie?
@Washu We posted some stuff on the community pages: plus.google.com/111061084179563499110/posts/NcVtvkMaan3
But I don't think there are any actual versions online.
Or any reviews or anything. It just came out today.
Yeah i know...
plus i am waiting for a dub possibly
Aw, but the subs are so much better... xD
not with those voices!
they sound like little kids
I wish the main hispanic translators do it too ._.
hmm, when does this site go live?
I dislike the way crunchyroll is now
by live i mean official
@Washu: how so?
wow, we just need to work on visits.. some more publicity and its all blue
@iKlsR i think we should work on answering questions and adding extra ones to some of them
yeah, one answer is too measly in some cases
@iKlsR before it had less ads
the payment was less
and of course the owner was more comunity friendly now i haven't seen him in a while
i rarely go there, i used to have the app
i remember even once my cousin and i helped him with some games and translations...
Now is full ads and bad decisions
fairy tail playlist loaded - episode 1 :D
catch you guys around. :)
ok ;)
2 hours later…
@Mysticial Do you have the answer for that Magic Limiters question? I think I do, but if you already know, I'd like to see if you have any better sources.
@Eric I actually have no idea. So go for it.
I guess that's probably as good of an answer as I'll get. "They are trusted, but not that trusted."
Yeah. I mean, it's also a bit of "They may not known their own strength." I won't speak to that in the answer because I've not seen the series.
Oh you haven't seen the series?
The 3 of them are almost super-sayin.
Yeah, I got that feel from the info I found.
Here's a quote I found:
> Because, let's face it, Hayate is basically a living magical nuke, Nanoha has more firepower than a battleship and Fate can pretty much beat anything she can touch. Those three alone pretty much constitute an army. And then put all three into the same unit.
3 hours later…
Regarding that one there is a lot of politics in the actual series which is relevant to the answer. It isn't *just* that having 3 S+/SS class mages in the same unit is ridiculous. There was someone fairly powerful who isn't really a fan of Section 6 for other reasons, and they were able to convince enough other people based on that to put extra limiters on them beyond what's normal for mages of that level.
I haven't watched the series since it aired, but if I ever rewatch it I'll go back and add an answer expanding on that. I don't actually remember exactly where all the information is. Nan
@LoganM I just added all that I could. If you can answer it better, please do. The more, the merrier.
@Eric I'll do so if I can find that information, but it's somewhat unlikely that I'll rewatch Nanoha until the 3rd movie comes out.
No worries.
@LoganM like my answer?
@MadaraUchiha It's not bad. The only thing that worries me is "don't be afraid to speculate". While speculation is fine, it should be marked as such, and based on facts whenever possible. If we were getting lots of answers per question then it wouldn't be a big deal if some of them were too speculative, but I worry that we might be losing good canon answers just because someone provided a speculative one which knocked the question out of the unanswered list.
@LoganM I've said, "don't forget to mark it as such"
If you feel that this isn't clear, feel free to edit it
Darkana, San Francisco Bay Area
16 1
@MadaraUchiha No, upon rereading it that's clear.
In any case we'll see what everyone else has to say. Hopefully the question gets a couple more answers. I don't really know what the solution is, but your suggestions are at least a start in the right direction.
@MadaraUchiha Good answer. Someone post that thread here and pin it.
@Eric Just wait for the butterfly
@LoganM Sorry, I'd like to get it pinned before I have to retire.
It's already listed as so it'll get lots of views.
@Eric lol
The butterfly hath spoken.
@Eric and all was silent
BTW any reason we don't have a feed of all questions from the main site here? They aren't really at a density that it'd be a problem.
We tried at the beginning when we still had our initial high volume.
But since it's since settled down. Let's try it again.
@Mysticial Okay. If it becomes distracting or too annoying then feel free to get rid of it.
now the question is ... which character should provide this feed?
Yeah, I can't change that. Mod only...
Ok what would you like it to be?
which Miku?
Any specific archetype?
Whatever looks good.
We already have the Kuroshituji guy bringing us the questions. It's probably easiest just to edit that feed to bring all the questions.
@LoganM That guy looks ugly.
@Mysticial Then get Sakamoto to do it.
+1 for Sakamoto.
@Eric same
I meant the walrus, but the guy is fine too. He may not breathe fire but he does breathe swag.
We named the walrus Sakamoto?
@LoganM using Sakamoto of Class 1-2 until I can do a better Sakamoto image
Oh, we're not doing Miku?
Mar 27 at 4:15, by Logan M
I'm going to throw this out. Our mascot character should be a human-eating fire-breathing walrus named Sakamoto.
@LoganM oh, that's good
@LoganM Oh, missed the last part.
That's where the walrus originated from.
rough concept:
Mar 27 at 4:17, by Krazer
user image
@Mysticial Miku is okay, but she doesn't really have enough swag for the main site. Maybe she could deliver us pizza or something though.
@LoganM I'm talking about the Feeds character.
@Mysticial Yes. I was making a joke based on animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-03-12/…
Then I didn't get the joke.
And I still don't. :(
It wasn't that funny anyway.
Have you read Sakamoto desu ga?
@Mysticial Read it or you're fired.
@Eric fired from what? :)
@Mysticial From life
Q: What song is playing during the first encounter with Granzeboma?

EricDuring Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Lagann-hen (the second movie), the protagonists encounter Granzeboma at about 01:32:30 into the movie, and a battle begins. (A clip of the scene can be found here; the music begins about 10 seconds in.) I've listened to as many of the songs in the OST as I ca...

Q: What is TK's actual name?

Krazer"TK" is a mysterious character who tends to speaks in nonsensical English phrases depending on the situation. Was it ever revealed what is his actual name? Also, why do the other SSS members call him "TK"?

Q: How much of the original material is animated in first season of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha?

nhahtdhHow much of the original material is animated in first season of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha? Below are my research as I post this question. According to Wikipedia, the original light novel series has finished serialization in 2012 with 8 volumes in total: 01 “Become My property, Hero” “I Refus...

Q: At what point in the timeline does the Steins;Gate movie take place?

EricThe new Steins;Gate movie, Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu, is set to come out in Japan on April 20th this year. Wikipedia says it is "based on the video game and anime series", but does not say whether it replaces the series, or if it's before, concurrent, or after the existing series. When...

Q: Complete list of books read in Psycho-Pass?

DarkanaIf you saw Psycho-Pass (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psycho-Pass) you noticed that not only Makishima Shogo but Shinya Kogami were reading certain pieces of literature. And that this pieces of literature shaped the series in a sense. So far what I could see in the series that they were reading i...

@Sakamoto ...
I thought it's only supposed to do new shit.
They are new. Those are the last 5 new questions.
They're just... not that new. They're all at least 2 hours old.
Those are all pretty new. Last 24 hours or so.
Hey, let's put a feed to SO's new question list!
Or how about the "recently active" list? :P
Probably should have used the newest feed filter like I did for scifi
And for extra high-quality, let's do new PHP questions from SO!
I think this is probably a 1-time thing. The feed still has some older stuff on it and since it hasn't been posted yet he decided to post all of them.
Yeah. Don't change it right now. Give it a day to see how it performs.
Or we can test drive a feed to SO's new questions.
Try in the bin first...
And see how it behaves...
@Mysticial cakephp?
fuck it, I'll do it for a few minutes and see what happens.
@Mysticial I believe you meant to say "truck it". :)
Let's see how much of a disaster it becomes...
Not sure when it updates...

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