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This stored procedures
are killing me
@Washu least it's not java
Shouldn't this user have gotten an association bonus?
@LoganM he has no other account
@Washu You're right I forgot that rule.
Though it really doesn't make much sense IMO.
@LoganM Why?
@LoganM I like that this new usher won the bounty and got so much rep
@LoganM We have 4/5 "okay" now. :D
All but v/d.
88%, tho. Sad.
@Eric as i said we have to check the unanswered ones
@Washu Yeah. No doubt.
@Washu It's supposed to encourage participating on multiple sites, but all it really encourages is making another account on some other site. If they really wanted to encourage participating on multiple sites the requirement would be something like "at least 100 rep on 2 different sites" rather than "200 rep on 1 site and an account on any other site"
@LoganM I think it's also so you don't have to re-earn that rep, though. So I can learn commenting and upvoting and stuff on A&M and then go to SO and apply that knowledge without being treated like a little kid.
@Eric I'm pretty sure it's built to do the opposite-encourage SO people to use other sites. But given how many users I see at 101 rep with no activity on pretty much any site in the network, I'm not convinced it's working.
@LoganM I can't find an official source as to why there's a bonus. It appears to all be conjecture.
This post backs up my theory, this one backs up yours.
1 hour later…
My new motto
@Washu Round ain't a shape. Whatchoo talkin' 'bout? :P
It is a shape
This may work too 9gag.com/gag/6900067
I love how both answers on this are by people who haven't followed Naruto.
@Washu lol
@Eric i like that there is a new user answering
He is an Otaku :d
@Eric me watching loli explosm.net/comics/3120
@Washu He is also on KLU
@LoganM just remembered about the banne
I will ask for it this week
You know when i have a bad day and start to feel sad
I read C&H
to find this and feel better
That is a lesser C&H.
The true C&H is Calvin and Hobbes.
Calvin and Hobbes?
You don't know Calvin and Hobbes?
Ohhh those guys
They are not popular in Hispanic countries
Do either of you read Sakamoto desu ga?
@LoganM Nope. What's it about?
@Eric Sakamoto. I can't really explain better than that. Go read it. There's only 3 chapters translated so far.
@LoganM Finished chapter 1. This is already good, lol.
@Eric I want to ask a question about this series, but the only ones that come to mind are things like "How can I get more swag like Sakamoto?"
@LoganM LOL.
@LoganM That was a good read. I rather liked the "attack" names at the end. :D
11 hours later…
I like how Movies SE is going
and also Kurono fights like a champ
@JNat we should work on getting it done faster... I have the raw of vol 1
@Krazer I also have raws for vol 1, but I don't have any evidence there's any more besides that. I doubt we could mobilize in time to translate one of the remaining two chapters before the group does even if we wanted to.
BTW @Krazer is "How can I get more swag like Sakamoto?" totally nonconstructive or is there some way to make it into a valid question?
@LoganM There's only one volume published right now, I believe
@LoganM I would have say so, unfortunately D:
@Krazer This seems to be the case. The magazine it's published in used to be bimonthly but they're now doing 10 issues a year. Still, it'll probably be a while before volume 2.
I don't think this type of answer are good..
A: Which anime/manga is this character from?

RobinThat is Natsu from Fairy Tail. Wiki link to Natsu

Shouldn't it have more information?
@Washu Not really. More info is unnecessary. The only improvement I can suggest is a picture, but IMO that's optional.
Oh well..
YAY we got 4 Oks :D
And 1 more user to be 600
The hashirama question is currently number seven
second most search keyword this month
Our traffic on Area51 jumped a lot. It's probably just an artifact of the way Area51 stats are calculated, but it's still good news.
@LoganM indeed
How to improve a link's position in Google for dummies: Search the wanted query, enter the link. Stay in the link for approx 5 minutes, then click another link.
I'm having troubles with this
try { while(fat()) exercise(); } catch (TwinkieException e) { consume(e); }
Just wondering, how long does it normally take for Google to index a particular question? I've seen a few that weren't indexed as much as a week later, but some cases were instantaneous.
@LoganM Google indexes several times a day
Also, editing and rephrasing an older question every once in a while will improve our rating in Google (as well as the specific rating for that question)
@MadaraUchiha Then why are some questions which are several days old not showing up?
@LoganM Have you tried searching the exact title?
Maybe it's not considered the top for the query you're searching for
Or maybe Google doesn't see us as a "priority" site like Stack Overflow (where questions are updated within a few minutes)
@MadaraUchiha I searched the exact title with quotations. I did a site search for the exact URL, as they recommend at support.google.com/webmasters/bin/…. I've done a search for the title restricted to anime.SE, and I've tried restricting to recent results. This has happened for several questions.
As of right now, this question still doesn't seem to be indexed by Google, and it's over 2 days old. I had a few more examples, but I can't find them right now.
I'm just wondering if we should be submitting these question URLs to Google or if it's unnecessary. If Google will index it eventually there's no need, but if it's never going to happen we may want to find out which questions are not indexed and submit them.
@LoganM It should index it if it's indexing the homepage, since the links appear there. But there's no harm in submitting them. I don't think there's any penalty.
@LoganM What the heck. Our homepage was last cached on March 18th.
2 hours later…
Interesting: dhw.ac.jp/en
I wonder if they are any good
@Krazer They aren't very good at spelling "history" at the very least.
@LoganM or "program"
@Krazer Or "beginning".
Still, though, history of anime sounds fun.
@Eric in 5 days, all for 148,000 yen
excluding airfare/transportation
I can't afford that. :(
Perhaps in a few years. :P
tuition is 490,000 yen per semester
for studying aboard
@Krazer You mean for gaijin in japan? or vice-versa? For gaijin in Japan it's all over the place (depends on where you come from)
@jkerian for someone who wishes to study abroad at this institution
funny they don't mention the cost of medical insurance for international students
@Krazer That also depends on where you come from.
hmm... I wonder if this place is actually registered as a college...
(that would keep things simpler)
I know the NHI program pays for 70% of medical expenses for the municipal office closest your place of residence
I'm not sure you'd want to go to a place that teaches web design but can't properly implement a clear-fix
@Rachel, sure. I tried Calm Mind followed by Future Sight followed by Last Resort. Alas, that did not work. — Frédéric Hamidi 1 hour ago
eh... web design isn't an area I'd expect academics to be up to date in
As long as they teach the basics, that should be fine
To my mind, the most gnarly area of the academic/industry divide in CS is graphics.
I don't know of a general CS program that gets beyond procedural 3d... and virtually no one uses it "in the wild"
I guess that's why it's a general course
I'm surprised with the amount of detail KyoAni they put in this scene:
@Krazer wow, that sound
I hadn't heard it in a while
@Krazer That is far too small. xD
@Krazer what is it supposed to be?
I was blinded by a tear
That's too sad... :|
@Krazer wow
Now I have to wonder if it's a true story or something made up.
@Mysticial When it comes to things like this, I just ignore my skepticism. It doesn't hurt to believe it's true. ;)
I used to play the korean MMO Ragnarok Online. One of our guild members... think he was about 16... died from brain cancer. There was this big PvP/Raiding thing that happened on a regular schedule in that game... when someone "captured a house", it would announce it to the whole game. We quickly formed a new guild named "In honor of <his name>", and raided the #&*$# out of several houses all night.
Great answer @Eric
@Washu Thanks. I spent like 2 hours in class translating various parts of the FMA Perfect Guide books. xD
@Eric In 18 hours the bounty is yours
@jkerian are you playing RO 2? Do you play any RO now?
no... I gave it up when I moved to Japan in... '06? I think
I had some good times there though. Still friends with several former guildies.
Which class?
I moved around a bit... had a maxed wizard, assasin and hunter
@Krazer Is あめ (ame) "rain"? I think it should be, but Google Translate says it should be "candy".
No Champion?
was one of the first to figure out how deadly the Ice Pick with a dagger 'sin was
Though it suggests 雨 instead (the kanji for "rain").
I'm sure the game has moved on/changed in 5 years.
@Eric both
@jkerian Razzlefraz. I hate that. lol
@Eric The language is rich in homophones.
@Washu champion... trying to remember what that was
@jkerian Well, that's not good news. <_<
ahh... the "High Monk"
@Washu No... I did the priesty thing for a bit, but never really did a monk. The 3-X classes weren't out yet when I played.
@jkerian High Monk are badass
I remember when i cast my Asura
or Guillotine Fist for others
No no the 3x classes are others
I started playing RO since 2003 i think... it was only 1 class and a different Payon... i miss those times
Which server? and which... universe?
I was mostly Loki on iRO, although I briefly played on jRO
@Eric 雨 is rain; 飴 is hard candy or toffee
@Krazer Yeah, but in hiragana, I mean. (Google offered me the correct kanji.)
天 can also be pronounced "ame"
@Krazer I don't think I've ever seen 飴 though....
@jkerian 飴煮, 飴屋, 飴湯
@Krazer I don't have much of a sweet tooth. >_>
@jkerian i played on Loki at the beginning then i moved to other servers
Although you're right, of course
@Eric depends on the context I guess
@Washu You might remember us then... we were "Fatty Chubby Kitties", Payon Alliance (with Unity... mainly).
After the guild folded, several members became the in-game terrorist organization "Killer Tomatos"
@Eric 和菓子 on the other hand is ;9
@jkerian ohh i heard of "Killer Tomatos"
I thought the plural of 'tomatos' was 'tomatoes'
@Krazer It is.
(great answer @Eric)
@Washu As FCB, we had an awesome guild icon... lemme see if I can find it
Do you think it is ok to spend my rep on getting good answers on some unattended questions?
@Washu It's your rep. You do whatever you want with it. :P
@Eric yeah, that
@jkerian XD haha i have seen that one or two times... but i remember more the Killer Tomatos
@Eric I want a new weapon!
@Krazer Like what? lol
@Washu It looks like someone has taken the guild and reactivated it... probably the OSU couple. I'm pretty sure BonzaiKitty doesn't play anymore.
@Krazer is this one ok?
not really a weapon, but...
@jkerian i'm thinking of playing again but i need time..., it is hard to get the cards and the mvp equipment
@Washu Yeah... I won't be playing again... I don't think
@JNat I'd prefer the Otoha amulet from Karas
I enjoyed it... but I don't even have enough time to watch anime anymore :/
@Krazer don't know it
@Krazer ok, ok
@Washu have you looked at RO2?
@Krazer yah is terrible D:
I mean regarding unfixed bugs
But the game is pretty awesome
that's a shame
as far as F2P MMOs go, I found this game to be the best so far: pathofexile.com
none of that pay2win mentality
@Krazer where's this from?
@Krazer Do you play it?
@JNat Sasami-san@Ganbaranai
Yes I do
@Mysticial thanks ;)
when I have time
I wonder if replies work cross-room.
Let's find out...
3 messages moved from Thrills and Spills
Oh, it still links back. cool
Yup. It has magic skills.
@Mysticial except for the link back to the gif I was referring to
but no problem by me
@JNat That one still works for me. It links to the Thrills and Spills transcript.
@JNat It still works.
right, never mind me
for those of you who didn't see @LoganM's recommendation, read Sakamoto desu ga
Mar 8 at 4:23, by Krazer
lol @ this series: http://www.mangapark.com/manga/sakamoto-desu-ga/v1/c1/1
@Krazer oh, I hadn't seen that
@JNat you probably also missed this then:
Mar 8 at 4:42, by Krazer
user image
@Krazer lolwut
no, I hadn't seen that one
@Krazer Diablo-ish F2P MMO?
@jkerian specifically Diablo-2-ish
there are a lot of ppl who hate how Diablo 3 turned out
@JNat Yup that manga was originally recommended to me by @Krazer. And it's amazing.
It is amazing.
Why? Read it. :P
@Eric exactly
Here's a short teaser:
Mar 8 at 4:30, by Logan M
user image
@Eric that comment i can't understand it lol
@Washu It'd be expanded as "Before you ask me 'Why?', just read it to find out."
@Washu then you should read the manga in question ;)
@Washu that sounds more like a command than a comment
those are some mean zombies man
@Krazer, @LoganM and @Mysticial, do you share the same opinion as the only answer here?
Q: How are "A Certain Magical Index" and "A Certain Scientific Railgun" connected?

JNatAccording to MAL, the former is the parent story of the latter, that appears described as a side story. However, I find no reference to these questions: Do both stories take place in the same universe? Are they somewhat dependent on each other? If so, in which order should the series be watched?

@JNat I actually don't. They're "supposed" to be in the same universe. But because (I think) they have two different authors, they drifted apart and have inconsistencies in story line.
@Mysticial Then post an answer! :D
@Eric yes, this
@Eric I don't have any references. It's 3rd hand info that I heard from someone else.
@Mysticial hmm, I see. And about the order, do you agree? Index first, Railgun after?
or is it indifferent?
@JNat They are interleaved.
And since the authors didn't talk much, their interleaving left some inconsistencies.
That's what I heard.
I have no references for it.
@Mysticial I see, I see
well, you can, at least and if you want to, leave a comment there
But if I get the time, I may go and try to find those references.
So it leave it open for now. I might answer it later.
@Mysticial oh, good :)
(by later, I mean probably more than a week from now)
@Mysticial ok ok
@Mysticial no stress, it's not pressing anyway
@Mysticial Been busy lately?
@Eric Working on my MS thesis.
Oh, very nice. How's it coming?
@Eric did you take that Eva angels question from the list of proposed questions during Area51 phase? XD
@JNat Maybe.
It's not the first I've taken. :P
@Mysticial I get the feeling you already said what it is about, but I'm not sure. What's it about?
Fast Fourier Transforms and micro-optimizations.
@Mysticial yeah, you had talked about FFT before
you did a conference about it in Boston, I think. right?
or was it Chicago?
@JNat Chronologically, Railgun comes first. Then near the middle of Railgun (the Level Upper Arc), the events and timeline start to converge with Index.
@JNat Conference was in Boston. I go to school in Chicago. (well, Champaign, which is two hours south of Chicago)
@Mysticial both series are written by the same author (Kazuma Kamachi) as the novels, they just have different illustrators
@Krazer Ah okay. So I misheard the author/illustrator part.
*hence 3rd-hand information
the two animes however are written by different ppl
rejoice, we have 600 users!
@Krazer woohoo
cya tomorrow

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