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@Eric It seems we weren't the first people to think of a Klingon language SE. Somebody proposed it almost a year ago, but it got closed: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/40599/…
1 hour later…
@LoganM Seeding. I know the answer also.
@LoganM Well... hopefully no one remembers. How'd you find out?
@Eric Playing around with Wayback Machine.
lol.. Had fun?
@Eric It was kinda boring actually, but I did get an idea of what kinds of proposals are generally successful. I also noticed that the criteria for a proposal not to be closed seem to have become more lenient in the past year or so.
BTW I updated the Stats to today. The past week was pretty bad for all of the stats except % answered (and maybe answer ratio, but we can't tell).
However, we do have a number of users who are nearly at 200 rep. I've been looking at their posts and if they are reasonable I've been upvoting them. We may be able to jump up to 75 in the next week if they all break 200.
9 hours later…
This is cool so I thought I'd share:
This question got a lot of traffic this week:
Q: Why can't Pan go Super Saiyan?

BlueAs the title states, why can't Pan go to Super Saiyan Mode? We see in a the last episode of Pan's grandson turning Super Saiyan while he fights a descendant of Vegeta. Are female Saiyans not able to turn Super Saiyan?

This one too (~60% less trafficked than the above):
Q: What does 'moe' mean?

coleopteristI've now watched quite a few anime and I'm still at a loss as to what the term moe represents. Is there an agreed upon definition for it? If a character is moe, what does that mean?

@Krazer Did it get linked to (that you know of)? That seems like a pretty strange thing to get a lot of traffic, especially if it wasn't before, unless it got linked to somewhere or became the top Google result or something like that.
@LoganM This is from search traffic alone across the entire week
There was also a sharp rise in overall traffic yesterday
there were some link backs for "lolicon manga" but it wasn't in the first few pages
Hmm. We're pretty far down though we are on page 1 for both results. I can't explain a traffic spike either, but at least it's good news.
search is driving over 66% of traffic for this month so far
That's good, though if I use my numbers of 323 hits per day, even if we reached 90% with the same level of other traffic, we'd only be at around 1100 hits per day, which is still not enough by SE standards.
While visits are up, total page views are down.
But I think it's a good sign. We need to make sure our content is easy to find, which presumably means making sure titles are Google-able and the questions are over things that people are likely to search for.
@Krazer That's unfortunate. I wonder if we're losing some of our old users.
I don't know how total page views is counted, but I know that I haven't been as active recently because school is much busier right now than most of the time. I suspect the same is true for a lot of our members.
@LoganM it's literally what it is, the amount of times this site has been viewed
This is how visits are calculated by google analytics:
@Krazer If it's not adjusted to avoid counting the same user multiple times, that probably means that users are visiting the site less now than they were before. That's true of me and probably lots of other members. I don't think it means much in terms of people who find the site via searching.
@LoganM Visits represent the number of individual sessions initiated by all the visitors to your site. If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity will be attributed to a new session. Users that leave our site and return within 30 minutes will be counted as part of the original session.
The initial session by a user during any given date range is considered to be an additional visit and an additional visitor. Any future sessions from the same user during the selected time period are counted as additional visits, but not as additional visitors.
30 minutes is a pretty short time. I think what I said still applies.
@LoganM Though GA can track unique vistors by cookie, the analytics panel does not provide that information on the time. But it makes sense that SE would be more interested in how many sessions are engaged than the amount of unique visitors.
While page views are down, but visits are up, we could infer that we have a deficiency in the amount of interesting content that can keep the users coming back to check
@Krazer That is a possible explanation. However, it seems to me also possible that this is a particularly busy time of year, which results in our regulars visiting less often. I know that's true for at least 4 people who are in the top 20 or so users, and I suspect it's true for others. If enough of the top users are busy, that will have an effect on total traffic. I can't see the exact numbers so I don't know how big the change is, but if it's not too large that's one possible explanation.
Also, we've had fewer questions in March than we were getting in February, which is very likely to lower the total page views.
@JNat hi
@JNat boa tarde
BTW what do you guys think about this question? I think there are probably dozens of examples if you are loose with the definition of tsundere, and it's sort of subjective in a lot of cases, so IMO it's probably too broad to be allowed.
Q: Anime where main protagonist is a male tsundere

xjshiyaThere are a lot of anime which features female tsundere like Shakugan no Shana, Kaichou wa Maid-sama and more. I would like to know anime where there is a male protagonist who is notably a tsundere.

@LoganM I think it's too broad too
but then again, how can he scope it better?
@JNat I don't think this question is salvageable. Not without completely changing the intent. Looking at myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=5380, there are probably over a hundred examples. I voted to close as NC.
@LoganM NARQ imo
@Krazer That's probably true too.
@Krazer leave a comment linking to meta.anime.stackexchange.com/questions/348/…
and saying that without editing it'll be closed as NARQ
since it fails point 3
@JNat It's already expressed here:
A: What is the status of list questions on this site?

MysticialFor questions that don't satisfy the 4 criteria, here is how we have decided they will be dealt with: If it fails #1, close as NARQ because it's hard to tell what is being asked. If it fails #2, close as not constructive because it's subjective. If it fails #3, close as NARQ because it isn't re...

yeah, I know
what I was saying is to leave a comment that links there, and allow for editing
if it does not happen, we'll close it
oh right xD
I'm still not awake
@Krazer I'll do it then :P
@JNat I did it
while asleep
I was about to submit my comment XD
@Krazer very good, btw
Front page right now is Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Shounen tropes, and then one of my questions. I think it might be a good time to ask some questions from really obscure stuff just to add a bit of balance. I'm almost completely asleep right now but I'll try to come up with something.
@LoganM I'll try to think something up, although I doubt I can come up with anything
anyway, gotta go
@LoganM Our visits didn't drop much. It was 319 on the 10th and then again on the 18th. At the very least, it's steady. Other than that, though... yeah, quite a bad week.
@Eric Not dropping much is pretty poor when we were growing about 5% per week for the previous weeks.
@LoganM Ha... true enough. What are we doing wrong?
I don't think we're necessarily doing anything wrong. IMO this is just a lower traffic time of year
Plus, see Krazer's comments above. We had a sharp rise in traffic yesterday,
Alright. We'll see what Spring Break brings.
Interesting... though I'm not surprised. There were like, 12 questions yesterday.
Hi @all
@LoganM and Gantz :D
@Washu hi
@LoganM Hi, How are you?
I'm exhausted right now. I just finished my homework which I've been working on for about a week. I also spent 14 hours on Saturday grading exams and stayed up all night last night to finish my homework on time.
@LoganM wow man... you need to take the spring break for relaxing a bit :/
Luckily nothing else that I have to do over spring break needs to be done before next Monday, so I can slack off for a day or so before I start on it.
I'm probably going to fall asleep on my keyboard if I don't get caffeine in the next hour or so.
@Washu How are you?
@LoganM right now trying to finish a new feature of my java desktop app or i will be fired
just hat
@Washu You should probably get that finished then. Getting fired wouldn't be very good.
@LoganM it is a bad job.... but i dislike being fired. I dislike doing a bad work
That's the problem, because i can easily find another one right now because a friend's company is waiting for me
I'll just leave this here:
Just saw a commercial for the dubbed version of Bleach on Youtube. Their pronunciation of Japanese words was horrendous.
Please, share.
Sadly, I can't find it. It was a Youtube advertisement. I tried reloading the video but I didn't get the same one, and the ad itself doesn't seem to be uploaded on youtube anywhere.
Ugh why is there only 1 answer per question...
@Washu If you can find questions that aren't fully answered, please share them here. I'm intending to compile a list, but I can't do it right now because I'm barely even awake.
@LoganM why don't you sleep?
@LoganM Go to class so you can sleep! :)
@Washu If I go to sleep now it'll just make my sleep schedule worse. I'm going to stay up till ~11 pm and then go to bed.
@Eric I don't have classes because spring break
Oh, that's this week for you?
Another friend of mine has it next week, so...
That's why I'll be able to do some questions this week, and maybe some research towards some unanswered ones.
Woo, we got another new user not from SE.
Or, maybe he is from SE and just doesn't have 200 on any site. lol
@Eric Which one?
"codey". He answered a recent question.
Ah I thought you might be referring to the OP of the question that guy answered. He was also fairly new to SE, though he had around 170 rep on ELU when he started here. When he was hovering at around 111 rep I was almost going to go over there and serially upvote enough of his questions to push him over 200, to get the association bonus to push him over 200 here, but he got enough upvotes here to break 200 without that anyway.
As for codey, I think that answer would be better as a comment personally. But I'll leave that up to the mods.
Oh, I didn't actually read the answer, lol.
BTW I know that serial upvoting is frowned upon, but would I get suspended just on that site or network-wide for doing it? I don't really care about being suspended on ELU, but being suspended here would be a big problem.
@LoganM Probably no suspension at all. It'll just be reversed by the script.
Hey Mysticial. I knew you'd have the answer, lol.
I'm sure somebody at SE will look at all the instances that the script runs, but I doubt they do anything.
They are mainly looking for sockpuppet accounts.
@Mysticial Should have just done it then. I'll keep that in mind if a similar situation pops up where I can get someone over 200 by serial upvoting them on another site to get the association bonus. Or bountying my association bonus to them on that site. I'm not going to bounty my rep here for something like that since I actually care about this site a little bit.
@LoganM If you want to serially upvote someone, spread the votes out.
Don't do it all in one day. And definitely not all in a few minutes.
And if you want to avoid skewing things, you might as well upvote everything else on the same questions as the person you're "targeting".
@Mysticial Yes, I know that's the best way to do it, but I don't know how much I have to spread them out. Would upvoting one person 10 times out of 40 be enough to trigger the script?
In any case I don't think it'd be too hard to get away with it. I'm keeping my eye out for cases like this, but generally I'd rather they gain the rep here honestly than by me messing with some other SE site.
Actually this is something that a dupe account is great for. If I do all the serial upvoting on that account, the worst that happens is that account being suspended or merged with this one.
@LoganM I'd be very careful targeting someone with low rep.
As you could find your main account being suspended.
But that said, I wouldn't tread in these waters.
@Mysticial Why would my main account be suspended for that?
@LoganM Because it'll look like you're supplying rep to a socket-puppet for other purposes. (possibly to bounty it back)
As far as the script goes. I've seen it trigger with a few as 6 upvotes or 4 downvotes.
And I've seen it not trigger even with 10 or more upvotes.
So there are other factors at play.
@Mysticial That's why I'd be using a dupe account for this, and one that's not easy for them to trace. I can use a separate computer, login info, and internet connection that I've never logged in to SE before with on my main account.
On their end it should be impossible to trace, especially if I restrict my activity to sites that I don't currently have an account on with my main account..
@LoganM lol, that might even get the guy you are targeting suspended...
@Mysticial Meh. I wouldn't target the guy unless he's clearly left and isn't coming back here. So at that point I don't care if he gets suspended.
I'm not sure if they require that the ip-addresses match to do a suspension. But they'll most likely just destroy the dummy account.
Anyway as I said the easiest thing to do is just bounty someone my association bonus on a site I don't care about. That clearly can't trigger any scripts if it's a single action.
@LoganM That's probably fine. Though if they realize your intention, they are able to reverse the bounty.
@Mysticial Chances are low anyone would check that thoroughly, especially since I'd be using a dupe account.
In any case, the chances that this will ever come into play are low. The situation needs to be very specific. So I'll probably never have to use this method.
At the moment there's only one user who is even remotely close to this working on right now, and he's still visiting the site fairly regularly so I won't do it for now.
@Eric another new user:
A: Why do rocks start flying when high levels of chakra are being used?

Nascent_NotesThe nerd in me says: Specifically, in the case Naruto, the anime goes out of there way to explain the chakras of the body. They even go as far to explain the flow of energy through the chakras. As such, as they draw energy into their chakras (both from inside and outside their body), debris (r...

Yeah, though further examination shows he has 115 rep on SO.
@Eric True. But I don't think we have very many totally new to SE users at all. Even most of the people with <100 rep had accounts on some other sites.
Indeed. I really, really want that to change, though.
I'd love to see some users find and register on the site from Google.
@Eric I want it to change too, but the association bonus is really a big advantage for those with accounts elsewhere. Starting with 101 rep makes you way more credible than starting with 1 rep, even though it has almost nothing to do with how much you know about anime.
Yeah, that is true. But I'd prefer not to think that the only anime fans who would continue are already on SO.
IMO association bonuses really aren't good for a recreation beta site like us. But there's no way SE is going to get rid of them. Which is why I have no qualms gaming the system to our advantage wherever possible.
@Eric We've gotten several people who were new to SE here, and some of them contributed pretty significantly. However it's to be expected that most of our users will be from the SE network since the chance that someone randomly encounters our site and decides to join is pretty low.
@LoganM That's good. But we still want to try to be as independent of SE as possible.
... As weird as that sounds.
Thinking about it rationally, though, how often is it that you search for the answer to some question, and you find it on some random forum or wiki or Q&A site, and then you think "I should join this site"?
For me, I don't think I've ever done that.
Hey, I joined SO, didn't I? Lol
It's usually when I find multiple answers there and see things I could also contribute to.
If they keep coming back here from searches, eventually they might decide to join, but that is a slow process and given our size I don't think we're at that level.
I joined MO because one of my professors used it and he told me that I should ask a question there. So I did. Then I started using Math.SE when I decided MO was too strict about research level stuff. But I wouldn't have joined MO if it hadn't been recommended to me by someone I knew and instead I had found it randomly.
Then we need to get people to recommend it, I guess.
Heading off now, ttyl.
3 hours later…
@LoganM I win! I finally found the answer to your Paca Plus question.
@Eric lol I already know the answer to that one but go for it anyway
It took too long so I just bought the game and played it.
Ah, sorry. I tried to do it sooner.
Only today did I learn the save file format and hack it to go to the last chapter.
No problem. I liked the game anyway.
Did you play it in Japanese?
I couldn't stand the English in the romantic parts.
@Eric Yes. It's quite a bit better in Japanese.
BTW I'm currently writing the first of 3 or 4 HenNeko questions I'm going to ask.
Awesome. I'm going to start the Attack on Titan manga this week, since my last anime did not give me any questions. (I'm only in episode 5, but still.)
@LoganM Do you think this answer needs spoiler tags? Or is the question's nature spoiler-warning enough?
@Eric The alpaca one? No, the question itself makes it obvious that it'll spoil that point.
@LoganM Okay. I'm going to put a brief "how" in the answer as well, but I'll spoiler-tag that one, since it might be somewhat unexpected to a typical reader.
Answer looks good. I just finished the question, and the title is hilariously misleading:
Q: Did Yokodera receive all of Ponta's worldly desires?

Logan MWhen Ponta visited the unsmiling cat statue at the beginning of the series, he offered his dakimakura (body pillow) named Barbara-san as a symbol of his worldly desires. Consequently, the statue took them his desires from him, and he turned to a life of helping the poor starving children of Afric...

@LoganM Before I read it, where did you read that Rebecca graduated from Colombia University in Pani Poni?
@Eric IIRC I read it in the manga directly.
@Eric Which version of the manga is that?
I'm not sure. How do I check? lol
Where did you find it?
On a scanlation site. I don't mind linking to it, as long as we're okay with that in the chatroom.
Go ahead. Here's my source for Columbia:
from The Waffle House & Eternal Bunny Love
I get "Sorry it's licensed and not available" there.
... wtf
It's vol 1, chapter 6, page 4.
If we have the same source, you should be able to find that.
Okay, I found it
I'm trying to see if there are any TL notes for this.
@LoganM I think I found out why. It's just a forum post, so it's a bad citation, but it says that she says she's from Columbia University because she can't say the word "Massachusetts".
Though that theory is reinforced by TV Tropes.
I don't know if I believe that forum post or TVTropes. There isn't any support for it in the manga, at least the English version. For now I think I'll delete the question until I can get a hold of the original to check what the situation is.
Alright, go for it. I'll check out the henneko question.
If it really is as you say, I'll undelete it and you can get the easy answer.
Sure. :P I'm not worried about who gets the answer, I just want us to not forget about unanswered questions.
Yay, I got excused from Jury Duty. Thank god.

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