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you there @krazer?
@JNat yes.
It is Chat Cast time?
Is Madara not coming?
Of course he is. He's a ninja.
Logan and Madara both knew about it...
@Washu it is
is @Mysticial here too?
lets wait a few minutes for them
Commencing bookmark! The topics of this chat cast include, but are not limited to the following topics:
- 1. generating content (more Qs and how to use social media to draw in more users)
- 2. tags review
- 3. old questions review
@Krazer yeah
@Eric I'm here
here's @LoganM!
I'm horrifically busy today. So I won't be able to take part.
@Mysticial ok, no problem
@Mysticial Alright.
@Mysticial you mean you're usually not? :P
@LoganM Hai :)
@Washu ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
So we're just missing Madara, then. Should we wait til 10-after?
yeah, I guess
ugh 5 hours until bounty
Let us begin: Topic 1. Generating content (more Qs and how to use social media to draw in more users)
We currently have FB and G+ we seem to be getting a bit more traffic from FB than G+ atm
That's not surprising. The G+ page has less followers, I believe. I haven't been able to get a solid following yet.
FB is more popular than G+ so you could expect that.
I think we could ask popular questions from other sites and give better answers.
The answers from SE are far better than in any other, from what i have seen.
Right now, the FB followers are mostly @JNat's and my friends. We need ways to do better than that.
@Deidara-senpai yes, about 15 people there are people I 'made' follow the page
not even 10 of them are very interested in anime
but it gets some more visibility
Like on twitter, maybe we should post some of the better questions we have on FB and G+ and ask ppl to visit us to have their questions answered
The more followers, the higher it gets in search results. That's not a huge factor in the double-digits, but it's something to keep in mind.
I tried posting about our page on some other anime related pages, but noone cared.
Can someone link me the fb page?
but I will keep trying
I've got some dupes that I can make like the page. My friends probably wouldn't appreciate it very much if I posted it since the majority of them aren't anime fans.
@Krazer by creating a twitter account for the site? or posting on ours (users)?
Sorry i can't add friends to the FB page but only half of them know english...
@LoganM That's my difficulty, too. I don't want to be posting only anime stuff from a personal account.
@Eric well, I have no problem with that since I created my FB and G+ accounts just for this
On FB, you could make use of Lists to help with that.
I'll at least add my dupes. That's 4 likes right there.
I'm going to tell to the few friends that i have
Make a list of people who are anime fans AND people who could become anime fans.
@Deidara-senpai Same with G+ circles, actually. That's a good point.
and then post anime stuff only to that list
@JNat By posting question on the FB and G+ Pages from their respective accounts
one question a day or so
@Krazer yeah, that is good
that plus other content
like the one that has been getting posted
@JNat We can also post various anime news we find
@Krazer yes, but the most important, I think, is that we need to post stuff consistently
otherwise, the pages will never grow
@JNat we can ask about what do you think about a new release? or what are you expecting?
Sorry wrong link I posted above. Anyway, those who are on our FB page do "Share" our posts there, such as recent one on the Manga club activities.
like the new railgun trailer:
@Washu I'm not sure about that, since it can mislead about the nature of the site
@Krazer Yes, exactly. These are the kinds of things the community should be putting in the Social room.
I check it daily for interesting things to post to the G+ account.
We need to have a lot of patience to get sizeable traffic from the FB page (and G+ page of course).
@JNat as long as we remind that one is social the other is stictly Q&A we should be fine
I went to look at a few anime pages which looked fairly successful, and they all had at least a couple posts per day. The most successful ones posted dozens of times per day, though that's unrealistic for us.
e.g. play here ask there
@MadaraUchiha ran into Hashirama? :P
@Krazer yeah, agreed
Yeah, kicked his ass again
Sorry I'm late
No worries.
For example, share this to your anime friends and on fanpages that you visit. facebook.com/AnimeAndMangaQA/posts/524242287598453
@JNat Yep you are right...
phew, finally got the link right!
The thing about generating traffic from social networks is that you should keep trying till you achieve what you want, not unlike a typical shonen protagonist.
@LoganM yeah, but I think that we should post maybe a question every day or so, plus much more of other material. Like that we'll get more followers there, that hopefully will come here too.
@JNat first we need more questions per day in the site..
meaning that , yeah, a couple of posts a day at least
I'll try to post more news content in the social room
@JNat and different questions most of them are naruto related...
We need to post good questions on the social pages. Doing otherwise would either cause people to ignore the site or even drive them away!
@Washu Not all the posts need to have content from this site exclusively. We can post other anime news also. But we need people to gather it and post it to the other chat room, which we haven't been doing very well so far.
@Deidara-senpai Agreed. I've been trying to post the ones that have great answers (or great potential for answers). Like the club one.
we can also do some anime watching and discussion activity on FB/G+ and give out crunchyroll guest passes if we have any CR subscribers willing to donate
@Eric Right, and not questions like, "Does Naruto love Sasuke?" lol :P
Exactly. lol
@LoganM we need to make a meta post about this. In the end of the last chat cast we should've done it. not everyone was here, so not everyone got how we planned on acting
@Deidara-senpai i agree about the good questions...
Good questions are a must
But that's not what'll get people to follow our pages.
In order to attract them in the first place, we need interesting content
Content that folks would want to find in their feed.
Well, we do have one advantage.
There is a whole spring season of anime coming up.
Original content by volunteers would also be very useful.
There will be lots of interesting posts on new series and new content that we can pull from.
@Deidara-senpai Judging by the fact that we haven't even been able to keep 5 Q/D recently, that seems unsustainable for now IMO.
I suggest we post information about the new releases.
We can also get ppl to show off their animu/mango purchases or collections like this:
@Krazer i want that one...
This way we can in from ppl of new and cool buys too
@LoganM This is another contingency we have to address. It's not just about the social pages, we need people here to be active, especially in asking, as well.
@LoganM I would rather have 3 good questions per day than 15 poor or average ones.
@Krazer yes, and get some debate going on
Although I see your point, but it is a lot harder to sustain the site with crappy questions.
@Deidara-senpai I agree with poor, but average questions are fine. We don't want to advertise them, but they're a fact of life.
@Eric Agreed
if we link via amazon affiliates referrals or something we can make some revenue to use to promote the site (but keep it only to the social pages, might have to clear it with the super mods first)
In summary, our social pages need 2 things: 1. Good questions 2. Interesting content.
I think we could also do some ads for the social pages to put up on other SE sites. Instead of just having ads for the site itself
@Deidara-senpai I think we need both quality and quantity. We don't want to encourage people to ask just to raise the stats, but we do need people to ask when they really do have a question.
@JNat we could see if we can find places to cross promote
@LoganM I am always welcome to any questions on this site, my point is only restricted to how many of these questions can be put on the social pages.
@Krazer If we're only using our non-official social pages, we don't really need their permission.
*I always welcome
However, what do you plan to do with the revenue you'd get?
@MadaraUchiha more advertising?
@Krazer Are there any other graduated sites which we could feasibly put community ads on besides the 3 we have?
@LoganM game development also has a meta post for community ads
@MadaraUchiha Potentially contest prizes, if we get that far.
Maybe we can get good questions from other site and answer them here... the type of answer you get from a SE site it's better than any other i have seen
@JNat Worth a shot, at worst case we'd be downvoted.
@LoganM we should also thin about non-SE sites too
@MadaraUchiha promotional prizes maybe?
@MadaraUchiha Yes, because if we don't have enough members here to post a question here then we need from other sites
@Krazer I wonder about targeting sites like MAL. That's perhaps a bit high up, but worth discussing.
I guess it's possible, but we'd need to earn quite a bit.
I'm more active on MAL than here, if you want help on promotion.
We have 567 users and i don't know the real stats but from what it is shown in Area 51 only 13% it is an avid user
@Eric We should make a MAL group at the very least.
@LoganM how do groups work over there?
Yeah, I had no idea there were even groups at all. lol
@Logan there are "clubs", not groups. @JNat the creator is like a super-admin of the group and can add new Officers and Admin of the group.
@chirale I see
On MAL the more difficult thing is to get members in my experience.
I think it is worth a shot
@LoganM what is MAL?
@Washu My Anime List
@chirale and everyone in the club can post content?
@JNat you can choose between some options, all, only members and if I remember well only admin.
so, everyone, should we create a new social 'page' for us? or first try to focus on the 2 we have?
@JNat This one would serve as something slightly different. And we'd need someone to manage it. Is it too much for us?
Most successful MAL clubs have at least a few hundred members. Smaller ones tend to die off unless the people are especially active. Just FYI.
@Eric that is my concern
@LoganM so maybe we first need more critical mass on other places, right?
OTOH MAL is a community of people all of whom should have some interest in this site. So we have a good chance to bring in a lot more traffic if we do it right.
@LoganM that's right. We should identify some SE users active on MAL and then create the club with a bunch of admin from SE initially.
@LoganM "If we do it right" is the frightening part.
@Eric Worst case scenerio we can kill the club. I think.
If our maximum potential is a few hundred users
we can give MAL a try but we shouldn't add any more sites to manage in our so called social network
I don't know if we should place our efforts there just yet.
@MadaraUchiha yes, I'm a bit uncertain too
we should try to better coordinate FB and G+ pages first
then maybe we'd give MAL a shot
@MadaraUchiha I'm actually concerned about the quality of the questions and the politeness of the community more than visibility.
@JNat If we get enough followers in FB then we can give it a shot
@chirale are people impolite over at MAL?
@chirale I don't think we have to worry about that at the moment. Our questions are pretty good for the most part and we have a very polite community.
or did you mean here?
@Washu yes, that's my point
@JNat here
Realistically, no one is going to search for "Stack Exchange" on MAL. The only traffic we'd get is if we have especially active MAL users whose user pages direct people to us, or if we post fairly regularly to get on top of the "Most recent activity" queue. It's not something one or even a few people can handle on their own.
@JNat but don't take me wrong, I like this site but it's too small as now, so I miss the fresh energy you can feel on StackOverflow
@LoganM What if we called the page "Anime & Manga Q&A", though?
@Eric Not like that's going to get a lot of search traffic either.
@LoganM More than "Stack Exchange", though.
@LoganM it will be a sort of targeted advertisement, someone can be interested there @Eric we should avoid it, since it will seems to bypass forum section on MAL I think.
@Eric We should work on the title sometime... it's a bit generic imo
@Krazer Agreed.
@Krazer next chat cast, maybe. Along with logo and the like
@chirale With all due respect, I find this site fresh as compared to SO, SO has become too rigid IMHO.
@Deidara-senpai Agreed
@Deidara-senpai SO attracts lazy and often Idiot™ folks.
should we wrap up the social promotion discussion here and move on to tags and questions?
The rigidness is a normal mechanism to conserve sanity.
I'm back.
@Eric How? No one is going to search on MAL for "Q&A". You'll get literally 0 traffic from Anime and Manga in the title on MAL. At least with Stack Exchange you might get someone who searches for either of those words, both of which are fairly common.
But for less than an hour though.
anyway, I think we should focus on FB and G+ for the moment. Once we have them up and running, we can consider creating a MAL group. Especially because once we have more followers over there we can better promote our new Club over at MAL.
Welcome, @Mysticial.
@Deidara-senpai it has more people and more minds at work. We should get more too.
@LoganM True, but I don't feel like people are going to intentionally arrive at the site. Krazer is right, it's probably best to come up with something more distinct.
@JNat Yes I agree
@JNat I as well.
@JNat thirding
ok, so to wrap this up, we will create a meta post for the people who aren't usually here, so that they can know of the Social Page Content chat room's purpose
that way, hopefully, we'll get some more interesting content too
something like "Anime & Manga @ StackExchange" should be plain but effective imoh
We cannot use Stack Exchange's name/logo/brands in our unofficial pages.
Then SE?
Then we cannot make the club. Case closed.
"Anime & Manga StackExchange Community" seemed to be fine with them
We aren't supposed to be affiliated with Stack Exchange at all.
@LoganM With who?

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