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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

I'm tired. I have no no idea how many I closed.
Anyways, I'm off to lunch.
@MadaraUchiha OK, here you go:
I was tempted to use this image while Ali was trolling the Christian.SE room
@Krazer The same Ali from the Mi Yodeya room?
@MadaraUchiha The same.
This guy is relentless
Got linkz?
Hmm. I can probably find one. Gimme a min.
LOL, speaking of Ali:
Q: Is it mandatory for one to claim himself "Christian" to be counted as a Christian?

AliThere are many christian sects, one of which is here which claim that they are not Christians, yet their faith contains things like belief in Jesus as son of God and they appear to all as Christian. And people wont mind calling such a sect as christian even though they themselves don't claim to ...

@MadaraUchiha Here is the beginning of the trolling:
Culminating to a 5 minute timeout for everyone.
I like the part where he is flagging mod comments
@Krazer I liked when he asked if he should flag his own comment. :)
So how 'bout that SimCity? theverge.com/2013/3/8/4080016/…
@Eric What's the issue with this version of SimCity?
@MadaraUchiha for who are you going to vote?
@LoganM EA (yup, EA) decided to add always-on DRM.
Now, that's a terrible idea by itself.
But add to that failure to sync to the servers, plus overload of the servers, and you have a recipe for viral internet lulz.
So many people are returning it that Amazon has stopped selling it.
Serves them right.
@Mysticial You bet it does.
That's pretty bad. I guess I won't be going anywhere near it then.
This should be a lesson to all companies who consider incorporating a requirement to be constantly online in any fashion: It's a terrible idea.
@LoganM I'm hoping they patch it to allow local saves. If they do, I'll reconsider. But right now, it's dead in the water.
I don't even have internet at home, just at work.
@LoganM wow...
Yeah, and what about vacation? School? Internet at school is terrible, and even missing entirely in some rooms. Or what if I lose connection for the 5 secs that my game is saving?
So much can go wrong.
@Mysticial I'm at work ~15 hours a day 7 days a week. Only things I do at home are eat, sleep, and shower. There's no need for me to have internet at home.
@Eric Their response is, "fuck you. we don't care".
@Mysticial They care enough to pull their advertising campaigns. EA's fucked up a lot before, but not this badly.
Likewise, Valve's VAC and trade-bans are like, "Fuck you. We don't if you got hacked.".
It's like that in a lot of games and online communities.
SO is one of the few communities that actually has a sensible moderation policy.
Someday a company will get it right.
And that's probably because they value their contributors.
You'll see. :P
Yeah. SE realizes it's nothing without its contributors.
Companies don't realize they're nothing without consumers.
Unrelated, but my huge gifs seem to be slowing down Thrills and Spills quite a bit. It's rather amusing.
@LoganM Keep up the good work. :P
That said, the question-ban on SO can use some improvement. As it is right now, it's basically, "Fuck you. You suck. Get out."
whats up?
@Mysticial Can you even get unbanned?
@LoganM Yes, but it's next to impossible.
You need to fix your questions. Well hell, rarely anybody will notice that a downvoted question has been improved.
So they won't undo their downvotes, or reopen.
You quite literally need to go to meta and write the perfect essay to not get trolled.
And then maybe someone will help you reopen and upvote your question.
That definitely needs some work.
As for posting good answers... yeah... people get all the way up to 1000 rep and are still banned.
I don't think any of the sites I use have the question ban. Math might, but I've never heard of it.
what is question ban?
Q: What can I do when getting "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanDo not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See http://go...

oh that's scary
There is no warning.
You just get hit by it. Bam.
That's it.
I dont like that
The higher-ups has argued that the "no warning" is false because you get lots of feedback in the form of downvotes and closures... Well... I don't really think so. That just tells the user that their questions suck. It says nothing about them being banned.
@user58512 I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about personally.
Agreed on that.
But based on the responses on meta.SO from the higher-ups, the "Fuck you. You suck. Get out." is very intentional.
"If you can't get it right the first time. Leave."
My feeling is that the number of false positives probably exceeds the number of legitimate bans.
Which is understandable given the amount of crap questions we get on SO. But it's not very good for PR.
But meh... I'm sure they have their reasons for keeping that stance.
im bored :(
im in a werd tired state
no idea whatto do
It could be that they are intentionally trying to alienate the communities that are likely to hit the question ban so you can get rid of entire groups of potential bad users from a single Q-ban.
@user58512 Watch anime.
Suppose I get hit by the Q-ban and I get frustrated. I'll tell all my friends not to go on SO. (From SO's standpoint, that's a good thing, because it's likely my friends will also be crap askers.)
@Mysticial Probably. But no one says they're good reasons.
@user58512 Check out the Thrills and Spills room.
IOW, if you get hit by a question-ban, it's easier to just create a new account on a new IP address.
@user58512 :)
Lag? :)
I want to watch bakemonogatari
or is it the sequel
i dont know if its good..
There's a prequel
and i saw there was nekomonogatari
The chronological order is:
- Nekomonogatari Black
- Bakemonogatari
- Nisemonogatari
The airing order has the prequel last.
do you know any other fun sites on the stackexchange
Got tired of the gif room already?
too many megabytes
I don't recommend watching in chronological order. It won't make sense.
Watch it in the order it was aired.
is it worth watching at all I just saw one of the characters looked cute
Broadcast order is Bakemonogatari -> Nisemonogatari -> Nekomonogatari Kuro, which is okay. LN order has Kizumonogatari before Nisemonogatari, but Kizumonogatari hasn't premiered yet.
@user58512 It has cute characters. I especially like the imoutos.
Shinobu and Nadeko are good too. Other girls aren't bad either.
I just realized how small our female demographic is here.
Nadeko == WIN
@Eric You mean like... zero?
@Mysticial Precisely.
I don't think it's zero if you count avatars.
... We're not counting Miki, sorry Logan.
Until she gets an account, anyway. :P
If we're going by avatars, then the females are a big chunk.
Since I also count at one.
Yeah, it's hard to tell from avatars.
my avatar is Reimu
In fact, in most cases, I'd say avatar is the opposite gender.
And no, I'm not a girl.
... yet.
The only user I could find who I'm fairly sure is female is this one:
Yeah, I would guess so.
There are lots of other users who I can't tell, but I'd guess most are male.
I wonder why we don't attract many girls...
Do girls not question anime as much as guys?
@Eric They don't watch Anime. :)
Not to mention that the most SE users are guys anyways. And that's where most of the users are coming from - elsewhere in the network.
@Mysticial Totally not true! The G+ anime community is full of girls. Little girls, mostly, but still girls.
@Eric Are you sure they're not guys cross-dressing as lolis?
@Eric Consider that the anime demographic is already male-heavy to being with. Then add to the fact that our primary recruiting targets are SE network sites, most of which are disproportionately populated by males. It's basically inevitable.
@Mysticial ... Fairly sure.
@Eric Did you check the hardware? :P
The point about the SE network you both made is valid, though.
@Mysticial That'd make me such a pedo. lol
@Eric Do they look like this? If they do, they may not actually be lolis.
@LoganM Just... what the... I don't even.
@Eric Mil-tan from High School DxD. Probably the funniest ero show I've seen in the past couple of years.
@LoganM The fact that a man has a "-tan" suffix on his name speaks loads for that series.
@Eric It is a great series. The protagonist's signature move is "Dress Break".
@LoganM I... see... xD
And now you also know why we aren't attracting any females.
@LoganM Are they scared of our takes on anime? Or perhaps our epic math and science skills? :D
My math and science are far from epic.
Computer Science.
The worst part of beta sites: I don't want to downvote new users. Even when their stuff sucks.
I'd rather stay on SO. I like all the traffic there.
@Mysticial SO is getting too predictable. :(
We have this question today:
Q: Bomb dropping algorithm

KostekI have an n x m matrix consisting of non-negative integers. For example: 2 3 4 7 1 1 5 2 6 2 4 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 3 1 3 4 1 2 1 4 3 2 6 9 1 6 4 "Dropping a bomb" decreases by one the number of the target cell and all eight of its neighbours, to a minimum of zero. What is an algorithm that woul...

Probably on-topic for Computer Science, Programmers, and Stack Overflow all at the same time.
Come to think of it, that pi question that I answered in January is probably on-topic on those 3 and Mathematics as well.
@user58512 Math syntax doesn't work in chat. :(
$\pi = 22/7$ prove me wrong !!!!!
... lol
That's so trivial. xD
Actually can numerical evaluation be used to prove things in math?
Suppose that I show that Pi = 3.1415926 with a round-off error of at most 10^-7. Does that constitute as proof that Pi != 22/7?
that does prove it
but here is a more fun way check it out math.stackexchange.com/questions/1956/…
That's complicated...
@user58512 "More fun" does not always constitute "better", lol.
It's like the proof that 2 + 2 = 4.
It uses 873 subproofs.
Why the hell someone bothered to do it, I have no idea.
@Mysticial Actually this is a very nice proof because it generalizes to give you a way to compute the rational convergents of pi.
@LoganM I actually made it easier than it sounds. The hard part is showing that round-off error is at most X amount.
Formally proving that requires that you go into all the operations of the program.
Typically, the non-rigorous way is just to show:
1. Round-off error is logarithmic to the number of operations.
2. After X iterations, the error is Y.
3. Extrapolate that to Z.
4. Therefore, it's not possible for the error to exceed W in this calculation.
In my program, I showed (based on empirical results), that the error is indeed logarithmic and will never exceed 50 digits no matter how large the computation is.
So I use ~50 digits as the fixed # of guard digits to add and throw away after the computation.
*these are for round-off errors from numerical floating-point only. Errors due to the mathematical approximations are handled separately.
you could use a continued fraction too, but I don' know how to get one for pi
lol gist.github.com/re4k/3878505 (Each twitter client has its own Consumer key and secret. If an application used these, it would spoof itself as one of the official twitter applications.)
@user58512 You need the digits of Pi to get the continued fraction.
So it's going in circles.
Random image of the day (not an animated GIF, sadly):
miserable fail
very miserable fail
I second that!
I wish it was animated. I'm sure the animation would make me laugh even harder.
Note to self: Never EVER hit "refresh" when in GIF room.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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