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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

But I do believe we need to explicitly put it in our "disallowed" list since well... the majority of the Type B fanbase gets their Anime via torrents and such...
@LoganM ooh... nice find
@LoganM but emulator questions are allowed
@Krazer That's under "production" for the allowed list. That's not a legal question. I think it's actually a list question that passes the 4 rules.
@Krazer Emulators are not illegal. But they are off-topic anyways. (for our site)
What I currently have:
## What about other questions regarding anime and manga?
Not all questions have a home on Stack Exchange. Please note the following types of questions are off-topic here:

- Questions about the Japanese language, should be on **[Japanese Language and Usage][4]**
- Questions calling for a list of works, authors, …: What are all the anime that feature X? What are all the manga by Y? **[This post will help you understand which list questions are acceptable and which are not.][5]**
@MadaraUchiha - Questions about cosplay, anime conferences, etc.
@MadaraUchiha Questions about obtaining (illegal) anime/manga or when they air
@MadaraUchiha I thought we were allowing some questions about Japanese language, as long as it's still anime-dependent: meta.anime.stackexchange.com/questions/69/…
@Mysticial But if I have a question about if an artist can make a doujinshi for Comiket about a work they had a part in (like Ume Aoki did) ... would that still be a production question?
Here's my list:
Not Allowed:
- Facts easily found on a reference site: Who played X in Y?
- Reading or viewing recommendations: I liked X, what should I watch next?
- Genre classification: Is X Anime?
- Questions about where to obtain Anime/Manga as well any legal slippery-slope.

Also not allowed:
- Questions about the Japanese language belong on [japanese.se].
- Questions about Anime-related games belong on [gaming.se].
- Questions about cosplay, conventions.
- Questions about how to make Anime/Manga/Doujinshi, etc...
@Krazer That sounds a bit non-constructive given the speculative nature of the question.
That said, many of the questions we have right now are already speculative. So I'm contradicting myself.
@Mysticial For "Questions about Anime-related games", I think you should change to "Questions about gameplay of Anime-related games"
@LoganM yes, agreed.
@LoganM Other (non-gameplay) questions about Anime-related games are allowed? I would think that any game question is off-topic?
We had this discussion about anime.stackexchange.com/questions/507/…, and the consensus was that for these types of games, it's okay to ask about the story if it's still related to the overall plot, but not okay to ask about gameplay.
what about questions about anime/manga model building? e.g. features of certain mechs
@Veger "What are all the games related to X Anime?" Is a list question that passes the 4 rules.
@Krazer Now we're getting really niche. I don't think we need them here, but I don't really care.
@Mysticial and conversely "what anime are related to x games"
## What about other questions regarding anime and manga?
Not all questions have a home on Stack Exchange. Please note the following types of questions are off-topic here:

- Questions about the Japanese language, should be on **[Japanese Language and Usage][4]**
- Questions about the game-play of anime and manga games, should be on **[Arqade][5]**
- Questions calling for a list of works, authors, …: *What are all the anime that feature X? What are all the manga by Y?* **[This post will help you understand which list questions are acceptable and which are not.][6]**
@Krazer has this ever been debated?
@JNat Someone bought it up briefly in another chatroom
@Krazer I'd argue it's graphic design
@Krazer I think it is worthy of discussion
@JNat We haven't had any questions on model building. In fact, we really haven't had any on merchandise at all.
@LoganM "Merchandise" is a keyword here.
@LoganM and if we are to had that to the list of allowed questions, we should specify that shopping questions are not allowed
like where to find x
@JNat Shopping questions? I think those are actually pretty valid questions.
"Where can I legally purchase Naruto in Israel?"
@JNat That's already under my list. But it was limited to Anime/Manga. We could rephrase to generalize to all merchandise.
There aren't a lot of places, and I think it's fine.
@MadaraUchiha "Too Localized" :P
Sorry, I just had to say that. :)
@Mysticial 7 million people live in Israel
It's not (contrary to popular believe) some isolated island.
@MadaraUchiha SF&F's policy on shopping questions" Shopping questions are discouraged when it's a matter of comparing products or suppliers."
That's a slippery slope. I'm not sure whether we want a gazillion questions about "Where do I legally buy X in Y country?"
@Mysticial A lot series is banned in certain countries for certain reasons (like China)... it might fall under societal issues
Let's see what does Super User say about shopping questions.
They disallow it - all of it.
@Krazer Which would be a "legal slippery-slope".
see this
that one is allowed, but the mod stated what I wrote above in a comment
@Mysticial To make it clear, what I'm asking about isn't necessarily where to buy things, but questions like "Do any officially produced wall scrolls exist of nanoha?"
@LoganM Hmm... good point. I'd argue that might actually be on-topic. Since I have in fact been searching for Nanoha wall-scrolls.
@Mysticial Especially as these questions tend to become outdated (fast)
Questions asking "why did the author do it this way?"
@MadaraUchiha that was decided NC, I think
@MadaraUchiha We already have those. And we are allowing them.
Q: "Why did they write it that way?" questions should be off-topic

WipqoznA question I just stumbled upon, Why are there ending of the series Death Note so different in manga and anime?, is an example of the generic question type: "Why did they change X?" or "Why did they write it that way?". The only person that can answer these questions are the writers, resulting i...

They can be answered with either good speculation or a citation of the Author's words.
@JNat Don't forget that our early private beta decisions are not binding. We will overturn them if needed.
@Mysticial yeah, of course
I was just bringing up was had already been said
Okay then, we'll allow those for now, but again they're a Pandora's box those questions.
Our early private-beta decisions rule out a very large portion of good questions.
What about "Why did the author stop producing anime X?" questions?
@MadaraUchiha don't they somewhat fall into the same category?
@MadaraUchiha Same category. Many of them can be answered with a good citation.
I'd say allow since they are actually useful questions.
If I'm watching/reading a series, and it stops. I want to know why.
@Mysticial Assuming the reason is known... Otherwise it will become a debate
Even if there's no official answer, I want to know the educated speculations.
@Mysticial but we should link it to some meta post on how to answer that, or people may post opinions and the like
The problem with these questions isn't what they're asking, but how they are phrased. Rather than asking "Why did they write it that way?" and making the question about the author, you should ask "Why did this happen?" and make it a question about the material.
@JNat Yes, we should make a set of rules on asking an answering these - just as we did for the list questions.
@LoganM good point
@Mysticial exactly
Okay then
Here's what I have:
Anime and Manga - Stack Exchange is a Q&A site for enthusiastic anime and manga fans. This includes questions about:

- Plot, character, or setting explanations
- Historical or societal context of an anime or manga
- [Anime and manga identification][1]
- Franchise/series reading or viewing order
- [Anime][2] and [manga][3] production
- Tropes, terminology and other general anime and manga related information.

## What about other questions regarding anime and manga?
Not all questions have a home on Stack Exchange. Please note the following types of questions are off-topic here:
@MadaraUchiha seems good to me
"Not all questions have a home on Stack Exchange" -> "Not all questions have a home on Anime and Manga"
@Mysticial well spoted
Sounds good
Otherwise, I think we're good to go.
Once we have rules on the "production" category, we'll link to it. This includes the the "Why did they do this?" question we were just discussing.
We also need a FAQ page regarding the off-topic vs on-topic
We'll leave it for another day though
@MadaraUchiha Wait... isn't that what we just did?
@Mysticial a meta FAQ page
With much higher detail
@MadaraUchiha ah - everything in more detail. yes
Okay I saved
The entire "What kind of questions should I not ask here?" section is not editable right?
"This post will help you understand which list questions are acceptable and which are not." is a bit descriptive/long (maybe too bold?)
@Mysticial No, it isn't, sadly
@Veger agreed - needs to be de-emphasized.
Maybe change to 'More information about list questions is available in this post'?
@Veger Agreed and done
@MadaraUchiha Is it cached? I still see the bold.
@Mysticial Probably
So are we done?
I suppose we are
The /about page will contain mostly the same things
Unless someone wants to add something
We can edit all sorta stuff in there, so ask
I don't have anything in mind.
Alright then
hello are you guys busy
Bookmark ends here.
Are we doing the cartoon question today?
Yes we are
It's a small subject, so let's do it
Bookmark starts here
We will now discuss the position of the cartoon vs anime question.
It can be found here:
Q: What differentiates anime from regular cartoons?

hkBattousaiIn my region, people don't know the difference between anime and regular cartoons. When they see me watching anime, or they hear about it somehow, they say that I'm watching a regular cartoon and hence I'm being childish. Sometimes, they even display sarcastic attitudes, so that giving a serious ...

What's the verdict? On topic? Off topic? Not constructive?
My vote is for valid, on-topic question.
I'm torn.
I abstain. Mostly because it possibly fails #2 on the list question rules.
I'm pretty sure that @JNat also thinks this is fine. If @Krazer does too then it's a unanimous consensus of mods, which pretty much settles it.
@LoganM yes, I think it is fine
BTW I don't really care either way. I think it's not a very interesting question, but whether it stays open or closed doesn't matter to me.
@Mysticial There are clear differences though
@Mysticial I think that if the answerer focuses, it does not fail #2
Target audience, themes, etc
It is at least a goof FAQ question to show (new) people what anime incorporates (when it is unclear)
The thing I fear with that question is that it's degenerating.
If the verdict is to keep the question, it needs to be cleaned
We already have 8 answers from such a small user-base.
The tag is incorrect
Once we go big, it's going to be very problematic.
@Mysticial That's actually pretty fine.
And afterwards it needs to (stay) locked
That's why we have down and delete votes.
@Mysticial 10 if you count deleted ones.
I see nothing wrong with multiple answers to a question
Where the best are voted to the top, and worse are deleted or sent to the bottom
That's what Stack Exchange is all about.
@MadaraUchiha Well, it's not as clear cut as the other list questions - that's why we have to many different answers with varying opinions.
I don't care either way. It's right on the borderline under my judgement.
From a practical perspective, it's helping our answer ratio a bit.
Though not appreciably
@LoganM If anything our seeding efforts are killing the ratio. :P
(check out the about page)
The answers go two directions: anime and cartoon are the same and they are different. Isn't this 'non constructive'? There does not seem to be one straightforward answer
(if you scroll all the way down, you'll earn a badge too :D)
@Veger Yeah, that's why I'm arguing that it fails #2 on the list.
@LoganM True, at least keep the question until the site is approved :P
Hence all the answers with varying opinions.
I tend to go with not allowed (when looking at rules and quality), but I really do like the question... :(
For the anime cartoon one I think is there should be a historic lock on it. We can keep adding technicalities opening thing up to debate. Especially with the continuity comment that recently popped up
Can't we turn into a FAQ/Wiki kind of question?
There's nothing wrong with a subjective question, as long as the answers are well explained, augmented and thought-out.
I'm on mobile right now so excuse my slow uptake
@MadaraUchiha fully agreed
@Veger Becoming wiki is inevitable if we leave it opened. (which is fine)
@Krazer We were discussing the cartoon question
What's your verdict on it?
I say we keep it open, because the answers given on it right now aren't bad, htey are all well explained and thought-out.
@MadaraUchiha agreed
The question will eventually become a CW automatically when enough answers are given on it.
I'm in favor of a historic lock on it
@Krazer On what grounds? That it isn't constructive?
And we aggressively nuke any poor answer.
@Mysticial Indeed we will
Yes not constructive
I'm actually slightly in favor of a historic lock.
If all possible answers are given, it should be locked. (No changes will occur in the future on this topic as anime is not changing) This prevents the accumulation of new (similar) answers
I'm in favor of leaving it open, and monitor it closely
@MadaraUchiha same here
As well as protecting it. It's a question which I predict is bound to attracts a lot of search engine traffic.
I'm alright with leaving it open and revisiting it if we need to
@MadaraUchiha Then let's do that for now. If it gets unmanageable, then we lock it.
Then we have a consensus
@Mysticial agree
So we'll need to pay very close attention do it once we do the first of our reddit runs.
The question will be unlocked, protected and monitored closely.
I'd like to thank all the participants for your time
@MadaraUchiha Also add a notification on the question that all answers need to be well thought out.
Sitting here chattin' for two hours isn't easy.
I agree with Madara-sama about protecting it
All one-liners and bad/dupes, will be nuked.
And we let it get auto-wikied.
Bookmark ends here
Normally I'm not a fan of auto-wiki (I hate it in fact), but I think this is a case that it's okay.
@MadaraUchiha I wanted to ask another thing
shouldn't the tag be retagged? maybe to
it's the way they do it at SF&F
that way it identifies all types of media
and we don't have to have a separate one for each of them
I'd argue it should just be , much like
@JNat It doesn't identify music
@MadaraUchiha right
@Mysticial @LoganM your thoughts?
@Mysticial I like that one
Me too
@Mysticial I like that too
I win!
Nicely done
Here's an internet for you.
@Mysticial Open a meta post on it for the protocol, so that I can mark it as
@MadaraUchiha ok
Q: Should the "anime-identification" tag be modified so that it applies to manga as well?

Jon LinThere's an anime-identification tag but no corresponding one for identifying manga. It does seem, to me at least, that manga identification requests are significantly rarer than ones for anime, but I do regularly see requests for identification from an image of a panel or a page from a manga (on ...

already exists
then lemme add an answer
@LoganM but the new one will be a request to change it
so that it can be retagged, with the tag
I'll add an answer. You retag it and mark as
Everybody here upvote his answer so it becomes the top answer
yay for vote rigging
@LoganM lol
@LoganM I'll call the SE police!
@MadaraUchiha Dammit, I was gonna do it.
@Mysticial Lol, didn't see your messages :D
No matter, no rep is earned on meta anyway
@MadaraUchiha Think of the badges he could have earned!
Also tag the question that was mentioned in the meta question with this new tag
Dammit, I can't suggest edits to meta posts.
@Mysticial why?
@Mysticial What do you want to suggest?
@JNat It's whited out:
I was gonna post this as the answer:
I suggest we use [tag:identification-request].

- It applies to everything: not just Anime and Manga.
- The "request" makes it very clear that it is a request.
Now I want to edit it into your answer.
After me and @HashiramaSenju watched this, we cried out of laughter
On an unrelated note:
In your free time guys, I've designated one of my questions as :
Q: What kinds of questions should/shouldn't I ask here?

Madara UchihaWhat are the kinds of questions I can ask here? Which questions are considered good and on-topic questions on this site? On the other hand, what kinds of questions shouldn't I ask here? Which questions are considered off-topic, and out of the scope of this site?

It should be improved a bit and linked in the faq
@Mysticial @LoganM @Krazer I'm counting on your guys, since I'll be going soon :)
I have stuff to get back to as well. But whenever I get the time, I'll see what can be improved.
In the new faq (we just created) there are more than 3 items to describe good questions... I guess one that is going to improve the answer should take those items to start with
@Veger Sure
What do you guys have to say about the video? :P
Currently the faq is more extensive than the extensive answer... :D
@Veger Then downvote the answer because it's not helpful. :P
@Mysticial I'll flag a moderator! :P
@MadaraUchiha That video was really strange.
@LoganM REALLY strange
Also, @Mysticial maybe we should be seeding the chat with strange videos for type B people
@LoganM I don't watch much in the way of videos.
@MadaraUchiha thank you for counting me in... :P
But I can pull some absurd ones out if I need to.
@JNat I knew you were in a different timezone :P
They are in the middle of day, after all :P
@MadaraUchiha you're past your bedtime, right? :P
There you go!!!!
@JNat Way WAY past
Oh hey, got a passive repcap on SO today. Didn't even realize it since I was here the whole time.
Goddamnit, I spend all my time posting questions on Anime, and I repcap on SO instead...
@Mysticial lol
@MadaraUchiha is that just 25 hours of that????
@Mysticial One of my favorites is the techno remix:
@JNat I especially like 19:47:56 to 19:48:02
@MadaraUchiha lol
@HashiramaSenju lool
@user58512 hey
hows it going
@user58512 fine :)
and you?
cant sleep so came to chat
@user58512 well, I'm about to go sleep
@user58512 hope I don't end up here
lol, me too (going to sleep)
bye bye
@user58512 Why don't you have an account here?
i didnt look at the site yet
@user58512 you should :)
@user58512 Do it, or Madara'll get your soul.
Well guys, with that I'm officially off to bed
Gotta wake up in 5 hours :D
@MadaraUchiha sleep tight
well, I'm off too
cya'll tomorrow
both of you
a bit late though :)
I'm tempted to post the following question. But I think it's probably too inappropriate.
"How many times does Makoto get laid in School Days?"
So I'm not gonna post it unless I get unanimous approval from all the regulars here including all 3 mods.
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