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@JNat have you noticed the ten tails looks like a gigantic, mutant Bulbasaur?
with a mismatched face and all
@StackExchange I wanted channel owner :(
but yes
It's not fair just 'cause you're a mod :D
@JNat That's under the 'mutant' part
@MadaraUchiha yea, lol
@Alenanno congrats
do you know the answer for your own question?
@JNat Kinda
the yin part is the mind
and the yang the body?
What I speculate is that the Creation of All Things (~Rikudo Sennin) is the top of the top of YinYang element
Yin is genjutsu, Yang can be attributed to Taijutsu and the gates
i see
However, some Ninjutsu can also be attributed to Yin/Yang/Yinyang
like what?
@MadaraUchiha On what?
@Alenanno Room Owner :)
@JNat Basically anything that's not one of the five elements, or kekkei genkai
@MadaraUchiha Oh... Thanks. Even if it's useless for me, I already had powers in chat.
@MadaraUchiha By the way, why do you say "yinyang"? There is Yin and Yang. Together they are the Yin and Yang.
@Alenanno There's "Yinton", "Yoton" and "Yin'yoton"
Congratulations @Krazer for the first position. :P
Not for long though :P
@MadaraUchiha lol
This feed is freaking annoying. lol
It doesn't post as much on the other sites!
Told you it wouldn't last long
There isn't much we can do other than completely remove it.
@Alenanno just put it as a bar on the top
It's not like all of us have a strong preference towards a particular tag to filter it.
It wouldn't be as annoying then
It's annoying as well. Physics has it like that.
Q: How does Ang stay alive for 100 years?

Kazekage GaaraIs there any clear description as to how Ang survived for 100 years? Can avatars do that? If they can, then why didn't the other avatars stay alive for long time periods? And whatever was the case, how did Aapa stay alive too?

Close please
Q: Do anime style movies made out of Japan (and Asia in general) belong?

SF.Do anime style movies made out of Japan (and Asia in general) belong? In particular, does Wakfu (made in France) count as anime, or is it just stylized anime-like western animation? Does it belong here at all?

Q: Is Fullmetal Alchemist based on Nazi Germany?

Madara UchihaIt may be because I'm Jewish (yes, Madara is Jewish), but I couldn't help but noticing the similarities between Fullmetal Alchemist to the German Nazi regime. German names (Edward, Alphonse, Olivier, Bradley) A Fuhrer "Dogs of the Army" Very militarized The blond hair, blue eyes meme Exterminat...

> (Justin Bieber is good example)
lol @HashiramaSenju
@Alenanno Justin Bieber is a good example :D
@Alenanno are you a man or a woman? (Hashi here asks)
Does that thing just post all new questions or what...?
2 hours later…
@atlantiza Yes.
@Alenanno sorry to burst your bubble, Haku is a boy :)
let's not be creepy now...
Q: What's the deal with Haku?

AlenannoIn Naruto, Haku is a rogue Ninja that fights along Zabuza. He has a sad history of death and mistreatment that I won't treat here. In any case, the Haku's peculiarity is Is there a reason for the first part in my spoiler? Or is it just a plot device? If your answer contains something that ap...

@atlantiza Well, I am riding a unicorn now
@MadaraUchiha No bubbles bursted lol
I actually always thought he was a boy.
@Alenanno Now the question remains: When do you start reading the manga?
@MadaraUchiha There are many factors... First of all, I want the Japanese version. So I need to be good at Japanese first.
Plus I'd like the volumes to belong to the same collection. I want consistency! lol So I'll wait until it's done.
@Alenanno That's no good.
How are we (the rest of us) supposed to openly discuss it when you haven't read it? :P
You need to put up with it!
Q: Which Melty Blood games are relevant, plotwise?

FadewayShingetsutan Tsukihime is a pretty expansive work - a main visual novel, the Kagetsu Tohya supplement, and the Melty Blood games. The last bit, Melty Blood, is especially jarring to a Type-Moon fan who is late to the party - there are many versions, and the format itself is very different from wh...

Time to discuss if this is on-topic in it's current form
@Krazer Offtopic. Conclusively.
The question clearly asks about the games
@MadaraUchiha I agree.
Personally, I think that if VN-related questions are on-topic, then questions about games that are part-VN should also be on-topic if they are about the plot.
VNDB even has an entry for Melty Blood: vndb.org/v165
@LoganMaingi So that means I can start asking questions about Naruto game plot here? No, I don't think so.
I also don't think we should be supporting VNs as well
Sure, if you have a Naruto game that is VN style
@LoganMaingi Would you say people play Melty Blood to read it or play it to play it?
@Krazer It depends. There are lots of people who play for gameplay, but there are also lots of Tsukihime fans who aren't really interested in gameplay but want to get the plot-related elements.
@LoganMaingi There's not much gameplay in Tsukihime. Melty Blood was made to be a fighting game.
It's like saying King of Fighters is a visual novel. There are plot elements but it's still a fighting game.
@Krazer It was made to be a fighting game, but it is also a sequel to Tsukihime
Wiki calls it a "visual novel and fighting game": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melty_Blood
And again, I don't think visual novels should be on-topic at all
@LoganMaingi It's not a sequel, it's a spin off like Fate/tiger colosseum was to Fate/hollow ataraxia.
@MadaraUchiha I'm mostly only interested in visual novels. I don't really even watch anime anymore. So I have to disagree on principle with that.
You don't need to play Tsukihime/KT to understand what's going on
@LoganMaingi I thought the site was called Anime and Manga, I never saw visual novels question during the commitment stage, hence I don't see how they fit in.
@Krazer Again, I wouldn't have a problem with people asking about Fate/tiger colosseum if it's about the plot. The problem is that there isn't much plot. Melty Blood is different in that respect.
Also, I've never played a VN, so I don't exactly know what it's like, but the way I understood it, it's an interactive book. If it's any more than that, it should definitely be off-topic.
@LoganMaingi If it was a pure visual novel, then it's fine. But's not, it's also a game.
But the question is asking about the VN part, rather than the game part. Unless you also want to rule out Baldr Sky (100+ hours of plot, ~5 hours of gameplay), I don't see where to draw the line.
@LoganMaingi Type-Moon Wiki calls it a fighting game.
@Krazer Yes, but wikipedia calls it a "visual novel and fighting game": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melty_Blood
It's only considered part visual novel by association with the Tsukihime games.
@LoganMaingi Anyone can edit Wikipedia. It's not a definitive source, it's a tertiary source at best.
Anyone can edit Type-Moon Wiki as well, so it's no more authoritative
It has a few hours of ADV style content, which is pretty visual-novel-like IMO
@LoganMaingi I never said it was. The whole point of my argument is that it shouldn't be worded about the game, it should be worded to be about the Tsukihime storyline to be on topic. E.g. "What relation does the story in Melty Blood have with the Tsukihime series?"
@Krazer I have no problem with changing it to be like that.
@LoganMaingi The OP @Fadeway should agree on this first, it's his question afterall.
@Krazer I agree. I won't be changing it without the OP's permission.
If he wants to know what order to play the games and and the differences between the games then it's a Gaming question. If he want to know about the story and how it relates to the VN then it's on topic for Anime.SE.
@SF. Please continue.
I think in case the relation between "recommended playing order" and "plotline sequence" is 1:1, this is a moot problem.
If that's not true, then agreed, one should specify the method of ordering they want: plot-wise. (and not, e.g. game with more advanced mechanics last)
It's the same question type as "in which order should I watch the episodes of this anime [with a dozen spin-offs that fit into various points of the timeline]"
@SF. but that is an anime, not a game
@Krazer: That's a moot point. We're completely disregarding the arcade/interactive factor. We're considering it as a medium of conveying a plotline, in no way different from anime, manga or Light novels.
@SF. but there's another SE for games and this is taking about the order to the the game. It's much better suited for Gaming in it's current state.
I don't see why you think the fact the story is told on screen, with a [more...] prompt and music changing in the background, one should consider it as something vitally different than something than, say, a manga.
@SF. Because it's fighting game. The target audience is different too.
are we talking about the melty blood question?
i thought it was 100% off topic at first but after reading the question it seems they want to know which ones actually contain plot relevant to the original stories, so I think it could be on topic
@Krazer: Do you want me to bet you how many of Arquade users know the complexities of the Tsukihime storyline throughout various media? I repeat: the question completely disregards the "fighting game" factor. The fighting game is a container for a considerable span of VN-style story, and it's the story this question is about.
@SF. It's not about how many or about the complexity. People who's played the game will know the differences between them even if they don't care about the story.
if you reword it into something like "I watched Tsukihime (lol) and want to play Melty Blood games that expand the plot. Which should I play?" it would most definitely be on topic, no? the only difference is the person who asked mentioned the overall franchise, not specifically the anime
@Krazer: If they don't know about the story, they will not know the order nor which is relevant.
agree with SF
@SF. But they will know the difference between the features
I don't thinkt he question is about differences between features...
@atlantiza story is a game feature
Krazer, this is not the gist of the question. I'm completely sure the asker is not interested in which game Chaos can launch a crocodile from his chest for 10 points of damage.
sigh Are you trolling me? They don't know the story, they know features. They can give you the features. The story is a game feature.
@SF. Certain games add additional story content in there patches along with other content, it's not all mechanics
Don't you see a certain logical fallacy in this progression?
Patches?? How is that relevant to our discussion?
@SF. I don't.
I admit I'm having trouble following @Krazer's logic
@atlantiza I don't think it's a difference between anime vs VN for Tsukihime. Even if the question was phrased "How do the Melty Blood games relate to the VN?" I think @Krazer would be fine with it (correct me if I'm wrong though).
@atlantiza I'm saying asking about a story of a game is fine, but it should fit in relation to anime or manga.
@Krazer there are tsukihime anime (well, not according to some of the best fans...) and manga
@atlantiza There is a Melty Blood manga too
so just because they didn't ask specifically in relation to the manga, it's not allowed?
So, Sentence 1: A doesn't have B. Sentence 2: C contains B. Sentence 3: A has C, thus A has B. Sentence 1 negates the outcome of sentence 3. There is internal conflict in this line of thinking.
I don't think this discussion is going to get anywhere so maybe it would be best to make a thread in meta asking for others' opinions
@atlantiza Opinions for what?
whether the melty blood question is off topic
nvm, found it
meta.anime.stackexchange.com/questions/3/… The general consensus is VNs are on topic on this site. They don't even need to have any anime or manga associated with them
@atlantiza Asking about the story of a games is fine but asking about the order you should play a game is better guided for Gaming imo. E.g. If I din't play the first two Golden Sun games, will I get What's goind on in the DS games?
@Krazer I already made my final suggestion about the topic and that's that :)
@SF. Ooh... that's a slippery slope.
But I cast my vote for on-topic.
Fine consensus says it's on topic then it's on topic.
@Krazer: The consensus doesn't say a thing about fighting games ;)
(but then, if we discuss only the VN piece of the fighting game, I believe it is on topic)
were meta and main rep previously separate or am I imagining things?
@SF. Agreed. Asking about gameplay is not allowed, but asking about the plot specifically for games like this is fine.
@atlantiza Only on SO and meta.SO are they separate.
@Mysticial well I was never on SO so I guess I'm imagining things lol
@Krazer: I believe asking "which order does the story follow throughout various media" is entirely on-topic. Then, asking "in which order should I play... in order to follow the plot" is just a rewording of that.
@SF. I agree with you here, but having played Melty Blood I have to same it's more fighting game than visual novel.
@atlantiza: Before, there was no main at all, and meta was at discuss.area51
@SF. I don't really mean specifically for anime. when I was active on jlu I thought I remembered my main and meta reps being vastly different but maybe that was all a dream.
so recently on anime I thought it was funny that my main and meta rep were exactly the same... until I checked jlu today and saw my main and meta reps are the same
@Krazer: Having played a bit of it too, I agree, but supposedly it's only one of a "family" which contains good several hours of VN content. That can't be excluded from the canon just because it's packed into a fighting game.
@atlantiza: There's a funny thing about Meta rep. It exists, it's counted, but it's not displayed -almost- anywhere. It... "leaks to the surface" sometimes, while normally you see your main rep while on Meta.
@SF. I agree. I just felt that the xpacs before Actress again were mostly gameplay with the exception of character additions.
I can't really elaborate much, I played very little of it.
@SF. Relatively short for a visual novel, perhaps, but for a 2D fighting game, it is one of the longest in existence.
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