major mistake during the holiday was that i forgot the javascript for getting the image list so even after i finished the script to help select images, i had no real easy way to populate the image pool
Hmm, that got me into thinking. Is yuri on the recent anime more 'obvious'? I can't really tell if it's just my goggles or yuri is getting really more obvious?
> Takagi finally gets the job she's always wanted, working at a game publisher - but not only is the game she's put in charge of managing kind of falling apart, one of the directors, the legendary Sakurazuki Kaori, seems to have it in for her! What's Sakurazuki's deal? Will Takagi get her sucky game off the chopping board? And can the workplace of her not-quite-dreams lead her to a fairytale romance?
Oh yeah. that's actually what I find difficult in that manga series. The volumes are not numbered, so I don't know if I have the latest volume whenever I go to a bookstore
@Keale i read a couple of chapters when Yuri-Project translated it. then when i heard they were coming out in english i stopped. then there was that music video tease before the anime
@Keale oh hey now i can confirm we still have someone in japan here. might be able to help Daniel Rigg
In the Opening of Slayers NEXT at around 1:20, we see a blonde girl although there is no female character that has blonde hair.
I am sure it is not Filia, since she appears only in TRY. It isn't Lina's sister, since she appears in the opening aswell (similar how she appears at the beginning of NE...
ie. Hollow Fragment had Sinon in it and ofcause Yuuki shows up at the end and it makes no sense unless you know who she is to understand why she appeared all of a sudden in SAO
(basic reason, she was just messing around and found SAO, didn't know it was being deleted or that you could die if you played)
Once someone told me they were doing HRT but I had a brain fart and confused it with HAART (which is for AIDS) and told them I was so sorry and shit like that.
They got so offended before I realized I had made a mistake.
And that they weren't dying of AIDS but were just doing hormone treatment.
You can have gender dysphoria without feeling comfortable identifying with the opposite gender. It's just about "not feeling right in your own body", not simply wanting to switch genders.
I went to see a therapist specialized in gender stuff, talked for an hour, he gave me a recommendation letter; I showed that letter to an endocrinologist, talked to him about my situation and he prescribed hormones
I don't believe in boys or girls x)
Or more like I don't give that much of a fuck about gender
There's so much identity politics and stuff around it... I think it would be nicer if people treated it like what it is: a medical condition that can be treated and needs support.
Fundamentally, if someone doesn't feel comfortable with your body, stop arguing about it and just let people use the treatment methods that help them feel better!
i see. Sorry i did not mean anything bad with it. Was just curious because you mentioned you do not feel like a girl but you started to take the therapy
I never got it clinically diagnosed as depression, but when you wake up every not wanting to go to work, feel like shit all day and just want to go home, and once you're home you just cry for an hour and go to sleep early because you don't have a will to do anything, then I guess it's depression x)
tbh if I stopped hormones, everything I hate would probably come back
I even became well enough with myself to actually want relationships, cuddles & stuff, which was never the case before because I didn't like myself enough to even consider anything of like this ><
The changes may seem small but it was a life-changer :p
Ideally we'd be able to just change the brain to end gender dysphoria and make everyone comfortable in their own bodies again, but we're not capable of that yet. Right now the best we have is things like HRT, which can be a lifesaver for some.
Well there's a difference between turning people passive so they're ok with everything, and getting rid of an intense dysphoria that causes severe depression.
@Proxy Yeah the stigma is dumb. I don't see why we can't treat it like any other mental problem that leads to depression. I mean, you wouldn't tell someone suffering from cancer to just "get over it because everyone dies eventually".